六年级英语上册 Unit 1-3教案 湘少版.doc

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Unit 1-3 教学内容或课题入学教育教 学目 标1.加强学生对英语学习的认识及上学期期考情况2.进一步明确学习目的和学习任务3.进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣4. 关于六年级毕业升学考试教 学 重 点难 点 重点:强调学习方法和学习习惯激发学生学习英语的兴趣 学习目的和学习任务的明确教 学 准 备CAI,ABC song, card 课 时 安 排1上课时间教学过程设计和安排教学再设计Step 1 Greetings & warm-up.1.Greetings 2. play a game3. Sing a song. Step 2 Rules1.课堂用语 2.学习要求:课前、课中、课后及奖罚制度 3 六年级英语学习要求 各单元对话:过听说关、背诵关、能读写4 成长记录袋(准备一个文件袋:装自己的作品)Step 3 准备工作(下节课检查)1 课堂练习本2 彩笔、彩纸、尺子、白色卡片(每年挂历)准备用来制作卡片 3 准备一个文件袋:装自己的作品 4 思想准备:找一个合作伙伴,考虑小组伙伴(一个月内定小组长)5 座次表:按组写名单6 上学期期考总结教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays? P1教 学目 标复习一般过去时及动词的过去式,复习并区别现在进行时用一般过去时谈论假日活动What did you do during the holidays? I wrote a little storybook./I learnt writing./ I read many books.教 学 重 点难 点单词:learn words and sentences , play games, learn writing, practice listening句型: What did you do during the holidays? I wrote a little storybook./I learnt writing./ I read many books.教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1 Warming upGreetings. Task1: lets sing.Where are you now? What are you doing ?Where were you last month ? 用上半年学的一般过去时谈论假日活动Where did you go ?What did you do? What did you see?What did you buy ? What did you eat ?Task2: lets learn*Game1 - Whats missing?(Use CAI to review the learned words: 复习do did , have had, go went , take took , read read , speak spoke ,learn learnt,teach taught , etc. )* Game2 Patting flies.(Use this game to consolidate all the words.)Step 1 presentationTalk about the holidays 用一般过去时谈论假日活动What did you do during the holidays? I wrote a little storybook./I learnt writing./ I read many books.lets learn the new sentences: talk talked practise practised listen listened learn words and sentences , play games, learn writing, practice listeningTeach the new wordTask3 listen and doListen and do. Then practice them*Use the new sentence pattern” What did you do during the holidays?” to make the dialogue freely. Task4 SituationTalk about themselves during the holidays Using: What did you do during the holidays? I wrote a little storybook./I learnt writing./ I read many books.教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays? P2教 学目 标Enable the Ss listen, read and say the dialogue;Enable the Ss master the sentence pattern: What did you do during the holidays? Enable the Ss master read the short passages and judge True or False. 教 学 重 点难 点单词:do did , have had, go went , take took , read read , speak spoke ,learn learnt,teach taught , learn words and sentences , play games, learn writing, practice listeningEnable the Ss listen, read and say the dialogue;教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1 Warming upGreetings.Act and say. 1). (Action) play games, learn writing and practice listening 2). Tom: I played games. Ss: Tom played games. Step 2 Presentation and drill1. Listen to the tape and learn the Word Bank. What did you do during the holidays? I read many books. I visited my grandparents. I played games with my friends.Step 3 Practice 1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2. Pair-work.3. Group-work .Step 4 Lets Read1 Read the short passage and then judge True or Flase. 1 Anne is reading an English storybook . 2 Mingming read many books during the holidays. 3 Anne learnt writing. 4 Mingming wrote a little storybook. 5 The students are talking about their holidays.2 Read the passage again and underline the key sentences.3 Check the answers.Step 5 Consolidation1. Evaluation.2. Do Ex. 3. Homework.Design of the blackboard:教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays? P3教 学目 标Enable the Ss talk about their holidays.Enable the Ss and write down their holidays.教 学 重 点难 点Enable the Ss describe their holidays. Enable the Ss to talk about and write down their holidays 教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Read Part A together.