五年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 1 Are you sad教案 外研版.doc

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Are you sad ?一、基本说明 1教学内容所属模块:小学英语2年级:五年级3所用教材出版单位:外语教学与研究出版社 4所属的章节:Book 9 Module 9 Unit 1 5学时数: 40 分钟 二、教学设计1、教学目标: 知识目标 1)学习新单词:sad, happy, bored, angry, nothing。2)学习新句型: Are you sad / happy? Yes, I am . / No, Im not.技能目标 1)学会描述自己或他人的情绪,能熟练运用句型:Are you ? Yes, I am . / No, Im not.2)学会如何综合运用语言知识创设对话来谈论跟情绪有关的话题。 情感目标 通过描述自己或他人的情绪这一话题,培养学生互相关心,乐于助人的良好品德,并渗透用积极的方法疏通不良情绪的意识。2、内容分析: 新标准英语(一年级起点)第九册的内容体现了本套教材螺旋式呈现语言点的思想,各模块内容之间联系不是很大,重在复现前几册中的知识点,以强化学生的认识。本课则以描述情绪为话题,引导学生进一步掌握“Are you ?” “Yes, I am . / No, Im not.”这一一般疑问句及其答句。在本册中是一个独立的内容,与前后模块之间联系不大。教学重点: 1)学会描述自己或他人的情绪,能熟练运用句型:Are you ? Yes, I am . / No, Im not. 2)培养学生综合运用语言知识创设会话的能力。教学难点:学生能借助情境理解secret,surprise present 这样比较抽象的词语。3、学情分析: 小学五年级的学生通过四年的语言学习,已经具备了一定的语言积累,且此前已经学习过由be动词构成的一般疑问句及其回答,只是不是涉及有关情绪的话题。大部分学生能够运用所学语言知识进行话题交流、交际。同时,大多数孩子养成了良好的听说习惯,能够积极地参与课堂教学活动。 4、设计思路: 由于本课中secret,surprise present是比较抽象难懂的词语,为使学生能借助情境进行理解,本节课的开始通过让学生猜一个袋子中的东西引出一个令人惊奇的礼物(surprise present),在迅速集中了学生的注意力同时,使学生理解词语,并引入评价机制,让学生为赢得这一神秘的(secret)、令人惊奇的礼物而努力。然后再自然地引入情绪话题,顺势学习单词happy,sad,bored,angry。在学生对词语操练熟练的基础上,学习“Are you ?” “Yes, I am . / No, Im not.”这一重点句式。有此基础,引导学生理解和掌握课文已是水到渠成。最后再从学生已有的生活经验着手,巧妙地将学习内容与实际生活紧密联系在一起,引导孩子们综合运用本课和以前所学过的句式谈论跟情绪有关的话题,培养学生创设会话的能力。5、过程描述 教学环节及时间教师活动 学生活动 对学生学习过程的观察和考查及设计意图 Step 1 Greeting 1 minutes 1. Greeting. T: Hello, boys and girls . Welcom to our English class. Are you ready?2.Sing a song.Ss:Yes. Step 2 Lead-in (导入) 4 minutes 1. The teacher shows a bag.T: Look, its a bag . Please guess : Whats in the bag ?Point some students to guess. Then the teacher shows a beautiful present box in the bag.2. T: Look,its a present. What a beautiful present ! What a surprise present ! Do you want to know what the present is ? Oh, its a secret. Lets compete during this class. The best will get the surprise present .3. Learn to say: surprise.secret. 1.the Ss guess. 2. Read the new word: secret.通过猜一猜的活动,迅速集中学生的注意力,帮助学生借助情境理解本课比较难的抽象词语:secret,surprise present,并巧妙引入评价和竞争机制。 Step 3 Presentation (新授) 21 minutes 1. T: Look, I am very happy now ! Are you happy ?(CAI) Ah, he is happy , too .Learn to read: happy . Then read group by group.2.(CAI) T: Look, she isnt happy . She is sad.Learn to read : sad . Then read one by one in a group.3.(CAI) T: Oh , he is angry !Learn to read: angry. Then read by girls and boys respectively .4. (CAI)T: Look, she is bored . Then point some students to read : bored.5. Look at the four words (happy, sad, angry, bored) on the blackboard and read after the teacher by doing actions.6. A game: I say, you do.The teacher says : Happy / Sad / Bored / Angry The students do the actions.7. Another game : Change faces. Point two students to stand on the platform . The teacher says the words(happy, sad, angry, bored) in low voice, the other students say the words in high voice, then the two students change face.8. Look and say. Let the students look at the characters expression,then make the sentences. e.g . He / Ms Li is sad / angry 9. Learn to say the sentence pattern.(1)T: You are so clever. Im very happy. Hello, Li Jie . Are you happy ? Then point the other one to ask : Are you angry ? Learn to say : Yes, I am ./ No, Im not .Then ask some more students to answer.(2)Learn to say : Are you sad / angry ?The students ask , the teacher answers.(3)Let the students ask each other in turn to practise .(4)T: Hello, Li Ting. Are you happy ? Then point the other student: Is Li Ting happy ? ( Yes, she is . / No, she isnt .)Ask more students as the above .