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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4Sharing第1课时试题含解析新人教版选修重 点单 词1. adj. 泥泞的;泥土般的 2. n. 观念;概念3. adj. 有关的;切题的 4. adj. 遥远的;偏僻的5. vi.& vt. 调整;(使)适合 6. vi. 参与;参加7. conj. 否则;不然 adv. 用别的办法,其他方面8. n. 特权;特别优待 9. _n. 航空邮件10. n. 安排;排列 11. adj.& adv. 每周(的)12. _ n. 两星期 13. _ n. 屋顶,车顶14. _n. 教科书,课本 15. _n. 杂草16. _n. 台,平台;讲台 17. _n. 扫帚18. _ vi.& vt. 嗅;闻,用鼻子吸 19. _n. 文书工作重 要短 语1. hear 收到的信2. (be)dying 极想;渴望3. the day 不久前的一天4. up 多达5. e (偶然)遇见,碰见6. to be 诚实地说7. dry (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透8. dry (指河流、井等)干涸关键句 型1. The other day I was showing the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when,before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling over everywhere!不久前的一天,我正在给男孩子们做每周一次的化学实验演示,我还没明白怎么回事,混合剂就到处冒气泡了!2. But last weekend another teacher,Jenny,and I did visit a village which is the home of one of the boys,Tombe.不过,上周末我和另外一位叫珍妮的老师真的去了一个村庄,那是其中一个男生汤贝的家。3. When hot,he placed them in an empty oil drum with kau kau(sweet potato),corn and greens.待(石块)烧热之后,他把它们连同考考(红薯)、玉米和青菜一起放进一个空的油桶中。4. We walked for two and a half hours to get therefirst up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.我们走了两个半小时到那儿。先爬到山脊,在那儿我们欣赏了优美的风景,然后下了一个陡坡到了下面的山谷。【答案】重点单词1.muddy2.concept3.relevant4. remote5.adjust6.participate7.otherwise8. privilege9. airmail 10.arrangement11.weekly12. fortnight 13. roof 14. textbook15. weed 16. platform 17. broom 18. sniff 19. paperwork重要短语1.from 2.to 3.other 4.to 5.across6.honest 7.out 8.up之重点单词1. volunteer n.志愿者;v.自愿volunteerfor sth/doingsth表示志愿/自动申请某事;志愿/自动申请做某事。volunteertodosth表示自愿/义务/无偿做某事。They need some volunteers to help paint the house.他们需要几个自愿帮助漆房屋的人。【跟踪典例】The girl worked as a _ _(教师志愿者) in the mountainous area for three years.Now lets recite the poem we learned last week. Any_?If you wish to join our mittee and volunteer _ the betterment of the whole school, please register in the Admissions Office.【答案】volunteer teacher【解析】volunteer可以当名词和动词使用。作名词时,可以在句中充当定语。a volunteer teacher一个教师志愿者。volunteers【解析】本题题意:现在背诵上周学的那首诗。谁自告奋勇?volunteer表示志愿者。for【解析】本题题意:如果您愿意加入委员会,成为学校的志愿者,请到入学办公室报名。volunteer自愿;自愿服务,常常和介词for连用。2. relevant adj.有关的;切题的;有实际价值的His nationality is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.他的国籍与他是否是一位好律师无关。Do you have the relevant experience?你有相关的经验吗?【知识拓展】be relevant to与有关be related to与有关be concerned with与有关be involved in与有关be associated with与有关relevance n关联,贴切,中肯relevantly adv.有关地;切题地irrelevant adj.无关的;不切题的be irrelevant to sth/sb与某物/人不相关【跟踪典例】What he said was not directly relevant_ what he had done.The criminal, as well as some _ people, was arrested by the police yesterday.【答案】to【解析】句意为他说的话与他所做的事情没有直接的关系。be relevant to.与有关。relevant【解析】句意:那个罪犯,连同一些相关的人昨天被警方逮捕了。relevant相关的。3. remote adj.遥远的;偏僻的remote control遥控(器)be remote from离远;与相差很大The old man lives in a house remote from any town or village.那位老人住在一所远离村镇的房子里。