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. Ask students to talk about their summer holidays and then let them finish Part E: write down your answers2. Check the answer.3. Ask two Ss to talk about their answers.Step 3 Lets Have Fun1. Class work. Look at the pictures, describe Mingmings and Annes holidays.2. Class work. describe your holidays.Step 4 Consolidation1. Do Ex. Workbook Unit 1.2. Evaluation.3. Homework. Revise Unit 1.Design of the blackboard:教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题Unit 2 Katie always gets up early. P1教 学目 标1、能听懂、会说新单词和短语wave goodbye;be late for school ,do her homework , read a newspaper, play chess, take a walk及表示频度的副词。 2、能理解并复述课文; 3、能正确运用一般现在时描述经常发生的行为、活动等。教 学 重 点难 点掌握本单元四会单词。理解并复述课文。教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1Warming up 1、师生问候。2、唱英语歌曲3、复习已学的单词What time do you usually ? What time did you ?Step 2Presentation and drill1、CAI。利用图片,帮助学生理解。拼读单词并帮助学生理解其含义。wave goodbye;be late for school ,do her homework , read a newspaper, play chess, take a walk及表示频度的副词。先开火车强化训练读音,再放到句子中操练.2、让学生们根据挂图简单地描述Katie的日常生活。Step 3Practice 1、自由读 齐读 分组读, 生生活动, 师生互动 Play games 单词游戏: Guessing games.2、Pairwork CAI集中图片,学生练习说话What time do you usually ?3、听课文A部分录音,模仿其主意、语调,掌握新词难句的正确读音。Answer: What time does Katie often have breakfast ?Step 4Intensive reading1、精读课文,判断正误。答案:1)Katie always gets up at six oclock. 2)Katie always waves goodbye to her mother at 6:40 am.3)Katies family often has breakfast at 6:45 am. 4)Katie returns home at 5:00 am5)Katie does her homework befor dinner. 6)Katie plays chess with her mother after dinner.2、听课文A部分录音,跟读。Step 5Consolidation1、根据黑板上的单词及图片复述课文。2、评价。3、练习。4、家庭作业。听磁带,背课文。教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题Unit 2 Katie always gets up early. P2教 学目 标1、复习巩固新单词和短语wave goodbye;be late for school ,do her homework , read a newspaper, play chess, take a walk及表示频度的副词。 2、能理解并复述课文; 3、能正确运用一般现在时谈论某人的一天。教 学 重 点难 点掌握本单元四会单词。理解并复述课文。教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1Warming up 1、师生问候。2、唱英语歌曲3、复习已学的单词: 用What time do you usually ? What time did you ?Step 2Presentation and drill1、CAI。利用图片,帮助学生回顾、理解、记忆。2、让学生们根据CAI图片简单地描述Katie的日常生活。3、Act out part A.Step 3Practice 1、P6 Lets practice T: 示范2、Groupwork: Talk about Peters day. 3、Pairwork 谈论自己的一天Step 4writing1、写出自己的一天2、说自己的一天.Step 5ReadingP7 Read and answer What does John do ?What does John study ?What did he see yesterday ?What is he going to do today ?Step 6Consolidation1、根据黑板上的单词及图片复述课文。2、评价。3、练习。4、家庭作业。听磁带,背课文。教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题 Unit 2 Katie always gets up early. P3教 学目 标1、复习巩固新单词和短语wave goodbye;be late for school ,do her homework , read a newspaper, play chess, take a walk及表示频度的副词。 2、背诵课文; 教 学 重 点难 点运用一般现在时谈论某人的一天。教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1Warming up 1、师生问候。2、唱英语歌曲3、复习已学的单词: 用What time does Katie usually ? Step 2Presentation and drill1、CAI。利用图片,帮助学生回顾、理解、记忆。2、让学生们根据CAI图片简单地描述Katie的日常生活。Step 3Practice 1、Talk about John.2、谈论自己的一天Step 4Listen and read Read aloud Part Dan old scientist, studies birds, get up, listen to birds singingwalk in the forests, find new birds , take photos of themdraw very well, draw nice pictures of birds old and young, big and small, never hurt them a few beautiful birds , sang very well , could not name them wait for them , come again, observe them take photos of them Step 5Lets write P8 Part E Fill in the blanks P8 Lets have fun. Lets rhymeStep 6Consolidation1、背诵Part A。2、评价。3、练习。4、家庭作业。听磁带,背课文。教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题Unit 3 I like my computer Period 1教 学目 标1、能听懂、会说新单词和短语email my friends , send greetings , in the world , search for a lot of things , find out about countries2、能理解并复述课文; 3、能理解并掌握情态动词can的用法。教 学 重 点难 点重点:掌握本单元四会单词。理解并复述课文。难点:理解can的用法教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1Warming up 1、师生问候。2、唱英语歌曲3、复习What s this ? Whats that ? 