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Unit 3 Animal worldLesson 1 一、单词拼写。1.爬行动物_ 2.鸟_3.鱼_ 4.哺乳动物_5.昆虫_ 6.企鹅_二、根据首字母补全单词。1. Snakes are r_2. Monkeys are m_.3. Butterflies are i_.4. Birds can f_.5. I like sharks. They are f_.三、词性转换。1. hippo(复数) _ 2. fish(复数) _ 3. ostrich(复数) _ 4. butterfly(复数) _ 5. heavy(比较级) _ 6. carefully(动词) _ 四、选择。( ) 1. I saw crocodiles _Animal World.A. in B. at C. on( ) 2. What _did you see there? -I saw some ostriches.A. animals B. animal C. kind animal( ) 3. How _is the ostrich? It can run at 70 kilometers an hour.A. fast B. old C. heavy( ) 4. The weather is getting warmer and_.A. warm B. warmer C. warmest( ) 5. I have no money_ me.A. of B. with C. for五、连词组句。1. are, animal, kind, what, crocodiles, of?_2. animals, these, how, pictures, many, you, can, in, see._3. weigh, it, kilograms, can, 100._4. milk, mother, to, mammals, their, babies, feed_5. famous, for, is, it, koalas._答案:一、1. reptile 2. bird 3. fish 4. mammal 5. insect 6. penguin二、1. reptile 2. mammal 3. insect 4. fly 5. fish三、1. hippos 2. fishes 3. ostriches 4. butterflies 5. heavier 6. care四、1-5 BAABB五、1. What kind of animal are crocodiles?2. How many animals can you see in these pictures?3. It can weigh 100 kilograms.4. Mammals mother feed milk to their babies.5. It is famous for koalas.


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