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2019-2020年高中英语Unit1LifestylesSectionLesson4教学案北师大版必修1原文呈现Debbie is an accountant in a large pany in the centre of London.I need to be in my office by nine oclock so I usually get up at seven oclock. I travel to work on “the tube”. Thats what people call the underground in London. It takes about fifty minutes. Usually, its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.I just stand. Im always tired before I arrive at work. I dont like the underground!I spend all morning checking numbers. Lunch is always simple. I often get a sandwich in a nearby sandwich shop or I just have some biscuits and a cup of coffee. Then in the afternoon, I return to the paperwork in the office. 读文清障accountant/kantnt/n.会计,会计师by prep.到为止tube/tjub/n.(英)地铁what引导表语从句,并在从句中作call的宾语。It takes . (to do sth.)(做某事)花费crowded/kradId/adj.拥挤的so . that .句式,表示“如此以至于”。be tired感到劳累be tired out非常疲倦(very tired)be tired with sth.因某事而劳累be tired of doing sth. 厌倦做某事Sb. spend(s) time (in) doing sth.某人花费时间做某事。nearby/nIbaI/adj.附近的adv.在附近放在被修饰词的前面或后面都可以。return v返回returngo back,不能说return back。第13段译文黛比是伦敦市中心一家大型公司的会计。我需要在9点钟前赶到办公室,所以我通常7点钟起床。我乘地铁上班。那就是人们所说的伦敦地铁。乘地铁大约需要50分钟。通常地铁很拥挤,以至于我很难找到座位。我只好站着。在到办公室之前,我总是感到很疲倦。我不喜欢乘地铁!每天上午我要计算数字,核对账目。午饭总是很简单,我常在附近的三明治店买个三明治,或只吃些饼干,喝杯咖啡。然后下午我返回办公室处理文字资料。On Monday nights, I have dance classes, and on Wednesday nights, I go to the gym. I need to do that because I dont get enough exercise otherwise. On Tuesday and Thursday nights, I have French classes. I work for a French pany so I think studying French will help me in my job.I go to the cinema almost every weekend. Sometimes, if the weather forecast is good,my friends and I drive to the countryside for a weekend break. We like to visit nice, quiet places far away from the city and go walking where there are no shops, crowds or the tube.That fresh air is so good for my lungs. I love it.need在此是实义动词,意为“需要”,后接名词、代词或动词不定式。enough adj.& adv.足够(的)enough修饰形容词、副词时需后置。otherwise/waIz/adv.否则;另外so连接两个并列分句,表因果关系。在第二个分句中,含有省略that的宾语从句;而动名词短语studying French在宾语从句中作主语。sometimes adv.有时(at times)forecast/fkst/n.& v预报;预测forecast的过去式、过去分词都为forecast或forecasted。if引导条件状语从句。drive to the countryside 开车去乡下far away from . 远离far from 远非crowd/krad/n.人群 a crowd of 一群where引导地点状语从句。 lung/l/n.肺第45段译文星期一晚上我上舞蹈课,而星期三晚上我去健身房。我需要运动,因为如果我不运动的话,我的运动量不够。星期二和星期四晚上我上法语课。我在为一家法国公司工作,所以我认为学法语对我的工作有益。几乎每个周末我都去看电影。有时,如果预报天气好的话,我会和朋友们开车去乡下度周末。我们喜欢去那些远离城市、风光秀丽、幽静的地方,喜欢在没有商店、人群、地铁的地方漫步。那里的新鲜空气对肺部有好处,我喜欢新鲜的空气。Paul lives in a small village in the north of England.I usually get up at four oclock every morning when its still dark. I live and work on the farm so I dont need to travel. After a big breakfast in my house, I walk out of the front door and Im already at work.There are many things to do on the farm all day. We dont have the same work hours that office workers in the city have. We do jobs when they need to be done and that could be early in the morning or late at night. I have cows, sheep, pigs and chickens on my farm. I have to make sure they are free of sickness. I also grow wheat and vegetables so there are many things to look after.in the north of 在北部表方位时,in表示在范围之内,on表示接壤,to表示在范围之外。on the farm 在农场at work 在工作;在运转that引导定语从句,修饰work hours。the same修饰定语从句的先行词时,若强调同一事物,引导词用that;若强调同类事物,引导词用as,译为“像一样”。when引导时间状语从句。need to be done 需要被做(need doing)that指代前面所提到的情况。late at night 半夜(at late night)make sure 确定,确保be free of . 免于;免除sickness/sIknIs/n.疾病动词不定式短语作定语,修饰things。第68段译文保罗住在英格兰北部的一个小村庄。我通常凌晨4点天还黑着的时候就起床。我在农场生活、工作,不用乘车上下班。在家里饱餐一顿早饭之后,我走出前门,开始一天的工作。在农场整天都有很多事要做。我们的工作时间和在城市办公室工作的人们不同,我们的工作时间依需要而定,可能在一大早,也可能是在半夜。我的农场里有牛、羊、猪、鸡,我必须确保它们不生病。我也种麦子和蔬菜,所以我有很多事情需要料理。