小升初英语专题讲解八 代词.doc

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第八讲 代词1、 千里之行始于词汇1. you/ju:, ju/pron.你;你们2. I/ai/pron.我3. she/i:, i/pron.她4. he/hi:/pron.他5. it/it/pron.它6. they/ei/pron.他(她、它)们7. we/wi:/pron.我们8. me/mi:, mi/pron.我9. him 他10. her 她11. us/s, s/pron.我们12. thempron.(宾格)他(她,它)们13. my/mai/pron.我的14. your/j:/pron.你的;你们的15. his/his/pron.他的16. her/h:, h/pron.她的17. their/pron.他(她,它)们的18. our/au/pron.我们的19. mine/main/pron.我的20. hers/h:z/pron.她的21. its 它的22. ours 我们的 23. theirs 他们的 24. yours/j:z/pron.你的;你们的25. some/sm/adj.一些;某些 pron.有些;26. who/hu:/pron.谁;什么人27. this/is/pron.这;这个28. that/t/pron.那;那个29. those/uz/pron.那些30. these/i:z/adv.这些31. how/hau/adv.怎样;如何32. what/wt/pron.adj.什么33. What about.?怎么样?好吗?34. What color.? 什么颜色35. What kind of .? 什么类型36. where/w/adv.在哪里;到哪里37. How about.?(提出建议)怎么样?38. How much.?多少钱39. How old.?多大年纪?几岁了?40. when/wen/adv.什么时候41. Which哪一个42. Whose 谁的43. much/mt/pron.adv.许多;44. many 45. little小的46. a little一点,少量47. few fju adj.很少的; n.少量48. a few49. many 许多50. either adv或者;也 51. lot pron. 大量;许多52. quite a lot(of) 许多53. anything(常用于否定句或疑问句)任何东西;任何事物54. any 55. anyone eniwn pron.任何人 56. nothing(=notanything) n pron.没有什么 n.没有57. everyone evriwn pron.每人;人人58. someone smwn pron.某人;有人59. lots of= a lot of60. another 61. other代词:代替名词的一种词类。Mary and Tom are good friends. Mary and Tom are in the same class. Mary and Toms teacher often praises Mary and Tomfor Mary and Toms studies. 1、 人称代词2.物主代词。表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词。物主代词可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。2、物主代词的用法: 形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,用在名词前。 This is my book. Are these your pencils? 名词性物主代词相当于名词,不能用于名词前。 Look at the two pencils. The red one is yours and the blue one is mine. He likes my pen. He doesnt like hers. 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 为避免重复使用名词,有时可用“名词性物主代词”来代替“形容词性物主代词+名词”的形式。 My bag is yellow, her bag is red, his bag is blue and your bag is pink. 【口诀】有“名”则“形”,无“名”则“名”。 This is your ruler, it is not mine.这是你的尺子,不是我的。 这是他的书,你的在桌子上。 (他) doesnt have an eraser. (我的)is in the bag. Give (他)(你的). book is here, is there.(his/her) 这把绿色的尺子是她的。The is . 这些铅笔是鲍勃的。These are . 这个绿色的钢笔是你的吗? the green pen .注:物主代词不与a,an,this,that,these,those,some,any,several,no,each,every,such,another,which等词一起前置,修饰一个名词,而必须用双重所有格。3、 反身代词。 第一、二人称构成是由形容词性物主代词加 “-self ”(复数加 -selves ) 构成。 第三人称反身代词是由人称代词宾格形式加 - self (复数加 - selves ) 构成。 myself yourselfyourselvesherselfhimself ourselvesthemselvesitselfoneself常考的反身代词 Help yourself to. Enjoy oneself 4、指示代词:用于指示上下文中出现的人或事物的代词。“这个”“那个”“这些”“那些”。 this that these those 1) This / That is这那个是 2) These / Those are这那些是 This is my friend Jane.这(位)是我的朋友简 That is my grandfather. 那(位)是我的祖父。 These are my brothers. 这些是我的兄弟。 Those are my parents. 那些是我的父母。 This is my friend. 复数 These are my friends. That is my brother. 复数 Those are my brothers. Practice 翻译v 这是我爸爸。 v 那是你朋友。v 那是你姐姐。v 那些是我妹妹。v 这些是我的朋友们。v 那些是他的兄弟们。v 这是我的家庭。v 那是我的爷爷。v 这些是我的哥哥们。v 那是我的妈妈。v 这是她的奶奶。v 那是他的儿子。v 这是他的女儿。v 这是我们的父母。v 那是我的祖父母。3)Is this/that? 这/那是吗? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 是的,这/那(它)是。/ 不,这/那(它)不是。 回答时,要用it来代替this和that。不可回答Yes, this/that is. / No, this/that isnt. Is this your pencil ? Yes, it is. Its mine.No, it isnt. Its hers. Is that your schoolbag? Yes, it is. Its mine.No, it isnt. Its his. Its = It is isnt = is not 4)Are these / those ? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 回答时,要用they来代替these和those。Practice 5、疑问代词who/hu:/pron.谁;什么人指 人: who, whose 指 物: what 既可指人又可指物: whichWhat询问姓名、电话号码、颜色、兴趣爱好、班级、年级等等。