2019-2020年高三高考信息卷(一) 英语 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三高考信息卷(一) 英语 含答案第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分60分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。 A A Hong Kong Disneyland park admission ticket is your passport to a full day of magical adventures. Learnthe ways to buyyour tickets now. Three types of 1-Day ticket are available:Ticket TypePriceGeneral Admission Ticket(aged 1264)HK $499Child Ticket (aged 311)HK $355Senior Ticket (aged 65 or above)HK $100 Free admission for Child aged under 3.Book Online Now Purchase ticketsconveniently through our website, then pick up your tickets starting from 1 hour after you have purchased online.Purchase Tickets Directly at Hong Kong Disneyland Ticket Express You can purchase tickets at the Hong Kong Disneyland Ticket Express, conveniently located at the MTR Hong Kong Station. Open from 9:00am8:00pm on Monday to Friday and from 9:00am5:00pm on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.Purchase 2 Park Tickets at one of the following locations and receive aFREE limited-edition Disney gift: Avenue of Stars KiosksYou can purchase tickets at Avenue of Stars Kiosks in Tsim Sha Tsui. Open daily from 9:00am10:30pm. Asia World-Expo Box Office You can purchase tickets at Asia World-Expo Box Office. Open Mondays to Fridays from 10:00am6:00pm.Reserve Tickets for Hotel Guest As a hotel Guest of Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel or Disneys Hollywood Hotel, Park tickets are reserved for your purchase at front desk. Open daily from 9:00am8:00pm.Buy at Hong Kong Disneyland Main Entrance Guests can purchase tickets on theday of their visitat the Main Entrance Ticket Booths or Guest Relations Windows. Open daily from 30 minutes before Park opening until Park closes.21. In which place can you get a free gift for buying two tickets?A. Hong Kong Disneyland Ticket Express. B. Hong Kong Disneyland Main Entrance.C. Asia World-Expo Box Office. D. Disneys Hollywood Hotel.22. For a young couple with a 2-year-old kid spending a day in the park, they have to pay at least_.A. HK $ 499B. HK $ 854C. HK $ 998D. HK $ 135323. To buy tickets at Hong Kong Disneyland Ticket Express on Sundays, you have to get there before _.A. 5:00 pmB. 6:00 pmC. 8:00 pmD. 10:30 pmBThe associates I hired in my bicycle and lawn mower shop like myself were never perfect; however, they were excellent. Working with them as they improved taught me new ways to show forgiveness, understanding, and patience.One day the placement officer asked me to interview a young man who was having trouble finding a job. He told me that David was a little shy, did not talk much and was afraid to go on with interviews. He requested that I give David an interview just for practice. He plainly told David that I had no positions open at the time and the interview was just for practice.When David came in for the interview, he hardly said a word. I told him what we did at the bicycle shop and showed him around. I told David to keep showing up because the number one thing an employer wanted in an associate was dependability.David was very quiet (he was evaluated as a slow learner in school). Every ten days or so, for weeks after the interview, David walked into the bicycle shop and stood by the front door. He never said a word, just stood by the door.One day, shortly before Christmas, a large truck came to the shop, packed with 250 new bicycles. It had to be unloaded right away or the driver would leave.It was raining. Some of my workers (without physical limitations) chose not to brave the weather to get into work, so I was short-handed. It seemed everything was going wrong and on top of it, David came in the front door and just stood there. I looked at him and shouted, “Well, all right! Fill out a time card and help me unload this truck!”David worked for my bicycle shop for eighteen years. He came to work every day thirty minutes early. He could talk; however, he rarely chose to. He drove my truck and made deliveries. The customers would praise David, saying, “He doesnt talk, but he really shows you how to operate a lawn mower!”24.The author gave David an interview to _.A. find a person who is reliable B. find a part-time worker in needC. give him some practiceD. show sympathy for him25.The author finally hired David because_.A. there were no other workers in the shop thenB. he needed someone who was willing to work thenC. David kept showing upD. he realized David was dependable26.We can infer from the last paragraph that_.A. some customers just play jokes on DavidB. David has had his character