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2019-2020年高一上学期期末考试(英语)缺答案第一节 单项填空(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. -I am so happy that John now enjoys big parties. -Really? He used to in front of strangers.A. to host; be shy B. hosting; being shyC. hosting; be shy D. to host; being shy 2. She agreed us, so we agreed the project at last.A. to; with B. with; in C. with; on D. to; on 3. Great attention must to education, especially education in the countryside.A. pay B. be paid C. paid D. be paying 4. The FIFA World Cup is an event which many football teams pete each other.A. in; for B. for; with C. in; with D. for; against 5. Thirty puters have been sent to the school some other new teaching equipment. A. in addition B. in addition to C. such as D. more than 6. I dont think little money that he earns can support such _ big family.A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a 7. I would appreciate it you call back this afternoon for the doctors appointment.A. until B. if C. when D. that 8. water will make the fish in the pond .A. Polluting; die away B. Being polluted; die offC. Polluted; die out D. Pollution; die down 9. Perhaps he is not quite fit for the job, but , please let him have a try.A. in fact B. anyway C. so D. otherwise 10. We have reached a point _ a change is needed. A. when B. with which C. why D. where 11. She spent a happy afternoon her coins and stamps she had collected those years.A. to look for B. worked on C. sorting out D. watch over 12. Would you please keep silent? The weather report and I want to listen.A. is broadcast B. is being broadcast C. has been broad cast D. had been broadcast 13. It is time for us to the party and set off.A. break out B. break down C. break away D. break up14. The accident on my way to school me taking the exam yesterday. A. prevented B. kept C. protected D. saved 15. No decision about any future appointment until all the candidates(应试者) have been interviewed. A. will be made B. is made C. is being made D. has been made 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABCD)中,选出可以填入空白的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 In the first week after arriving in the new city for further study, I fell and broke my leg. I was really 16 by the kindness of my new roommate. “We are family now,” she said when she 17 me lying in my room with a swollen(浮肿的) 18 , unable to move. She took me to the nearest 19 by taxi to get my leg examined. The driver was so 20 that we arrived there very quickly. After that, my 21 didnt stop helping me though I told her I could do things on my own. So many blessings(幸事) I had never 22 came to me when I was alone and helpless. Bus drivers picked me up 23 anywhere they saw me. Many people 24 the door for me. Such things were small but 25 for a person on walking sticks. 26 peoples kindness, I did whatever I could to make people 27 . I made many jokes about my two 28 and the bad fall. And I tried not to 29 even a single time about what had happened. I also tried to be kind to 30 students who were injured. I took time to 31 with a girl in a wheelchair who always ate lunch alone. I soon realized that pain can be 32 by mental (精神上的) power. I could see that 33 I was using physical sticks, there were hundreds of mental sticks I could depend on. I also saw that sometimes 34 situations could be good. Einstein once said, “You can live your life seeing nothing as a miracle( 奇迹 ) 35 seeing everything as a miracle.”16. A. amazed B. saved C. loved D. supported17. A. heard B. left C. found D. remembered18. A. head B. stomach C. arm D. leg19. A. museum B. hospital C. playground D. library20. A. patient B. angry C. nice D. funny21. A. driver B. doctor C. family D. roommate22. A. listed B. expected C. given D. accepted23. A. before B. from C. through D. with24. A. cleaned B. moved C. opened D. guarded25. A. hard B. rare C. easy D. weak26. A. Instead of B. In place of C. Except for D. In return for27. A. believe B. laugh C. talk D. think28. A. hands B. books C. sticks D. stories29. A. plain B. advise C. miss D. enjoy30. A. both B. no C. other D. few31. A. study B. discuss C. practise D. eat32. A. reduced B. seen C. caused D. doubted33. A. since B. because C. whether D. although34. A. boring B. unpleasant C. dangerousD. tiring35. A. and B. so C. but D. or 第三节 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AHe wasnt sick. He wasnt old. And he wasnt losing. He had a very good final season and won his last game in xx. And then he walked away. Lloyd Carr was 62. Thats a few years earlier than retirement(退休) age in America and many years earlier than some college football coaches say goodbye. How was Carr, who coached University of Michigan, able to leave so easily? “ It can be intoxicating,” Carr admits. “The Saturday afternoons and the crowds. And when you win, theres nothing like it.” But the job needs hard work. The pressure to win. The endless training. The hours are so long that sleeping at the office is a normal thing. I reported Carrs career at Michigan from 1995 to xx. I saw him run onto the field before 100,000 cheering fans, saw him enjoy a share of a national championship with a 12-0 season. And when I visited him recently in retirement, the difference was noticeable. He seems much calmer, relaxed, more at peace. He says, “As much fun as it is, theres a period when you have other things to deal with.” Carr knew he wanted to travel, see the world, read more, do other work. He is now connected with a childrens hospital, does some speaking, plays golf, and enjoys relaxing with his wife, Laurie, and their many