Whats your name?Whats this in English?Whats this?What are these?What do you do on weekends?Whats your telephone number?What color is it?What Grade are you in?What Class are you in?Whats your favorite color/season/fruit/vegetable/subject?What day is it today?=Whats the day today?What can you do?What are you=What do you do?What would you like to eat/drink?Whats the weather like today?Whats your hobby?Who用于问人Who are you?Who is that?Who is she?Whose用于询问物品或者人的所属关系。Whose computer is this?=Whose is this computer?Which询问哪一个?可以指人也可以指物,一般用于有一定选择范围的情况。Which one is Lily?6、不定代词1) other, the other, another, others, the others other, 其余的 the other,两个中的另一个 I have two friends. One is from China, the other is from America. another, 三者以上的另一个 Would you like another cake? others, 其余中的一部分 the others 其余的全部 There are five people in the classroom. One is a girl, the others are boys. I like English, others like maths.小练习1 Those cakes look delicious. Could I have _ one? A. other B. the other C. the others D. Another2 I have many such novels. Ill bring _ tomorrow. A. other B. the other C. the others D. Another3 Saying is one thing and doing is _.A. other B. the other C. the others D. another4 I have two cats. One is black, and _ is white. A. another B. some C. other D. the other 5 I dont like the apple. Can you give me _ apple? A. other B. others C. another D. the other6 Would you like_ cup of tea? 2) it, one, ones it,替代上文中提到的事,也可以指一个人。 one, 表示泛指,指代单数人或者物。 ones,one的复数 Can I borrow your English book? I will return it tomorrow. I dont like this blue shirt, do you have a red one? The apples are so small, we want some big ones.3) some, any some, 用于肯定句 any,用于否定句和疑问句 Are there any children in the park? Id like some bananas.注:some也可以用在疑问句中,表示希望得到对方肯定的回答。 Would you like some tea? What about eating some eggs? any也可以表示任何一个。 Choose any subject.4) little, a little, few, a few, much, many little, a little, few, a few, much, many小练习(1) There is _ water in the glass. Lets go and get some. A. few B. much C. many D. little (2) We still have _ apples in the basket. You dont have to buy any. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little (3) I am new here. So I have _friends here. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little (4) Im _ thirsty. Can I get something to drink, mom? A. few B. a few C. little D. a little (5) There is _ money in my pocket, so I cant buy anything now. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little (6) He has_ friends here, he feels lonely (孤独地). A. few B. a few C. little D. a little (7) The lake is not near, so there are _ people going swimming there. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little (8) The twins can speak only _ French. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little (9) Lets go and have a drink. We still have _time before the train leaves. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little (10) Please wait just _ minutes; Im going to clean myself up. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little (11) Ladies and gentlemen, I have _ words to say. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little (12) There is_ ink in my bottle, can you give me_ ink? A. few, a few B. little, a little C. a little, little D. a little, a little 真题演练人称代词、物主代词、反身代词1. ( ) -Is this new computer the same as _. -No, they are different. A. her B.she C.hers D. shes2. ( ) Miss Fang is_English teacher. _ is a good teacher A. our; She B.my; He C.a; She D. an; He3. ( ) This shirt is Amys. That is _. A.I B.me C.mine D. you4. ( ) _pen is on the desk, please give it to _. A. Mine; me B.My; I C.I; me D. My; me5. ( ) Whose pencil is longer, hers or_? A.his B.him C.he6. ( ) This is our classroom. _ is next to _. A.Your; our B.Your; ours C.Yours; ours7. ( ) -Who is_music teacher?