2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 感谢函书信通.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 感谢函书信通July 25, xxDear Miss Susie Wang,Thank you very much for writing. It gave me great pleasure to receive your letter.Im not surprised that your brother didnt give you any details about the accident, because I didnt tell him much. Actually, Id rather not tell too many people how it happened, since I myself am to blame for it. I am willing to tell you, though.What happened is I turned right on a red light. Just as I rounded the corner, a taxi cut in front of me to pick up a passenger. I couldnt stop or go around in time, so I ran into him and was thrown off my motorbike. Fortunately, I was wearing a helmet, but I still broke my left arm and hurt my back and left leg, too. You can be sure Ill try to obey traffic regulations in the future.Thanks again for your letter. Please visit me next time you e to town.Sincerely,Henry Chen亲爱的王苏西小姐:非常感谢你的来信。你的来信令我十分的高兴。对于你哥哥没向你详细描述那场车祸我并不感到意外,因为我并没有跟他说很多。事实上,我真不愿向太多人说那起车祸是怎么发生的,因为我该为那场意外负责任。然而,我还是愿意告诉你。事情的发生是因我在红灯时右转。正当我弯过转角时,一辆出租车切入我面前去搭载乘客。我无法及时停住或转弯,所以我就撞上他,也弹离了我的摩托车。幸运地是,我戴了安全帽,但仍摔断了左手臂,而背部及左腿也受了伤。你可以确定我以后将会遵守交通规则了。再次感谢你的来信。欢迎你下次进城时来看我。陈亨利敬上二五、七、二十五字词解说:1, surprise 使惊讶be surprised/astonished 对感到惊讶例:We were all surprised at his reaction to the news.(他对该新闻的反应让我们大家都感到惊讶。)2. Actually,业rather not. . .=Actually,I would rather not.3, would rather宁愿例:Bob would rather not tell anyone his secret.(鲍伯宁愿不把他的秘密告诉任何人。)4, be to blame for sth应为某事受谴责,应为某事负责任=should be responsible for sth例:Who is to blame for this mistake?(谁该为这错误负责?)5, be willing to V愿意be unwilling to V不愿意例:She is unwilling to listen to others advice.(她不愿听别人的忠告。)6, just as. .,正当例:Just as I was leaving, the phone rang.(我正要离开时,电话铃响了。)7, round 绕过,转弯例:As the train rounded the bend, it blew its horn.(火车绕过弯道时,鸣了笛。)8: cut in front of.二在面前插人例:What do you do if someone cuts in front of you while youre waiting in line?(如果在你排队时突然有人插队在你前面,你会怎么做?)9. pick ug搭载例:We stopped to pick up Susie on our way to the pub.(我们在到酒吧途中停下车来载苏西。)10. in time 及时例:I dont think I can finish this assignment in time.(我认为我无法及时完成这件任务。)11. run into撞到,与不期而遇例;The motorcycle ran into the parked car.(这辆摩托车撞上停在路旁的车子。)I ran into an old friend of mine on my way home.(我例家途中与老友巧遇。)12. throw.off.摔掉,抛弃例:The cowboy was thrown off his horse.(那名牛仔从马上给摔了下来。)13. helmet 安全帽,头盔14. obey 遵守例:If you dont obey the rules, you11 be punished.(如果不遵守这些规则,你将会受到处罚。)

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