2019-2020年高一上学期期末统考英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高一上学期期末统考英语试题 含答案本试卷分第一卷(选择题)、第二卷(非选择题)两部分,满分120分,考试时间为100分钟。注意事项:1、请考生务必将姓名、班级、准考证号准确填写在卷首。 2、请考生务必将准考证号、考试科目用铅笔准确涂在答题卡上。涂卡时请对应题号。第I卷(选择题 共90分)I 听力(共15小题,满分15分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话,从A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the two speakers buy next?A. A jacket B. A handbag.C. A watch.2. What is the weather like now? A. Hot.B. Cool. C. Cold.3. What do the two speakers hope to do? A. Stop young people from smoking.B. Advise people not to smoke. C. Stop cigarette production. 4. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Mother and son. B. Hostess and guest. C. Waitress and customer.5. Where does the mans brother probably work now? A. At the post office. B. In a language school. C. In a publishing house.第二节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)听下面对话,从A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至第8题。6. What are the two speakers going to do? A. Visit Mark together. B. Eat in a restaurant. C. Do the shopping.7. What time is it probably now? A. 5:50 pm. B. 6:00 pm. C. 6:30 pm.8. What feature will probably help the man recognize the woman? A. She wears glasses. B. She is wearing a gray dress. C. She has long black hair.听第7段材料,回答第9和第11题。9. When will the party be held? A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.10. Where will the party be held? A. In Newcastle. B. In Hill Peak. C. At Central Park.11. How will the woman probably go there?A. By car. B. By subway. C. By bus.听第8段材料,回答第12至15题。12. What does the speaker think of chemistry? A. Boring. B. Difficult. C. Useful.13. How many young scientists attended the meeting? A. 677. B. 625. C. 624.14. What is Laura doing in Germany? A. She is working in a lab. B. She is attending college. C. She is teaching in a college.15. Who is interested in insects? A. Jon. B. Laura. C. Ben.II. 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)16. Shall we go swimming or go climbing at the weekend?_. I think, either is OK.A. Hang onB. Good idea.C. Thats all rightD. Its up to you 17. Susan, _ university student from Europe, teaches me _ art in her spare time. A. an; / B. a; the C. a; / D. an; the 18. Hearing the _ story, the little boy had a _ expression on his face. A. frightening; frightening B. frightened; frightened C. frightening; frightened D. frightened; frightening19. The house rent is expensive. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying _ here.A. three times much B. as much three times C. much as three times D. three times as much20. _ you are grown up, you must stop this childish behavior, or youll make a fool of yourself.A. Now that B. Until C. Although D. Even if21. Is this the first time you _ to Kunming? Yes, how excited I am! A. have e B. will e C. came D. are ing22. The class _ my daughter studies in _ forty-six students. A. where; is made up of B. which; consist of C. which; makes up D. where; is consisted of 23. My brother is really _. He often works in his office far into night.A. open-minded B. hard-working C. self-confident D. warm-hearted 24. Rather than _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _ a bicycle. A. ride; ride B. riding; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride; riding25. So many floods have cut down on the production of peanuts; _, the price has gone up a great deal.A. in other words B. after all C. even so D. as a result26. You have left the light on. Oh, so I have. _ and turn it off.A. Ill go B. I have gone C. Im going to D. I go27. It is _ difficult for us to do _ much work. We need more hands. A. so; such B. so; so C. such; so D. such; such28. He held the _that one should be helpful to others and was always ready to do something good.A. habit B. belief C. like D. proverb29. _ time goes by, my mothers hair is turning gray but she has bee much more interested in writing. A. When B. While C. As D. With30. Can I borrow your dictionary? _, but you shall return it as soon as possible.A. No problem B. Im sorry C. Im not sure D. Thats all rightIII. 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)Somebody Loves You One miserable rainy night, a man named Mark decided to end his life. In his mid-fifties, Mark had never been married, 31 the joy of having children or spent holidays with his family. Wet and unhappy, he walked along the streets, feeling as if there was 32 in the entire world that cared whether he lived or died. 33 , I was sitting in my room watching the rain hit my window. When I heard the doorbell ring, I jumped from my chair and 34 out. But my mother was already at the door. Opening it, she found herself face-to-face with a very dirty-looking man with tears streaming down his face. My mother, full of 35 , invited the man inside, and he sat with my parents in our living room. 36 , I walked secretly downstairs so that I could get a better look. I couldnt understand what they were saying, but the 37 of the man, holding his head in his hands and crying, made my chest ache. I raced back upstairs to my room and 38 my hand into my money jar. Pulling out my only half-dollar coin, I ran back downstairs. When I 39 the door of the living room, I walked right in. The three adults looked at me in 40 as I quickly made my way over the stranger. I put the half-dollar in his hand and told him that I wanted him to have it. Then I gave him a 41 , turned and ran as fast as I could out of the room and back upstairs. I felt excited but happy. Downstairs, Mark sat quietly with his head 42 . Tears streamed down his face as he tightly held that coin. Finally looking up at my parents, he said, “Its 43 that I thought nobody cared. For the last twenty years, I have been so 44 . That is the first hug I have ever got. Its hard to believe that somebody 45 .” Marks life changed that night. When he left our house, he was 46 to live instead of die. 47 we never saw Mark again, we received letters from him every once in a while, letting us know that he was