2019-2020年高中英语 Unit19 LANGUAGE单词.典句.考点 北师大版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit19 LANGUAGE单词.典句.考点 北师大版选修61. attain vt. 达到;获得巧记提示 attain(获得)gain (赢得)经典例句 We attained the top of the mountain after three hours climbing.我们经过了三个小时的爬山,终于到达山顶。Leo Ioacoco attained the position of President of the Ford Motors.李雅科卡终于当上了福特汽车公司的总裁。考点聚焦1) 同义词: reach到达2)attain vt. 达到某个目标。如:They are not likely to attain this aim.他们未必能达到这一目标。3)attain vi. 达到某个龄,与to连用。如:We have attained to the age of 18.我们已经到18岁的龄了。活学活用1. 汉译英:他们最后达到了目的。_答案:They finally attained their goal.2. adequateadj. 足够的,充分的经典例句 Adequate exercise can prevent acute epidemic influenza.适当的锻炼能够预防流行性感冒。考点聚焦1)同义词:enough adj. 足够的, 充足的2)反义词:inadequate adj. 不充分的, 不适当的3)派生词: adequately adv. 充分地adequacy n. 适当, 足够4) 注意adequate常跟介词for连用。如:An adequate water supply for city people is already a major problem.给城市供应充足的水源已成为一个主要问题。The schoolyard is small but adequate for 100 children playing at the same time.虽说校园小,但足够100个孩子同时玩。活学活用2. 单句改错:She proved adequately to the job._答案:adequately改为adequate3. ensurevt. 确保, 保证巧记提示 en-(动词前缀,使)sure (确信的)经典例句 We can ensure that the work shall be done well in the right way.我们保证用正确的方法把工作做好。I fitted a new lock to ensure that the bicycle would not be stolen.我装了一把新锁以保证自行车不被偷。考点聚焦1)ensure vt. 确保, 保证,后接that从句、动名词。如:I cant ensure his being there on time.我不能保证他准时到那儿。I cant ensure that he will be there on time.我不能担保他会准时到那儿。2) ensure sb. from/against sth. 保护某人免受These are safety devices to ensure workers against accidents.这些是为了保护工人不出事故的安全设施。3)记住短语:ensure success保证成功ensure sb. against/from danger保护某人免受危险活学活用3. 单项选择:If you want to _that you get the diploma(文凭), you have to work harder.A. are sureB. surelyC. sureD. ensure答案:D4. accelerate vt. 加速经典例句 The driver stepped on the gas and accelerated the car.司机加大油门, 让汽车加速行驶。考点聚焦1)派生词: acceleration n. 加速,加速度; accelerated adj. 加速的2)同义词: speed up3)accelerate vt. 加速, 促进, 常接表示“物”的名词作宾语。如:The bad weather accelerated our departure.糟糕的天气促使我们早日离开。4)accelerate vi. 加速。如:The car suddenly accelerated.汽车突然加快了速度。5)相关短语: have good acceleration很好的加速性能。活学活用4. 单项选择:The runners _smoothly around the bend.A. acceleratedB. fastedC. at speedD. quickly答案:A5. enlargevt. 扩大巧记提示 en-(使成) + large(大的)经典例句 This photograph is a bit too old and probably wont be enlarged well.这张照片太老了些,放大了很可能不好。考点聚焦1)派生词: enlargement n. 放大;enlarger n. 扩大者, 增补者2)同义词: increase vt. 增加3)反义词: decrease v. 减少4)enlarge vt. 扩大。如:Were enlarging the production scale to produce more and better puters.我们在扩充生产规模以便生产出更多更好的计算机。5)enlarge on/upon进一步详述, 常接plan, suggestion, idea等词。如:Could you enlarge upon your suggestion?你能不能详细谈谈你的建议?6)常见词组enlarge a photo放大照片enlarge ones house扩建房屋enlarge ones views开阔眼界, 增长知识活学活用5. 汉译英:1)增建的房间使房屋扩大了。_2)我请摄影师把那张照片放大。_答案:1)The house was enlarged with a new room.2)I asked the photographer to enlarge the picture.6. guarantee vt. 保证经典例句 We cant guarantee that our flights will never be delayed. 我们不能保证我们的所有航班均不会误点。考点聚焦1)派生词: guarantor n. 担保人;保证人2)guarantee vt. 