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2019-2020年高中英语每日一题第4周delight和thrill含解析新人教版必修 高考频度:难易程度:1. We were all _ to receive your letter and had read it _ delight.A. delighted; inB. delighting; inC. delighting; withD. delighted; with【参考答案】 D 【知识讲解】n.快乐;高兴;喜悦;vt.使高兴;使欣喜(much) to ones delight/to ones (great) delightto the delight of sb.使某人(大为)高兴的是take delight in (doing) sth.喜爱,以为乐It is a delight to do sth.做某事是一件令人愉快的事。To his great delight,his novel was accepted for publication. 使他极为高兴的是,他的小说被批准出版了。The boy takes delight in helping others. 这个男孩以帮助他人为乐。It is a delight to be invited to your birthday party. 受到邀请参加你的生日聚会是件快乐的事。【归纳拓展】delighted adj. 高兴的;快乐的 delightful adj. (指物)令人高兴的delight in doing sth 以做某事为乐with delight 高兴地【名师点津】(1)delight用作名词的基本意思是“快乐,高兴”,是不可数名词;表示“使人高兴的东西或人”时,是可数名词。(2)delighted和delightful都表示“高兴的”,区别是:delighted意为“感到高兴的”,所以主语是人;delightful意为“令人高兴的”,所以主语多是物或事情。2. _, he owns the first prize.A. To his much delightB. Much to his delightC. To his much delightfulD. Much to his delightful【参考答案】B 3. When he heard that he was admitted to Qinghua University, he jumped with .A. thrillB. frightC. sorrowD. terror【参考答案】A【试题解析】句意:当他听说他被清华大学录取的时候,他兴奋地跳了起来。thrill兴奋,激动;fright害怕;sorrow悲伤;terror恐惧。虽然四个选项都能与with搭配,但只有with thrill(兴奋地)符合题意。thrill n. 兴奋,激动 (to do sth)|(of doing sth) vt. 使激动;使胆战心惊It gave her quite a thrill to shake hands with the film star. 与那位电影明星握手使她非常兴奋。They were thrilled when the rescue team turned up. 当救援队出现时,他们激动万分。 thrilling adj. 令人感到兴奋的 thrilled adj. 非常兴奋的 be thrilled at/about/with sth 对(做)感到兴奋 be thrilled to do sth 【归纳拓展】1. Participants must sit down and not move or smile to in the contest.A. delightB. peteC. believeD. persist2. The news that Helen won the first prize _ her family and friends.A. challengedB. supportedC. defeatedD. delighted3. After ten days traveling, the couple arrived home, _.A. tired and delightedB. tired but delightedC. tiredly and delightedlyD. tiredly but delightedly4. Even though Ive been acting for 40 years, I still get a(n) out of going on stage.A. horrorB. thrillC. enjoymentD. tremble5. Have you seen the hot 3D movie Wolf Warriors?Its quite _.A. thrillingB. thrilledC. shockingD. shocked1. B【解析】考查动词。句意:参加这项竞赛,参加者必须坐下来不动不笑。pete参加比赛,符合语境。2.D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。challenge挑战;support支持;defeat击败;delight使高兴。句意:Helen获得第一名这个消息使她的家人和朋友都很高兴。3. B【解析】考查形容词作状语。A. tired and delighted又累又高兴;B. tired but delighted累但是很高兴;C. tiredly and delightedly又累又高兴;D. tiredly but delightedly累但是很高兴。句意:经过十天的旅行之后,这对夫妇到家了,很累但是很高兴。根据句意可知A、C项不符合句意,可排除;B项为形容词短语作状语,修饰主语所处的状态,与句意相符;而D项为副词短语作状语修饰动作arrived,与句意不符。故选B。 5. A【解析】考查形容词。thrilling“令人兴奋的;令人激动的”;thrilled“感到兴奋的;感到激动的”;shocking“令人震惊的”;shocked“感到震惊的”。从语境知3D影片战狼应是“令人激动不已的”,故选A项。进步从总结开始!

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