In the evening, I like to play with my children. I have two children, a boy and a girl. They are six and eight years old. I also like to study. Right now I am studying Chinese by distance learning. I am very interested in China and its my dream to see the Great Wall one day.I love movies. My wife calls me a “movie fan”. But there isnt a cinema in my village so I dont get the chance to go very often. I go about twice a year, usually when I go to London with my family. We take a weekend break there when I am not too busy on the farm. My wife loves looking in the clothes shops and I like all the crowds and the noise. I also like to buy a few cigars. Unfortunately, my wife isnt as fond of them as I am. My son and daughter love to ride on Londons red buses and they especially love to go on the tube!play with . 和玩耍right now 此刻,现在;立即,马上(right away)distance learning 远程学习distance/dIstns/n.距离be interested in 对感兴趣it作形式主语,to see .是句子的真正主语。movie fan 影迷chance n机会;运气by chance 偶然动词不定式短语作定语,修饰the chance。when引导时间状语从句。take a break 休息一下(take a rest)love doing 喜欢做cigar/sI/n.雪茄烟unfortunately adv.遗憾地;不幸的是UnfortunatelyIt is unfortunate that .not as/so . as 不如第一个as是副词,表示“同样地”,第二个as引导比较状语从句。especially adv.特别;尤其(in particular/particularly)especially侧重达到的异常程度。specially强调专门的用途和目的。第910段译文晚上我喜欢和孩子们一块儿玩。我有两个孩子,一男一女,一个6岁,一个8岁。我也喜欢学习。目前我正在通过远程教育学习汉语。我对中国很感兴趣。我一直梦想着有一天能亲眼看看长城。我喜欢电影。妻子称我为影迷。但是我们村没有电影院,所以我没有机会经常去看电影。我一年大约看两次电影,通常是在和家人去伦敦的时候。只要农场活不太多,我们会抓住机会度周末。我妻子喜欢逛服装店,我喜欢看看人群、听听城市的嘈杂声。我还喜欢买几支雪茄烟。遗憾的是,我妻子不像我那样喜欢它们。我的儿子和女儿喜欢乘坐伦敦的红色公共汽车游览观光,而且他们特别喜欢乘地铁!FastreadingScan the text and finish the following question.What is the main idea of the text?The text is mainly about the_two_lifestyles_in_city_and_country.Carefulreading1Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.(1)How long is it from Debbies home to her pany?AFifty minutes walk.BFifty minutes by underground.CFifty minutes by bus.DFifty minutes by bike.(2)Why doesnt Debbie like to go to work on “the tube”?AIts always too crowded.BShe is sometimes late if she goes to work on “the tube”CThe underground is not fast enough.DShe cant catch “the tube” sometimes.(3)Debbie works for a French pany so she _.Ahas dance classes on Monday nightsBgoes to the gym on Wednesday nightsChas French classes on Tuesday and Thursday nightsDgoes to the cinema almost every week(4)When Pauls family take a weekend in London, _.Athe children love looking in the clothes shopsBthe husband will go to moviesCthe wife likes to buy cigarsDthey love to ride on red buses or the tube(5)From the second passage we know Paul is _ his life.Aunsatisfied withBgetting bored ofCdisappointed with Dsatisfied with答案:(1)(5)BACBD2Fill in the chart with the information in the text.NameDebbiePaulBasicsShes an _ in a large firm in London.He lives in a small _ in the Northern England.Wakeup time _ oclock_ oclockTransportation(交通工具)She travels to work on the _.He lives and works on the _.Working hours8 hoursall dayEveningactivities_ classes, go to the gym, French classesplay with his _, study by distance learningSpecialactivitiesShe goes to the _ almost every weekend. Sometimes she drives to the country and goes walking with her friends.He loves _. He goes about twice a year, usually when he goes to London with his family.答案:accountantvillagesevenfourundergroundfarmdancechildrencinemamovies一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.nearby adj. 附近的adv. 在附近2.otherwise adv. 否则,另外3.forecast n. 预测;预报4.lung n. 肺5.cigar n. 雪茄烟6.chance n. 机会,可能(性).拓展词汇1.accountant n会计,会计师account n账户;账目2.crowded adj.拥挤的crowd v拥挤n.人群,一伙人3.sickness n疾病sick adj.生病的4.distance n距离distant adj.遥远的5.imagine vt.想象,猜想imagination n想象力1. forecast vt.预报;预告n.预测;预报记法fore前缀表示“在之前”词块the weather forecast 天气预报2.sickness n疾病记法adj.后缀ness(性质,状态)名词联想盘点后缀ness名词ill 生病的illness 疾病dark 黑暗的darkness 黑暗kind 慈善的,宽容的,善良的kindness 好意3.crowded adj.