2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Festivals around the world Word单元词汇句子练习 新人教版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Festivals around the world Word单元词汇句子练习 新人教版必修3.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Festivals around the world Word单元词汇句子练习 新人教版必修3.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Festivals around the world Word单元词汇句子练习 新人教版必修3一 多项选择1. In order to save the animals out of danger, they _ a special place forthem to live freely.A. set free B. set off C. set out D. set aside2. I didnt mean to keep you waiting here for a long time. There are several traffic jams on the way. Can you _ me?A. apologize B. interrupt C. forgive D. behave3. I am surprised that you should have been fooled by such a _.A. role B. deal C. test D. trick4. Its the _ in the country to go out and pick flowers on the first day of spring.A. use B. habit C. custom D. normal5. -Have you heard the story of The merchant of Venice?-No. When and where does the story _?A. take up B. take off C. take on D. take place6. Washington, a state in the United States, was named _ one of the greatest American presidents.A. in favor ofB. in need of C. in search of D. in honor of7. The police are offering a $ 60,000 _ for information about the killer.A. reward B. priceC. awardD. prize8. We invited her to dinner but she didnt even bother to _.A. turn toB. turn upC. turn on D. turn down9. On Halloween, children in American like to _ as ghosts to frighten people.A. make upB. put onC. dress upD. spy on10. Almost all of us _him for his courage in front of difficulty. A. award B. admire C. accept D. forgive11. All the teachers and students have got everything ready to _ the 50th anniversary of our school.Acongratulate Bcelebrate Cinspect Drespect12. Three university departments have been _ $600 ,000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning.Apromoted Bincluded Csecured Dawarded13. In order to find a cure to the disease,he travels about the world _ facts about little known diseases.Agathering Bsearching Ccollecting Dreceiving14. Tom _ friendship and experience from the local residents, working with them for 3 years.AbeatBwon Cgained Dmade15. History is about forgiving not forgetting. If some people forget history we should _ them.Arepeat Bremember Cremind Drecord16. Since my childhood, I have been dreaming of _ on a journey round the world. But till now, the dream doesnt e true.Aputting off Bsetting off Ctaking off Dgoing out17. The old man was almost dying, terrified with darkness and loneliness. He really _ love and care.A. turned to B. relied on C. starved for D. referred to18. It _ a few days later that he failed to pass the tests to get a place to study at the key school. A. turned up B. turned out C. turned off D turned to 二 完成句子1. 们家乡在过去的20年里发生了巨大的变化。(take)Great changes _ in our hometown in the past 20 years.2. 那老师因迟到向学生道歉。(apologize)The teacher _ late.3. 我一直渴望再次见到你。 (forward)I _ you again.4. 黄色的花朵总使他想起在乡下的童年。 (remind)Yellow flowers always _ in the countryside.5. 今天上午我在办公室看到了她,她不该不经医生允许就回来上班。(e)I saw her in the office this morning. She _ without the doctors permission.6. 打扮成圣诞老人,他很受孩子们欢迎。 (dress)_ Father Christmas, he is popular among Children.8. 他耍花招使我相信了他说的话。(trick)He _ make me believe what he said.9. 她讨厌在公共场所被开玩笑。(trick)She hates _ in public.10. 他站在山顶欣赏大自然的美景。 (admire)He stood on the top of the mountain _ .11. 他看上去很困倦,昨晚一定熬夜写论文。 (stay)He looks sleepy. He must _ last night,writing the essay. 12. 别坐在那里什么也不干,来帮忙整理桌子。(do)Dont sit there _. e and help me with the table.13. 天气许可的话,明天我会来的。 (permit)Ill e tomorrow, _ .14. 这是一次小型的非正式的老同学聚会,你不必盛装打扮。 (dress)Its a small informal party among our old classmates- you _.15. -那边可能是谁呢? -有可能是我们的语文老师,他总穿红衣服。(be) - Who_ over there?-It may be our Chinese teacher who is always dressed in red. Unit 1 Festivals around the world的答案单选:1. DCDCD6.DABCB11.BAACC16.BCB完成句子have taken placeapologized to the students for being have been looking forward to seeiongremind him of his childhood.shouldnt have e back for workdressed up asplayed tricks to being played tricks on 0admiring the beautiful scenery12doing nothing13if weather permits/if weather permitting14neednt have dressed up/neednt dress up15.can it be

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