The volunteer teaches in one of the most remote areas of the world.这位志愿者在世界上最偏僻的一个地区教书。【知识拓展】 remotely adv.遥远地;关系远地 remoteness n遥远【易混辨析】remote/far/distantremote指时间或距离上是遥远的,也指在兴趣、感情等方面距离很大,还指关系方面的疏远。far用来表示实际距离的远和时间的遥远,还可指引申意义的远。distant指时间、空间上的遥远,也可指亲属关系上的远。Mail es to this remote village only once a week.邮车每周只到这个偏僻的村庄一次。The far side of the moon is difficult for us to observe.我们很难观察月亮远的一面。He is a distant cousin of mine.他是我的一位远房表亲。【跟踪典例】As to helping reduce poverty in some _ areas, I cant think of anything better than providing a proper education for the people there. A. rareB. remoteC. roughD. rapid【答案】B【解析】句意:说到帮助一些偏远地区减少贫困的问题,我想不出还有比为那里的人们提供适当的教育更好的方法了。remote偏僻的,遥远的。4. adjust v. 调整;(使)适合adjust.to. 根据调整adjust sb/oneself to.使某人/自己习惯于;适应adjust to (doing) sth适应/习惯(做)某事She adjusted the seat to the height of her son.她调整座椅到适合儿子的高度。He tried to adjust his daily schedule to leave time for everything.他设法调整日常时间表,以便能有时间顾及所有的事。【知识拓展】 adjustable adj.可调节的;可调整的 adjustment n调整;调节;适应 make an adjustment作出调整 adapt to 适应(to 为介词) adaptoneselfto使自己适应 【易混辨析】adapt/adjustadapt指在原有情况下作某些改变以适应新的环境或不同的条件,强调改变的目的和重要性。adjust侧重调整、调节使适应,改变的幅度要小一些,主要用于调整角度、高度、光点等。You should adjust your watch. Its five minutes slow.你应该调准你的手表,它慢五分钟。I believe that a good hotel must adapt itself to changing times.我认为一个好的宾馆必须适应潮流。【跟踪典例】During the flight to the Mars, the satellite will gradually _ its directions so that it can go into the programmed orbit. A. adjustB. adoptC. adaptD. accept【答案】A【解析】句意:在飞往火星的途中,这颗卫星将逐渐调整它的方向以便能进入预定轨道。adjust调整。adopt采纳,收养;adapt适应;accept接受。5. lay vt.放置;铺设vt.下(蛋);产卵He laid the book on the bookshelf a moment ago.他刚才把这本书放在了书架上。He laid the new carpet on the floor yesterday.昨天他把新地毯铺在了地板上。【温馨提示】lie(躺);lie(撒谎);lay的区别如下表:动词原形汉语意思过去式过去分词现在分词lie撒谎liedliedlyinglie躺,位于laylainlyinglay放,下蛋laidlaidlaying巧学妙记:有规则的撒撒谎,(作撒谎讲时,变化符合规则)不规则的放和躺,(作放和躺讲时,变化不符合规则)现在放乃过去躺,(作放讲时的现在式即原形和作躺讲时的过去式是同一词)放与撒谎变同样。(作放和撒谎讲时,变化特点一样如:lied, lied, laid, laid。而作躺,位于讲时则不同)【跟踪典例】There was an oil painting_(lay) in the corner. It _(lay) there for several days.【答案】lying; had lain【解析】句意为:在那个角落里有一张油画,它在那儿好几天了。第一空作定语修饰painting。可用两种形式:一是lying,是lie的现在分词,表示状态;二是laid,是lay(放置)的过去分词,与painting是被动关系。第二空只能填had lain, lain是lie表示躺,位于时的过去分词,没有被动形式。6. participate vi.参加,参与participate with sb in sth与某人分担participate in sthtake part in参加participate in sth with sb同某人参与某事He often participates in activities after class.他经常参加课外活动。I participate in your suffering and joy.我跟你同甘共苦。【知识拓展】participant n参加者;共享者participation n参与;分担;共享【易混辨析】participate in/attend/join/take part in/join inparticipate in正式用语,表示参加,参与。强调与他人共同参加某一活动,暗示以一种积极的态度参加。attend正式用语,一般指参加会议、出席典礼或招待会等,也可以指上学、听课、听演讲或讲座等。join常用词,作及物动词;通常指参加某组织或团体,并成为其中的一员。take part in指参加群众性的活动,侧重说明主语参加该项活动并在其中发挥一定的作用。part前若有修饰语,要用不定冠词加形容词。join in参加正在进行的活动,其宾语一般是竞赛、娱乐活动、谈话、讨论、聚会、游戏等名词,可以用于join in (doing) sth/join sb in(doing) sth结构中。