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住宅租赁合同(中英文对照) 出租方(以下简称甲方):_Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A): _承租方(以下简称乙方):_Tenant (hereinafter referred to as Party B): _甲、乙双方经过友好协商一致订立本合同,以资共同遵守。Having reached unanimity through friendly consultation and negotiation, Party A and Party B, hereby agree to enter into the following Contract to be abided by both parties.一、租赁范围及用途:I、Tenancy:1、甲方同意将其合法所有的位于_的房屋(产权证复印件见附件 1)及其现有的房内电器、家私配置(见附件 2)与其设施在良好及可租用的状态下出租给乙方居住使用。出租房屋的登记面积为_平方米(建筑面积)。Party A hereby agrees to lease Party B its lawfully owned premises (See Certificate of Property Ownership as Appendix 1) which is located at _ together with the furnishings and electrical appliances (See Appendix 2) and the related facilities in good and tenantable condition. The registered floorage of the premises let by Party A shall be _ square meters (floorage).2、乙方只能将出租房屋用作住宅用房。Party B shall use this leased property for residential purpose only.3、签订本合同前,甲方已告知乙方出租房屋已设定抵押。Before the signing of this Contract, Party A has duly notified Party B that the leased property is subject to a mortgage.二、租赁期限:II、Lease Term:租赁期自_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止。其中_年_月_日起至_年_月_日为固定租赁期;从租赁期_年_月_日后,甲、乙双方有权提前二个月通知对方终止或者续租此租赁合同,在此条件下,甲、乙双方无需承担任何违约责任。The lease term shall be from _ (month) _ (day), _ (year), to _ (month) _ (day), _ (year). From _(month)_ (day), _ (year), to _ (month) _ (day), _ (year) is fixed lease period. After _ (month) _ (day), _ (year),both Party A and Party B may give two-months notice of termination or renewal of this Agreement.Under these circumstances, the contract may be terminated with no penalty.三、保证金:III、Deposit of Security:1、为确保房屋及其附属设施之安全与完好及租赁期内相关费用之如期结算,乙方同意于签订本合同后五个工作日内支付给甲方保证金共计合人民币_元_ (大写),作为乙方确保合同履行之保证金。甲方在收到保证金后应予以书面签收。To ensure that the premises and its accessory facilities are safe and in good condition and that accounts of relevant fees are settled on schedule during the term of lease, Party B agrees to pay to Party A within five work days RMB_ (RMB: _ )as a deposit of security for fulfilling the Contract after signing the contract. After receiving the deposit, Party A should issue a written receipt.2、甲方应于租赁关系终止且乙方保证原有房屋及设施完好,迁空,点清,并付清所有应付费用后 15日内将保证金无息退还乙方。The amount of deposit of security shall be refunded by Party A without interest to Party B within 15 days upon expiration of the lease, provided that Party B has vacated the premises, left everything in the premises intact and paid up all expenses due, kept the premises and all facilities in good condition.3、甲方因乙方违反本合同的规定,而产生的损失,甲方可在保证金中抵扣,在甲方作出抵扣前,需通知乙方将被抵扣的金额和理由,但乙方有权拒绝不合理的抵扣。如保证金被扣减、抵销,作为本合同继续有效的先决条件,保证金不足部分乙方必须在接到甲方付款通知后十天内补足。若乙方未能及时补足保证金,则甲方有权立即提前收回该房屋及终止本租赁合同,甲方并保留向乙方追偿因此而蒙受的损失的权利,但乙方有正当理由的除外。Party A may deduct an amount from security deposit towards payment of any actual damages. Party A shall have incurred or suffered as result of Party Bs breach of this contract. Prior to making such deductions, Party A shall inform Party B of the amount which it intends to be deducted and the reason for making such deductions. Party B shall be entitled to object to such deductions, if Party B believes that such deductions are unreasonable. If such offset or deduction occurs, as pre-condition of the continuance of this lease,any shortage thereof must be made up for by Party B within ten days of the receipt of the notice of payment issued by Party A. If Party B fails to replenish the deposit in time, Party A shall have the right to re-possess the leased property and terminate the lease, without prejudice to Party As right to claim against Party B for any losses and damages so caused, except where Party B provides reasonable explanations.四、租金:IV、Rental:1、数额:双方议定租金以人民币支付每月总计_, 乙方以银行转账形式支付给甲方。(甲方银行信息见附件 3)Amount: The total amount of monthly rental agreed upon by both parties shall be RMB_. Party B shall pay the rental to Party A in the form of Bank Transfer. (See Party As bank details in Appendix 3)2、支付方式:租金按月支付,第一期租金于_年_月_日以前付清,以后每期租金支付时间为每个月一日之前,先付后用(若乙方以汇款形式支付租金,则汇出日为支付日,汇费由汇出方承担),甲方应于收到租金后十五天内开正式房租发票给乙方(付款通知及发票接收地址见签字页)。