doing fine. My life changed that night, too, as I witnessed the huge healing(治愈的) power of 48 even if its only a gift of fifty cents. Before Mark left, my parents asked him why he had knocked on our door. Mark said that 49 hed walked along the streets that rainy night, helpless and ready to 50 , he had noticed a sticker on the car. It read: SOMEBODY LOVES YOU.31. A. believed B. noticed C. experienced D. understood32. A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody33. A. Later B. First C. Afterwards D. Meanwhile34. A. looked B. raced C. spoke D. broke35. A. pity B. anxiety C. guilty D. fear36. A. Worried B. Curious C. Puzzled D. Annoyed37. A. sense B. thought C. sight D. look38. A. shook B. stuck C. pushed D. forced39. A. answered B. fixed C. found D. reached40. A. anger B. delight C. peace D. surprise41. A. hug B. kiss C. smile D. handshake42. A. held B. turned C. bowed D. raised43. A. just B. still C. also D. even44. A. anxious B. stressed C. lonely D. bored45. A. cares B. gets C. makes D. knows46. A. lucky B. proud C. hesitant D. ready47. A. Since B. When C. Although D. Unless48. A. receiving B. giving C. loving D. taking49. A. if B. as C. until D. before50. A. die B. cry C. leave D. regretIV. 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)AFour million children are caught up in the war in Syria. Thirteen-year-old Rabia is one of them. Tall and thin, she sits shaking in a yellow T-shirt at the Al Marj settlement, close to the Lebanese-Syrian border.Home for Rabia was once a two-story house near Damascus. Now it is a tent shared with her nine family members. Rabias face is covered with dirt, and she is tired and cold. She has just finished work, picking up potatoes that fell from a truck. Her typical day starts at 4 a.m., and she works a double shift that lasts about 16 hours, putting potatoes into bags. The only choice for her is that she can choose the first eight hours or the second eight hours. For this, she gets paid about $8 a day. Working means Rabia misses school. Back in her village, she was the best in her class and good at everything. Her favorite subjects were Arabic literature and math. But that was Rabias old life. It was the life before war, before her family moved five times to escape the bombs, before leaving behind her bedroom, her toys and her friends without packing a bag, before “half the people I know” were dead. The old life was full of laughter with her sister, Wala. But Wala, 14, got married two days ago to an 18-year-old Lebanese. Rabia is happy for her sister. Life in the settlement is tough the children have nowhere to play, the bathing is poor and sexual abuse is out of control. You cant blame parents often confused, illiterate (不识字的)and poorwho want to marry off their daughters. They fear for their safety. Increasing numbers of Rabias girlfriends are getting married. Once in rural Syria, a girl got married at 16. According to UNICEF, the age is now dropping to 12 or 13. It is no secret that Lebanese men want to marry Syrian refugee girls, who work hard and dont ask for anything. 51. Where is the passage most likely to have been taken from? A. A news report. B. A book review. C. A history book. D. A travel magazine.52. The underlined word “shift” in Para. 2 probably refers to _. A. the extra task B. the low pay C. the potato factory D. the working period53. The writers purpose for writing Para. 3 is to _. A. present the dream of Rabia B. show the damage of the war C. predict the future of Syrian girls D. pare the life before war and now54. Which of the following can NOT be used to describe the life in the settlement? A. No place for children to play. B. Condition of bathing is poor. C. Sexual abuse is under control. D. Syrian refugee girls have to work hard.55. Why are so many young Syrian girls getting married? A. Their parents are worried about their safety. B. They want money from the husband family. C. They have no good friends to play with. D. Their parents are confused, illiterate and poor. BSuppose you want to go abroad and learn about the foreign exchange in culture in different countries. Here is some information you may need. Name:Susan Lane Age:22Place:Reykjavik, Iceland, 1994.Cost:$7,000Organization:AFSExperience:“I think it was a turning point in my life. I began to understand more about my own culture by experiencing another culture and seeing how other people live.”Name:Sara Small Age:23Place:Crivitz, Germany, 1996.Cost:$8,000Organization:EF FoundationExperience:“I love the traveling and I made a lot of friends. I found the European school system to be hard but I am fluent now in German so it was worth it. I did miss my family and friends in Australia but I would love to do it again.”Name:David Links Age:16Place:Stuttgart, Germany, 1996.Cost:$4,500Organization:Southern Cross Cultural ExchangeExperience:“I wanted to try something that was very different in culture. In Germany everything was different but I soon got settled. The family I was with was great and I really feel as though I have a second family.”Name:Tom Jennings Age:21Place:Conflans, France, 1995.Cost:$7,000Organization:Southern Cross Cultural ExchangeExperience:“There were times when it was difficult but I liked it, experiencing a different culture. You just have to adapt to each situation as it es. If there is one thing you learn when you are on a student-exchange program it is how to take care of yourself.”Name:Linda Marks Age:19Place:Chonburi Province, Thailand, 1994.Cost:$3,500Organization:Rotary International Experience:“There are lots of ups and downs, but you always e back for more. I had a few problems but there was always someone to turn to and that was great.”56. According to the information, taking part in a foreign exchange program can cost _. A. from $4,500 to $8,000B. from $3,500 to $8,000C. anything from $3,500D. no more than $7,00057. More students had their trips organized by _. A. EF Foundation B. AFS C. Rotary International D. SCCE58. The students who refer