changed through workC. the author prefers David to be more outgoingD. the author feels lucky to hire David27.The authors tone in describing David is full of _.A. pity B. wonder C. disappointment D. appreciationCThey are the little sweeties who look pretty cute in a photo, or when sleepingbut a lot less appealing at 30, 000 ft, crying loudly in the seat right next to you. According to a new survey, almost seven in ten Britons dislike flying with babies so much that they would like to see child-free areas introduced on planes. As for long-distance flights where people want to sleep, almost one in four British travelers believes that no-kid-zones should be fixed as required sections. The survey was conducted by bookings website LateDeals.co.uk, with 1,108 UK consumers questioned as to what they hate most about air travel.And our dislike of noisy children and babies on planes runs deep, it seems. More than a third of us35 percentwould pay extra to travel on a childless service. Long-distance passengers would be prepared to pay an additional 63 to the cost of a return ticket if it meant adults only on board. And on short-distance flights, an extra 28 on the price of a return fare would be considered good value if it guaranteed an absence of angry babies in the middle of the economy-class aisle(走道).However, screaming babies are not the only source of annoyance for British travelers. In fact, according to the research on the most annoying types of airline passengers, a crying baby ranks as only the fourth. Over half of those surveyed58 percentselected “drunk travellers” as their pet peeves( 令人反感的事或物). People with “bad personal hygiene(卫生)”and travellers who kick the back of the seat in front were also near the top of the list, causing anger to 48 and 47 per- cent of us respectively(分别地).Crying babies came in at fourth on the list, a pet peeve for 43 percent of those surveyed. 28. Britons dislike flying with babies because they_ A. make too much noise B. get angry easilyC. sleep right next to them D. stay in the economy-class aisle29. How many British travellers surveyed would like to have no-kid-zones on planes?A. About 35. B. About 43. C. About 70. D. About 58. 30. What kind of passengers is most disliked by British airline travellers?A. The crying babies on a flight. B. People with bad personal hygiene. C. Those who have drunk too much alcohol. D. Those who kick the back of the seat in front. 31. What type of writing is this text?A. A brochure. B. A tourist guide. C. An announcement. D. A news report.DMen who wear pink shirts to work earn more and are easier to get a higher position than those who prefer traditional shirt colors, such as white and blue, according to a recent survey. Researchers also found that men who wore pink were more likely to get praise from female co-workers and were more confident in the office. A classical pink shirt wearer earns 1,000 more a year than those who choose other colors, researchers surveyed among 1,500 male office workers. Men who wear pink are also twice as likely to have the Masters degree as those who prefer white shirts, with one in ten pink shirt wearers having a PHD. Stephanie Thiers-Ratcliffe, International Marketing Manager for Cotton USA, who took charge of the study, said, “You can tell a lot about someone by the color he wears. Pink is a color that more and more men have been embracing recently, and it is encouraging that they are not afraid to experiment with that bright color. They spend most of their days at work and their own confidence needs to remain smart. It is good for pany standards, but that doesnt mean that they have to wear boring clothes.” Pink shirt wearers on the other hand are more likely to have a low-carbon (低碳的) life for half of them prefer to choose public means of transportation to go to work.The report also found men who preferred green shirts were the most likely to be late for work, while white shirt fans were the most punctual (准时的). 