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2019-2020年高中英语Module2NoDrugs同步试题2外研版必修一、单项选择( ) 1. My teacher gave me _valuable _. A. many; advices B. a number of; advice C. a lot of; advice D. some; advices( ) 2. We dont allow _in the reading room. And nobody is allowed _the magazines out of it. A. smoking; taking B. smoking; to take C. to smoke; taking D. to smoke; to take( ) 3. As an _driver, he _many such things, so it is not difficult for him to deal with it. A. experience; experienced B. experienced; has experienced C. experienced; experienced D. experiencing; experienced( ) 4. _explain the programme, well hold a meeting. A. So as to B. Just to C. In order to D. As to( ) 5. He said he wouldnt go with us. What _him to change his mind? A. made B. had C. let D. caused( ) 6. Some games on the Interact have a very bad _on children. A. affect B. control C. power D. effect( ) 7. There, far from here, you can find _island where an old man lives _. A. a lonely; lonely B. a lonely; alone C. an alone; lonely D. an alone; alone( ) 8. It seemed that he was _losing his life. Luckily, he was _in the end. A. in the danger of; out of danger B. in danger of; out of danger C. in the danger of; out of the danger D. in danger of; out of the danger( ) 9. The book seems to be _a dictionary _a grammar. A. more; than B. as; than C. more; as D. much; than( ) 10. Looking into the sky, the old man said it was _to snow tomorrow. A. seemly B. likely C. maybe D. possibly( ) 11. It is _that Id like to go on a picnic. A. a very lovely day B. too lovely a day C. such lovely a day D. so lovely a day( ) 12. It is no good _. You should give _. A. to smoke; it up B. smoking; it up C. smoking; up it D. to smoke; up it( ) 13. Im not _him in any way. A. relating with B. connected to C. related to D. connecting with( ) 14. The bus didnt stop _up the passengers, because it was full. A. to pick B. to drop C. picking D. dropping( ) 15. They started _their future life. A. to think for B. to recall of C. to think about D. to recall二、选词词组填空adult addicted to affected belongs to broken intocriminals distraction illegal in public likelynearby participants recognised reduce related to1. Try to _the amount of fat in your diet.2. I have three cousins living _.3. The scheme is designed (设计) to help former _find jobs.4. It is _to sell cigarettes to anyone under 16.5. The building was badly _by the big fire.6. The phone calls were a constant _.7. After he retired, he was engaged in _education.8. All _finishing the race will receive a medal.9. She will most _e without him.10. Smoking is _as a leading cause of lung cancer.11. She shouldnt behave like that _.12. Theres been an increase in criminal activity _the Internet.13. When the police questioned him, he admitted that he was _cocaine.14. The car _the woman next door.15. A house in Brecon Place was _last night.三、补全对话A从方框中选择句子,完成对话。A. Which room is it, madam?B. You can stay at the room until then.C. What can I do for you, madam?D. By the way, how long will it take to get to the airport from here?E. Can I ask for my flight?F. Normally its by noon during the day when you have to leave.M: (1) _W: Id like to know how soon I have to leave my room.M: (2) _W: Well, you see, my plane doesnt go till half past five tomorrow afternoon.M: (3) _W: Room 577, the name is Browning.M: Ah, yes, Mrs Browning. (4) _W: Oh, thats nice. (5) _M: Its usually a 90-minute fide. But youd better start off at 2:30 pm in case there is a traffic jam on the way.W: Thank you very much.M: With pleasure.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _B填写句子,补全对话。M: Youre late today, Jane. You are never late for work.W: No, I am never late. But.M: Wow! Your coats got very dirty! (1) _W: I had a terrible experience on the underground train. Listen to this! A man came up to me and pulled out a knife.M: Oh, no! Are you all fight? (2) _W: No, he didnt hurt me, but he took my handbag.M: Then what happened? (3) _W: I caught hold of his knife, and he pushed me to the floor.M: What did the other passengers do? (4) _W: Yes, they did. Two passengers ran after the man and caught him. Then a policeman came.M: What a story! Thank God youre all right.1._2_3._4._四、完形填空 Smoking is considered dangerous for your health. No shops are (1) _to sell cigarettes to children. (2) _our tobacco seller, Mr Johnson, always asks his customers, if they are very (3) _, whom they are buying cigarettes (4) _. One day, a little girl whom he had never seen (5) _walked into his shop and asked for a packet of (6) _. She had the amount of money in her hand and seemed very (7) _of herself. Mr Johnson was so (8) _by her confident manner that he forgot to (9) _his usual question. He asked her what kind of cigarettes she wanted, instead. While he was giving her the cigarettes, Mr Johnson said laughingly that as she was so young that she (10) _hide the packet in her pocket so as not to be (11) _by a policeman. However, the little girl didnt seem to (12) _this very funny. Without even smiling, she (13) _the packet and walked to the door. (14) _she stopped, turned (15) _, and looked at Mr Johnson. There was a moment of (16) _and Mr Johnson (17)“_what she was going to (18) _.”All at once, (19) _a clear voice, the girl said, “My dad is a (20) _.” And with these words, she walked quickly out of the shop.