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2019-2020年高三英语一轮复习Module3ForeignFood预习案外研版选修.课标单词在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练Practicemakesperfect.话题必记单词1.owev.应给予;欠(债等);感激,把归功于2.tonguen.舌头;语言3.chewv.咀嚼4.mannern.方式;方法5.tenderadj.嫩的6.remarkv.谈到,说起;评论n.评论7.trendn.趋势,趋向8.altogetheradv.总的说来;总而言之阅读识记单词1.obsess v.使着迷2.delicacy n.佳肴,珍馐3.infamous adj.臭名昭著的;声名狼藉的4pliment n.赞美5.outnumber v.在数量上胜过;比多6.artificial adj.人造的;人工的7.fragrant adj.香的,芳香的8.ample adj.充足的,充裕的9.pattern n.图案;模式构织连脉词族1.poisonn.毒药poisonousadj.有毒的2.tasten.味道v.品尝,(of)有味道tastyadj.美味可口的tastelessadj.无滋味的3.greedilyadv.贪婪地greedn.贪婪greedyadj.贪婪的4.appetisingadj.开胃的appetiten.食欲;嗜好;欲望5.requirementn.要求;条件requirevt.要求;需要6.entertainv.招待,款待,请客entertainingadj.有趣的,娱乐性的,令人愉快的entertainmentn.娱乐7.casuallyadv.随意地casualadj.随意的8.consumev.(正式)吃;喝;消费consumern.消费者9.consequencen.后果consequentadj.作为结果的;随之发生的consequentlyadv.因此10.gradualadj.逐渐的;逐步的graduallyadv.逐渐地11.abundantadj.丰富的;充裕的abundancen.丰富,充裕12.transformv.转化;转变transformationn.转化语用规律归纳“trans-”派生词transformv.转化;转变translatev.翻译transplantv.移植transferv.转移;调任transportv.运输“-th”构成的名词longlength长度deepdepth深度widewidth宽度strongstrength力量warmwarmth温暖growgrowth成长语境活用1.All the students are required to take an exam after taking the course and anyone who fails to meet the requirements will fail.(require)2.The mushrooms contain poisons and many people were poisoned because they had eaten the poisonous mushrooms.(poison)3.Sandstorms and their consequent damage to our life made us realize the bad consequence of human activities.Consequently,we raised the awareness of environmental protection.(consequence)4.Greedy humans are abusing natural resources greedily and their greed would bring great harms to the next generation.(greedy).课标短语从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律Observationisthebestteacher.1.beobsessedwith对着迷2.goagainst违背;违犯3.dressup打扮4.endup结束5.makeout看出,理解6.have.inmon与有共同点7.in short 总之,简言之8.set fire to 放火烧9.go without saying 不用说10.on the dot 准时地11.make a beeline for 朝径直走12.on close terms with 与关系好13.be referred to as 被称作是14.be based on以为基础语境活用1.If you continue to steal youll endup in prison.2.I could just makeout a figure in the darkness.3.The twin sisters have nothing inmon.4.Inshort,I am interested in all of the sports.5.The boy isobsessedwith puter games and begins to lose interest in his lessons.重点句型从教材中探求高考脉动从仿写中熟练运用Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart.领悟教材语境1.I had eaten Chinese food often,but I couldnothaveimagined how fabulous a real Chinese banquet could be.我以前也经常吃中餐,但从没想到真正的中式宴席会那么丰盛。(教材Page 30)要点提炼 couldnt have done用于对过去情况的猜测,意为“过去不可能做了某事”。2.Nowonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of each dish;they knew what was still to e.怪不得跟我一起的客人每道菜也就浅尝几口;他们知道还有什么菜要上呢。(教材Page 30)要点提炼 (It is)no wonder that.难怪3.The perfect host is the one who saves his guest from embarrassment Whateverthecost.完美的主人是能够不惜任何代价帮他的客人摆脱尴尬场面的人。(教材Page 35)要点提炼 whatever the cost是让步状语从句,省略的是做谓语的系动词is,意为“无论代价是什么”。高考写作情景李华不可能去图书馆,因为我刚才还看到他在教室。LiHuacouldnthavegonetothelibrary,forIsawhimintheclassroomjustnow.他三天没睡觉了,难怪他疲惫不堪。He hasnt slept at all for three days.Nowonderthatheistiredout.不管什么季节,我都坚持锻炼身体。Ihavebeenstickingtoexercising,whatevertheseason.语篇旧材新用探究根源Killtwobirdswithonestone.话题与语篇填空Often as I had eaten Chinese food,I could not have imagined how 1.abundant(abundance) a real Chinese banquet could be.The first six or seven dishes seemed to fill the table,with plates dangerously 2.balanced(balance) one on top of another.3.To my surprise,more dishes arrived,plus soups,side dishes,and desserts.Another aspect of “food culture” is that the Chinese seem 4.toeat(eat) almost every part of every animalmuch 5.to the horror of many westerners.The first time I ate British food I was in the canteen of a London publisher.At the counter there were colorful 6.mixtures(mix) in eight or nine big boxes.It was quite hard to make 7.out what they contained.The waiter put these foods inside bread or potatoes according to peoples 8.requirements(require).Later,I found out that British people like cold food 9.which are only washed before serving,while Chinese food is prepared more carefully.The food here goes against the Chinese sense of beauty and style at the dinner table.But one thing I do admire is the polite manner 10.in which British people eat.话题与短文改错Ken Hom is a Chinese-American cook who is very well-known in Britain and America.He was born in Tucson,Arizona,where his Cantonese parents lived after to America in the 1920s.As he grew up,he found American food pared to his mothers cooking, she sent him to school with a box in which she put hot rice and vegetables much than the sandwiches that his friends had for lunch.At age 11,Ken went to work in uncles Chinese restaurant and learned how to cook everything.At university he gave cooking to earn money.Ken Hom, first book was about Chinese cooking techniques,is now a famous cook.He an article for a newspaper and from there,he got his first TV programme,which was big success.


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