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2019-2020年高中英语Module2NoDrugs同步试题5外研版必修Part 1: Choose the best answer 1. They are not playing baseball today _ the rain.A. since B. as a result C. because of D. as2. - Whats wrong with him?- He suffers with memory loss _ his disease.A. joined in B. related to C. connected with D. referred to3. His father died _ overwork.A. of B. from C. for D. out4. Im used to _ in the house which _to keep books and magazines.A. living; used B. live; was used C. live; used D. living; was used5. The country life he was used to _greatly since 1992.A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed6. News reporters say peace talks between the two countries _ with I agreement reached.A. have broken down B. have broken outC. have broken into D. have broke up7. How much must I pay you _ the tickets _ tonight?A. of; of B. for; for C. for; about D. for; to8. He followed his fathers advice that he _ the car.A. sold B. sell C. had sold D. would sell9. _ little water is not enough for _many people.A. Such; so B. So; so C. Such; such D. So; such10. We dont allow _in the office. But you are allowed _ in the rest room.A. smoking; smoking B. to smoke; to smokeC. smoking; to smoke D. smoke; smoking11. It was _ that we went camping on the mountain.A. such nice weather B. so nice a weatherC. such a nice weather D. too nice weather12. Please take away all the things in the room _ to you.A. to belong B. belonging C. belonged D. to be longed13. People all around the world have been doing as much as we can _ the people in Afghanistan.A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped14. We all got up early _ we might start at six.A. in order that B. though C. because D. as if15. - Why did he make marks on some trees?- _ his way back easily.A. Find B. To find C. Finding D. So as to find16. The Northeast Tiger, which is _ to people, is now_.A. dangerous; dangerous B. dangerous; in dangerC. in danger; in danger D. in danger; dangerous17. We _ him $xx0 for the house, but he refused.A. provided B. supplied C. showed D. offered18. The man at last _ and handed over all the money he had stolen.A. gave up B. gave away C. gave put D. gave in19. The teacher told him to speak louder _ by everybody.A. so as to be heard B. so as to hearC. in order that heard D. in order to hear20. In order to make our city green, _.A. it is necessary to have planted more tressB. many more trees need to plantC. our city needs more treesD. we must plant more tressPart 2: Cloze TestPeople often say that the Englishmans home is his castle(城堡). They mean that the home is very important and personal. Most people in Britain live in houses 21 _ flats, and many people own their homes. This means that they can make them individual(个人的) ;They can 22 them and change them in any way they 23 .In a crowded city the individual knows that he or she has a private space which is 24 for himself or herself and for 25 friends. People usually like to mark their space. Are you sitting now in your home or in a beach or a train? If you are on the beach you may have spread your 26 around you; on the train you may have 27 your coat or small bag on the seat beside you; in a library you may have one corner or chair which is your own. Once I was traveling on a 28 to London. I was in a section for four people and there was a table between us. The man on the 29 side to me had his briefcase on the table. There was no 30 on my side of the table at all. I was made rather 31 . I thought he thought that he owned the 32 table. I took various papers out of my bag and put them on 33 ! When I did this he stiffened and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. I had invaded (侵犯) his space ! A few minutes later I took my papers 34 his case in order to read them. He immediately 35 his case to his side of the table. ( Of course , it is possible that he just wanted to be helpful to me ! )21. A. rather than B. as well as C. as a result of D. or rather22. A. buy B. leave C. paint D. offer23. A. make B. clear C. like D. prepare24. A. only B. already C. ever D. even25. A. unwanted B. unexpected C. sick D. invited26. A. towels B. sands C. papers D. flags27. A. find B. give C. put D. store28. A. plane B. train C. way D. street29. A. opposite B. back C. wrong D. good30. A. matter B. weight C. light D. space31. A. angry B. hurt C. fearful D. busy32. A. right B. only C. small D. whole33. A. the table B. his case C. the seat D. his side34. A. into B. for C. off D. out of35. A. hid B. set C. moved D. keptPart 3: Reading prehension ASkin - diving Skin - diving(潜泳) is a new sport today. This sport takes you into a wonderful new world. It is like a visit to the moon. When you are under water, it is easy for you to climb big rocks because you are no longer heavy. Here, under water, everything is blue and green. During the day, there is plenty of light. When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands. When you have tanks (罐) of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. But you must be careful when you dive in deep water. To catch fish is one of the most interesting parts of this sport. Besides, there are more uses for skin - diving. You can clean ships without taking them out of water. You can get many things from the deep sea. Now you see that skin -diving is both useful and interesting.36. Skin- diving is a new sport. It can take you to_. A. the moon B. a new world of land C. the mountains D. deep water37. In deep water_. A. there is plenty of light B. there is no light at all C. you can find a lot of blue fish D. everything looks blue and green38. You can climb big rocks under water easily because_. A. you are very heavy B. you are as heavy as on the land C. you are not as heavy as on the land D. you have no weight at all39. With tanks of air on your back, you can_. A. catch fish very easily B. stay under water for a long time C. climb big rocks D. have more fun40. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Skin - diving is a new sport. B. Skin - diving is like visiting the moon. C. The only use of skin - diving is to have more fun. D. Skin - diving is not only interesting but useful.BDoctor and Robber One night about nine oclock, Dr. Eyck, a surgeon (外科医生), had a phone call from Dr. Haydon at the hospital in Clens Falls. The surgeon was asked to go there at once to operate on a very sick boy who shot himself while playing with a gun. The doctor was soon on his way to Clens Falls. It was 60 miles away. And it was snowing heavily in the city. The surgeon thought he could get there before 12 oclock. A few minutes later, the doctor was stopped by a man in an old black coat. Gun in hand, the man ordered the doctor to get out. Then the man drove the car down the road, leaving the doctor in the falling snow. It was after two oclock in the morning when the doctor arrived at the hospital in Clens Falls. Dr. Haydon told him that the boy had died an hour before. The two doctors walked by the door of the hospital waiting room. There sat the man in the old black coat with his head in his hands. MR. Cunningham, said Dr. Haydon to the man, This is Dr. Eyck. He is the surgeon who came all the way from Albany to save your boy.41. Dr. Haydon asked Dr. Eyck to e to Clens Falls because_. A. the boy wounded by a shot was Dr. Eyck patient B. the boy needed his help C. Dr. Haydon was not a surgeon D. Dr. Eyck was his assistant42. The surgeon was late because_. A. he was stopped by a beggar B. the weather was rather terrible C. Clens Falls was far away from Albany D. His car was taken away43. Choose the right order of the events given in the story. a. Dr. Eyck was asked to e to the hospital in Clens Falls. b. Dr. Eyck arrived at the hospital. c. The boy shot himself. d. The boy died. e. The man in an old coat reached the hospital. f. Dr. Eyck was robbed (抢劫) of his car.A. c, e, f, a, b, d B. a, c, f, d, b, e C. c, a, f, e, d, b D. a, c, f, e, d, b44. The boy died because_. A. he was too far away from hospital B. Dr. Haydon didnt do anything to save him C. Dr. Eyck was not able to arrive at the hospital in time D. something was wrong with Dr. Eycks car45. Who should be responsible for (对负责) the boys death? A. The boys father. B. The hospital. C. Dr. Eyck. D. Dr. Haydon.C Some time ago, I discovered that one of my chairs had a broken leg. I didnt think there would be any difficulty in getting it mended, as there are a lot of antique (古董)shops near my home. So I left my home one morning carrying the chair with me. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception (接待). I was quite wrong. The man wouldnt even look at my chair. The second shop, though slightly more polite, was just the same, and the third and the fourth. So I decided that my approach must be wrong. I entered the fifth shop with a plan in my mind. I placed the chair on the floor and said to the shopkeeper, Would you like to buy a chair? He looked at it over carefully and said, Yes, not a bad chair. How much do you want for it? Twenty pounds. I said. OK, he said, I will give you twenty pounds. Its got a slightly broken leg, I said. Yes, I saw that, it is nothing. the shopkeeper answered. Everything was going according to my plan and I was getting excited. What will you do with it? I asked. It will be easy to sell once the repair is done. I will buy it. I said. What do you mean? You just sold it to me. Yes, I know, but I have just changed my mind, I am sorry. I will give you twenty - seven pounds for it. You must be crazy. he said. Suddenly the penny dropped. I know what you want. You want me to repair your chair. You are right, I said, What would you have done if I had walked in and asked you to mend the chair? I would not have agreed to do that. We dont do repairs, not enough money in it, and too much trouble. But! will mend this for you. Will you pay it for five? . He was a very nice person and was greatly amused (感到有趣)by the whole thing.46. We can learn from the passage that in the first shop the writer_.A. was rather impolite B. was warmly receivedC. asked the shopkeeper to buy his chairD. asked the shopkeeper to repair his chair.47. The underlined word approach in the second paragraph means_. A. plan for dealing with things B. decision to sell things C. idea of repairing things D. way of doing things48. The expression the penny dropped in the last paragraph means the shopkeeper A. changed his mind B. accepted the offer C. saw the writers purpose D. decided to help the writer49. How much did the writer pay for the repair? A. 5. B. 7. C. 20. D. 27.50. From the text, we can learn that the writer was A. honest B. careful C. smart D. funnyPart 4: Fill in the blanks according to the requirement. 51. He is _ 可能to e to the party.52. I _ 认出him by his voice.53. They _禁止 smoking in public places.54. He _不同意 to go there by train.55. He was sent to hospital to receive_治疗.56. It is clear that the fire was started by a burning _香烟 end.57. Deeply _影响by his death, she felt life meaningless.58. The movie was intended for _ 成人only.59. Is there a _关系 between the sun and the seasons?60. The judge sent those _ 罪犯to prison for four years.Part 5: Translation 61. 每天有许多人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。(related to)62. 她未因结婚而放弃工作。 (give up)63. 他已对毒品成瘾. ( bee addicted to )64. 英国的年轻人比其他欧洲人更有可能吸食毒品。(likely)65. 为了不让别人看见他, 他躲在门后. (so as to / in order to)66. Users who inject the drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users.67. The next day, I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder.68. He told me that I could die if I didnt stop taking crack cocaine, so I took his advise and stopping immediately.69. Participants learn to recognize smoking triggers and they try to set a date in the future when they will stop smoking.70. Choose a time when you will be relaxed but also too busy to think about smoking.必修2期末复习Module 21-5 CBADB 6-10ABBBC 11-15ABBAB 16-20BDDAD2125:ACCAD 2630:ACBAD 3135:ADBCC3640:DDCBC 4145:BDCCA 4650:DDCAC51. likely 52. recognized 53. ban 54. disagreed 55. treatment56. cigarette 57. affected 58. adults 59. connection 60. criminals61. Many people die every day from illnesses related to smoking.62. She didnt give up her job when she got married.63. He has bee addicted to drugs.64. Young people in Britain are more likely than other European to take illegal drugs.65. He was hidden behind the door in order / so as not to be seen.66. 注射毒品的人如果和其他吸毒者共用针头,他们就更危险了.67. 第二天我闯进一户人家,偷了一台电视和录音机68. 他告诉我,如果不戒掉毒品,我就会死. 所以我接受了他的建议马上戒毒了69. 参加者学习认识吸烟的诱发因素,并且尽力确定将来戒烟的日期70. 选择一个你将会很放松的时间,但同时你也会很忙,以致没有时间去想吸烟的事


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