( ) 1. A. allowed B. asked C. forced D. seen( ) 2. A. So B. But C. And D. Because( ) 3. A. young B. old C. strong D. weak( ) 4. A. to B. for C. with D. by( ) 5. A. already B. ago C. before D. yet( ) 6. A. candies B. chocolates C. cigarettes D. cakes( ) 7. A. afraid B. fond C. careful D. sure( ) 8. A. frightened B. worried C. surprised D. angry( ) 9. A. tell B. ask C. answer D. show( ) 10. A. might B. cant C. should D. mustnt( ) 11. A. bought B. smoked C. seen D. minded( ) 12. A. find B. say C. know D. look( ) 13. A. left B. forgot C. took D. brought( ) 14. A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Finally D. Quickly( ) 15. A. away B. over C. side D. round( ) 16. A. silence B. quarrel C. talk D. cry( ) 17. A. knew B. wondered C. believed D. thought( ) 18. A. tell B. speak C. say D. talk( ) 19. A. with B. through C. in D. by( ) 20. A. policeman B. seller C. smoker D. manager五、综合填空 “Uncle Sam”, of course, stands for the United States. It is the nickname of the (1) _It is hard to believe that this nickname arose quite by accident and there was a man called “Uncle Sam”. (2) _, not many people have ever heard of such a man. Not even most young Americans. The man was called Uncle Sam Wilson. He was born in Arlington, Massachusetts, on September 13, 1766. At the age of 14, Sam (3) _the American Revolutionary War, and served in the army under George Washington (4) _the end of the war. He then moved to Troy, New York State, and began a meat-packing (5) _. In the year of 1812, a war broke out between the United States and Great Britain. On October 2 that year, a group of visitors came to Sams meat-packing plant. (6) _them was Governor Daniel Tompkings of New York State. He noticed the capitalized (以大写字母写的) letters EAUS on the packages of meat and asked what they stood for. A workman replied that EA stood for Elbert Anderson, the businessman for whom Sam was working. And he (7) _jokingly (开玩笑地) the US (actually it was the short form for the United States) stood for Uncle Sam Wilson. In May 1813, this story (8) _in a newspaper published in New York. Since Uncle Sam was an example of a hard-working man and a lover of America, the idea of “Uncle Sam” as the name for this kind of man became (9) _rapidly. By the end of the war of 1812, “Uncle Sam” had e to symbolize (象征) the character of the nation and the government. In 1916 the US Congress made a (10) _that “Uncle Sam” is the Americas national symbol.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _六、阅读理解A阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Each year, a half-million people die from smoking in China, which in 1990 overtook the United States in the number of such deaths. And by the year xx, 2 million Chinese die each year from smoking and related diseases, Professor Weng cited (引用) a report from the World Health Organisation. With Westerners increasingly dropping the habit, the smoking population in China is on a constant increase. “In 1964 the smoking population in America was 54 percent, which dropped to 26 percent by the year 1996. But Chinas smoking population is at least 30 times its number in the 1950s,” Weng said. Smoking has bee a popular game, especially among young people and women. Weng pointed out that women are more and more the targets of tobacco marketing campaigns. “As China witnesses (目睹) rapid changes in womens roles, smoking among women is increasing, with most new smokers being educated women.” Weng said that in countries such as the United States and Britain where female smoking was popular long ago, lung cancer caused by smoking has surpassed breast cancer (乳腺癌), being the largest cancer-killer of women. “At present only some 8 percent of Chinese women smoke, which has kept the total smoking population below 40 percent. If women in China insist on demanding the same fights as men, the figure will at least double the present one,” Weng said.( ) 1. What does the underlined word “overtook” mean in the first paragraph? A. held B. caught up with C. added to D. overheard( ) 2. Why do more Americans give up smoking? A. Because they are too poor. B. Because they have made laws. C. Because they have realised its harm. D. Because they have controlled population( ) 3. According to the report from the World Health Organisation, by xx, the death caused by smoking in China will be _million. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5( ) 4. Whats the purpose of the passage? A. To call for production of cigarettes. B. To let us know the result of smoking. C. To pare China and the USA. D. To advertise for a well-known brand. B阅读短文,回答问题。 