若甲方未能在本条规定的期限内提供正式房租发票的,每逾期一日,甲方应向乙方支付违约金人民币_元。超过 30 日,视为甲方根本违约,乙方有权解除本合同并要求甲方立即退还保证金及剩余租期租金,且甲方还应支付乙方 2 个月房租作为违约金。Method of Payment:The payment of rental shall be made monthly. The first payment shall be made before_ (month) _ (day), _ (year). Each successive payment shall be made before the first day of each calendar month. Party B shall pay the rental before it moves into the premises. (If Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting shall be the day of rental payment. The remittance fee shall be borne by the remitter.) Party A should issue a formal invoice to Party B within fifteen days after the payment of rental is received. In the event that Party fails to provide Party B in time, Party B shall pay Party A an amount of _(daily rental) as the penalty of each delay day. If Party A fails to deliver the formal invoice to Party B for more than 30 days after the payment of rental is received, Party B shall have the right to terminate the lease, and Party A shall return the paid deposit, rental together with an amount of money which equals to two months rental to Party A as the penalty of breach the contract.3、如乙方逾期七日未支付租金,则须按日加付其应付租金的_%的滞纳金直至付清所有拖欠租金。如乙方逾期十五日仍未支付租金,则视为乙方自动退租,构成违约。甲方有权立即终止本合同并收回房屋,且乙方须向甲方支付相当于两个月租金的违约金。If Party B delays the rental payment for 7 days, Party B shall pay a late penalty fee to Party A equal to _% of the overdue amount per day until the overdue amount is paid in full to Party A. If the delay is in excess of 15 days, it shall be deemed as automatically quitting tenancy, which shall constitute breach of Contract. Then, Party A shall have the right to terminate Contract and to recover the leased premises, and Party B shall pay an amount of money which equals to two months rental to Party A as the penalty of breach Contact.五、其他费用:V、Other Fees:1、乙方应承担租赁期内因乙方实际使用而产生的电话费,水电煤,宽带费,以及有线电视费,并按公共事业单位的单据及/或甲方的账单如期交纳。Party B shall pay for telecommunication fees,water, electricity, gas fees, broadband fee, and cable TV fee which are incurred by Party B in actual use. Party B shall pay the bills from relevant public service department and/or Party A on schedule during the terms of lease.2、甲方应支付电话,水电煤,宽带(ADSL 2M),有线电视,卫星电视等生活必备设施的开通费用。Party A shall pay for connection fees of common facilities and main utility supply such as telephone, water, electricity, gas, broad band (ADSL 2M), cable TV and satellite TV to the Premises.3、土地使用税,房屋维修费,租赁综合税,物业管理费,本合同办理租赁登记所需的所有费用,以及其他应由甲方支付的费用,仍由甲方缴纳。The ground rent, house maintenance fee, comprehensive rental tax, management fee, plus all fees incurred during lease registration and all other fees payable by Party A still shall be paid by Party A. 六、甲方的义务:VI、Obligations of Party A:1、甲方须按时将房屋及附属设施交付乙方使用。每逾期一天,甲方应按每日租金的双倍向乙方支付逾期交房的违约金,逾期超过 15天的,视为甲方不履行本合同,乙方有权解除合同并要求甲方立即退还保证金及租金,并有权要求甲方支付 2 个月房租作为违约金。Party A shall turn over the premises and accessory facilities (details refer to the appendix 1) on schedule to Party B for use. If Party A fails to handover the leased property to Party B on time, Party A shall pay Party B two times of daily rental as penalty per day. In the event that Party A delays to handover the property to Party B for more than 15 days, it should be regarded that party A breaches the contract, and party B shall have the right to ask Party A to return the paid deposit together with the first rental, as well as an amount of money which equals to two months rental as penalty.2、房屋设施如因质量原因,自然损害或灾害而受到损坏时,甲方有修缮的责任并承担有关的费用.。若发生需要甲方维修的事项,甲方应在 3日内进行维修并尽量不得影响乙方的正常使用,若由此影响到乙方正常使用房屋的,乙方有权拒绝支付不能正常使用期间的租金。若甲乙双方对该租赁房屋的主要维修事宜(非乙方原因造成的)不能达成一致且该房屋不能正常使用的,乙方则有权立即书面通知甲方提前终止本合同,甲方应在七个工作日内返还剩余租期租金并根据本合同将保证金归还乙方,此外,甲方还应支付 2个月租金给乙方作为违约金。