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2019-2020年高三上学期第一次学段考试英语试题 王海丽 常有为第一部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. occur A. ocean B. recover C. position D. offer2. exact A. expect B. exhibition C. excellent D. exist3. suggestion A. impression B.question C. petition D. decision4. break A. great B. reasonable C. scream D. breathe5. stomach A. check B. chicken C. character D. achieve第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。6. Thanks for your help, but can you do me one more favor, please?_ , sir. Whats it then? A. Just a minute B. Its my pleasure C. Thats right D. At your service7. My mother asked me to repeat _ telephone number _ second time so that she could write it downAthe; aB不填; aCthe; theDa; the8. Lets go to the theatre together, shall we ? Please make it _ day. Im not quite myself today.A. any B. one C. another D. some 9. Hello, Mr. Smith, could you tell me the final exam result?SorryThe papers_ Ahave been marked Bhad been marked Care still being markedDare still marking10 . How is the result doctor? Well, your health is _ good, but you do have a few minor problems. A. normally B. generally C. frequently D. regularly 11. When can I e for my photos? I need them urgentlyThey _be ready by 2: 00 p m, I thinkAshouldBmightC couldDwould12. Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier _ into small piecesAbreak Bbreaking Cbroken Dto break13. Only if you work hard _ be able to make rapid progress in your studyAcan you Byou can Cwill you Dyou will14. After long and hard work, the police at last discovered the _of the baby found by the side of a road. A. dialectB. identityC. situation D. condition15. The boy went swimming in the deep lake, his mothers fear for his safetyA regardless of B apart from Cbut for D instead of16. Bob is in a hopeless situation, _ we will keep a very close eye on. A. whereB.whichC. that D. when17. William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to_Afail Bfall C disappear Ddamage18. We hope the bridge _ the road _ will be pleted as soon as possible. We cant bear the inconvenience any more.A. of ; carried outB. to ; being carried outC. on ; to be carried outD. to ; carrying out19. There are varieties of programs in the TV station to _ many different types of interests and tastes among the public. A. adapt to B. attend to C. adjust to D. appeal to 20. It was the belief _ Alex Haley could find his root in Africa _made him decide to go to ZambiaA /, which Bwhich, that C that ,which Dthat , that 第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was a cold winters night when I stopped for gas on my way home from work. I was tired and had a slight 21 .I worked in a 22 doctors office and this was one of those days when the unexpected happened, making the schedule run 23 than usual. It seemed I was going to be late 24 home and my husband, being the 25 person, would be ready to pronounce(宣布) me late once again. Maybe 26 I hurried, I could still make it home.I was heading inside to 27 for my gas when I noticed an older couple at the counter. I heard them asking for 28 to the local hospital. It was the same hospital that I had just 29 a few minutes ago.The young man at the counter was trying to be 30 in explaining how to get there, with two other people making 31 . One of them was 32 trying to give them a whole different route back. It was then that I walked over to the couple and said, “Would you like to follow me to the 33 ?”A look of 34 crossed the womans face.“Im going right by there,” I said, which wasnt a(an) 35 since I had just made up my mind to do 36 that.I got in my car and began the journey back. I was trying to watch to be sure they were right 37 me. It took only fifteen minutes to get there as rush hour traffic was beginning to 38 . I felt better than I had all day and my headache was nearly gone.Later, as I arrived home, my husband 39 , “So you arent ever late any more.” I said, “Sometimes its 40 to be late.”21. A. headacheB. break C. cold D. fever22. A. foreignB. monC. busy D. noisy23. A. simplerB. laterC. easier D. earlier24. A. workingB. cookingC. callingD. getting25. A. punctualB. toughC. generousD. careful26. A. asB. if C. whileD. since 27. A. change B. search C. waitD. pay28. A. opinionsB. trouble C. directionsD. money29. A. reachedB. left C. calledD. visited30. A. experiencedB. active C. helpful D. skilled 31. A. mentsB. promisesC. jokes D. offers32. A. onlyB. stillC. everD. even33. A. stationB. office C. hospitalD. hotel34. A. reliefB. panicC. sadnessD. peace35. A. dutyB. lieC. reasonD. fact36. A. partlyB. properly C. exactlyD. perfectly37. A. acrossB. beforeC. besideD. behind 38. A. go upB. die downC. speed up D. turn down39. A. teasedB. shoutedC. burstD. laughed40. A. possible B. specialC. good D. safe第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题。第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AEverybody has had at least one experience from which he knows the meaning of lifeThis time, which took place several years ago, but seems as if it just happenedOn an afternoon several years ago, my brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sisters dress and picked out a beautiful skirtJan bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years agoShe never wore itShe was saving it for a special occasion he saidI guess this was the occasion: it was the funeral of my sister, after her unexpected deathHe took the shirt and put it on bed, with the other clothes we were taking to the funeralThen he closed the drawer and turned to me, Dont ever save anything for a special occasionEvery day youre alive is a special occasionIm thinking about his words, and theyve changed the way I live my lifeIm spending more time with my family and friends and less time in mittee meetingsWhenever possible, life should be a kind of experience to enjoy, not to sufferSomeday and one of these days are losing their importance on my vocabularyIf its worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it