2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit3 The land down under(第四课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit3 The land down under(第四课时)Teaching Aims:1.Review the Predicative.2.Review the important words and expressions learnt in this unit.3.Do some reading and writing to improve the students integrating skill.Teaching Important Points:1.Learn animals,size,population,agriculture and climate of Australia.2.Train the students writing.Teaching Difficult Point:Improve the students integrating skillsreading skill and writing skill.Teaching Methods:1.Fast reading to go through the reading material.2.Discussion method to finish the writing task.3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.a puter and a courseware2.a tape recorderTeaching Procedures:Step GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step RevisionT:In the last period,we reviewed the Predicative.Now Ill check your homework.Read the sentences you write one by one.(Then,teacher checks the students answers.)T:Then well do the exercise in Checkpoint 3.Please open your books and turn to Page 27plete the sentences by using the Predicative or the Predicative Clause.Do it by yourself first and then Ill ask some of you to give your answers.(After a while,teacher asks some students to read their sentences.)T:Are you ready?(Ss:Yes.)Whod like to plete the first sentence?Volunteer!S1:Teaching English as a foreign or second language has already bee mon all over the world.T:The sentence is very good.Now please plete the second one.S2:Two plus two is four.T:.S3:Shanghai is no longer what it used to be.S4:Her elder son has been in the countryside ever since the war broke out.T:Well done.Your sentences are quite right.Step ReadingT:Through the free talk,weve got much information about the cities,places of interest,national flag and national emblem of Australia.From the passage we read,weve also known the outline,history and language of Australia.Today,well read a passage to learn other things about it.Before reading it,please read the new words in this period and try to remember them.(After two minutes,teacher gives a dictation to the students.)T:Now read the passage quickly and find out which subjects are mentioned in it.(After a while,teacher asks a student to tell the other students the answers.)T:Whod like to give the answer?S5:The subjects are:geography,climate,sports,animals,population,agriculture and natural resources.(Teacher writes them on the blackboard while students are saying them.)T:Qight right.Now read the passage again and find detailed information and fill in the form on the screen.Information about AustraliaAnimals: _Distance: _Size: _Population: _Agriculture: _Natural resources: _Climate: _Sports: _ (A few minutes later,8 students are asked to fill in the form.One student,one blank.)Suggested answers:Animals:kangaroo,koala bear,parrot,snake,digo,sheep,cattleDistance:3220 km from north to south3860 km from east to westSize:the same as the USA(without Alaska)Population:18 millionAgriculture:wheat,fruit,vegetables,meat,winesNatural resources:metals,precious stones,coal,ironClimate:cool and wet winters,warm and dry summers in the south;warm and dry winters,hot and wet summers in the north;dry or desert in two thirds of the countrySports:tennis,sailing,swimmingT:OK.Now listen to the tape and find out the phrases and the difficult sentences one paragraph by one paragraph.(Teacher explains the difficult sentences orally and writes the phrases on the Bb:give birth to,keep out,round up,at weekends,off the northeast coast,in area)T:Now look at some sentences on the screen and master the usages of the underlined phrases better.(Show the screen.)1.She gave brith to a healthy baby last week.2.China is large in area and rich in sources.3.The room is three times as large as that one.4.They close all the windows to keep out the cold.5.They rounded up at the school gate.6.He doesnt go to school at weekends.He goes to school on weekdays.7.Taiwan Island is off the southeast coast of China. (Teacher asks the students to translate the sentences into Chinese and read them aloud.)Step Listening and DiscussionT:Now look at your books and listen to the tape.Pay attention to your pronunciation.(Teacher plays the tape for students to listen.After that,teacher gives students a few minutes to read aloud the passage.)T:Now youve learnt the main idea of the passage.But on Page 26 there are a few difficult questions about Australia.Lets have a discussion in groups of four to answer them.