-Miss Li. A. your B.you C.I8. ( ) -Whose book is it? -Its not_book. Its_. A. my; hers B.mine; hers C.my; her9. ( ) I have got an aunt and an uncle._names are Kate and Mike. A. Her B.His C.Their D.Its10. ( ) -Hey! There is a bag on the ground. Whose is it?-There is a woman over there. Maybe its_. A. her B.hers C.she D.herself11. ( ) Bill is in the classroom. He is doing_homework. A. he B.him C.his D.himself12. ( ) -Do you like_English teacher, Miss Wang? -Yes, we like _ very much. A. our; him B.our; her C.us; he D.ours; she13. ( ) My hands are bigger than _. A.you B.your C.yours14. ( ) On _ way home,I met a friend of _. A. my; my B.me; my C.my; mine D.I; me15. ( ) Miss Li is teaching_Chinese. A. their B.they C.them D.these16. ( ) Your football clothes are on the desk. Please put_away. A. they B.them C.their D.theirs17. ( ) This shirt is Amys. That is _. A.I B.me C.mine D.you18. ( ) Look!_ are reading_comic books. A. They;they B.They;their C.Their;their D.They; they19. ( ) _ classroom is here._ is there. A. Their; Our B.Their; Ours C.Theirs; Our D.Theirs; Ours20. ( ) -Whose picture is it? -Its_. A.hers B.her C.she21. ( ) Give her pen to _, please. A.she B.her C.hers22. ( ) The coats are not _. _coats are in the washroom. A. our; Our B.his; Her C.theirs; Their D.mine; Mine23. ( ) Lily is a friend of _. A.hers B.her C.she24. ( ) _ are all in Class 3A. You, he and I B.I, you and he C.He, I and you25. ( ) The books are on the desk. Can you see _? A.it B.they C.them26. ( ) Mike is not my brother. _ my friend. A.He B.His C.Hes D.Him27. ( ) Mr. Wang is_music teacher. He teaches_music. A.my; me B.me, me C.my; my28. ( ) -Is this new bike the same as_? -No, they are different.A. her B.she C.hers D.shes29. ( ) _ pen is on the desk, please give it to_. A. Mine; me B.My;I C.I;me D.My; me30. ( ) All of us like_. A.she B.her C.hers31. ( ) -What is _ favourite season? -She likes spring.A. shes B.her C.hers D.she32. ( ) _ are sitting over there. A. Their B.They C.Theirs33. ( ) -Whats your sisters name? _ name is Sandy White. A.His B.Her C.My34. ( ) -Are the rulers _ ?-Yes, theyre _. A. your; our B.yours; my C.yours; mine35. ( ) -Hey! There is a bag on the ground. Whose is it? -There is a woman over there. Maybe its _. A. her B.hers C.she D.herself36. ( ) This is _ English book. That is yours. A.I B.me C.mine D.my37. ( ) The desks are for _. A.you and me B.you and I C.I and you D.me and you38. ( ) This is _ dress. That is _. A. my; you B.my; yours C.my; your39. ( ) Is_ your aunt? Whats _ name? A. he; his B.she; her C.he; her D.she; his40. ( ) Look! _ are _ books. A. Their; they B.They; their C. Their; their D.They; they41. ( ) -Are you his sister?-Yes, _. A. you are B.I am C.we are not D.Im not42. ( ) _ are in the same grade(年级). A.I, she and you B.You, she and I C.I, you and she D.You.I and she43. ( ) These are our books. Please look after _. A.their B.they C.it D.them44. ( ) Hes lazy. Let _ go. A.he B.his C.him D.hesII. 用单词的适当形式填空。1. Please pass _(you) ruler to me, Jenny.2. This is your bike; that is_(my).3. MrBlack is our teacher, not _ (their).4. -Gina, is this _ (you) umbrella?5. -No,it isnt. _ (I) is blue.6. Miss Li is _ (we) math teacher. We all like _ (she) very much.7. _( she) parents cant go to see the film together because _ (them) are busy.8. Look at the boy! _ (he) name is Tom,“Leis American friend.9. _ (I) son wants a story-hook, but I have no time to buy one for _ (she).10. Tom,thisis_(me)cousin,Mary.11. Doyouknow_(it)name?12. Thanksforhelping_(I).13. Myfatherandmotherareteachers._arebusy(them).14. Arethese_(you)pencils?Yes,theyare_(our).15. -Whoseisthispencil?