grandchildren. Several of todays big-name coaches are all about Carrs retirement age. Nick Saban turns 59 this month. Jim Tressel is 57. Frank Beamer is already 63. None of them seems to be slowing down. So when, I ask Carr, is the right moment to leave such a great job? He thinks. Finally, he says, “When you love it and can still walk away from it. Thats the right moment.”36. Lloyd Carr stopped working as a coach because he _.A. was too old B. was injured seriously C. had other things to experience D. followed others examples37. The underlined word “intoxicating” in Paragraph 3 probably means _. A. exciting B. disappointing C. surprising D. puzzling38It can be inferred from the text that Lloyd Carr _.A. was always free after retirementB. was a failure as a football coachC. missed the time when he coachedD. enjoyed his retirement life very much 39. The author is most probably _. A. a football player B. Lloyd Carrs assistant C. a retired coach D. a sports reporterBLets say you took violin lessons all through elementary school, but you havent got the instrument out of its case for years. Were all those lessons a waste of your parents money because you didnt bee a violinist? Even though it has been a long time since you played the violin, a new study shows that as little as one year of music training can have a positive impact (影响) on your brain that will last the rest of your life. In an experiment, researchers pared children who had taken music lessons to those who hadnt. Laurel Trainor, who studies music and the mind, discovered that the musically-trained children had better brain responses in certain sound recognition exams. Trainors findings show the possibility that musical education can actually improve the brains hearing cortex(大脑皮层). “The studys results show that music training affects attention and memory, and helps children develop learning skills. In this way music training might lead to better learning across a number of fields,” Trainor said in a statement. The effects of music education are even more obvious on children with difficulty in reading and writing and other language-related disabilities. So, whether you can play a good piece of music or not, its likely that your years of music lessons have prepared your brain for all the speeches, emails, and adult conversations that are part of your life today. We should help make sure that children today have the same opportunities for music, and help out by volunteering with or donating instruments to your schools music education department.40. pared with children who havent taken music lessons, musically-trained children _. A. sing better B. do better in exams C. recognize sounds better D. response more quickly41. According to the study, we know musical education can _.A. change the structure of the brainB. improve childrens learning skillsC. help children focus their attentionD. provide more memorizing methods42. What can we learn from the text?A. Adults should also take some music lessons.B. The author has taken violin lessons when he was young.C. Even a days music training can affect the human brain.D. Music training can also help children with certain disabilities.CThe bar-tailed godwit(斑尾鹬) has just broken its own record for the worlds longest non-stop flight, including humans in planes, according to a report made by Lund University Press. The bird can fly non-stop for eight days, while the most impressive man-made airplane can only remain in the sky for 82 hours without a stop. The bar-tailed godwits journey, from Alaska to New Zealand, covers over 6,835 miles. It pletes this trip twice a year, in autumn going to New Zealand, and in spring back to Alaska. The tireless bird ends the trip without stopping once for food or rest. All other birds can only finish trips that are twice as short as what the bar-tailed godwit travels. One reason for the bar-tailed godwits success is that it has made the best use of its fuel, which is only 0.41 percent of its body weight over each hour of any given long flight. Hedenstrom, a professor from Lund University, says, “This figure is extremely low pared with other birds.” The bird also has a special body shape that helps it fly easily. It stores body fat and protein to manage its trips. It also travels fast, pared to other birds and animals. Many questions remain about this bird record holder that never gets lost in the air. Researchers wonder whether it has an inside pass(指南针) that helps it to know the direction. Please watch how beautiful bar-tailed godwits look as they e in for a landing, along with other birds.43. For the flight from Alaska to New Zealand, the bar-tailed godwit _.A. doesnt need to stop to eat B. is afraid of hot weatherC. seems very tired at last D. should fly less than 7000 metres44. The main reason why the bar-tailed godwit can break the record is that it _.A. eats little food every hourB. has a special body shapeC. stores much water in its body D. has very light body weight45. The last paragraph tells us that _.A. researchers have understood the bird very wellB. the bird has a very good sense of directionC. there are still many who doubt the birds abilityD. the bird has an inner pass46. What is the text mainly about? A. A bird that breaks the record for the longest non-stop flight. B. Birds and airplanes that can fly over a long distance. C. Reasons for the bar-tailed godwits long-distance flight. D. An introduction to long-distance flights of birds and humans.D A recent survey made by BUPA, an international healthcare provider, shows that 54 percent of Chinese people aged between 45 and 54 consider themselves