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Unit 4 in Book 3,Exercises,v. 97,For many, beauty and fashion are permanently linked. With regard to fashion, the Barbie doll has been _ in style. From the first Barbie dolls, Mattel took care to dress them in detailed, _ clothes. Some observers note that the fashions of the Barbie doll trace fashion _ perfectly since 1959. While critics complain that the models do not _ “average” female bodies,consistently,fashionable,trends,represent,in style 别具风格地,时髦地;很成功地,they also complain about the Barbie dolls size. Some have criticized the _ of the Barbie doll as an unattainable ideal of the female shape.,dimensions,unattainable nteinbl adj. 达不到的; 无法取得的,attain teinvt. & vi.实现, 达到, 得到 He attained the position of minister. 他得到了部长的职位。,Charlotte Johnson, the Barbie dolls first dress designer, explained that the doll was not _ to reflect a female figure realistically, but rather to portray a(n) _ shape underneath fashionable clothes. However, the unrealistic dimensions of the doll have brought the strongest criticism _ the dolls encouragement of an obsession with weight and looks.,intended,exaggerated,regarding,obsession bsen 困扰, 无法摆脱的思想(或情感) With him, gambling is an obsession. 对于他来说, 赌博是无法摆脱的。,Convinced of the _ effects of the Barbie doll on children, Cathy Meredig of High Self Esteem Toys developed a more realistically proportioned doll in 1991. Her doll did not sell well however.,negative,with obj.(formal)adjust or regulate (something) so that it has a particular or suitable relationship to something else (正式)使(某物)成比例,使相称,使均衡 A life after death in which happiness can be proportioned to virtue. 快乐与美德相称的来世生活。,Through the years, the Barbie doll has had several _, but none have been able to compete with the glamour offered by the Barbie doll.,competitors,XIII. 103,When Henry Ford announced he was going to produce an automobile that would be _ to the general population, he probably did not realize what a great _ his achievement would have on life in the United States and, _ , the world. Fords use of mass production _ to manufacture the Model T started a new era in personal transportation. _, roads were build for the sake of cars and the greater _ of people.,affordable,impact,eventually,strategies,As a result,mobility,1. remarkable worthy of attention; striking值得注意的,引人注目的;显著的,突出的 a remarkable coincidence.引人注目的巧合。,2.glory mass nounhigh renown or honour won by notable achievements(重大成就带来的)名望,荣耀 to fight and die for the glory of ones nation.为了国家的荣耀而战死。 praise, worship, and thanksgiving offered to God(对上帝的)颂扬,礼拜,感恩 mass nounmagnificence; great beauty宏伟;壮丽 The train has been restored to all its former glory.火车恢复了它往日的壮美。,mass-produce with obj.produce large quantities of (a standardized article) by an automated mechanical process批量生产,成批生产 as adj. mass-producedcheap mass-produced goods. 大量生产的廉价商品。,6. mobility mass nounthe ability to move or be moved freely and easily移动能力;灵活性;流动性 This exercise helps retain mobility in the damaged joints.这项运动有助于受损关节保持活动能力。 the ability to move between different levels in society or employment(在社会地位或职业间)流动 Industrialization would open up increasing chances of social mobility. 工业化给社会流动提供越来越多的机会。,With cars and the roads, having a business of ones own became a lot more _. Every type of business sprung up. Customers could easily get to the stores _ they were in town, _ there was a road, so business _ had to be located at a towns center.,feasible,no matter where,provided,no longer,7. feasible fizb()l possible to do easily or conveniently可行的;易做的 It is not feasible to put most finds from excavations on public display.公开陈列大部分出土文物是行不通的。 (informal)likely; probable(非正式)可能的,会的 the most feasible explanation.最可能的解释。,plausible pl:zbl (声明、争论等)似乎是真的 His story sounded plausible. 他说的那番话似乎是真实的。 花言巧语的, 能说会道的,spring up 跳起; 跃起 In spite of his burns, he sprang up and rushed towards the fighting.他不顾周身的灼伤, 一跃而起, 向激战的地方冲去。 迅速成长 The boy has really sprung up this summer; I hardly recognized him. 这孩子今年夏天长得真快, 我几乎认不出他来了。 非正突然开始; 突然产生; 快速增加增长 New towns are springing up to house the increasing population. 新的城镇正迅速建起, 以容纳不断增长的人口。,9.provided conjunction on the condition or understanding that假如,以为条件,若是 Cutting corners was acceptable, provided that you could get away with逃脱处罚 it.如果你能不被人发现,抄近道是可以的。 如果, 假如 Provided its fine we will have a pleasant holiday. 如果天气良好, 我们的假日将过得非常愉快。 只有才; 以为条件 I will go, provided you go too. 只有你去, 我才去。,And what about the family vacation? Families _ into their cars and drove across the country to _ the new frontier, stopping at every possible roadside _ on the way. There was no limit _ where you could go and what you could see. The car offered a sense of independence and, as Americans particularly hated to be _, they fell in love with the automobile _. _, each American household owns two or more cars.,packed,explore,attraction,to,restricted,instantly,On average,13.conviction knvikn 确信, 坚定的信仰 Shes a woman of strong convictions. 她是一位信念坚定的妇女。 定罪, 判罪判决有罪, 定罪 说服, 信服 确信, 信心,transaction trnzkn 处理, 办理, 执行 He left the transaction of the matter to his secretary.