【跟踪典例】用attend/take part in/join/join in/ participate填空She was sick so she didnt her classes.A great number of students the movement last month.He will never forget the day when he the army.Everyone in the team is required to in the discussion.Will you the game with us?【答案】attend【解析】句意:她生病了,所以没上课。attend参加,出席,到场,符合句意和语境。took part in【解析】句意:上个月,很多学生参加了那项运动。take part in参加,参与,符合句意和语境。joined【解析】句意:他永远忘记不了参军的那一天。join成为的一员,加入,符合句意和语境。participate/join【解析】句意:组内的每个成员都被要求参加讨论。participate参加,参与,为不及物动词,后跟宾语时需借助介词in。本空也可填join, join in参加(活动),加入进来。join in【解析】句意:你愿意与我们一起玩游戏吗?7. otherwise (1)conj.否则;不然。相当于or或if not。Wellgoearly,otherwisewemaynotgetaseat.我们得早点去,要不然就没有座位了。(2)adv.用别的方法;其他方面;除此以外。相当于inanotherway或apartfrom.Heisrich,butotherwiseanunhappyman.他有钱,但在其他方面是个不幸福的人。【温馨提示】otherwise常用在虚拟语气中,替代非真实条件句;另外祈使句otherwise陈述句句型也是高考的重点。We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunch time.我们在机场被耽搁了,不然的话我们午饭时就到了。【跟踪典例】完成句子Put on your coat,_.穿上外套,否则你会感冒的。Thanks for your suggestion,otherwise _. 谢谢你的建议,要不然我解决不了这个问题的。【答案】otherwise youll catch a coldI couldnt have settled the problem8. privilege n特权;特别优待 vt. 给予的优惠/特权It is a privilege to do sth做某事是一种殊荣have the privilege to do/of doing sth有特权做某事Education should be a universal right and not a privilege.教育应是全民的权利而非部分人享有的特权。I hope to have the privilege to work with you.我希望有幸与你合作。【知识拓展】privileged adj.有特权的;受特别优待的【跟踪典例】What excited me most was that I had the to meet the president when he visited our school.A. participationB. privilegeC. inspirationD. adjustment【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:最让我兴奋的是总统来我们学校访问的时候,我有幸见到了他。privilege表示荣幸,荣耀。9. arrangement n.安排;排列e to an arrangement谈妥;达成协议make arrangements for为做好准备;为做好安排make arrangement with sb与(某人)商定或约好,(和某人)达成协议The secretary has made the arrangement of the time and place for the meeting.秘书为这次会议时间和地点做好了安排。We have finished all the arrangements for the party.我们已经完成晚会的所有安排工作。【知识拓展】arrange v安排;排列;整理arrange for sth安排;为做准备arrange to do sth安排做某事arrange for sb to do sth安排某人做某事【跟踪典例】根据汉语提示完成句子They are busy _ (为做好安排) their parents fortieth wedding anniversary.We _ (达成一致) over the time of the party.We _ (为做好安排) our vacation. We are dying to set out.【答案】making arrangements forcame to an arrangementmade arrangements for之重点短语1. hear from接到的信I look forward to hearing from her.我盼望着收到她的信。【温馨提示】hear from后面只能接表示人的名词或代词,不可接某人的信(letter)作宾语。收到某人的信可用get a letter from sb来表示。【知识拓展】 hear about/of听说;听到;听到说起 hear that.听人说起 hear sb do sth听到某人做了某事 hear sb doing sth听到某人正在做某事Ive never heard of anyone doing a thing like that.我从来没听说有人会做这种事。We often hear the couple quarrel. And this morning when I was passing by, I heard them quarreling again.我们经常听到这对夫妇吵架,今天早上我路过时又再次听到他们吵架的声音。【跟踪典例】补全句子Do you often _ _(收到来信) your brother?I have never _ _(听说) such a foolish person before.【答案】hear fromheard of/about2. (be)dying to do极想;渴望Im dying to chat with you online again.我极想和你再次在网上聊天。The students are dying to know the result of the exam.学生们正渴望知道考试结果。