四年级英语上册 Module 8达标测试卷 外研版.doc

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Module 8 时间:40分钟满分:100分一、听录音,选出你听到的单词或短语。(10分)() 1. A. sitB. visitC. want() 2. A. planeB. playC. day() 3. A. seaB. sheC. say() 4. A. oclockB. lookC. clock() 5. A. get upB. put upC. get on二、听录音,根据录音内容将人物与相应的图片连线。(5分)1. Lily2. Tom3. Dawei4. Sam5. Xiaoxin三、听录音,判断你所听句子与所给图片是(T)否(F)一致。(5分)四、听录音,选出你所听句子的汉语意思。(10分)() 1. A. 我们要去参观海南。 B. 我们要去参观泰山。() 2. A. 该睡觉了,孩子们。 B. 该上学了,孩子们。() 3. A. 我们将坐公交车去参观公园。 B. 我们将坐公交车去参观动物园。() 4. A. 埃米要去放风筝。 B. 萨姆要去骑马。() 5. A. 它要去钓鱼。 B. 它要吃鱼。五、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10分)() 1. A. Im running in the park.B. Im going to visit the zoo. () 2. A. Were going to get up at 5 oclock.B. Were going to Hainan. () 3. A. Im from China.B. Im a boy. () 4. A. A swimsuit.B. A tiger. () 5. A. Im going there by bike.B. Im going there at seven oclock. 六、选择合适的短语填空。(12分)get upvisit my grandmain the searow a boaton Sundayby bus1. Shes going to _ on the lake. 2. Im going to _ with my mother. 3. Sam is going to swim _. 4. Were going to visit the zoo _. I like buses. 5. Theyre going there _. 6. Mum is going to _ at 5 oclock. 七、判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)一致。(10分)() 1. This is Xiaoyongs bag. () 2. We are going by bus. () 3. Im going to visit the lions. () 4. We are going to get up at 5 oclock. () 5. Daming is going to take some pictures. 八、单项选择。(8分)() 1. This is _ swimsuit. A. XiaoyongB. XiaoyongsC. Xiaoyongs() 2. Im going to _ in the sea. A. swimmingB. swimmingC. swim() 3. They _ the zoo tomorrow. A. are going to visitB. visitingC. visit() 4. _ is going to visit her grandma. A. IB. TheyC. Amy() 5. Were going to get _ at 5 oclock. A. toB. atC. up() 6. Were going _. A. sit planeB. on planeC. by plane() 7. I _ China. A. is forB. am fromC. is from() 8. Lingling is going to row a boat. Shes going to _ too. A. fishB. plays footballC. flies a kite九、根据汉语意思选择正确的英文句子。(5分)() 1. 我明天要去参观海南。A. Im going to visit Hainan tomorrow. B. Im going to swim in the sea. () 2. 我准备喝些果汁,妈妈。A. Im going to eat some bread, Mum. B. Im going to drink some juice, Mum. () 3. 这是小勇的包。A. This is Xiaoyongs bag! B. This is Xiaoyongs swimsuit!() 4. 我打算5点起床。A. Im going to swim at 5 oclock. B. Im going to get up at 5 oclock. () 5. 我们要去公园放风筝。A. Im going to fly a kite in the park. B. Were going to fly kites in the park. 十、学校放暑假了,Liu Xin一家准备明天去海南游玩。下面是Liu Xin和爸爸的谈话记录,请你选择合适的选项将他们的对话补充完整。(10分)Dad: 1. _Liu Xin: Hooray! By train or by plane?Dad: 2. _Liu Xin: Thats great. 3. _Dad: 4. _And were going to visit lots of beautiful places(地方). But now its nine oclock. 5. _Liu Xin: OK. Good night, Dad. Dad: Good night. A. What are we going to do there?B. Time for bed. C. Were going to Hainan tomorrow. D. Were going to swim in the sea. E. Were going there by plane. 十一、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分)Tomorrow, Sam and Amy are going to get up at five oclock. They are going to the zoo with their dad and mum. Theyre going there by bus. Amy wants to see lions,tigers and elephants. Theyre going home at four oclock in the afternoon. Sam is going to watch TV at six oclock. Amy is going to go to bed at nine oclock. () 1. Sam is going to get up at _ oclock. A. 7B. 5C. 6() 2. Theyre going to the _. A. zooB. cinemaC. park() 3. Theyre going there _. A. by bikeB. on footC. by bus() 4. Sam is going to _ at six oclock. A. fly a kiteB. swimC. watch TV() 5. Amy is going to go to bed at _ oclock. A. 9B. 8C. 10十二、(新型题) 根据图片提示补全句子,组成一篇小短文。(5分) Tomorrow, Xiaoyong is going to _ at seven _ in the morning. He is going to _ the zoo. He is going to _ football at 12 oclock. He is going to _ at 4 oclock in the afternoon. Module 8 达标测试卷听力材料:一、1. visit2. plane3. sea4. oclock5. get up二、1. Lily is going to swim tomorrow. 2. Tom is going to watch TV on Sunday. 3. Dawei is going to bed at nine oclock. 4. Sam is going to visit the zoo. 5. Xiaoxin is going to get up at six oclock. 三、1. Were going to visit Hainan tomorrow. 2. Dad is going to Guangzhou by plane. 3. Daming is going to take some pictures. 4. Im going to ride a horse. 5. Theyre going to visit the zoo on Sunday. 四、1. Were going to visit Hainan. 2. Time for bed, children. 3. Were going to visit the zoo by bus. 4. Sam is going to ride a horse. 5. Its going to fish. 五、1. What are you going to do?2. Where are you going?3. Where are you from?4. What can you see in the zoo?5. How are you going there?Keys:一、1. B2. A3. A 4. A5. A二、1. B2. D3. E4. C5. A三、1. F2. T3. T4. F5. F四、1. A2. A3. B4. B5. A五、1. B2. B3. A4. B5. A六、1. row a boat2. visit my grandma 3. in the sea4. by bus5. on Sunday6. get up七、1. F2. F3. T4. F5. T八、1. B 点拨 表示“的”用名词所有格,一般在名词后加s。2. C3. A 点拨 因为句子中有tomorrow,故选A。4. C 5. C6. C7. B8. A九、1. A2. B3. A4. B5. B十、1. C2. E3. A4. D5. B十一、1. B2. A3. C4. C5. A十二、get up; oclock; visit; play; fish

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