nowEver since that day, I have been trying very hard not to put off, hold hack or save anything that would add laughter and color to our livesEvery morning when I open my eyesI tell myself that every day, every minute, every breath, truly is a giftSo cherish every day and find the true meaning of your life41Why did Jan buy the beautiful skirt but didnt wear it?AShe waited for a special occasion to wear it onBShe wanted to keep it for someone elseCShe saved it till she grew upDShe would give it to herself as a gift some day42What does the underlined word cherish mean?Asave Bwaste Cown D treasure 43From his experience, the author learns that _Aeverybody can have a happy life through effortsBevery day in our lives is worth cherishingCenjoying ourselves is the most important thing in our livesDeverybody will have some things left to do after his death44Whats the best title for this passage?AWhat Is the Meaningful Life Like BMy Sister JanC Every Day Is a Gift DThe Most Important Time in Your Life BThe newspaper seller was a clean, neat man, of about forty with a rather serious, unsmiling face. He didnt speak much to the customers or to his helpers, but when he did he spoke slowly and quietly, as if to himself. He believed in efficiency, not conversation. and this was how the office workers, rushing to catch their trains, preferred it.It had been a good day. Lunch-time had been warm and sunny, and many people had bought magazines to read outside with their sandwiches. Now it was cold rainy, and people wanted an evening paper for a cheerless joyless journey ahead and a dull evening indoors.At 6:30, with the main rush over, he started to collect the money together and count it. Then he left the stand and went home. It was the assistants turn this evening to look after it till eight oclock, when it would be packed away for the night. His large white Mercedes was in the private car park of a large government building. Hed parked there for six months, pretending to be part of a heating firm working in the building. They would find out about him soon, and hed have to park in a garage again, which was annoying. Their charges were far too high. A couple of junior clerks, regular customers, happened to see him getting into his car. “must be a lot of money in papers, eh?” one of them shouted. He just smiled coldly in reply, and got into the car, placing the bags of money on the floor.He thought about the clerks on the way home. Like the majority of his customers, despite their white shirts and dark suits, they probably made in a week as much as he could make in a good day.45It seems unlikely that the newspaper seller would be the sort of man who would _. Abe a cheerful panion Btry to cheat a customer Ctrust his assistant much Dearn a great deal of money46The assistants job that evening was to _. Asell papers until 8 oclock Bstart selling magazines at 8 oclock C. count the money taken that day Dlock up the car park47If they realized that he was not a heating engineer he would have to _.Apark his car in a government car park B pay to park his car in a garage Clook for another free parking place Dpretend he was a government employee48When the newspaper seller thought about the two clerks he decided they were _Abadly dressed B. very well off Cnot as rich as himself D. not as hardworking as himself CThey may be small and not able to speak, but babies are proving their amazing cleverness. Scientists began finding infants skills are more than they are supposed to be._Speaking of music, babies cant seem to resist it. Not only are their ears turned to the beats, babies can actually dance to the music.To test babies dancing ability, the researchers played recordings of classical music, rhythmic beats and speech to infants, and recorded the results. They also invited professional dancers to analyze how well the babies matched their movements to the music. The babies moved their arms, hands, legs feet and heads in response to the music, much more than to the speech. The finding suggests this dancing ability is innate(与生俱来的) in humans, though the researchers arent sure why it bees weaker later in their life.Learning Quickly while Sleeping Babies can learn even while asleep, according to a xx study. In experiment with 26 sleeping infants, each just 1 to 2 days old, scientists played a musical tone followed by a puff of air to their eyes 200 times over the course of a half hour. 124 electrodes(电极) stuck on the head and face of each baby recorded brain activity during the experiments. The babies rapidly learned to foretell a puff of air upon hearing the tone, showing a four-time increase on average in the chances of tightening their eyelids in response to the sound by the end of the experiments.As newborns spend most of their time asleep, this newfound ability might be crucial to rapidly adapting to the world around them and help to ensure their survival, researchers said.Judging Characters WellJudging another person helpful or harmful is crucial when choosing friends. And that ability starts early. Kiley Hamlin of Yale University showed both 6-and 10-month-olds a puppet(木偶) show, in which one character helped another climb a hill. In another scene a third character pushed the climber down. The little ones then got to choose which character they preferred. For both age groups, most babies chose the helper character. This character-judging ability could be babys first step in the formation of morals, Hamlin thought.49. Which of the following subtitles can fill in the underlined blank?A. Dancing to Music B. Babies Amazing AbilitiesC. Born to Dance. D. Learning to Dance Quickly50. The underlined word “it” in the third paragraph refers to_.A. the finding B. the baby C. the response D. the dancing ability51. The experiment with 26 sleeping infants prove that_.A. babies can municate with others while asleepB. babies can learn even while asleepC. babies can tighten their eyelids in response to the soundD. babies can respond to the world around