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2019-2020年高中英语Unit13Lesson2PersonalitiesandJobs教案北师大版必修5教学目标听说读写围绕着一个主话题而展开,着重培养学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。语言知识技能:通过运用所学词汇句型,进行个性与工作的描述及交流,培养英语交际能力。通过阅读提取信息。学习策略:掌握个性表达的形容词的学习策略(构词法,同义词,反义词,词汇的分类及性质)及表达观点的句型。情感态度:通过对自己进行正确的个性评价,发现自己或别人的优点和缺点。从而更好为自己选择适合的工作或为他人提供工作选择的建议。文化意识:通过阅读了解不同国家的人的特征,形成跨文化交际的意识教学过程Step 1 Lead in Ask students whether they have a special summer holiday. Did they do part-time job?Step 2 Personality adjective Vocabulary l Picture Presentation (relate the job to the personalities)l Match the definition of the personality adjectives.Key words : confident creative intelligent persistent sympathetic patient sociable independent municative1.A _person is sure that he or she can do something or deal with a situation successfully.2.Someone _ would care only about himself and not about other people.3.Someone _ is clever and good at understand ideas and thinking quickly.4.A _ person can wait for a long time for something without getting angry or worried.5.Someone _ is good at producing new ideas.6.A _ person feels sorry for others who are suffering and wants to help them.7.Someone _ would continue to do something even though it is difficult.8.A _ person is friendly and fond of being with others.9.An _ person is confident and able to do things by himself in his own way, without help or advice from other people.10.Someone _is able to talk easily to other people.l Build up a word bank of Personality adj. (Group work) Positive +Negative Confident creative intelligent diligent/hard-working persistent Sympathetic patient sociable Independent municativeselfish Lazy careless introvertedPessimistic hasty(草率的) nosy(多管闲事的)ruthless(冷酷无情的)stubborn timid/awkward胆小的 impulsive shy Careful active dedicated dutiful/responsible Sweet-tempered tireless carefreeenergetic extroverted/outgoing Optimistic cooperative adaptable Dependable adventurous conservative /cautious (保守的,小心谨慎的) polite enthusiastic courageous humorous incisive (敏锐的)trustworthy passionate Ambitious popular strong-minded determined well-adjusted well-organized Personalities job neededTeacher: patient, dedicated, municative , learned , dutiful ,motivated , carefulDoctor: patient , learned , dedicated .Nurse: sweet-tempered careful sympatheticPolice /firefighter: disciplined , responsible, courageous adventurousLeader : independent , sociable , well-organized , responsible, cooperativeDesigner : creative, incisiveLawyer: expressive, municativeStep 3 Listening The first time: answer the questions1.Which student believes that puter programmers are not sociable but they have to be creative.?2.What characteristics do the students think that tour guides should have?3.Liliang said, “They must never give up.” Which job is he talking about here?4.What is Wang shus opinion about people who wish to be nurses?5.Who wants to be a doctor?The second time: plete the Function FilenInformal What do you (1)_ when you leave school, Shuhui? Any ideas? I havent (2)_. What about you?(3)_! You could make or repair things. Yeah. I like being active. I dont like(4)_doing nothing.Well , youre always !(5)_or making different things at home, arent you?(6) _then!nFormal I think I am _when people are ill. I believe I will always _for my patients. That is most important. Do you _ or do you interrupt when people are talking ? Thats _.Language focus: They way to express opinion I think / believe / guess/Step 4 Speaking and writing-Personality and Job description Task 1 Individual workChoose one or two words that can best describe your personalities trait (obvious characteristic), and add some details. For example:I think/believe/guess/consider I am when.because.Id like to be I think I am suitable forIt would be a fit for me.Task 2 Group workgive a job to your classmates that would be ideal or unsuited for him or her, and tell why. Options : teacher doctor nurse lawyer kindergarten teacher, firefighter police, cook salesperson airplane pilot , actor , singer, fashion designer, novelist, DJ ,farmer, politician, journalist, tourist guide, fashion model ,directorExample:Jack is quite critical. I think the best job for him is a wine taster, because they would have very high standards and wouldnt be afraid of telling the truth about poor wines. But I dont think he would be suitable for a kindergarten teacher, because he may not do enough to encourage the children.Task 3 Discussion: the qualities we need the most if we want to achieve success Diligence adaptability optimism creativityStep 5 Personalities and national stereotype 1. Reading Task: Match the descriptions of personality traits with the nationalities. Personality traits nationalitiesPassionate and emotional AmericansHard-working and motivated AustraliansSerious and critical BritishReserved and cold ChineseLoud and rude GermansSelf-confident and patriotic ItaliansHow is Chinese/French/Japanese/British viewed in your own eyes.Tell me why do you think so. punctual tolerant romantic respectful hard-working emotional outgoing nationalistic well-dressed humorous lazy sophisticated hospitable talkative sociable serious quiet formal aggressive polite rude arrogant ignorant casual 2. Guessing GameGroup work Guess which country is he/she from? According to your understanding to the articles, make a dialogue or just act out a short play , then let the other student guess which country you are from. Step 5 Assignment Writing: your personalities and suitable job for you, and try to give more details and reasons. Oral report: Your task is to do research into the stereotypes concerning British or Chinese and its citizens. Your main source of information is the Internet. Your findings will then be reported back to the rest of the class .It might be a power point presentation, a poster presentation, a written report. You are

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