(While students are discussing,teacher goes among them to help them if necessary,then asks four students to answer them.)Suggested answers:1.Australia has so many plants and animals that cant be found anywhere else in the world.It lies in its position.Because it has oceans all around it and it is far away from the other continents,animals and plants in the country cant easily be taken to other continents.Whats more,it has special natural enviorenment and climate.So there are many different kinds of animals and plants from other continents.2.Kangaroos carry their young in a pocket of skin on their stomach for several months in order that they can keep the young babies warm and can feed milk to the young easily.At the same time,the young can be well protected until they are strong enough.3.Australia is different from all the other countries in the world in many ways,such as its position,its climate,its plants and animals.4pare the climate in different areas of Australia with that found in different parts of China.NorthSouthCenterSummerWinterSummerWinterAustraliahot,wetwarm,drywarm,drycool,wethot,dryChinahot,drycold,dryhot,wetwet,coolYes.The Climate in my area affects my life greatly.I live in the north.When winter es,I must wear thick clothes.I seldom go out for sports because it is very cold and sometimes it blows strong winds,especially when it snows,I must be careful if I want to go out,or Ill fall down.Whats more,it may hurt myself.Step WritingT:So much for the reading.Lets do the writing.Because of the position of Australia,there are many unusual animals in Australia.In this part,much information for three kinds of animals are givena wombat,a koala bear and a dingo.Now work in groups of four.First read the information for each animal,and then have a discussion to write a passage on a piece of paper to describe a kind of animal.Of course,you can describe your favourite animal.Lets begin,please.(Students are given enough time to discuss and write,and then teacher asks three students to read their passages.)Sample writing:Australian KoalasThe koala,which is also named “the koala bear” because of its appearance,is a very famous animal from Australia.It has two small eyes,a big nose,two large,hairy ears,but has no tail.The young koala baby lives in a pocket of skin on the mothers stomach to nurse until it is around one year old,when it rides on its mothers back.The koala bear lives in trees.It is considered as the worlds most strict eater.It only selects the leaves from a particular eucalyptus tree to eat while refusing hundreds of other trees of the same species.Eucalyptus leaves are low in energy-producing nutrients,so the koala sleeps for up to 20 hours a day on the eucalyptus tree.Therefore,it sleeps in the daytime and looks for food at night.It is native to Australia.It is just because of its picky eating habit that is putting the animal at risk.In addition,it moves very slowly.Maybe its related to their figures.Its slow movement makes it a frequent victim of dogs,cars and bushfires.It is in danger of extinction.The Australia government has made a lot of laws to protect the lovely and precious animal.Step TestT:In this unit weve learned some useful expressions.Have you remembered them?Now Ill give you a test about them.Look at the screen,please.plete the sentences,using the expressions learnt this unit.transform.into,go walkabout,break out,feed.on,round up,in area,as a consequence,have an influence on,give birth to1.During the election period,a big strike_in the place.2.He always _the dog _ meat.3.The guide_the tourists and let them back to the coach.4.Those so-called friends of hers_ her.5.She has_ three children.6.She was found guilty,and lost her job _.7.The kitchen is 12 square metres_.8.When they visited Australia,they _.9.Immigration made Australia _itself _the modern country as it is today.Suggested answers:1.broke out2.feeds.on.3.rounded up4.have a bad influence on5.given brith to6.as a consequence7.in area8.went walkabout9.transform.intoStep Summary and HomeworkT:Today weve read a passage about Australia.From it,weve known its geography,climate,natural,resources,size,agriculture and its population.Weve also learned some important words and phrases,such as plate,feed.on entire.(Write them on the Bb.)At the same time,you have been trained to write a passage.At last,weve had a test to review the important phrases learnt in this unit.After class,please write the passage written in class in your exercise-books.And review the contents in the whole unit.So much for today.Step The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 3The land down underThe Fourth PeriodSubjects:geography,climate,sports,animals,population,agriculture,natural,resourcesWords:entire,plate,fence,outing,claw,hairy,medium,bushyPhrases:give birth to,in area,keep out,round up,at weekends/on weekdaysStep Record after Teaching_


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