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2019-2020年高中英语Unit1NewZealandSection2LearningaboutLanguage知能达标新人教版选修.阅读理解There are many acceptable varieties of English throughout the world.Whichever variety is used in your country,the most important thing is that students pronunciation must be good enough for another person to understand what they are trying to say.In a PPP lesson,teachers naturally include a good model of the pronunciation when they are presenting new vocabulary,grammar or functional language.It is important to start by helping your students recognize sounds before you expect them to pronounce them.Spoken British English has 44 sounds,but there are only 26 letters in the alphabet for written English.This sometimes makes English pronunciation and spelling different,so it is not always best to write words on the blackboard at the early stages.Also,some sounds in English do not exist in some other languages.This can make it very difficult for students to recognize these sounds and even more difficult for them to pronounce them correctly.So some students need to do a lot of work on these sounds,listening to them,trying to recognize them and trying to copy them.If you can understand and pronounce the symbols of the phonetic alphabet,this will help you to pronounce any word in the dictionary.You can teach this phonetic alphabet to your students and this will make teaching pronunciation much easier.However,you can teach pronunciation effectively without knowing the phonetic alphabet.Pronouncing English well is not just about getting the individual sounds right.Students need to know:which parts of a word are stressed(spoken louder and longer);which parts of a sentence are stressed;basic intonation patterns;what it means when we change the intonation in a sentence (the music of the language);how to link together the sounds within a sentence.Students need practice in all these areas to improve their pronunciation.【语篇解读】英语的种类如此之多,如何能让别人更好地理解你要表达的意思呢?本文作者向我们介绍了如何教授英语发音。1The passage is most probably from _.Aa book for English learningBa book for English teachingCa grammar book for English learningDan ad for English teaching【解析】推理判断题。从第二段开始,作者着重介绍了如何教授英语发音。【答案】B2Following the passage,the author would probably _.Aemphasize the importance of correct pronunciationBsay how to teach the phonetic alphabetCwrite about how to teach pronunciation without the phonetic alphabetDexplain in detail how to practise the five suggestions【解析】推理判断题。从全文特别是文章的最后两段便能推断出答案。【答案】D3Which of the following can NOT prove that English pronunciation is difficult?AThere are more sounds than letters in English.BEnglish contains some unique sounds that other languages dont have.CKnowing how to pronounce every word doesnt mean pronouncing English well.DStudents pronunciation must be good enough for another person.【解析】细节理解题。A、B、C三个选项都与问题有关联,只有D项与问题无关。【答案】D4In the authors opinion,_.Astudents should pronounce every word as precisely as native speakersBthe English phonetic alphabet is a must in teaching pronunciationCit is not necessary to pronounce every word correctlyDpronunciation means more than knowing how to pronounce every single word【解析】细节理解题。从倒数第二段的“Pronouncing English well is not just about getting the individual sounds right.”这句话便可知作者的态度。【答案】D.