to both the good and bad times as an exchange student include _. A. Susan Lane and Sara SmallB. Linda Marks and David Links C. Tom Jennings and Linda MarksD. Susan Lane and Tom Jennings59. As a result of his experience in the foreign exchange program Tom Jennings learnt to bee _. A. independent and adaptableB. determined and independent C. selfish and defensive D. defensive and determined60. If a student wanted to take part in a foreign exchange program, but had not enough money, then the best place would be _. A. Iceland and America B. Thailand and France C. Germany and Iceland D. Germany and ThailandCRecently I spoke to some of my students about what they wanted to do after they graduated, and what kind of job prospects(前景) they thought they had. Considering that I teach students who are trained to be doctors, I was surprised to find that most thought that they would not be able to get the jobs they wanted without “outside help”. “What kind of help is that?” I asked, expecting them to tell me that they would need a relative or family friend to help them out. “Surgery(外科手术)”, one replied. I was pretty shocked by that response. It seems that the graduates of today are increasingly willing to go under the knife to get ahead of others when it es to getting a job. One girl told me that she was considering surgery to increase her height. “They break your legs, put in special things, and slowly expand the gap between the two ends of the bone as it regrows. You can get at least 5cm taller!” At that point, I was shocked. I am short. I cant deny that, but I dont think I would put myself through months of pain just to be a few centimeters taller. I dont even bother to wear shoes with thick soles, as Im not trying to hide the fact that I am just not tall!It seems to me that there is a trend toward wanting “perfection”, and that is an ideal that just does not exist in reality. No one is born perfect, however, magazines, TV shows and movies present images of thin, tall, beautiful people as being the norm(标准). Advertisements for slimming aids, beauty treatments and cosmetic surgery clinics fill the pages of newspapers, further creating an idea that “perfection” is a requirement, and that you must go for it, no matter what the cost. In my opinion, skills, rather than appearance, should determine how successful a person is in his chosen career.61. We can know from the passage that the author works as _.A. a teacher B. a model C. a doctor D. a reporter 62. Many graduates today turn to surgery to _. A. marry a better man/woman B. bee a model C. get an advantage over others in job-hunting D. attract more admirers63. What was the authors reaction towards the girls decision? A. Excited. B. Surprised. C. Happy. D. Angry.64. According to the passage, the author believes that _.A. everyone should go for perfection, whatever the cost B. its right for graduates to ask for others to help them out in hunting for jobs C. media should be criticised for misleading young people to do surgery D. it is ones appearance instead of skills that really matters in ones career65. What does the author think of his height? A. He dislikes being called a short man. B. He tries to increase his height through surgery. C. He always wears shoes with thick soles to hide the fact. D. He just accepts it as it is.DA newly-published study has shown that loneliness can spread from one person to another, like a disease. Researchers used information from the Framingham Study, which began in 1948. The Framingham Study gathers information about physical and mental health, personal behavior and diet. At first, the study involved about 5,000 people in the American state of Massachusetts. Now, more than 12,000 individuals are taking part. Information from the Framingham Study showed earlier that happiness can spread from person to person. So can behaviors like littering and the ability to stop smoking.University of Chicago psychologist John Cacioppo led the recent study. He and other researchers attempted to show how often people felt lonely. They found that the feeling of loneliness spread through social groups.Having a social connection with a lonely person increased the chances that another individual would feel lonely. In fact, a friend of a lonely person was 52% more likely to develop feelings of loneliness. A friend of that person was 25% more likely. The researchers say this shows that a person could indirectly be affected by someones loneliness. The effect was strongest among friends. Neighbors were the second most affected group. The effect was weaker on husbands and wives, and brothers and sisters. The researchers also found that loneliness spread more easily among women than men.The New York Times newspaper reports that, on average, people experience feelings of loneliness about 48 days a year. It also found that every additional friend can decrease loneliness by about five percent, or two and a half fewer lonely days.Loneliness has been linked to health problems like depression and sleeping difficulties. The researchers believe that knowing the causes of loneliness could help in reducing it. The study suggests that people can take steps to stop the spread of loneliness. They can do this by helping individuals they know who may be experiencing loneliness. The result can be helpful to the whole social group.66. What is true about the Framingham Study?A. It was only conducted in 1948.B. It involves more than 1xx participants.C. It was led by John Cacioppo.D. It showed that any behavior could spread.67. From the passage, we can learn that _.A. everyone may be affected by others lonelinessB. a lonely person wont have friendsC. the habit of littering doesnt spreadD. lonely people dont know the cause of their loneliness68. Which statement about the spread of loneliness is true?A. The spreading effect was the second strongest among friends.B. No spreading effect was found on husbands and wives.C.


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