In the United States and in many other countries around the world, there are four main ways from which people can be informed about developments in the news: newspapers, magazines, radio and television news broadcasts. A person may use one or all of these sources for information. Each source is useful in its own way. Newspapers and magazines can give much information about a particular event. They may provide some history of the event, some of its causes, some of its effects, or perhaps give an opinion or a point of view on a particular development. Radio and television can help a person to be well-informed about what is happening each day. It is also possible to listen to the radio or watch TV and do something else at the same time. Many people can listen to the news on their car radio while driving somewhere. For the students, of course, that will give you practice in listening English. Most daily English newspapers are not very hard to read. They are interesting and helpful in many ways. In some of them, you may be able to find news about your native country. You will find news and information about important national and international politics in the newspaper. Usually, an English newspaper has several sections or parts. Each part of the newspaper contains stories about different kinds of news. Some sections have a lot of advertisements which may be helpful if you want something on sale. Or you may find that two shops are advertising the same thing, but at one shop the price is lower. Other sections may have fewer advertisements or have only a specific type of advertisement to interest the people who read that section of the paper.1. What can inform people of development in the news?_2. Why do radio and television news broadcasts have an advantage over newspapers and magazines in providing news?_C阅读短文,从方框中选择句子填空。A. He survived with this deadly disease for 12 years before it claimed his life.B. He stood in front of a large audience including South African President Thabo Mbeki.C. This young boy challenged his governments AIDS policies and united millions of South Africans in the fight against the disease.D. He received a loud cheer at the end of his speech.E. She now runs Nkosis Haven across town from her house in Melville. Nkosi Johnson, who died young, is remembered today as an AIDS fighter. (1) _ Johnson was the longest surviving person born HIV positive (艾滋病病毒携带者).(2) _ At first, Johnson was expected to live for nine months when his foster mother, Gail Johnson, took him in at the age of two. (3) _The Haven is home to 20 children living with HIV or AIDS, and 11 of their mothers. Johnson attracted the worlds attention and stole the hearts of thousands of people across the world at the 13th International AIDS Conference in Durban in July xx. (4) _He told them that he wanted AZT, a drug used to treat AIDS patients, to be given to HIV-positive pregnant (怀孕的) woman to prevent the disease being passed on to their unborn babies. (5) _ Johnsons speech was broadcast live across the world. With views beyond his age and even a sense of humour, Johnson soon became an international sign of the fight against AIDS and HIV.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _七、短文改错下面短文里大多数行中都有一个错误,请找出来并改正。 After supper Li Hua came and asked for me to go and see a film with him. In our way to the cinema we saw a little girl sit by the roadside cry. We bought her a cake to stop her crying. But when we asked where she had lived she said she didnt know. So we took her to the police station and asked police to take care of her. After this we went to the cinema. But when we got there the movie was near its end.We missed the movie, and we did a good deed.1 _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _八、书面表达 根据下面的提示,写一篇题为Smoking Is Harmful的短文,说明吸烟的危害(100-120词左右)。 1现在有些青少年抽烟,他们认为吸烟是一种享受(enjoyment)。 2事实上吸烟有害于健康,对青少年危害更大。 3科学家和医生通过实验发现吸烟可导致一些疾病,如心脏病、癌症等。 4世界上越来越多的人已经戒烟或决心戒烟,我们青少年更不应该继续做吸烟这种傻事。 5青少年是祖国未来的建设者,应充分利用时间学习,做对祖国、对人民、对自己有益(benefit)的事,应下决心改掉坏毛病,养成良好的习惯。_参考答案Module 2一、1-5 CBBCD 6-10 DBBAB 11-15 DBCAC二、1reduce 2nearby 3criminals 4illegal 5affected 6distraction 7adult 8participants 9likely 10recognised11in public 12related to 13addicted to 14belongs to 15broken into三、A1-5 CFABDB1What happened? 2Did he hurt you? 3What did you do?4Did they help you?四、1-5 AAABC 6-10 CDCBC 11-15 CACBD 16-20 ABCCA五、1country 2However 3joined 4until 5business 6Among 7added 8appeared 9famous 10decision六、A1-4 BCAB B1Newspapers,magazines,radio and TV news broadcasts 2Because they enable people to listen to news while doing another thing C1-5 CAEBD七、1去掉for 2In-On 3sit-sitting 4cry-crying 5 6去掉had 7asked后加the 8this-that 9 10and-but八、参考答案Smoking Is Harmful Now some middle school students smoke because they think smoking is an enjoyment. In fact, smoking does harm to health especially to the teenagers. Doctors and scientists have found that smoking may cause serious illnesses, such as heart troubles or cancers. More and more people in the world have given up or have decided to get rid of smoking. We teenagers should stop doing such silly things, too. As future builders of our country, we students should make full use of time to study, and do things to benefit our homeland, our people and ourselves. From now on, smokers should make up their minds to break away from the bad habit and form good ones.


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