Party A shall be responsible for repairing any damage to the premises due to poor quality, natural wear and tear or calamities and bear the expenses thereof. Party A is supposed to finish possible maintenance or repair within 3 days without interrupting Party Bs living, if this influences Party Bs living on the premises, Party B has the right to refuse to pay the rent during this period. If both parties could not reach an agreement on the issue of maintenance or repair which is not due to Party Bs improper use, Party B is justified to terminate the contract for the premises early giving written notice, and Party A should refund Party B the rent of the surplus lease term and deposit within Seven working days according to the Contract. Furthermore, Party A should pay 2 months rent as penalty.3、甲方应确保其为出租房屋的合法拥有人,按中国法律该房屋可以出租,如在租赁期内,该房屋发生所有权全部或部分的转移,设定他项物权或其他影响乙方权益的事情时,甲方应保证新的所有权人,他项权利人或其他影响乙方权益的第三者,能继续遵守本合同所有条款,反之如乙方权益因此而遭受损害,甲方应负赔偿责任。Party A shall ensure that Party A is the legal owner of the premises and the premises can be let according to Chinese law. If all or part of the ownership of the premises is transferred, other rights in rem are settled, or any other happening affects the rights and interests of Party B during the leasehold, Party A should guarantee that the new owner, person to the rights in rem or any other third party that affects the rights and interest of Party B continue to abide by all the articles of the Contract. Otherwise, Party A shall be liable for compensating the loss to the rights and interests suffered by Party B therefrom.4、甲方在本合同签订之日起 15日内负责办理登记备案手续并承担一切费用,乙方应配合甲方提供本合同登记备案所需乙方提供的资料。Upon signing this contract, Party A is responsible for dealing with all registration matters and bears all corresponding fees, Party B shall cooperate with Party A by providing all related documentation. 七、乙方的义务:VII、Obligations of Party B:1、乙方应按合同的规定,按时支付租金,保证金及其他各项应付费用。Party B should pay the rental, deposit of security and other fees payable on schedule,according to the provisions of the Contract.2、乙方经甲方事先书面同意,可在承租用房内进行装修及添置设备。按规定须向有关部门审批的则还应由甲方或由甲方委托乙方报请有关部门批准后,方可进行。乙方增设的附属设施和设备属及其维修责任由甲乙双方另行书面约定。租赁期满后,乙方应将添置的可拆动的动产部分自行拆运,复原,并保证不影响房屋的完好及清洁使用。Party B may, upon prior written approval by Party A, fit up the leased premises and add equipment therein during the leasehold. In the event approval of relevant government department is required, application shall be submitted by Party A or by Party B as authorized by Party A. Such approval shall be obtained before any such additional works are to be carried out. The responsibility of maintenance of all those additional facilities and appliances shall be agreed by Party A and Party B in writing. Upon expiration of the leasehold, Party B shall remove the added part of property that is removable, and return to its original condition but Party B must ensure that the premises is in good and clean condition for use.3、未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得将承租的房屋转租或分租给第三方或转让给他人承租或与他人承租的房屋进行交换,并爱护使用租赁的房屋。如因乙方的过失或过错致使房屋及设施受到损坏,乙方应负赔偿责任。Party B shall not transfer or sublet the leased premises or assign the lease to or exchange the lease with any third party without the prior written approval by Party A and shall take good care of the leased premises. Party B shall be liable for compensating for any damage it caused to the premises and facilities resulting from Party Bs fault or negligence.4、乙方应按本合同的约定合法使用租赁房屋,不得擅自变更使用性质,不应存放危险物品,如因此发生损害,乙方应承担全部责任。Party B shall use the leased premises lawfully according to the provisions of the Contract.Party B shall not arbitrarily change the use of the said premises. No hazardous materials and goods shall be kept in the premises.If any damage is attributable to such use, Party B shall be fully liable for the damage.5、租赁期间,乙方不得自行或者要求甲方拆除、改建租赁房屋内的装修、附属设施及设备,不得将租赁房屋内的附属设施及设备搬离租赁房屋。乙方也不得将租赁房屋内的装修、家具及家电、附属设施及设备在租赁期内交还甲方或者要求甲方收回。如因乙方擅自拆除、改建、搬挪租赁房屋内的装修、家具及家电、附属设施及设备,或者废弃不用,导致租赁房屋内的装修、家具及家电、附属设施及设备损坏或发生故障的,乙方应及时通知甲方,由甲方安排统一维修,维修费用由乙方承担。