完形填空Perhaps forty years ago Sadie left her drunk and violent husband.Needing shelter for herself and her young son she took a _1_ in a housing project for_2_ people.Eventually,she got to know the residents.One resident,Archie,didnt have a _3_ of his own but his nephews wife and her kids would _4_ and help the old guy from time to time.Sadie helped care for Archie as he battled _5_ and it was she who called the doctor who diagnosed his cancer.Time passed.Sadies son grew up,got _6_ and settled several hundred miles away.Sadie retired and _7_ into a nice little home of her own.To _8_ the loneliness she took in a series of_9_ over the years.Her current dog,Muffin,with a bad temper,_10_ pulls at the end of his lead.So when a heavy fall of snow came a year and a half ago she was _11_ when a neighbour offered to _12_ the dog;just so she wouldnt be pulled off her feet and break a _13_.And each day he would spend a while talking to her,seeing if she was _14_,checking if she needed anything.But in all the time shes known him,Sadie never really thought to wonder what his last _15_ was.This morning she asked.His surname was the same as old Archies.She was _16_ to discover the man who had been “caring” for her for the past year and a half had been one of the little kids who used to _17_“Uncle Archie”and tramp mud up and down the stairs she had to _18_.She had cared for his family,now he was caring for her.Neither of them _19_ it until that moment but they were living proof of the old saying,“What goes around es around”,and the circle of _20_ will not be broken!【语篇解读】四十年前萨迪在贫困潦倒时到一家养老院工作,在那里结识了一位孤寡老人。萨迪给予了老人无微不至的关怀,四十年后,老人的侄子又帮助了萨迪,爱心得到了传递。1A.seatBjobCpicture Dtrip【解析】联系空前的“Needing shelter for herself and her young son”可知,她在一家养老院找到了一份工作以解决衣食居住的问题。【答案】B2A.elderly BforeignCyoung Dfoolish【解析】联系下文的“help the old guy from time to time”可知,这是一家专门为老年人服务的机构。【答案】A3A.conductor BhopeCfamily Dfriend【解析】从本空后的只有他的侄子一家来看望并且帮助他可推断:这位老人没有家人。【答案】C4A.look up Bget roundCpass by Ddrop in【解析】老人独自在养老院的这段日子里,他的侄子一家人经常来看望他。drop in“看望;拜访”。look up“查询;抬头看”;get round“四处走动”;pass by“经过”,均不符合语境。【答案】D5A.pollution BillnessCdanger Dtrouble【解析】联系下文的“diagnosed his cancer”可知,萨迪帮助阿奇与病魔抗争。【答案】B6A.married BdressedCaccustomed Dlost【解析】联系“grew up”和“settled several hundred miles away”可知,许多年过后,萨迪的孩子长大成家了,然后移居到了外地。【答案】A7A.stepped BsettledCbroke Dlooked【解析】联系空后的“a nice little home of her own”可知,萨迪退休了,她一个人住在一间小房子里。【答案】B8A.judge BdivideCease Dshow【解析】联系空后的“the loneliness”以及她养狗可知,为了缓解孤独感,几年来她连续养了几只狗。【答案】C9A.beggars BcatsCchildren Ddogs【解析】联系下文“Her current dog”可知,她养了几只狗。【答案】D10A.sometimes BalwaysCseldom Dnever【解析】由本空前的“with a bad temper”可知,她现在的这条狗总是撒野,拖拽主人。【答案】B11A.pleased BinterestedCconcerned Ddetermined【解析】联系上下文可知,萨迪现在的这条狗很凶猛,一年半前下了大雪后当有人提出帮她遛狗的时候,她应该很高兴。【答案】A12Afort BtrainCwalk Dfeed【解析】walk the dog“遛狗”,为固定表达。【答案】C13A.promise BsecretCdoor Dbone【解析】有人帮她遛狗,这样就避免了她被狗拉倒造成骨折。【答案】D14A.busy BpatientCokay Dquiet【解析】每天,他都会陪她说会儿话,看看她身体是否还好。【答案】C15A.name BchanceCday Dword【解析】联系后文的“This morning she asked.His surname was the same as old Archies.”可知,有相当长的一段时间,她从来没有想到问他姓什么。last namesurname,意为“姓”。【答案】A16A.worried BsurprisedCsatisfied Dencouraged【解析】她非常惊奇地发现,那个人竟然就是多年以前自己照顾的老人的一个侄子。【答案】B17A.invite BprotectCsupport Dvisit【解析】由前文的drop in可知,此处应选visit。【答案】D18A.count BclimbCbuild Dclean【解析】联系空前的“tramp mud up and down the stairs”可知,他们那个时候经常把她负责打扫的楼梯踩脏。【答案】D19A.cut BgaveCknew Dpicked【解析】直到那一刻,两个人才知道他们是互相帮助,这真应了那句话“善有善报”。【答案】C20A.kindness BknowledgeCpower Dcourage【解析】通读全文可知,文章讲了一种善举帮助他人。这种善举永远不会终止。【答案】A


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