-Its_(I).16. Let_(we)go.17. (I)_arestudents.18. Icantfind_(they).19. _ismyaunt.Weoftenvisit_.(she)20. Ilove_(they)verymuch.21. Iownabluebike.Theredoneisnt_.(I)22. Thesenewhousesaresonice._areveryexpensive.(them)23. LingLingisagirl._studiesinaprimaryschool._brotherliveswith_ and helps_with_lessons.(she)24. Mikeismyclassmate._isgoodatEnglish.(his)25. Whatstheweatherliketoday?_iscloudy.(its)26. JackhasadogandsohaveI._ (he)dogand_(I)hadafight(打架).27. 29.Mr.andMrs.Greenandafriendof_arecomingtoseeus.(they)28. WearegoingtoParistostaywithaFrenchfriendof_.(we)29. Thisisnt_knife._isgreen.(she)30. 32.Theseareyourbooks, Kate.Put_inthedesk, please.(they)31. _mustlookafter_things.(you)32. Theywantafootball.Give_thegreenone, please.(they)33. ItsLinTaosbag.Giveitto_.(he)34. Isthispencil-boxLiLeis?No, _isverynew.(he)35. Thisboxistooheavy.Icantcarry_.(it)36. Dontworry. Let_(I)help_.(you)37. -Arethese_(they)bags?-No,theyarent_(their).Theyare_(we).指示代词1. ( ) -What are these? _. A. Its a hook B.Those are books C.They are books D.Not at all2. ( ) -Who are_women over there? -They are our teachers. A. that B.those C.bus D.these3. ( ) I like this tie. _ is mine. A. This B.That C.It D.Its4. ( ) _ is time for us to go to help the old people in hospital. A.This B.That C.It5. ( ) Dad,_my good friends, Tom and Ray. A. she is B.they are C.this is D.these are6. ( ) -Hello! Is_Sam?-No,_is Mike. A. this; that B. it; that C. that; it D. that; this7. ( ) -What are those? -_. A. They are apples trees. B. They are apple trees C. Those are apple trees D. Those are apples trees8. ( ) - Mom, _ my good friends, Susan and Sam. - Nice to meet you! A. these are B. they are C. that is D. this is9. ( ) -Is that a car? -Yes, _ an English car. A. its B. its C. thiss D. this 10. ( ) -Is this your ruler? -_. Its Toms. A. Yes, it is B. Yes, I am C. No, Im not D. No, it isnt11. ( ) Is this a computer? Yes,_. A. this is B. thiss C. its D. it isII.句型转换。12. This is a yellow bus.(改为复数句) _ _ yellow_.13. This is a nice flower. (同义句) _ _ _ nice .14. Thats my pencil case.(变否定句) _ _ my pencil case15. Is this your dictionary? (变复数句) _ _ your _?16. This is a girl. (变复数句) _ _ girls.17. These are my friends. (变否定句) _ _my friends.18. Those are Toms photos. (变单数句) _ _ Toms photos.19. Those are Kates pens. (同义句) _ _ _ Kates .20. Are those bananas green?(做肯定回答) _, _ _.21. This is a strawberry . (变复数句) _ _ _ _.22. Those are my socks. (同义句) _ _ are _.23. Those are action movies. (变单数句) _ _ _action movie.疑问代词1. ( ) -_ can you do at home?-I can help my Mom clean the bedroom. A.What B.Where C.Who2. ( ) - _ is your English teacher?-Mr. Zhang. A.Who B What C.How3. ( ) _ maths book is it? A.Which B.Whose C.Who4. ( ) -_ that woman, Helen?-Shes Miss Li. _ is that dress? Is it hers? A. Who; Whose B.Whose; Whos C.Whos; Whose5. ( ) -_ will you do?-Ill play football. A.What B.When C.Where6. ( ) _ would you like_breakfast? A. What; with B.What; for C.What; at D. How; for7. ( ) -_does Amy go home?-She goes home at 5:00 in the afternoon. A. How B.What C.When D. Where8. ( ) -_is the weather like today? -Its rainy. A. What B.How C.When D.Why9. ( ) -_blouse is this? _ knows -I dont know. A. Whos; Who B.Whose; Whos C. Who; Whos D.Whose, Who10. ( ) -Whose gloves are they? -_ my_. A. Its; mothers B.Theyre; mothers C. Theyre; mother D Its, mother11. ( ) _ will you do? -Ill play football. A.What B.When C.Where12. ( ) -_is the woman over there? -_ name is Helen. A.What; His B.Who; Her C. Which; Her D.Whose; Her13. ( ) _ is the girl in bed? A. Whos B.Whose C.Who D.Whom不定代词1. ( ) Can I ask you_questions? A.some B.any C.many D.a2. ( ) Are there


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