2019-2020年高中英语 5.2 Theme parks Grammar课时训练 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 5.2 Theme parks Grammar课时训练 新人教版必修4.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.Some of the earliest free (settle) were sheep farmers.答案:settlers2.A week after his (admit) into the army,he fell ill.答案:admission3.Their hobbies are (vary).答案:various4.These toys will help to keep the baby (amuse).答案:amused5.America is an (advance) country.答案:advanced6.With the (develop) of technology,our mobiles are being smaller and smaller.答案:development7.After (liberate),we began to live a happy life.答案:liberation8.He is a (care) student because he often makes some mistakes in his article.答案:careless9.We should read more to (large) our vocabulary.答案:enlarge10.There must be some (understand) between them;we should try to help them get rid of it.答案:misunderstanding.下列句子中有一处错误,请画出并改正1.Two Englishmans and three Chinese attend the meeting.答案:EnglishmansEnglishmen2.In Britain letters boxes are all painted red.答案:lettersletter3.I found a lot of swimmers were growns-up.答案:growns-upgrown-ups4.She is the only one among the woman writers.答案:womanwomen5.Two ninth of the students in our class are from the north.答案:ninthninths6.I have to write a two-thousands-word position every other week.答案:two-thousands-wordtwo-thousand-word7.I bought a four-leg table yesterday.答案:four-legfour-legged8.She was not exactly good-looked,but definitely attractive.答案:good-lookedgood-looking9.Some body languages sometimes can cause disunderstanding.答案:disunderstandingmisunderstanding10.It is possible to be outspoking without being rude.答案:outspokingoutspoken.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Whenever I made mistakes,the teacher pointed them out with (patient).提示:考查词类转换和固定短语。with patience 是一个固定短语,意为:“耐心地”。句意:“无论我何时犯错误,老师总是耐心地给我指出来。”答案:patience2.Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop where they could buy (afford) priced bikes.提示:考查词类转换。本空需要一个副词修饰priced。句意:“能够找到一家有他们买得起的价格的自行车店,那些贫困的孩子们非常高兴。”答案:affordably3.Your (perform) as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.提示:考查词类转换。本空需要一个名词做句子的主语。句意:“如果你养成思考如何学习的习惯,作为学生,你的表现将会是优秀的。”答案:performance4.I think it (accept) to go to travel to Beijing tomorrow.提示:考查词类转换。本空需要一个形容词做宾语补足语。句意:“我认为明天去北京旅游是可以接受的。”答案:acceptable5.She finds her new job very (challenge).提示:考查词类转换。本空需要一个形容词做宾语补足语。句意:“她感到新工作很有挑战性。”答案:challenging6.They transformed the basement into a(read) room.提示:考查词类转换。本空需要一个动词的-ing形式做定语。句意:“他们把地下室改建成了阅览室。”答案:reading7.I went and sat in a cafe and watched the (passer-by).提示:考查名词的复数。由句意可知本空需要名词的复数做宾语。句意:“我走进一家咖啡馆坐下,望着来往的路人。”答案:passers-by8.I hope the hazy weather will (appear) forever.提示:考查词类转换。由句子结构可知本空需要一个谓语动词,根据句意可知本空需要填写所给单词的反义词。句意:“我希望雾霾天气永远消失。”答案:disappear.完形填空Mice in general are not well-liked,but a mouse named Mickey has 1 the hearts of millions.Movies about Mickey Mouse have been2with audience3everywhere for more than forty years.Walt Disney,4created this lovable cartoon5,was born in Chicago 1901.Later his family moved to a farm near Kansas City,6Walt worked for a time as a newsboy.But7he really enjoyed was drawing pictures.Later when Walt went back to Chicago,he studied cartooning at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts.His education was interrupted when World War 8in 1914.Though he was not 9old enough to join the army,he wanted to 10in some way.He joined the Red Cross and went to France,where he stayed11the war was over.After the war,Disney returned to Kansas City to work for a pany that made fairy story cartoons.This was the kind of work he liked best.He made up his mind to12better ways of making the cartoons 13,so that cartoon characters would seem14.He bought an old film camera and made a few things in his garage.In 1923 he15his elder brother,Roy,in Hollywood,California,where they soon16their own pany.Sound was just starting17in films,and Disney believed it had great possibilities.He quickly18sound to his cartoons.When he made Mickey Mouse talk on the film screen,audience were quite19.Mickey became great 20with both young and old.1.A.brokeB.hurtC.struckD.beaten提示:米老鼠打动了很多人的心,strike ones heart“触动,打动某人的心”。beat指心脏的跳动。答案:C2.A.disappearedB.knownC.publicD.popular提示:米老鼠受人们的欢迎,be popular with“为所喜欢;受欢迎”。答案:D3.A.mostlyB.almostC.not nearlyD.practical提示:此处意为“有关米老鼠的电影四十多年来所到之处几乎(almost)人见人爱”。答案:B4.A.heB.whoC.thatD.where提示:此处是who引导的非限制性定语从句。答案:B5.A.paintingB.peopleC.characterD.photos提示:此处为“创造了令人喜爱的卡通人物”。character“人物”。答案:C6.A.whereB.whichC.whatD.that提示:此处为where引导的非限制性定语从句,先行词为“Kansas City”。答案:A7.A.thatB.all whatC.whatD.which提示:句意为“但是他真正喜欢的是画画”。what引导主语从句,在从句中做enjoyed的宾语。答案:C8.A.was begunB.was broken outC.broke outD.had begun提示:1914年第一次世界大战爆发,break out“(战争)爆发”。答案:C9.A.stillB.yetC.alreadyD.ever提示:此处意为“尽管他还不到参军的年龄”。yet“仍,还”。答案:B10.A.helpB.serviceC.supplyD.do提示:但他想用某些方式来帮着做些事情。答案:A11.A.unlessB.exceptC.untilD.but提示:此处句意为“他一直待到战争结束为止”。答案:C12.A.findB.searchC.developD.discover提示:他下决心找到较好的能让图片动起来的方法。答案:A13.A.moveB.to moveC.be movingD.moved提示:make the cartoons move “让卡通动起来”。答案:A14.A.livesB.liveC.aliveD.life提示:让图片动起来,以便能让动画人物看起来好像有了生气。alive“有生机的,活着的”。答案:C15.A.attendedB.supportedC.joinedD.offered提示:join sb.in.“和某人一起加入到”。答案:C16.A.set outB.set inC.set upD.set down提示:在那里他们创建了他们自己的公司。set up“创建”。答案:C17.A.to useB.having been usedC.to be usedD.using提示:声音刚开始被用在电影上。start to be used意为“开始被用”。答案:C18.A.addedB.placedC.tookD.put提示:很快他就把声音加到了他的动画上。add.to.“把加到上”。答案:A19.A.discouragedB.pleasedC.disappointedD.frightened提示:当他让米老鼠在电影屏幕上说话时,观众都很高兴。pleased“高兴的”。答案:B20.A.exampleB.accidentC.failureD.success提示:米老鼠获得了巨大成功。success “成功”。答案:D


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