Party B shall not demolish or renovate any decoration, affiliated facility and equipment in the leased property within the lease term, nor remove any affiliated facility and equipment out of the leased property, nor request Party A to do so. Part B shall not return, or request Party A to withdraw any affiliated facility, furniture, electric appliance and equipment in the lease term. Part B shall be responsible to notify Part A timely any damage or malfunction caused by Part Bs demolishing, renovating or abandoning any decoration,affiliated facility, furniture, electric appliance and equipment in the leased property. Part A shall be responsible to repair the damaged items, and Part B shall reimburse Part A any cost incurred.6、乙方必须赔偿甲方因乙方或其访客不小心或不正当使用或疏忽使用、导致租赁房屋损坏?而引起的一切费用?索赔或损坏。乙方亦须为自己的疏忽、懈怠、遗漏行为而向甲方负责。并须向甲方赔偿因此而引起的任何开支、索赔、损失及责任。Party B shall compensate or indemnify Party A for and against all costs, damages and claims as a result of damages to the leased property caused by the careless, improper or negligent use on the part of Party B, or its visitors.Party B is liable for all acts of negligence, recklessness and omission of Party B towards Party A. Party B shall also compensate or indemnify Party A for all costs, losses, claims and liabilities arising there from.7、乙方必须向甲方赔偿任何人士因乙方的疏忽或懈怠而导致租赁房屋内的水满泻、滴漏或源于租赁房屋内的烟、火、任何其它物质或东西泄漏所造成的任何损失、破坏或伤害?而向甲方提出的任何索赔或要求。Party B shall indemnify Party A against all claims and demands in respect of any damages, injuries and losses caused by water leakage, overflow of water, smoke, fire and other materials or articles ejected from the leased property as a result of the negligent and reckless acts of Party B.8、乙方不得在租赁房屋作出或批准、容许他人在租赁房屋作出任何可能骚扰、打搅甲方、该大厦其它房屋之业主、租客、使用人或任何毗连、邻近该大厦的建筑物的行为或事情包括在租赁房屋用任何广播器材或其它可制造、翻造、接收、录取声音的器具或设施造成在租赁房屋外面可听见的任何音乐或噪音。Party B shall not commit or permit or allow any other person to commit any acts or deeds within the leased property which may molest or disturb Party A, the owner, tenants and other users of Chelsea or any adjacent or nearby buildings including using broadcasting or any other equipment or apparatus which may make, reproduce, receive or record sound thus causing any music or noise to be heard outside the leased property.9、在租赁期内,允许甲方或其代理人在提前 48小时通知乙方后,带领有意购买房屋的客人视察房屋。如果乙方有特殊情况要求延迟看房,双方可以另行确定合理的看房时间。 乙方需放弃优先购买权。During the time of the Agreement, Party A has the right to show the leased property to prospective purchasers, with 48 hours notice in advance. in case Party B has special reasons to delay, the Parties shall together find the right time to show the property to the prospective purchaser. Party B has to abandon the priority to purchase the leased property.10、乙方如接获通知?应允许甲方及其授权人士(包括但不限于抵押权人),在合理的时间内,进入该房屋视察租赁房屋的维修状态、附属设施、设备状况,进行必要的修缮及保养工程。除上述情况外,甲方及其管理公司有权在紧急情况下(例如火警、水管爆裂等情况)无须事先通知乙方而直接进入租赁房屋进行抢修工作。Party B shall allow Party A or its authorized persons (including but not limited to mortgagees representatives) to enter the leased property to inspect the state of maintenance, ancillary facilities and condition of appliances and to carry out necessary maintenance and repair works within reasonable time and upon prior notice.Apart from the above circumstances, Party A or its management company shall have the right, without prior notice to Party B, to enter the leased property to carry out emergency repair work in cases of emergencies (e.g. fire, burst pipes, etc.)11、乙方应保证有权利和能力订立和履行本合同,并应在签订本合同之前向甲方出示营业执照和其他证明其权利和授权的文件或有效的身份证明文件,否则乙方可被视为无权签订此合同,而甲方有权因此终止本合同。Party B hereby warrants that it has the requisite right and capacity to sign and enforce Contract. Party B shall before signing of Contract procure the required business license, valid identity proof and other documents showing its right and capacity, otherwise it may be deemed not to possess such capacity to sign Contract and in such event Party A shall have the right to terminate Contract.12、乙方应自行在必要时负责取得因租赁房屋作为住宅使用而应于入住租赁房屋时所需的公安机关及/或其他有关部门的批准或许可(如需),甲方同意提供必要的合理配合以帮助乙方获得该等批准或许可(如需)。若乙方未获得该等批准或许可而造成任何公安机关及/或其他有关部门的罚款或任何法律后果,其所有责任由乙方负责。