(5)Lead the students to read : Yes, he / she is . No, he / she isnt .10. Learn to say the dialogue.(1)T: Look ,she is Lingling . Whats the matter with Lingling . Please listen , then answer these questions.(CAI) Is Lingling sad / bored / angry ?(2)Listen to the dialogue once . Then let the students answer the questions above .(3)T : Whats the matter with Lingling ? Lingling isnt sad . She isnt bored . She isnt angry . Whats the matter? Let the students listen to the dialogue again,then answer.(CAI) Whats the matter ?Nothing. She is thinking !Learn to read : Nothing. Im thinking.(4)T : Whats Lingling thinking about ?Let the students listen to the dialogue again, then answer.(CAI) Lingling is going to make Amy for Christmas .(a surprise present)Learn to read: surprise present .(5)Learn to read the dialogue after the CD-Rom , then read after the teacher.1.Grasp the new words and sentence pattern.2.Understand and learn to read the text .1.通过课件,学生能直观而形象地理解新单词。 2. 通过多变的朗读形式和游戏操练单词,使学生充满趣味地学习单词,不易产生枯燥感。3.通过图片引导学生运用新单词造句,巩固be动词的用法,提高学生的语言运用能力。4. 通过课堂现场情境,使学生直观理解并学习新句型,学习效率高。 5. 借助课件和梯度式的提问,能帮助学生逐步并充分地课文,并培养了学生良好的听读习惯。Step 4 Consolidation (巩固) 3 minutes 1. Learn to say a poem.Are you happy ?Yes, I am . I am singing. Are you sad ?Yes, I am . I am crying.Are you bored ?No, Im not . I am thinking .Are you angry ?No, Im not . Its nothing !1.The Ss learn to say the poem. 2. Read the poem sentence by sentence in turn in four groups.简短的诗歌有助于学生进一步掌握课文。Step 5 Consolidation (拓展) 10 minutes 1.(CAI)T: In our daily life, sometimes we are happy. Sometimes we are bored . Look at these pictures. They are Lili, Li Hua and Ms Lin . Whats the matter with them ? Please act Lili or Li Hua or Ms Lin . Make a dialogue with your partner by using the following sentence patterns:A: Are you happy / sad / bored ?B: Yes, I am . I A: Let me help you !Lets The students prepare the dialogue in pair , then show on the platform.综合运用语言知识创设对话,激活旧知,有效巩固新知。Step 6 Homework (家庭作业) 1 minutes 1.Repeat the dialogue.2.Ask your familys feeling in English.进一步熟悉课文。活学活用句型。四、教学反思 本课的语言功能是描述人物的情绪状态,要求掌握的句型为Are you ?形式的一般疑问句。课文提供的情境是Amy关心地询问Lingling的心情,从而引出Lingling正在为Amy准备一份让她意外的圣诞礼物(surprise present)。通过与校英语组成员共同研讨、评析本节课,使我对整堂课的教学设计、课堂实施情况有了客观而清醒的认识,从而对整堂课作出了较全面的反思,以供今后参考和借鉴。一、 引入充满情境,紧扣文本和课堂评价机制。当与学生问候完,我便亮出一个又脏又破的袋子,让学生猜里面有什么。学生的注意力马上被吸引过来,并热烈地猜起来。学生看到袋子那个模样,所以猜的都是很普通的东西。当我从中拿出一个包装精美的礼品盒时,学生不禁发出了惊呼,意外之情溢于言表,我从而顺势引出了课文中的难点词组:surprise present 。接着我问:“Do you want to know what the present is ?(你想知道这份礼物是什么吗?)”学生们热切地叫着“”Yes!Yes!”而我则神秘地、压低声音说:“Oh, its a secret !(这可是个秘密!)”从而又输出了课文中抽象、难以理解的secret一词。最后我指着评价机制,告诉学生:“Now lets compete . The winner will get the surprise present .”(现在咱们开始比赛。胜利者将获得这份意外的礼物。)整个引入部分简短而富有悬念,激发了学生的参与欲望,又引出了课文中难以理解的词语,轻松突破了教学难点,很富有匠心。二、 操练富有趣味,形式多样又利于全员参与。happy, sad, angry, bored是本课要掌握的重点单词。在教学这几个单词时,我让学生看图边说单词边做动作、听指令做动作、玩变脸比赛的游戏等,使学生在玩中学,学中玩,学生掌握得迅速又扎实。操练Are you sad / bored ? Yes, I am. / No, Im not .句型时,我通过采访、学生开火车的练说形式,尽量让全体学生都参与进来,参与面广。三、 听读训练有梯度,注意培养学生听的习惯。引入课文后,我先让学生初听课文,并提出简单的True or False 选择题让学生完成。第二轮听时,则提较难的Wh-式问题,使学生对课文有了全面的理解和梳理。有此基础,再让学生逐句跟读,学生会觉得层层推进,接受起来很自然,学得顺畅,掌握较扎实。这样也培养了学生认真听、善于听英语的习惯。四、 运用任务可选择,利于培养学生的创造性。课最后出示的运用任务有三个任务供学生选择。这三个任务中的人物有的高兴,有的难过,有的感觉无聊。学生可任选一人来扮演,创设对话内容,从而为学生提供了丰富的想象空间和表达空间。教学总是充满着遗憾的。本课的不足之处是:在Look and say .这一练习环节时,学生出现is 和are 不能区分应用的情况,导致输出障碍。这说明学生对这两个be动词理解不透彻,平时教学中还教得欠扎实,导致学生无法准确运用。在今后教学中还要进一步强化。通过这一课的教学,我也深刻体会到:英语教学环节的设计在遵循基本原则的情况下还是充满创意的,教师设计时要紧扣文本提供的情境来寻找切入点,并同时注意围绕重点和难点予以突破,从而突显教学的艺术性。


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