他把这件事交给秘书办理。 (一笔)交易; (一项)事务 Buying a house is an important transaction for most people.买房子对大多数人来讲都是件重要的事。,15. bound adj. with infinitivecertain to be or to do or have something一定的,肯定会 There is bound to be a change of plan.计划肯定会有变动。 obliged by law, circumstances, or duty to do something有义务的,受约束的 Im bound to do what I can to help Sam. 我有义务帮助萨姆。,15. bound verb no obj., with adverbial of directionwalk or run with leaping strides跳动,跳跃着前进 Louis came bounding down the stairs. 路易斯蹦蹦跳跳地下了楼。 Shares bounded ahead in early dealing. 在早先的交易中,股票价格振荡盘升。 (of an object, typically a round one) rebound from a surface(物体,尤指圆形的)弹回,弹开,反跃 Bullets bounded off the veranda. 子弹打在走廊上弹了回去。,15. reserve verb with obj.refrain from using or disposing of (something); retain for future use 保留;预留 Roll out half the dough and reserve the other half. 碾开一半面团,把另一半留着。 arrange for (a room, seat, ticket, etc.) to be kept for the use of a particular person and not given to anyone else 预订(房间、座位、入场券等) A place was reserved for her in the front row. 在前排给她预留了座位。,As the world gets more complicated, driving cars around helps people _ the demands of modern life.,If you ask people what qualities _ Americans, they will probably say that the two _ characteristics of an American are inventiveness and independence. America is truly the land of cars and car culture.,cope with,define,dominating,18. carry on 经营, 从事, 忙于 Please carry on as usual while I am away. 我不在时, 请照常干活。 That family has carried on a hardware business for five generations.那家已经经营五金生意五代了。 非正继续进行 We must try to carry on as if nothing had happened. 我们必须继续下去, 只当作什么都没有发生过。,18.count on 依赖, 依靠 If theres anything I can do, count on me.如果有我能做的事, 找我好了。 They counted on foreign investment to stimulate their economy.他们想依靠外国投资来刺激他们的经济。 期望, 指望 Im counting on you to persuade her.我指望你能说服她。 I know of at least two people who can be counted on to support us.我知道至少有两个人可以指望会支持我们。,18. cope with 对付 I cannot cope with that boy; he is stubborn. 我对付不了那个孩子, 他很固执。 Do not imagine that you can cope with all the problems.别以为你能处理所有这些问题。,19. decline no obj.become smaller, fewer, or less; decrease 变小,减少;下降 The birth rate continued to decline.出生率继续下降。 with obj.politely refuse (an invitation or offer) 谢绝,婉言拒绝 Caroline declined the coffee.卡罗琳推辞不喝咖啡。 with infinitivepolitely refuse to do something 谢绝,拒绝 The company declined to comment. 该公司拒绝做出评论。 no obj.(especially of the sun) move downwards (尤指太阳)下沉,19. refine with obj.remove impurities or unwanted elements from (a substance), typically as part of an industrial process提炼;精炼;精制 Sugar was refined by boiling it in huge iron vats. 糖在大铁缸里煮沸精制。 improve (something) by making small changes, in particular make (an idea, theory, or method) more subtle and accurate加工,深化(尤指想法、理论或方法的改进) Ease of access to computers has refined analysis and presentation of data.计算机普及使数据分析和描述更加精炼。,20. coordinate (亦作 co-ordinate) with obj.bring the different elements of (a complex activity or organization) into a relation that will ensure efficiency or harmony 调节;协调 He had responsibility for coordinating Londons transport services. 他肩负着协调伦敦运输业务的责任。 no obj.negotiate with others in order to work together effectively配合;合作 You will coordinate with consultants and other departments on a variety of projects. 你要在各种项目上与顾问及其他部门配合。,Vocabulary III (page 96),1. This means they have been _ by a team of professional experts and the standard of their work has been approved.,2. The Statue of Liberty had just arrived from Paris and was being _ so it was not in New York Harbor when they arrived.,3. This reaction to the event is rather _ but on the other hand theres something in it.,inspected,assembled,exaggerated,4. Police had trouble understanding who was responsible for the accident, because everyone who saw it made different _ of what happened.,5. It is an almost _ truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we actually exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.,6. His appointment has not been formally _ yet.,versions,universal,approved,7. its getting more and more difficult to _ experienced staff.,8. He insisted that the idea _ out of work done by British scientists.,9. They are the ordinary citizens for whom the honor system was designed people who have _ their lives to duty.,10. His expression became very _ when we told him what had happened.,recruit,evolved,dedicated,solemn,Vocabulary IV (page 96),1. worked on,2. approve of,3. went ahead,4. for sale,5. come up with,6. refashioned into,7. rise to fame,8. captures my attention,9. evolved from,10. named after,Collocation VI (page 96),1. If you were wrong, admit it. You wont lose dignity, recognition or support, but on the contrary, you gain _ from those who were once against you.,2. As military leaders gained _ over Japans government, Japanese ambitions for an Asian empire grew.,respect,influence,3. Students choosing this university will have the opportunity to gain _ for their prior learning in their middle school.,4. We provide important opportunities for disabled individuals as that they gain _ by forming a new and independent social identity.,5. A delegation