拥挤的记法v后缀(e)d(有/具的特征)形容词联想构成后缀(e)d形容词集锦frighten v使惊吓frightened 惊吓的excite v使兴奋excited adj.兴奋的,激动的delight v使高兴delighted adj.高兴的二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.far away from 远离2make sure 确保;保证3be at work 在工作4be free of 免除;摆脱5be interested in 对感兴趣6be fond of 喜欢7play with 与一块儿玩8be good for 对有好处1.have French classes上法语课2late at night 深夜3get the chance 得到机会4take a weekend break 周末休息5get enough exercise 得到足够的锻炼6go to the cinema 去看电影7go walking 去散步8distance learning 远程学习三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Thats what people call the underground in London.那就是人们所说的伦敦地铁。what引导表语从句,且在从句中作call的宾语。Visiting Beijing is what_I_want_to_do_most this summer holiday. 这个暑假我最想做的事是参观北京。2.Usually, its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.通常地铁很拥挤,以至于我很难找到座位。so . that“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。The film is so_moving_that I want to see it again.这部电影太感人了,我还想再看一遍。3.We dont have the same work hours that office workers in the city have.我们的工作时间和在城市办公室工作的人们不同。the same . that .结构中,that为关系代词,引导定语从句。He works in the_same_pany_that I do.他和我在同一家公司工作。4.Unfortunately, my wife isnt as fond of them as I am.遗憾的是,我妻子不像我那样喜欢它们。as . as .意为“像/和一样”,表同级比较。I havent known him as_long_as_you.我认识他的时间没有你长。1(教材P14)Usually, its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.通常地铁很拥挤,以至于我很难找到座位。crowded adj.拥挤的;挤满的;装满的(1)be crowded with挤满(2)crowd n& v. 人群;拥挤,聚集crowd in 大批涌入crowd into . 大批涌入a crowd of/crowds of 一群the crowd 群众,民众On the National Day, the streets were crowded with a large number of people.国庆节这天,大街上人头攒动。As soon as the gate was opened, the people around crowded into the supermarket.超市大门一开,四周的人都蜂拥而入。There were a_large_crowd_of people in the hall.大厅里有一大群人。语境串记The crowd crowded into the stadium which was crowded with audience.人们挤进体育馆里,里面挤满了观众。2(教材P14)I often get a sandwich in a nearby sandwich shop or I just have some biscuits and a cup of coffee.我常在附近的三明治店买个三明治,或只吃些饼干,喝杯咖啡。nearby(1)adj.附近的,不远的Can you tell me the way to a nearby church?你能告诉我去附近的教堂的路吗?Can you introduce another hotel nearby?你能介绍一下附近的另外一家旅馆吗?名师点津nearby用作形容词时,既可以作前置定语又可以作后置定语。(2)adv.在附近The plane landed_nearby because of the emergency.因为突发事件,飞机在不远处着陆。(3)prep.在附近We are going to build a new school nearby_the_station.我们打算在车站附近新建一所学校。3(教材P14)I need to do that because I dont get enough exercise otherwise.我需要运动,因为如果我不运动的话,我的运动量不够。otherwise(1)adv.在其他方面;另外;否则,要不然I will try my best to do it. I will not make a promise otherwise.我会尽全力去做的,否则我就不会作出承诺了。The rent is a bit high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory.这幢房子租金贵了点,但在其他方面倒是令人满意。(2)conj.要不然,否则(通常用于“祈使句otherwise陈述句”句型)Youd better go now, otherwise youll miss the train.你最好现在就走,要不然就赶不上火车了。Seize the chance, otherwise you will regret it.抓住机会,要不然你会后悔的。名师点津otherwise一般用于句中、句首或者句末。用于句中一般作连词,后面连接句子;用于句末时常作副词,修饰动词或者整个句子。4(教材P15)I have to make sure they are free of sickness.我必须确保它们不生病。make sure确保;保证(1)make sure that .确保make sure of/about sth. 弄清楚/查明/确定某事(2)be sure to do sth. 务必 /一定会做某事be sure 肯定,对有把握Internet shopping will ready take off when people make sure that it is safe.当人们确信了网购的安全性时,它就已经成功了。Youd better make sure of/about the exact time of the arriving train.你最好弄清楚火车到达的确切时间。Be sure to_switch_off the light when you leave the office.你离开办公室时务必把灯关掉。Im not quite sure about/of his telephone number.我不确定他的电话号码。名师点津make sure后一般不跟不定式。be free of免除;摆脱They like living in a village, free of crowds and noise.他们喜欢住在乡村,没有人群和喧闹。be free from不受影响;无的be/feel free to do sth. 自由地做某事set free 释放free of charge 免费for free 免费地It was several weeks before he was pletely free of/from pain.过了几个星期他的疼痛才完全消除。If you spend 100 yuan in our store this Sunday, you will get a present free_of_charge/for_free.如果这个星期天你能在我们店里消费满一百元,你将免费得到一份礼物。