Party B shall at its own obtain the required permit from the police or other government departments for residing in the leased property before move-in. Party A shall render all reasonable and necessary assistance to Party B for obtaining such permit.If, however, Party B fails to obtain such permit thus causing penalty or other legal redress, Party B shall be solely responsible for all consequences arising there from.13、乙方租赁房屋内进行的一切其他行为、活动和事项须遵守、服从及符合发展商管理公司、甲方及/或其物业管理公司不时制订、修订和通知的规章制度,并同意该规定构成本合同的一部份。乙方、其职员及访客应遵守该管理规则及对其进行的修改。乙方须因乙方或其职员或访客违反该管理规则而导致甲方蒙受损失时向甲方作出赔偿。All acts, activities and other matters Party B carries out in the leased property shall abide by the rules and regulations set down, amended and pronounced from time to time by the management company designated by the developer of the whole estate, Party A or its management company which shall form part of Contract. Party B, its employees or visitors shall strictly be bound by all these rules and regulations and any subsequent amendments thereof. Party B shall compensate Party A for all losses caused by breach of these rules and regulations by itself, its employees or visitors.八、合同终止及解除的规定:VIII、Termination and Dissolution of the Contract:1、乙方在租赁期满后如需续租,应提前两个月书面通知对方,由双方另行协商续租事宜。If Party B intends to renew the leasehold upon its expiration, it shall notify Party A of such intention in writing two months prior to the expiration of the lease term. Then, the two parties shall discuss matters over the renewal of leasehold.2、在租赁期期内,租客可提前二个月书面通知甲方终止或者续租此合同,甲方应在合同提前终止后 七个工作 日内将保证金及剩余租期租金(如有)如数归还乙方。本条款自起租日期起个_月后生效。Party B may terminate or renew this contract at any time by giving Party A no two (2) months prior written notice, in that event Party A should give the deposit which equals to two month rent & the remaining rental back to Party B within seven working days after the termination of the contract.This clause shall be applicable only after _ months from the commencement of the said term.3、租赁期满后,乙方应在两天之内将承租的房屋及设施在正常状态下交还甲方,如有留置的任何物品,在未取得甲方的谅解之下,均视为放弃,任凭甲方处置,乙方不得有异议。Upon the expiration of the leasehold, Party B shall return the leased premises and accessory facilities in normal condition to Party A within two days. Any belongings left behind in the house shall, without obtaining previous understanding of Party A, be deemed as things given up by Party B and shall be disposed of by Party A at its discretion, to which Party B shall raise no objection.4、本合同经双方签字签章后立即生效,除本合同另有约定外,未经双方同意,不得任意终止,如有未尽事宜,甲、乙双方可另行协商。This Contract shall come into force upon the date of being signed and chopped by both parties. It must not be terminated at will without the approval of both parties unless otherwise agreed upon.Anything not covered in the Contract must be consulted separately by Party A and Party B.5、甲、乙双方同意在租赁期内,遇有下列情形之一,本合同将自动终止,乙方须即时迁出租赁房屋及返还租赁房屋给甲方,双方互不承担责任,此时甲方应在乙方迁出房屋前返还剩余租期租金并根据本合同返还保证金:Both parties agree that during the lease term Contract shall automatically terminate under any of the following circumstance.Upon such termination Party B shall immediately move out of and return the leased property to Party A and under such circumstance Party A shall refund Party B the rent of the surplus lease term and deposit before Party B moves out according to the Contract. Thereupon both parties shall not be held responsible for any consequences as a result there of:(1)租赁房屋占用范围内的土地使用权依法被政府提前收回;The right to the use of land whereon the leased property is erected is statutorily resumed by the government authority.(2)租赁房屋因社会公共利益被依法征用;The leased property is statutorily resumed for public interest.(3)租赁房屋因城市建设需要被依法列入房屋拆迁许可范围;The leased property has been included for clearance for constructing municipal infrastructure.(4)租赁房屋毁损、灭失或者被鉴定为危险房屋;The leased property has been damaged, destroyed or classified as dangerous building.(5)甲方已告知乙方租赁房屋出租前已设定抵押,若抵押权人发函予甲方要求乙方迁出


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