担保;保证,是及物动词,常接表示高兴、满意的名词作宾语。As parents, they must guarantee that their child should be safe while crossing the streets. 作为父母,必须担保他们的孩子行走在大街上时的安全。3)guarantee vt. 约定;许诺,常接动名词或表示“物”的名词作宾语。My watch is guaranteed for one year.我的手表保修一。4)常见搭配:guarantee sth. against sth. 提供保修be guaranteed to do sth. 肯定会;必定会活学活用6. 单项选择:Perfect satisfaction _our customers.A. guaranteesB. is guaranteed toC. guaranteedD. guarantees to答案:B7. adjust vt. 调节;调整巧记提示 ad-(前缀)+just(恰当,正好)经典例句 He soon adjusted himself to army life.他很快就适应了军旅生活。I must adjust my watch because its fast.我的表快了, 我得把它校准。考点聚焦1)adjust vt. 调节;调整,常接钟表等计时器的名词作宾语。2)adjust vt. 使适合,常接反身代词作宾语, adjust oneself to. . . 使自己适应3)adjust vi. 适应,常接介词to,后接表示适应环境的名词作宾语。如:Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness.宇航员在飞行中得适应失重状态。活学活用7. 单项选择:He _himself very quickly to the heat of the country.A. thrilledB. foldedC. surroundedD. adjusted答案:D8. inform vt. 告知;通知巧记提示 in(在里)form(构成)经典例句 Please inform us of any changes of address. 地址若有变动请随时通知我们。The sales manager asked his men to inform him of everything concerning the sales in time.销售部经理让他手下的人把关于销售的情况及时报告他。考点聚焦1)同义词:municate v. 沟通, 通信2)派生词:informer n. 密告者, 控告的人, 通知的人;information n.通知, 报告, 消息3)形近词:informal adj. 非正式的, 非正规的4)inform vt. 告知;通知,常接表示“人”的名词作宾语。如:The headmistress informed us that the school would be closed for one day next week.女校长告诉我们下星期学校将停一天课。He informed her he was thinking of entering medical school.他告诉她他想进医学院。5)相关短语:be well informed about sth. 精通某事,对某事消息灵通be informed of 听说,接到的通知be rightly /wrongly informed 得到正确的/错误的情报keep myself informed 随时向我报告情况inform against /on/upon sb. 告发某人, 检举某人6)information是不可数名词,表示“一条消息”时要说a piece of information。活学活用8. 单项选择:1)David apologized for his not being able_ me of the change in the plan.A. informingB. formC. to informD. to form2) He sent me an e-mail to give me _that the book contains much useful information.A. informationB. a newsC. an informationD. informations答案: 1) C2)A9. dedicatedadj. 专心致志的巧记提示 dedicate(vt. 献身) + -ed(形容词后缀)经典例句 Mr. Wang is dedicated to teaching English.王老师专心于英语教学。考点聚焦1)派生词: dedication n. 贡献, 奉献;dedicatee n.受奉献者(尤指书籍的受奉献者);dedicative adj. 贡献的, 献纳的2)dedicate . . . to献身于He dedicated his life to the service of his country.他献身于为国服务。He dedicated his first book to his mother.他把第一本书献给他母亲。3) be dedicated to. . . 献身于注意to是介词,后接名词或动名词。如:My sister was dedicated to teaching mother tongue.我姐姐献身于母语教学。4)dedicate . . . to sb. 把(钱、物品、作品)奉献给某人。如:The old scientist dedicated his money to scientific research.这位老科学家把他的钱用于科学研究。活学活用9. 单项选择:We _starting our own business on May 1st.A. were dedicated ourselves toB. dedicatedC. dedicated ourselves toD. dedicated to答案:C10. congratulate vt. 祝贺经典例句 I want to congratulate you with all my heart.我衷心地庆贺你。考点聚焦1)派生词: congratulation n. 祝词, 贺辞; congratulator n. 祝贺者, 庆贺者2) congratulate vt. 祝贺, 恭喜,向致祝词,常接表示“人”的名词作宾语。congratulate sb. on sth. 因某事祝贺某人。如:We congratulated her on passing the exam.我们祝贺她通过了考试。3)congratulate vt. 庆幸自己,常接反身代词作宾语。congratulate oneself on庆幸自己。