Since you have finished your work, you are free to_do (do) whatever you like.既然你已完成了你的工作,那你就可以做你想做的任何事了。Without enough evidence, the police had to set_free the suspect of the accident.由于没有充足的证据,警察不得不释放了这起事故的嫌疑犯。名师点津表示“不受伤害/影响”时,be free of相当于be free from。5(教材P15)Right now I am studying Chinese by distance learning.现在我正通过远程教育学习汉语。distance n距离,路程,远处in the distance在远处(在很远的那边)at/from a distance 隔开一段距离,从远处at a distance of . 在远的距离keep sb. at a distance 对某人冷淡;与某人疏远keep ones distance from sb./sth.与某人/某物保持一定距离You can see the ancient ruins in the distance.你在远处可以看到古代的废墟。We saw them waving to us at_a_distance_of two hundred metres.我们在相距200米处就看到他们在向我们招手示意。It was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone at_a_distance.很难搞懂她,因为她总是与每个人保持一定距离。When driving, you must keep your distance from the car ahead of yours.开车的时候,一定要和你前面的车保持一定距离。形象记忆6.(教材P15)But there isnt a cinema in my village so I dont get the chance to go very often.但是我们村没有电影院,所以我没有机会经常去看电影。chance n机会,可能(性),偶然v.偶然,碰巧(1)可能have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事There is a/no chance that .有/没有机会(可能)take a chance/chances 冒险by chance 偶然,意外地(2)It chances that .It happens that .碰巧chance to dohappen to do 碰巧做I chanced to meet an old friend in the park today.今天我在公园碰巧遇见一位老朋友。Theres a chance that/Chances (chance) are that she left her keys in the office.她有可能把她的钥匙落在办公室了。Its no use arguing with him. There_is_no_chance_that he will change his mind.和他争吵是没有用的,他不可能改变主意。Only in this way can you have a chance to_achieve (achieve) your goal.只有通过这种方式,你才有机会实现你的目标。1Thats what people call the underground in London.那就是人们所说的伦敦地铁。(1)句中what引导表语从句并在从句中作call的宾语,what意为“的东西”。(2)what可引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句,它引导名词性从句时可在从句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语。Shanghai is no longer what it used to be 20 years ago.上海不再是20年前的样子了。(what引导表语从句,并在从句中作表语)What you have done might do harm to other people.你所做的事可能会对别人有害。(what引导主语从句,并在从句中作宾语)I dont know what kind of job he is looking for.我不知道他在找什么样的工作。(what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作定语)He has no idea what a good accountant Maggie is.(同位语从句)他不知道玛吉是个多么优秀的会计。名师点津what和that引导名词性从句的区别:(1)what在引导名词性从句时具有三大特点:不可省略,作成分,有词义;(2)that在引导名词性从句时具有三大特点:不可省略(宾语从句除外),不作成分,没有词义。What impressed me most was that such a little boy could play the violin so well.令我印象最深的是,那么小的男孩儿能把小提琴拉得如此好。2Usually, its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.通常地铁很拥挤,以至于我很难找到座位。本句属于so . that .结构,其中that引导结果状语从句,so是副词,修饰形容词或副词。该结构的具体形式为:His plan was so practical that we all agreed to accept it.他的计划如此实用以至于我们大家都同意接受它。We had so much homework to do that we had no time to take a rest.我们有如此多的家庭作业要做,所以我们没有时间休息。It was such a cold day that nobody wanted to do anything.It was so_cold_a_day that nobody wanted to do anything.天气很冷,谁都不想做事。They are such little children that they cannot understand what you say.这些孩子很小,他们不理解你说的是什么。巧学助记口诀巧记so/such . that .句型中so与such的选用名前such,形/副so;多多少少(many/much/few/little)也用so;little一词特殊记,“小”用such,“少”用so。.单句语法填空1Youd better keep this kind of person at a distance.2Ive got one more page to write; otherwise Ive finished.3Tell John not to leave the house unless he makes sure that the lights are turned off.4As I was seated there waiting to be interviewed, many thoughts crowded into my mind.5We all envy children, for they are free of/from worries and sadness usually.完成句子1There was so_much_work_to_do (如此多的工作要做) that everybody got bored.2Our new teacher, who now lives nearby my house, came_from_a_nearby_city (来自附近的一个城市)3What_surprised_me_most (让我最吃惊) was his way of speaking.4They chanced/happened_to_stay (碰巧待在) at the same hotel yesterday.5In_the_distance (在远处), the sky was beginning to brighten.