三年级英语下册 Unit 3 How Do You Come to School part a教案1 陕旅版.doc

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Unit 3 How do you come to school?教案 Part A1教学目标 一 知识目标:1重要单词: bus, train, ship, taxi, school, home2.重要短语: come to school, go home3.重要句子: How do you come to school?I come to school by bike.二 技能目标:会表达自己是怎样上学或者去某些地方。激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生养成良好的英语学习习惯。培养交际能力、合作精神和竞争意识。三 情感目标:珍爱生命,遵守交通规则。创设情境,培养学生主动学习、创造学习的能力。2学情分析 小学生天性好动爱玩,表现欲,求知欲旺盛,凡事以兴趣为主,很容易被新奇的事物所吸引,三年级学生接触英语的时间还不太长,整体的英语水平相对较低,受一些客观因素的影响,学生的知识经验、认知水平和语言表达能力都存在着差异。在教学时,教师要运用多种教学手段,开展灵活多样的教学活动,循序渐进,将新旧知识有机结合,对本单元知识加以巩固强化,从而让学生更好地掌握和拓展交通这一话题.3重点难点 Key points(教学重点)学会提问How do you come to school? 并能做出正确回答。Difficult points(教学难点)能把所学的句子在日常生活中应用.4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】IWarming up Greetings.Good morning/afternoon, class.How are you today?活动2【讲授】II.Presentationandpractice 一、Review and lead in1、ReviewT: Last lesson, we have learned family. Who is she? Yes, she is Kitty. And this is Kittys family tree. Who is he?2、Lead in1、Ss listen and answer.T: Well done! Today, they have something to tell you. Now listen carefully and tell me: how does Kitty come to school? By bike? By bus?Come to school, you know? Tick, tock, tick, tock. Its 7 oclock in the morning. We usually come to school at 7 oclock. Come to school.Go home, you know? Tick, tock, tick, tock. Its 5 oclock in the afternoon. We usually go home at 5 oclock. Go home.Go to the zoo. There are lots of animals there.2、Ss listen the words carefully and then repeat.(以复习第二单元的已知家庭成员导入新知,bike, car和plane在上学期已经学习过,也在这个环节中引入,在情境中,学生能更好地感知单词。在新单词新授环节以直拼法教学,采取总分总-听直拼听读的方式,让学生更好地感知并模仿单词的读音。)二、by and onLittle teacherT shows pictures,1 S read, then other Ss repeat.(by和on的区分,帮助学生辨别)三、TPRSs finish Ts sentences according to Ts actions.(Bsvs Gs: Lets see which team is better. OK? Stand up and say)T: En. On foot? Sometimes I come to school on foot.Sometimes I go to school by taxi.I go home by bus.I go to Beijing/Xian by plane.(在我做你说的环节,不仅很好地在句子中复习到了上一环节的单词,而且为下一个环节连词成句打基础,比如come to school变成go to school,以及go to Beijing/.在这个环节也引入了男女竞争,培养学生的竞争意识)四、Turntable1Sread, then other Ss repeat.T: Who can read?Can we come to school by ship? Can we go home by plane? Can we go to Hainan on foot?.(进一步熟悉单词,在这个环节中,学生能够体会到不合适交通工具的有趣。也在课间让学生有些许放松)五、Train game1、Tasks Ss answerT: Well, I come to school on foot. But I dont know how you come to school. So we can ask “How do you go to school?”Ssask1Sanswer.Choose1group to do the train game. All the Ss ask” How do you go to school?” when T shows a big question mark, the Ss in the group answer the question one by one.T: Oh! Do you want to know how he goes to school? Then you can ask”and answer with this sentence” I go to school_”(这个环节意在设计这个问句的整体操练以及单个学生的输出,确保在下一个调查环节每个学生都有能力去完成。)六、Survey.Good, you did a good job. Then Im sure you can finish this survey very well. I need 5 students.(T sets an example) Clear? Begin!(培养学生的交际意识、合作学习)七、ShowtimeNow, which team can come to the front and perform?(鼓励学生大胆说出来)活动3【活动】III.Consolidation Lets travel1、 T Shows some beautiful places and a mapT: We come to school and go home every day. Summer Vacation is coming. Do you want to go any beautiful places in our country? This is _?(Map)This is our countryChina. There are so many wonderful places.Which place do you want to go ? How?T sets an exampleT: How do you go to Beijing/Shanxi/Hainan?Ss: I go to Beijing by train.I go to Shanxi by taxi.I go to Hainan by ship.3、Ss make their travel plans themselves.T: Now Its your turn. Who can try? (Bs vs Gs)(教师示例环节首先保证学生能够看懂图片并根据图片表达去哪里的交通方式。这也是个集体输出与扩展的环节,联系生活实际,让学生能够在日常生活中使用本节课所学。本环节继续男女比赛竞争,激发学生的积极性。)活动4【讲授】IV、Emotionalgoal Cherish your life and obey the traffic rules.T: Its convenient for us to go so many wonderful places. By car. By bus. While enjoying your time, please obey the traffic rules. And cherish our life!(旅游是一件很开心的事情,但是一切都要在注意安全的前提下,遵守交通规则是我们能够做到的非常有效的一种保护自己的方式。)活动5【活动】V、Summaryoftheclass Girls did a better job. You go to school faster than boys. Congratulations! Clap your hands.活动6【活动】VI、Singasong. How do you come to school?The first time, just listen. The second time, sing together。(在轻松愉快的歌曲声中结束今天的课堂)活动7【作业】、Homework Make your own traveling plan.


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