32. According to the survey, pink shirt men _. A. usually graduate from famous universities or colleges B. prefer to go to work by car with their co-workersC. earn more money than those in other colorsD. are better at pleasing their bosses in the office33. We can learn from the passage that _. A. the color a man wears can influence his personalityB. the color a man wears can show a lot about himC. pink is the best of all the colors a man likesD. wearing pink can make a man bee happy34. According to the passage, who is the least likely to be late for work? A. Jack who often wears pink shirts.B. Mike who often wears green shirts.C. Tom who often wears white shirts.D. Alan who often wears blue shirts.35. If you want to get a higher place in your pany, youd better wear _. A. purple B. pink C. green D. white 第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Theimportance of municationcannot be denied. Using effective munication skills is important to relationships and to success at work. 36 Here are a few:Prevent misunderstandings. When you clearly municate your wants, your needs, and your intentions, there will be no misunderstanding. Many of our arguments and disagreements occur-simply because one of us did not municate clearly. Another example of the importance of munication can be seen in the medical field. When a doctor tells a patient his diagnosis and gives instructions for care and medicine, it is critical that the patient understands exactly what the doctor intends to municate. 37 Strengthen relationships. We get to know each other (either in business or personally) by talking and listening. 38 People like people they know. In business, the more personable business person, who showed an interest in his customer, wins the sale-every time-over the business person who is aloof and shows no interest in the customer, whatsoever! 39 Talking about your problems and stresses actually helps to relieve the stress and anxiety. You feel as if some of the burden has been lifted from you when a friend listens and shows that she cares.The importance of munication Skills bees obvious when you think of the many times that you municate with someone during a single day. 40 A. Taking the time to improve our interpersonal skills is definitely worth the effort!B. There are a number of reasons that munication is so important to us.C. When you municate well, people respond positively to you. D. Knowing more about someone strengthens that relationship.E. Otherwise, serious results could occur!F. Increase confidence.G. Relieve stress.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I approached my father determined to get a small bike for my birthday. “Daddy, my birthday is ing up and I want a 41 ”. “OK, then youll have to 42 me to pay some bills.” Dad said.This is what I was 43 of. I knew that my father was not going to let such a large 44 go without using it to teach me a life lesson. Wild 45 ran through my head. How could pay bills? I had 46 done it before. Luckily, soon my dad 47 what he meant. He wanted me to 48 all of the household expenses and subtract them from what he and my mother 49 each month.After nervously handing Dad my 50 , he explained that bills had to be paid 51 he could spend money on “fun stuff”, bills always had to be paid. He then told me that the 52 of my bike had to be less than the money that was left. My dad said it was because some of the 53 was for savings.I realized that if I got a bike that was my size now, Id 54 out of it by next year and may even have to give it to one of my little sisters. So at 11 years old, I made my very first, 55 money choice. The bike that I asked my dad to purchase was 56 . The bike was so non-11year-old-girl, that even my father asked if I was 57 . Although my bike made some kids at school 58 me, I was proud of myself for making a choice. Even though I no longer ride my bike, my Dad now rides this bike for exercise. Im 59 my bike story with you to show that there is no such thing as a small financial 60 . Your current financial choice will choices will have a great effect on your life. 41. A. holiday B. present C. award D. job42. A. advise B. leave C. help D. force43. A. afraid B. ashamed C. tired D. fond44. A. mand B. promise C. ment D. request45. A. messages B. thoughts C. challenges D. feelings46. A. often B. never C. ever D. just47. A. clarified B. admitted C. recognized D. forgot48. A. pick up B. get up C. add up D. turn up49. A. carried B. made C. borrowed D. raised50. A. offer B. story C. calculations D. exhibitions51. A. once B. while C. unless D. before52. A. size B. cost C. weight D. shape53. A. energy B. money C. time D. food54. A. grow B. run C. fall D. look55. A. anxious B. generous C. conscious D. curious56. A. big B. new C. beautiful D. strong57. A. sure B. interested C. proud D. confident58. A. amuse B. tease C. admire D. encourage59. A. believing B. receiving C. collecting D. sharing60. A. ambition B. effort C. choice D. explanation第II卷注意事项:用0.5 毫米黑色笔迹的签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Lionel Messi, a player from the South American country of Argentina, 61 (be) the greatest soccer player alive today. At a young age, he 62 (move) to Spain and now plays professionally for the Barcelona soccer