old, while 28 percent say that the thought of getting old upsets them. 25 percent are afraid of getting old, and a third worry about life in old age. BUPA made the survey among 12,262 people from 12 countries over 2 months, starting in June xx. The survey shows that 72 percent of international participants(参加者) aged over 65 dont feel old and that 67 percent still feel healthy. On the other hand, 65 percent of Chinese feel old even before reaching 60. About one third of those surveyed in China said they have enough savings(存款), and 46 percent are insured(参加保险). Around 60 percent of the Chinese participants hope they will be taken care of by family members. According to the survey, the French hold the most positive attitude towards getting old, with 32 percent of them considering age 80 and up old. 17 percent of Brazilians look forward to old age, pared with 3 percent globally. Indians are not bothered by old age, as 70 percent said that they dont feel that they will be affected by old age and 71 percent say they have already made preparations for this stage of life. The illnesses that most people around the world are worried about are cancer and Alzheimers disease. 47. According to the survey, many Chinese people surveyed feel old before they are _.A. 50 year old B. 60 years old C. 70 years old D. 80 years old48. Most of Chinese people surveyed expect help from _. A. the government B. family members C. insurance panies D. healthcare providers49. Who are the youngest at heart according to the survey? A. The Indians. B. The Brazilians C. The French D. The Chinese 50. Why are the Indians not afraid of getting old?A. Because they have got ready for old age.B. Because old people are respected in India.C. Because getting old means enjoying life.D. Because they will get more help from society.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。As we “happen to be” the best creature in the world, its our duty to look after other species. Here are some points which might help to protect wildlife. Join organizations like Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund. They have devoted themselves to protecting the earth and its animals. Many volunteers join organizations like these and work for the environment. 51 52 Dont buy something made from ivory and things like this. Baby seals(海豹) are hunted for their skin, as it is used to make expensive coats. Dont buy them. 53 You can write a heartfelt and logical letter to the government stating your ideas about this problem and how it can be solved. Recycle(回收利用) and reuse. It will reduce the need to have more raw materials to produce something. 54 And wild animals home will not be destroyed. Governments should create more safe zones and national parks for wild animals. 55 Governments should apply strict laws to stop hunting. I hope this post was helpful. Share your views about this issue and let your voice be heard.A. Let your voice be heard.B. Stop hunting for pleasure.C. As a result, fewer trees will be cut down.D. You can build a bird house and feed local birds.E. Refuse fur coats and medicines made from rare animalsF. You can find some organizations like these and join them. G. There they will be able to move freely without worrying about hunters.海南中学xx年第一学期期终考试高一英语试题(1-20班用)班别:_姓名:_座号:_分数:_信息填空题: 51 _ 52_ 53_ 54_ 55_第四部分,单词拼写:根据句意和所给提示,填入恰当的词或短语(每小题1分,满分10分)。请把此题答案填写在指定的位置。1. We can use an old saying that we are _ _(熟悉) , to sum up our views. That is “Rome is not built in a day.”2. Today many vegetables are planted in greenhouses, where they are _ _ (保护) the rain and the wind.3. Neither the supermarket nor the factory has _ _ (回应) the customers plaints.4. Lack of sleep is_ (影响) the students school achievements.5. These shoes are a real b_ at such a low price.6. _(清除, 移动 ) the old paint of the furniture can be extremely hard work. 7. As is often the case, after a storm everything seems _ (完全) quiet, but you know it cant last.8. The band will give two _(表演) before leaving Haikou. 9. Cloning saves the e_ species from extinction and keeps the ecological balance. 10. To be honest, a lot of people _ great importance _ being rich and famous. 答案1._ _;2. _ _; 3. _ _;4. _; 5. _: 6. _;7. _; 8. _; 9. _;10. _ _. 第五部分:写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错 (共10小题:每小题各一分,共10分)如下短文共有10处错误,每句中错误最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。按以下要求进行修改:1)增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词;2)删词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉;3)修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该横线下面写出修改后的词。注意:1、每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Do you prefer to travel by plane or by train? To my opinion, there are advantages and disadvantages traveling both by plane and by train. Travel by plane is time-saving, fortably, and you can have a good rest on the trip,but it is too expensive. Unless you travel by train, it is not expensive and quite safety and you can appreciate the beautiful scenery on both side of the railway. However, it was too crowded and time-wasting, and we can take a good rest. So you can see every coin has two sides. Youd better to choose either of them depend on your own interest and economy. 第二节,书面表达:(满分15分)假如你是你校的校园电视台的小记者。下面是你最近对你校100名高一学生早餐情况的一份调查表。请根据这份调查表所提供的情况写一篇100字左右的短文,并呼吁同学们认真对待早餐,说明不吃早餐会对身体带来不利的影响。文章的开头已经给出,请接着写。参考词汇: treatseriously认真对待; nutrition n.营养; nutritious adj. 营养的; appetite 食欲,胃口不吃早餐随便吃一点吃得够量并且讲究营养35%45%20%原因:1. 起床较迟,来不及吃早餐;2. 没有胃口,不想吃;3. 父母忙,不能给孩子准备早餐。Recently Ive made an investigation among 100 students of senior one in our school _

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