【知识拓展】 (1)be dying for/to do sth极想/渴望(做)某事;迫切想要(做)某事 (2)同义表达还有: be eager for/to do sth be thirsty for sth desire to do sth have a strong desire for sth long for/to do sth She was dying/eager/thirsty for a holiday to relax herself. 她非常渴望一个假期来放松一下自己。 Out of curiosity, Im eager to know the truth. 出于好奇,我渴望知道事情真相。【跟踪典例】Now Im hungry and _(die)for a big meal; I had breakfast too early this morning.After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, Chinese astronauts are dying_walk in space.【答案】dying【解析】句意:现在我饿了,极想吃顿大餐。今天早晨我早饭吃得太早了。be dying for sth渴望得到某物。to【解析】句意:杨利伟成功绕地球飞行之后,中国宇航员们渴望在太空行走。考查固定结构。be dying to do sth极想做某事。3. the other day不久前的一天I saw Tom at the bank the other day. 几天前我在银行见到过汤姆。【知识拓展】one day(将来或过去的)某一天some day(将来的)某一天day by day一天天地,强调变化day after day日复一日,强调重复another day改天;另一天by day白天里【巧学妙记】One day I met a friend of mine in the street. He told me he would e to see me another day. So I have been expecting him day after day.一天我在街上遇到了我的一个朋友,他告诉我改天再来看我。因此我就每天盼着他来。【易混辨析】the other day/one day/ some day/ another daythe other day不久前的一天用于一般过去时one day某一天既可指过去的某一天,又可指将来的某一天some day将来的某一天用于一般将来时another day改天可表近期将来的某一天,也可表过去或状态延续的又一天【跟踪典例】_ _ _(不久前的一天) the researchers caught a special seal in the sea near the Antarctic; however, they were not aware of how old it was.What about going to the cinema this weekend? Id love to, but I have a lot to deal with. Lets make it_ _(改天)【答案】The other day【解析】the other day不久前的一天,指过去的某一天,用于一般过去时态。another day【解析】句意为:这周末去看电影怎样?我想去,但有很多事情要处理,改天吧。another day改天,符合语境。4. e across偶然遇见;被理解I came across an American on the way home, whose words did not really e across.我在回家的路上偶然遇见一个美国人,但他的话我没能真正理解。【知识拓展】e about产生;发生e out出版;出来;开花(无被动)e to达到e into being产生;形成e back回来,恢复e down下降,降低e up with想出,提出e along 进展,进步 e on快点,加油how e怎么会I dont know how the differences came about.我不知道这种差异是如何产生的。If she spent five years in Paris, how e she cant speak a word of French?她如果在巴黎待了五年,怎么一句法语都不会说呢?【跟踪典例】1. How does it that you didnt report the theft until a week after it occurred?A. e aboutB. e outC. e acrossD. e up2. If you cant _ a better plan, we have to carry out the present one.A. care forB. e up withC. e acrossD. care about【答案】1. A 【解析】句意:你怎么在失窃发生一周后才来报告?e about发生,造成;e out发行,显现,结果;e across偶遇;e up出现,走近。How does it e about + that-clause是固定结构,意为是怎样发生的。2. B【解析】care for 关心,照顾;e up with 提出,想出;e across 偶遇,无意间发现;care about担心,关心。句意:如果你不能提出更好的方案,我们就得执行当前的方案了。故B选项正确。5. make a difference产生差别,有影响,起重要作用Your support will certainly make a difference in our cause.你们的支持对我们的事业肯定是有影响的。【知识拓展】 make no/a little/much/some difference没有/有一点/有很大/有一些差别 make a difference between区分 tell the difference between分辨的差别 注意: difference前常用a, some, little, much, no, any等修饰。The rain didnt make much difference to the game.这场雨对比赛没多大影响。It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not.不管他去或是不去,对我都没有影响。Does it make any difference which side will win? 哪边赢有关系吗?【跟踪典例】补全句子这场雪对他打篮球没多大影响。