club. Messi started playing soccer at 63 age of 5 for a small soccer team 64 (own) by his father. Even as a young boy, he did very well. But when he was 11 years old, he found out he had a sickness which would prevent him 65 growing much taller. There was a way to help him grow more, 66 his parents did not have enough money to pay for his medical needs. So, they looked around for a Soccer club 67 would be able to do this for them. The clubs in Argentina couldnt help him,but the famous Barcelona club in Spain offered 68 (accept) Messi on the junior team and pay for the bills. The Messi family 69 (happy) took the offer and moved to Spain. In the Barcelona soccer club, Messi was one of the best 70 (player) through his teen years. With his incredible talent, Messi has surprised the world. 第四部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。One night, I was on my home for my Christmas holiday when my car broke down. It was plete dead, and I was a few miles away from my home in that cold, wet night. I decided to walk around a little after accepting that Id have to spend the night in the car. Maybe I can find a telephone. Actually, I didnt have to walk far before I found the small house standing in a field with a light shone from the sitting room. I knocked the door and was delighting when a pleasant old man opened the door and listened to my story carefully. He said he had no telephone and that it wasnt any within walking distance, but the old man who offered to go to repair my car.笫二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,是将来北京参加冬令营活动的英国高中生Tom的接待家庭。请根据以下提示给Tom写信电子邮件,告知相关事宜。 内容要点:1.机场接机;2.单独卧室, 可以上网;3.陪同浏览北京。注意:1. 词数不少于100; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Tom, Yours,天水一中xx高考模拟信息卷英语答案卷一【语篇理解】本文是一篇应用文,是一则关于香港迪士尼乐园门票的广告。文章主要介绍了购买香港迪士尼乐园门票的方法。21. C 根据“Purchase 2 Park Tickets at one of the following locations and receive a FREE limited-edition Disney gift”,在结合下文介绍可知,在Avenue of Stars Kiosks和Asia World-Expo Box Office两处购票可免费获得礼品一份。22. C根据“Three types of 1-Day ticket are available”中的内容可知,这对年轻夫妇每人需要付499美元,他们的两岁孩子免费,因此,他们至少要支付门票费用为988美元。23. A根据“Purchase Tickets Directly at Hong Kong Disneyland Ticket Express”中的介绍“Open from 9:00am8:00pm on Monday to Friday and from 9:00am5:00pm on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays”可知,周六、周日和公共假期的购票时间是上午9点到下午5点,结合四个选项可知,选项A正确。【语篇理解】作者出于无奈雇佣了沉默的大卫,但大卫在工作中表现出来的勤劳和可靠使作者意识到员工不一定要完美。24. C 根据第2段“He plainly told David that I had no positions open at the time and the interview was just for practice”可知,作者给大卫面试的机会仅仅想让他得到一定的锻炼,故选C项。25. B根据第6段提到“Some of my workers (without physical limitations) chose not to brave the weather to get into work, so I was short-handed”可知一些工人不想冒雨干活,不得已雇佣大卫,故选B项。26. D根据最后一段提到“David worked for my bicycle shop for eighteen years. He came to work every day thirty minutes early. He could talk; however, he rarely chose to”大卫工作认真负责,赢得顾客尊重,故选D项。27. D根据最后一段提到对于戴维的描述以及顾客对他的评价,可知选D项。【语篇理解】本文是一篇调查报告,文章介绍了最近的调查发现,大部分英国人在飞机上不喜欢坐在有孩子的座区。28. A 根据文章第1段“but a lot less appealing at 30, 000 ft, crying loudly in the seat fight next to you”以及第4段“And our dislike of noisy children and babies on planes runs deep, it seems”可知,在飞机上英国人不喜欢有孩子的座区的原因是他们制造太多的噪音。29. C根据文章第2段“almost seven in ten Britons dislike flying with babies so much that they would like to see child-free areas introduced on planes”可知有近70%的乘客愿意选择飞机上无孩子座区。30. C 根据倒数第2段“Over half of those surveyed58 percentselected drunk travellers as their pet peeves”可知,在飞机上,饮酒的乘客是最不受欢迎的乘客。31. D 根据第2段“According to a new survey, almost seven in ten Britons dislike flying with babies so much that they would like to see child-free areas introduced on planes”可知,这是一篇调查报告。【语篇理解】选择合适颜色的衬衫上班是有学问的,因为你衬衫的颜色有可能影响到你的的收入和同事对你的评价。32. C 根据文章第1句的“Men who wear pink shirts to work earn more”可知答案C项正确。33. B 文章第2段提到男人穿衬衫的颜色可以显示他的收入和学历,后面几段还提到可以显示他选用的交通方式等等,而且根据文章第3段第1句的“You can tell a lot about someone by the color he wears”也可看出来,因此答案B项正确。34. C 根据文章最后一段的“while white shirt fans were the most punctual”可知答案C项正确。35. B 根据文章第1段第1句即可知答案。3640 BEDGA【语篇理解】作者在十一岁的时候,想让父亲买一辆自行车作为生日礼物,为此作者做出了自己人生中第一个谨慎的财务选择。41. B从文章第1句的“I approached Dad, determined to get a small bike for my birthday” 可知,作者的生日快到了,她想向父亲要礼物。42. C根据本段及下段的描述可推测,父亲想让作者帮助他付账单。43. A根据后文“I knew that my father was not going to let such a large 44 go without using it to teach me a life lesson”可知这是作者担心的事情。44. D向父亲要自行车作礼物是一个请求,作者知道父亲是不会轻易地就满足自己的请求而不给自己上一课的。45. B后两句“How could I pay bills .before”就是作者当时心里的想法。46. B作者不知道怎么付账单,是因为作者从来没有付过账单。47. A父亲自然知道作者没有付账单的经历,所以他解释清楚他要作者做什么。48. C根据生活常识我们不难知道,父亲要作者把家里所有的开支都加起来。49. B承接上文,然后从父母所赚的钱中减去那些费用。50. C既然是在加减家里的开支


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