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2019-2020年高中英语必修1U3Celebration-Lesson2PartiesTeaching aims:To practise listening for gist and for specific informationTo practise using modals: must, should/shouldnt, dont, have toTo revise areas of vocabulary connected with food and drinkTeaching difficulties:To practise using modals: must, should/shouldnt, dont, have toTeaching Aids: puter and cassetteTeaching procedures: . Warming upT: Do you like attending parties?S:T: ask the following questions to make students interested in the topicWhen did you last go to a party?What sort of party was it? How many people were there?What did they wear?What time did it start/ finish?What did people do?Did they enjoy it?S:T: On talking about the party we think of many words about it. Now look at these words, are you familiar with them?Show the key words to match their Chinese meanings T: teacher show some pictures to see how much they master these words. Talking and writingDo the exercise 2 students plete the sentences. Check answers by having students read the sentences aloudAsk students to write a short paragraph beginning “At our parties”and describe what happens at their own family parties (e.g. birthday, Spring Festival parties). Students can read each others papers and discuss the similarities and differences between the parties. ListeningDo the exercise 3In life there are always things worth celebrating such as: passing test, retiring, going to study abroad, getting a job with good salary and so on. Now lets listen to four peoples speech, judge why each person is celebrating?Students listen to the cassette twice and note down why each person is celebrating.Listen again and try to retell what they said.Do the exercise 4When we attend a party we should follow social customs what do you think should we do in parties? ( students will give some answers ) In exercise 4 you will get some useful advice. Now read through the advice, trying to plete the sentences and predicting what the answers will be.We will listen to about advice about how to behave in parties. (Play the cassette for students to check their answers.Listen the cassette again and do the following exercise1. When you are invited to a party in the UK , you _ A. neednt take anything. B. do as you are in China C. can take small gifts, such as a bottle of wine, or chocolates. D. cant take flowers except at wedding 2. Which of the following state is not true? A. You should wear a tie at weddings. B. Youd better not take the car driven by a stranger. C. Youd better arrive at the party earlier to help the host. D. Teenagers may drink a little.Answers: 1. C 2.C SpeakingDo the exercise 5and 6Suppose you have a foreign friend who receives an invitation to one of the following celebrations you will give him some advice. For example,What to wear; What presents to take ; When to arrive What to say; What not to do; When to leaveGive student some time to prepare the dialogue, have some of the pairs say their dialogue for the class. Do the exercise 7Ask students to match the expressions with different situation. Homework According to the following request , write a position.9/5号(星期天)上午11点,举行一次迎新Barbecue活动,地点是mills river park, 位于north Amherst,大约离学校10分钟车程,或者坐30路校车(在北村下),或31路校车(北村下一站),然后步行510分钟就可以到。Barbecue活动内容:1. 首选的当然是barbecue,欢迎所有的老生和新生,备有各种原料如烤牛排、火腿 鸡肉和各式调料,2.有游戏,还有各种球类活动,足球,篮球,网球,飞盘等。3.最重要的是,届时差不多每个系都有老生到场,可以向新生传授各种经验,认识很多朋友。

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