如:He congratulated himself on having survived the air-crash.他庆幸自己在空难中幸免于死。4)congratulation n. 祝贺;祝词;贺辞, 常用复数形式。常与on连用。如:We offer our congratulations on her success. 我们对她的成功表示祝贺。5)辨析:congratulate和celebratecongratulate的宾语是人而不是物。celebrate 庆祝;庆贺,其宾语是新、生日、结婚纪念日、成功、胜利等名词。We celebrated the New Year with a dance party.我们举行跳舞晚会庆祝新。活学活用10. 汉译英:我祝贺你喜获千金。_答案:Let me congratulate you on the birth of your daughter.11. unconsciousadj. 不知不觉的,无意的巧记提示 un-(否定前缀)conscious(adj. 有意识的)经典例句 After she hit her head she was unconscious for several minutes.她把头碰了一下后昏迷了几分钟。I made an unconscious mistake when I was speaking English.当我在说英语的时候,无意犯了个错误。考点聚焦1)派生词:unconsciously adv. 无意中, 不知不觉;unconsciousness n.无意识, 意识不清2)同义词: unaware adj. 不知道的, 没觉察到的3)unconscious adj. 不知不觉的,无意的,修饰人或事物。如:She remained unconscious for several hours.她不省人事有好几个小时。He was unconscious of his mistake.他没意识到自己的错误.I was unconscious of her presence.我不知道她在场。活学活用11. 单项选择:What made you so angry?_movements.A. The boy unconsciouslyB. The boy unconsciousnessC. The boy was unconsciousD. The boys unconscious答案:D12. resemblevt. 像;与相似巧记提示 re-(又,再)+sembler(相似)经典例句 He strongly resembles his teacher in speaking English.在说英语方面,他酷似他的老师。She resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks.她说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈。考点聚焦1)派生词:resemblance n. 相似之处; resembling adj. 相似的, 模仿的2)resemble vt. 像;与类似,后面常接表示人的词语。如:She was not quiet; she did not resemble her sister.她不安静;她不像她的姐姐。3)resemblance n.相似, 常与to, between, of连用,bear /show a resemblance to与相像。活学活用12. 单项选择:There is _between the two brothers.A. resemblancedB. resemblingC. strong resemblanceD. a strong resemblance答案:D13. transparentadj. 清晰易辨的;透明的经典例句 The students dont want their windows transparent.学生们不想使得他们的窗户透明。考点聚焦1)派生词: transparency n. 透明, 透明度; transparentize vt. 使透明;transparently adv. 明亮地, 显然地2)transparent adj. 清晰易辨的;透明的。如:The boy doesnt like to wear transparent clothes.这个男孩不喜欢穿透明的衣服。3)transparent adj. 显而易见的;一目了然的,常接that从句。如:It was transparent that her pride was hurt.很显然, 她的自尊心受到了伤害。4) transparent adj. 坦率的, 光明正大的。如:He is a boy of transparent honesty.他是一个非常诚实的孩子。5) transparent adj. 易懂的, 明晰的。如:I like her transparent style of writing.我喜欢她明晰的文体。活学活用13. 汉译英:玻璃是一种透明物。_答案:Glass is a transparent material.14. merelyadv只;仅仅巧记提示 mere(仅仅的)+-ly(副词后缀)经典例句 They are not merely content to fill the stomach.他们不仅仅满足于填饱肚子。考点聚焦1)同义词:only adj. 仅仅2)merely adv. 仅仅地, 只不过。如:This is merely the beginning.这仅仅是个开头。I merely asked his name.我只不过问问他的名字。3)not merely . . . but also. . . 不仅而且not only. . . but also. . .He not merely speaks English frequently but also writes good positions.他不但英语说得流利,而且他的作文写得很好。活学活用14. 单项选择:He is _a child. You dont have to be angry. He _wanted to say the truth.A. merely;merelyB. mere;onlyC. only;mereD. mere;merely答案:A15. purchasevt. 购买经典例句 Please ensure that you purchase your ticket in advance.请您务必提前购票。考点聚焦1)同义词:buy 买2)反义词:sell 卖3) purchase vt. 购买,常接表示“物”的名词作宾语。4)purchase n. 作“购买;购置”讲时,是不可数名词。如:They spent some money for the purchase of new recorders.