2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 专题13 特殊句式.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 专题13 特殊句式.语法单句填空1I dont remember how many years ago it was _ I last showed you around the old campus.答案:that句意为:我不记得我上一次带你在老校园中转是多少年前的事了。本题是强调句的特殊疑问句在宾语从句中的结构,用陈述语序。2Wow, you are in high spirits.What is _ that makes you so happy?答案:it句意为:哇!你心情真好。是什么让你如此开心?本题考查强调句的特殊疑问句式,将what放到句首,句子为疑问语序。3West of the city _(lie) a factory, which provides a lot of job opportunities for the local people.答案:lies句意为:城市的西边有一家工厂,它给当地的居民提供了许多工作机会。表方位的副词west位于句首,句子完全倒装,lies位于a factory之前。4_(tell) your teacher the problem with learning, theoretically, and they will help you.答案:Tell句意为:告诉你的老师你在学习上的问题,按道理来说,他们就会帮你的。祈使句后面跟and以及陈述句。5Will you go out to play for a while, Kate?Not _ I finish all of my homework.答案:unless句意为:你愿意出去玩一会吗,凯特?除非我完成所有的作业后。本题为省略句,原句为I will not go out unless I.homework。6How was it _ they discovered the entrance to the underground palace?Totally by chance.答案:that句意为:他们究竟是怎样发现地下宫殿的入口的?完全是巧合。本题考查强调句的特殊疑问句,且强调发现的方式。7Only then _ she realize how serious the situation had been.答案:did句意为:直到那时她才意识到情况有多严重。Only then位于句首,句子用部分倒装,而且指过去时间,故为一般过去时。8_ interested in the ancient town did the visitors get that they decided to stay there for another few days.答案:So句意为:观光者们对那座古镇十分感兴趣,所以他们决定在那再呆一些日子。so.that意为“如此以至于”,当soadj.位于句首时,句子用部分倒装。9It was on the last day _ a press conference was held by some mittee members.答案:that句意为:在最后一天,一些委员举行了一个新闻发布会。本题为强调句,变为普通句型为:A press conference was held by some mittee members on the last day.题干中on the last day为被强调部分。10It is _ he is always addicted to video games _ makes his parents worried about him.答案:that;that句意为:他总是沉溺于电子游戏,他的父母很担心他。强调句判断的依据是去掉it is和that后,还能构成完整的句子,本句被强调部分是that引导的主语从句。11Why not take my car to the museum instead of walking?No, thanks, Im used_.答案:to句意为:为什么不开我的车去博物馆而要步行?不了,谢谢。我习惯了。be used to意为“习惯做”这里省略了walking。12It was after what seemed like a century _ we were allowed to go home.答案:that句意为:好像直到一个世纪后我们才被允许回家。强调句型为it is/was.that,在去掉it is/was及that后还能构成完整句子的就为强调句,本题去掉it was和that后为we were allowed to go home after what seemed like a century,句子成立。13Hardly _ I finished writing the position _ the bell rang.答案:had;when句意为:我刚刚写完这篇作文,铃声就响了。hardly意为“几乎不”含有否定意思的词位于句首时,主句要部分倒装;有Hardly had done.when.的句型。14The exchange students personal skills have been strengthened, _ have the social skills that theyve gained from living abroad.答案:so句意为:交换生的个人能力得到了加强,他们从国外生活中获得的社交技术也得到了提升。本题考查“sohave/is/am/are/was/were/does/did/can/could等主语”,表示前面所说的情况也同样适用于后面的人或物,意为“也”。15It is _ he said _ made his parents angry.答案:what;that句意为:是他说的话让父母很生气。强调句判断的依据是去掉it is和that后,还能构成完整句子的就是强调句,本句变形为What he said made his parents angry.可以成立,被强调部分是主语从句。.单句改错1In no way he will give up his dream until he succeeds at last.2Hardly we had got there when it became dark.3West of our city lie a very old temple with a very touching story.4Not only I am interested in fishing, but I became a member of a club to improve my skills.5Only when his father came back he found out the truth.答案:1.he will改为will he2.we hadhad we3.lielies4I amam I5.he found outdid he find out


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