The snow didnt _ _ _ to his playing basketball.你是去是留对我来说都无所谓。It _ _ _ to me whether you go or stay.【答案】make much differencemakes no difference6. dry out(使浸水等之物)完全变干,干透We waited for our wet clothes to dry out. 我们等着我们的湿衣服晾干。Dont leave the vegetable on the table, or it will dry out. 不要把蔬菜放在桌子上,否则它会变干的。【知识拓展】 dry up(河流、井等)干涸 dry off(使)变干 The pond dried up in the summer. 那个池塘在夏天干涸了。 The swimmer dried off in the hot sun.游泳的人在烈日下晒干身体。【易混辨析】dry out/dry updry out强调浸水等物的完全变干;干透dry up强调河流、井等干涸【跟踪典例】用适当的介词或副词填空The paint should have dried _ by this time tomorrow.His imagination seems to have dried _.【答案】outup之重点句型1. Well, its a bush schoolthe classrooms are made of bamboo and the roofs of grass.它是一所丛林学校 教室是用竹子搭起来的,屋顶是用茅草盖的。(1)本句是一个简单句,破折号后面的内容起解释说明作用。roofs与of grass之间省略了are made。(2)句中的be made of意为由制成(能够直接看出原材料)。The table is made of wood.这桌子是用木头做的。The overcoat is made of leather.这件大衣是用皮革做的。【知识拓展】be made from由制成(无法看出原材料)。Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄酿制的。be made in表示在地方制造。He bought his wife a skirt in America, but when he got home, he found that it was made in China.他在美国给妻子买了条裙子,但回家后他发现裙子是在中国制造的。be made into是make.into的被动形式,表示被制成。Were making our attic into an extra bedroom.我们正在把阁楼改装成一间额外的卧室。be made up of由组成,相当于consist of。The medical team is made up of ten doctors.这支医疗队由10位大夫组成。be made by由制作(by后接制造者)。be made out of由制成;用改制而成。【跟踪典例】The car which he drives to work every day _Shanghai.A. was made ofB. was made fromC. was made intoD. was made in【答案】D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:他每天上班开的那辆车是在上海制造的。be made of 由所组成,一般指能看出原材料;be made from 由制成,一般指不能看出原材料;be made into 被制成;be made in在地方制造,后边跟产地。根据空后的Shanghai可知,应选D。2. The other day I was showing the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling over everywhere!有一天,我正在给男孩子们做每周一次的化学实验的演示,我还 没明白怎么回事,混合剂就到处冒泡了!(1)when是并列连词,连接两个并列分句。before I knew it是时间状语。本句为was/were doingwhen一般过去时句式,意为正在做就在这时;when为并列连词,意为正在这时。I was doing my homework when my mother came back home.当妈妈回家的时候我正在写作业。The children were playing football on the playground when it began to rain.孩子们正在操场上踢足球,这时下起了雨。【知识拓展】be about to do.when.(某人)正要做这时(突然)I was about to go out when Tom came in.我正要出去,这时汤姆进来了。(2)本句中before用作连词,意思是在之前;还没来得及就。Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.不要高兴得过早。(如意算盘别打得太早。)Before she could move, she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar.她还没来得及动弹,就听见有很响的声音,接着就成了可怕的隆隆轰鸣声。Before I could say a word, she had stormed out of the room.不等我说一句话,她就冲出了房间。【知识拓展】 before还可以用于:Itbe时间段before.句型中,意思是在之后才。It will be five years before I e back.我五年后才能回来。It was not long before the enemy was driven out of their country.不久之后,敌人就被赶走了。如果主句中用否定式,则表示不多久就。It wont be long before they understand each other.他们不久就会互相了解的。趁(还没有)之意。They are thinking of buying the house before the prices go up.他们正在考虑趁房价未涨时把房子买下来。Do it before you forget it.趁早动手,以免忘了。