一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1She works as an accountant (会计师) in a big pany and she deals with figures all day long.2The bus is so crowded (拥挤的) that there is no room to stand.3His sickness (疾病) made him stay in hospital for four weeks!4After the accident, the driver was sent to a nearby (附近的) hospital at once.5Right now Tom is studying Chinese by distance (远程) learning.6He was having a meeting, otherwise (否则) he would have e over to help us.7I heard on the TV that day that there was a forecast (预报) for rain the next day.8Surprisingly, the man died of lung (肺) cancer, but he never smoked.单句语法填空1Church bells rang in the distance; the sound could be easily heard at a distance of two miles.2Its not as hard as I thought.3I met my old friend by chance while shopping there.4What struck me most in the movie was the fathers deep love for his son.5The doctor thought it would be good for you to have a good rest.6As a matter of fact, all the boys are not interested in playing (play) football.7Dave is such a smart boy that we all like to play with him.8Jims very fond of telling other people what to do.选词填空far away from, be fond of, set free, play with, take a chance, make sure of, crowd in, in the distance 1The factory where his father works is far_away_from my hometown.2When traveling in Yunnan Province, visitors always see mountains covered by white snow in_the_distance.3He was_fond_of drawing when he was a child.4He is just taking_a_chance to walk on such a thin rope now.5She tried to sleep, but too many thoughts crowded_in on her.6He said he had done it, but we couldnt make_sure_of it.7All the war prisoners have been set_free.8After he had finished the homework, the boy went out to play_with his little fellows.课文语法填空Debbie is an accountant in a large pany in London. She often travels to work by tube. Usually, it is so crowded (crowd) that she cant find anywhere to sit. She often spends all morning checking (check) numbers. For lunch she often gets a sandwich in a nearby sandwich shop. She often attends dance classes and goes to the gym in order to get enough exercise. At the weekend she sometimes drives to the countryside with her friends if the weather forecast is good. Debbie and her friends like to go walking where there are no shops, crowds or the tube. And the fresh air is so good for her lungs.She loves it.Paul lives in a small village in the north of England. He lives and works on the farm. There are many things to do on the farm all day. He works hard to make sure the cows, sheep, pigs and chickens on his farm are free of sickness (sick). In the evening he likes to play with his children. Now he is_studying (study) Chinese by distance learning. When Paul and his family are in London he likes to buy a few cigars. Unfortunately, his wife isnt as fond of them as he is.His children love to ride on Londons red buses and they especially (especial) love to go on the tube!.串点成篇微表达大学毕业(graduate)之后,我的表妹露茜没有回自己的家乡,也没在附近的(nearby)城市工作,而是选择了远离(far away from)家乡的大都市上海就职。换句话说,她的工作地点和她的家乡有很长的一段距离(distance)。因此,她很可能(chances are that)不会经常回去看望自己的父母。最令她感到难过的是(what makes her upset most),每年春节都不能和她父母一起度过。但她真的很喜欢(be fond of)这份工作,要不然(otherwise)她也不会一直待在这个拥挤的(crowded)城市里。After_graduating_from_University,_my_cousin,_Lucy,didnt_go_back_to_her_hometown_orworked_in_the_nearby_cities._She_chose_to_work_in_Shanghai_which_is_far_away_from_her_hometown._In_other_words,_there_is_a_long_distance_between_her_workplace_and_hometown.So_chances_are_that_she_cant_visit_her_parents_very_often._What_makes_her_upset_most_isthat_she_cant_return_to_spend_Spring_Festival_with_her_parents_every_year.She_is_reallyfond_of_her_job,_otherwise_she_wont_stay_in_the_crowded_city_all_the_time.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空The Town

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