was formed to visit European capitals to gain _ and raise funds.,credit,confidence,support,6. I think that there are quite a few areas that are opening to women now, but have they really gained _? In these areas, people are still reluctant to take them in.,7. Xian gained world _ when the terra-cotta soldiers from the tomb of Chinas first emperor Qin Shihuang were found there.,8. Those people involved in the project have also gained a(n) _ into the importance of establishing communication with disabled people.,acceptance,fame,insight,9. Since its start in 1995, his company has gained _ as a manufacturer of high quality domestic appliances.,10. The university encourages students to approach problems with an open and enquiring mind and to organize their own financial. Academic and social affairs and in this way it helps students gain _ which will be useful in later life.,recognition,experience,Word Building VII (page 98),1. brilliant - brilliance,2. competent - competence,3. consequent - consequence,4. ignorant - ignorance,5. indifferent - indifference,6. intelligent- intelligence,7. magnificent- magnificence,8. significant- significance,adjective ( -ant/ ent) -t, ce = noun,1. Examinations are not necessarily the best way to measure _.,2. The power station was shown to be dangerous and, as a(n) _, was closed down.,3. This discovery was of great _, but few people realized that.,4. In the “I to you” approach, the workers were in complete _ of the managements plans.,intelligence,consequence,significance,ignorance,5. I dont like the department chairmans _ to the teachers who are not in his favor.,6. He demonstrated great _ in dealing with the delicate issues.,7. The sun has both _ and heat.,8. There is calm and joy, too, when the mind can focus on the _ and beauty of nature.,indifference,competence,brilliance,magnificence,Word Building VIII (page 98),1. co- + director = co-director,2. co- + operate = co-operate,3. co- + author = co-author,4. co- + exist = co-exist,5. co- + pilot = co-pilot,1. We must be aware that peace _ with war.,2. He was the _ of that film which was half criticized and half praised.,3. The couple spoke about how they would _ in the raising of their child.,4. The pilot was seriously injured and the _ took over.,coexists,co-director,co-operate,co-pilot,5. He is the _, with Andrew Blowers, of The International Concerns of Nuclear Waste.,co-author,Sentence Structure (page 100): absolute structure,Two ways of making a full sentence into an absolute structure. One is omitting the auxiliary verb be as in Model 1. The second way is changing the main verb into its ing form as in Model 2.,1. Jimmy walked slowly to the corner of the playground. His face was covered with tears.,Jimmy walked slowly to the corner of the playground, his face covered with tears.,2. The taxi sped away. Its lights disappeared into the distance.,The taxi sped away, its lights disappearing into the distance.,3. Their stomachs were crying for food. Their backs were burning from too much sun. Both boys gathered their things and headed for home.,Their stomachs crying for food, their back burning from too much sun, both boys gathered their things and headed for home.,4. Barbara just lay there. Her mouth trembled. Her eyes were unfocused. She was unable to say a word.,Barbara just lay there, her mouth trembling, her eyes unfocused, unable to say a word.,5. Then the two players let him fall to the track. His chest landed first. His head followed, bounced, and finally lay still.,Then the two players let him fall to the track, his chest landing first, his head following, bouncing and finally lying still.,Sentence Structure (page 101): conjunction + prepositional phrase,Note that in the combination, “although the version had an exaggerated breast size” is turned into “although with an exaggerated breast size”, that is, a conjunction and a prepositional phrase.,1. Although they have a threatening appearance, most snakes arent really dangerous if you leave them alone.,Most snakes, although with a threatening appearance, arent really dangerous if you leave them alone.,2. Women have failed to approach the income of men even though they have the same ability.,Women, even though with the same abilities, have failed to approach the income of men.,3. Though there was a severe lack of coal, the principal was not forced to close the school.,Though with a severe lack of coal, the principal was not forced to close the school.,4. She is capable of making complete French meals even though there is no cheese after salad.,She is capable of making complete French meals even though with no cheese after salad.,5. When you are in doubt about the result of your test, call the test office.,When in doubt about the result of your test, call the test office.,Translation ( page 101),1. 从各方面考虑,这座城市都是世界上最令人激动的城市。,2. 尽管没有得到父母的赞同, 他还是继续他的计划出国学习。,Everything considered, this city is the worlds most exciting city.,Though with no approval from his parents, he went ahead with his plan to study abroad.,Thank you!,


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