【跟踪典例】1. Lonnie was on the point of getting up and leaving _he saw Aaron looking at him.A. whileB. asC. whenD. before2. She had just finished her homework _her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday.A. whenB. whileC. afterD. since3. What made me angry was that _ I had time to write down the number of the car which speeded, it had run away.A. immediatelyB. whenC. tillD. before4. It took what seemed to be years _ the football star appeared, which made the fans disappointed and angry.A. whenB. beforeC. sinceD. until【答案】1.C【解析】句意:Lonnie正想站起来走开,这时他看到Aaron正看着他。while当时候,表示两个延续性动作同时发生且具有对比意味;as当时候,强调伴随;before在以前。when就在那时,常和进行时态连用,意为正在做某事突然,故选C项。2.A【解析】句意:昨天她刚做完作业,她妈妈就让她练习弹钢琴。题干是Sb had just done sth when句型,其中when为并列连词,意为这时(突然)。3.D【解析】考查状语从句。语意:让我生气的是我还没来得及写下那辆超速车的号码它就跑掉了。before引导时间状语从句,含义为在之前。4.B【解析】考查状语从句。句意:这位足球明星似乎过了好几年的时间才出现,这使得球迷既失望又气愤。before意为在之前。3. Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students, most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway.有时候,我真想知道,化学对这些学生们究竟有多大的用处,他们中的大多 数人上完八年级以后就要回到他们的村庄去了。本句是一个复合句,wonder后跟的是how引导的宾语从句。most of whom引导的非限制性定语从句修饰students, most of whom是名词/代词/数词of关系代词结构,在语意上相当于most of them。如:Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, the price of which was very reasonable.最近我买了一个古老的中国花瓶,它的价格很合理。She has two sons, both of whom are serving in the army.她有两个儿子,都在部队服役。【跟踪典例】The old couple have two children, _(两个孩子都不)able to e to see them when they feel lonely, however.【答案】neither of whom is4. You asked whether Im getting to know any local people.你问我是否了解当地的老百姓。get to喜好/认识,表示渐变的过程。如:I got to realize how important the happy life was as I grew older.随着年龄的增长,我逐渐意识到幸福生活的重要性。I got to like the flat we were going to move in.我逐渐地喜欢上我们即将搬进去的公寓。He got to know why his granny kept the photo so carefully.他渐渐地知道了他奶奶那么小心地保存这张相片的原因。【跟踪典例】汉译英莎莉逐渐意识到她母亲为她做的一切。_【答案】Sally got to realize what her mother did for her.5. But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and I did visit a village which is the home of one of the boys, Tombe.不过,上周末我和另外一位叫詹妮的教师真的去访问了一个村庄,那是我的学生汤贝的家。did在句中起强调作用,表示的确;确实。英语中,如果需要强调谓语,常用助动词do, does或did置于谓语动词之前,此时谓语动词要用原形。do/does/did动词原形这种强调句中只有一般现在时和一般过去时,且只对肯定的谓语动词进行强调,没有否定式和疑问式。do在句中要重读。注意在祈使句中使用时,往往不表示命令,而表示强烈的请求,有时表达更加客气的语气。如:Do be careful!千万要小心!I do hope you have a merry Christmas!衷心祝福你圣诞快乐!He does speak English well.他英语说得确实很好。【跟踪典例】 When we _ a mistake, we must correct it fully, openly, and as quickly as possible.A. do makeB. dont makeC. makingD. not makingHe (do,表示强调) e here yesterday.他的确很熟悉这个地方。He the place well. (表示强调)【答案】A【解析】句意:当我们的确犯错误时,我们必须尽快地、公开地并完全地改正它。在谓语动词前面加一个助动词do,表示强调。diddoes know6. When we arrived at the village, Tombes mother, Kiak, who had been pulling weeds in her garden, started crying ieee ieee当我们到达村庄的时候,汤贝的母亲齐亚克本来在园子里拔草。看到我们就嗳矣, 嗳矣地叫了起来。本句中when引导一个时间状语从句;who引导非限制性定语从句,该从句修饰Tombes mother, Kiak。had been pulling.是过去完成进行时,其构成是had been现在分词(doing),表示在过去某时或者某个动作之前一直进行的

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