复习周边的物体,同时老师说We can .with it .Step 2Presentation and drill1、师指着自己的电脑问What s this ? Do you have a computer? Do you like your computer? What can we do with it?2、CAI利用图片,帮助学生理解。拼读单词并帮助学生理解其含义。email my friends , send greetings , in the world , search for a lot of things , find out about countries do his homework learn drawing and painting , play computer games , 先开火车强化训练读音,再放到句子中操练.3、让学生们根据CAI图片, 简单地描述电脑的功能, 理解并学会用can。Step 3Practice 1、自由读 齐读 分组读, 生生活动, 师生互动 Play games 单词游戏: Guessing games.2、Pairwork CAI集中图片,学生练习说话What can we do on the computers?3、听课文A部分录音,模仿其主意、语调,掌握新词难句的正确读音。Answer: What did Peter see yesterday ?Step 4Intensive reading1、精读课文,判断正误。答案:1)Peters father bought him a computer for New Year.2)Peter was very happy .3)Peters computer is very fast .4)Peter saw an interesting bird on the computer yesterday.5)We can search for a lot of things .6)We can find out about countries in the world .2、听课文A部分录音,跟读。Step 5Consolidation1、根据黑板上的单词及图片复述课文。2、评价。3、练习。4、家庭作业。听磁带,背课文。教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题Unit 3 I like my computer Period 2教 学目 标1、复习并巩固新单词和短语email my friends , send greetings , in the world , search for a lot of things , find out about countries2、能理解并复述课文; 3、巩固情态动词can的用法。教 学 重 点难 点重点:掌握本单元四会单词。理解并复述课文。难点:运用can 教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1Warming up 1、师生问候。2、唱英语歌曲3、复习email my friends , send greetings , in the world , search for a lot of things , find out about countries do his homework learn drawing and painting , play computer games , Step 2Presentation and drill1、师指着自己的电脑问 What can we do with it?CAI利用图片,帮助学生理解, 巩固并运用单词并帮助学生理解其含义。2、让学生们根据CAI图片, 简单描述电脑的功能, 理解并学会用can。Step 3Practice 1、P10 Part C Ask and answer in pairs .2、Pairwork CAI集中图片,学生练习说话What can we do on the computers?Step 4Lets read1、精读课文,判断正误。1)Dongdong was very sad.2)Dongdongs father bought him a computer as his present.3)He has a friend in Australia.4)He could email his friends and do his homework.5)Dongdong couldnt draw, but Peter could.6)Dongdong could search for a lot of things on the computer.2、听课文D部分录音,跟读。3、完成习题Fill in the blanks.Step 5Consolidation1、根据黑板上的单词及图片复述课文。2、评价。3、练习。4、家庭作业。听磁带,背课文。教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题Unit 3 I like my computer Period 3教 学目 标1、复习并熟练运用新单词和短语email my friends , send greetings , in the world , search for a lot of things , find out about countries2、灵活运用情态动词can。教 学 重 点难 点重点:掌握本单元四会单词。难点: can_ could的用法教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1Warming up 1、师生问候。2、唱英语歌曲3、复习email my friends , send greetings , in the world , search for a lot of things , find out about countries do his homework learn drawing and painting , play computer games , Step 2Presentation and drill学生谈论 What can we do with the computer?CAI利用图片, 巩固并熟练运用单词。2、让学生们根据CAI图片, 简单描述电脑的功能, 理解并学会用can。Step 3Practice 1、P10 Part C Ask and answer in pairs .2、Pairwork CAI集中图片,学生练习说话What can we do on the computers?Step 4Listen and read Read aloud Part D excited, bought him a computer, birthday present , email his friends , do his homework, wanted to learn , learn drawing and painting, show him , how to search for a lot of things, showed Dongdong some computer games, It isnt good for your eyes.Step 5Lets write P12 PartE Fill in the blanks P12 Lets have fun. Lets rhymeStep 6Consolidation1、背诵Part A。2、评价。3、练习。4、家庭作业。听磁带,背课文。教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题教 学目 标教 学 重 点难 点教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题教 学目 标教 学 重 点难 点教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题教 学目 标教 学 重 点难 点教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题教 学目 标教 学 重 点难 点教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计 教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题教 学目 标教 学 重 点难 点教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题教 学目 标教 学 重 点难 点教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计教学反思:(手写)教 案 总第 节教学内容或课题教 学目 标教 学 重 点难 点教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计教学反思:(手写)


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