他们花了一些钱购买新的录音机。5)purchase n. 作“支点”讲时,是可数名词。如:The climber tried to gain a purchase with his feet on a narrow edge of rock.爬山者尽量在岩石狭窄的边缘找落脚处。6)常用短语:make a purchase采购proof of purchase购物凭证purchase sth. from sb. 从某人那里买到某物for the purchase of为了购买get a purchase on紧紧抓住活学活用15. 根据句意填词:1)She said that such equipment could be _from your local supplier.2)He got a _on a branch until we came to his rescue.3)The new couple spent some money for the _of the furniture necessary for their new house.答案: 1)purchased2)purchase3)purchase16. negotiate vt. 谈判;协商经典例句 The rent is a matter for negotiation between the landlord and the tenant.租金可以由房东和住户协商确定。考点聚焦1)派生词:negotiator n.谈判代表,negotiatory adj.协商的, 交涉的;negotiation n. 商议, 谈判, 流通2)近义词:arrange vt. 安排,协商3)negotiate作“谈判”讲时,是及物动词, 常接表示“物”的名词作宾语。如:negotiate for peace讲和;negotiate with sb. about sth. 与某人协商某事。4)negotiation n.作“谈判,协商,商谈”讲时,是可数名词,常用作复数形式。常用于下列短语:be in negotiations with sb. over sth. 与某人协商某事break off negotiations中断谈判carry on negotiations继续交涉enter into a negotiation with sb. 开始与某人进行谈判活学活用16. 改错:Peace negotiation are still going on._答案:negotiation negotiations17. registervt. 登记经典例句 Tom went to the city hall to register the birth of his son.汤姆去市政厅为他儿子作出生登记。考点聚焦1)派生词:register n. 记录;名单; registered adj. 已注册的, 已登记的, 记名的2)同义词: record vt. 记录3)register vt. 登记4)固定搭配register sth. in ones memory把某事记在心里5)register vt. 流露;表达, 显示。如:His face registered both surprise and joy.他脸上流露出惊喜交集的表情。6)register vt. 指示;记录。如:The thermometer registered 70 degrees.温度计显示七十度。活学活用17. 汉译英:这位老师保留了一份孩子们的名册。_答案:The teacher kept a register of the names of the children.18. fasten vt. 束紧巧记提示 fast(快的)-en(动词后缀)经典例句 The plane is starting. Fasten your seat belts, please!飞机要起飞了,请系上安全带!考点聚焦1)派生词: fastener n. 纽扣, 按钮2)同义词: tie vt. 打结,系3)反义词: loosen vt. 松开4)fasten vt. 束紧。如:The boy didnt fasten the door of the garden.这个男孩没有把花园门闩上。5)fasten vt. 使固定。如:Its not polite to fasten your eyes on others.盯住别人看是不礼貌的。You should fasten your attention upon the problem.你应该把注意力集中在这个问题上。Dont fasten the responsibility on him.不要把责任推到他身上。6)常见短语:fasten down确定fasten in装进fasten off打个结fasten on抓住, 握紧fasten oneself upon /on缠住不放fasten up关紧;坚持活学活用18. 单项选择:The little boy has learnt _shoelaces.A. fasterB. to fastenC. fastenD. fast答案: B19. embarrass vt. 使困窘经典例句 I was embarrassed because I had no idea.我因为没有主意而不知如何是好。考点聚焦1)派生词:embarrassingly adv. 窘迫地;embarrassment n. 窘迫2)同义词:shame vt. 使感到羞愧3)embarrass vt. 使困窘, 常用于被动语态。如:He was embarrassed by debts.他因债务而局促不安。Embarrassed by his heavy luggage, he could not walk fast.由于受到笨重行李的拖累, 他走不快。活学活用19. 单项选择:When I began to sing, he laughed and made me _.A. embarrassedB. embarrassC. embarrassingD. to embarrass答案:A20. punctual adj. 准时的;守时的经典例句 She is always punctual, but her friend Mary is always late.她总是很守时,可是她的朋友玛丽总是迟到。考点聚焦1)派生词:punctuality n. 严守时刻, 准时;punctually adv. 准时地2)punctual adj. 准时的;守时的,主语常常是人。如:You should be punctual for the class.你应该准时去上课。He is always punctual in answering letters.他总是按期回信。

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