them52. In the last experiment, most babies chose the helper character, showing that_.A. babies can judge a person helpful or harmfulB. babies love to see a puppet showC. babies were born to help othersD. babes have learned to help others D Recently weve observed an increasing request from disadvantaged and regional schools for attending one of our zoo areas at no cost or partly paid some organizations. Zoos Victoria believes that all children should have the opportunity to have an early memory of visiting the zoo, and gain an understanding of the wild and natural world that humans share with animals. Zoos Victoria wins the support of the Ian Potter Foundation to help achieve this goal.Funding available for schools to enter an educational program at Zoos Victoria in xxApplications are open from November 23, xx to February 12, xx.Children from disadvantaged and originally isolated schools are provided with the opportunity to visit the zoo and attend an interactive education experience at no charge.The program objectives are:To start developing “environmentalists” within low social and economic groups.To support the youth from disadvantaged backgrounds to have greater awareness of wildlife and have ongoing opportunities to get relevant information about animals and the environment through the zoos website.What is covered under the program?英语试卷 第9页(共16页) 英语试卷 第10页(共16页)Travel to the zoo transport costs will be partly or fully paid back to the school on the basis of the number of children applied for the program.Student entry to one area of Zoos Victoria and an educational experience.Which schools are able to take part in the program?Open to schools in Victoria.Consideration will be given to schools that have not previously been able to enter one of our zoo areas, list as “disadvantaged” ones or e from regionally isolated areas.Able to visit an area of Zoos Victoria within the xx school year.Applications must be supported by the school principal.Able to plete a short evaluation of the program.How to apply for the program?Download the application forms.plete all the details, including a signature from your principal and attaching a quote for transport costs.Return the application forms to Margaret Harwood at Zoos Victoria by email to mharwoodzoo.org.au or by post to PO Box 74, Parkville, VIC 3052.Please contact Margaret Harwood at 03 9285 9462, if there are any further questions.53. Zoos Victoria wanted to help students in disadvantaged and regional schools _. A. take action to protect wildlife in isolated areas B. raise money for wildlife in the zoo C. develop a passion for wildlife and natureD. learn more about plants and animals in the wild54. Whether your transport costs are free or partly charged depends on _. A. if you have a deep ecological understanding B. what connections you build with nature C. which area of Zoos Victoria you will visit D. how many applications there are for the program55. Which of the following schools is most likely to take part in the program? A. A disadvantaged school in New York. B. A school from an isolated area of Victoria.C. A poor private adult school in America D. A school with a lack of wildlife education.56. To be qualified for the program, you have to _. A. make a short ment on the programB. e from a school near Zoos Victoria C. pay a visit to Zoos Victoria all the year roundD. get your parents support for the application EMemory is the ability to keep track of things that have happened in the past. Memory really is learning. One needs memory to ride a bicycle. A dog needs to remember if it is to e when called. Memory is said to be stored in the brain as a “memory trace.” What makes up this trace is not known. Some scientists believe that certain chemical substances may carry certain memories. For example, one substance, when given to rats, causes them to fear the dark. Other research into memory has to do with how the brain works. Psychologists use three means to find out how a person remembers. For example, give a person a grocery list. Let the person memorize the list, then put it away. The most natural way to find out how much a person remembers of the grocery list is to ask what he or she remembers. This is called the method of recall. Another method is called recognition. Give the person another grocery list. Ask him or her to choose items on the first list from the items that are on only the second list. Often a person will be able to recognize things that he or she cannot recall. A third method of finding how much a person remembers is called relearning. Here the person is asked to read over the first list. The person will probably learn the list the second time faster than he did the first time. The difference in the time it takes to relearn the list is thought of as a measure of how much a person has remembered. One way of remembering something is to repeat it many times. Interest is very important. Boring lists of facts are much more difficult to remember than something that we understand and are interested in. Motivation, or wanting to do something, is also important. Motivation is linked with reward. For example, a hungry animal quickly learns how to do something if that action gets the animal food. In humans, wanting to learn is often motivation. The praise of a teacher or the knowledge that an answer is correct is rewarding.57. We can learn from the 2nd paragraph that _ . A. it is hard to tell what a memory trace consists ofB. bad memories may cause rats to fear the dark C. chemical substances carry certain memories D. memory is stored in the brain as a substance58. The way to pick out the items on the first list from the second is known as _ . A. recall B. recognition C. memorization D. relearning59. What is considered as a measure of how much one has remembered? A. The length of the list. B. The type of list items. C. The time difference of brain working. D. The time difference of relearning.60. A

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