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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module1LifeintheFuture课时作业外研版必修一、单元扣点.根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空predictswitchdisableoutdoorsoptimisticalternativeurbanrecreationattachresources1Its dark, so you shouldnt _ off the lights in the classroom.2It is raining heavily outside and the children cant play games _.3Her job is to _ labels to the luggage of the passengers at the station.4We should value and make better use of our natural _.5Skating and skiing are two _ activities favored by children who live in cold and hilly areas.6You have the _ choices of telling us the truth or remaining silent.7An experts _ shows that the atmosphere will be 3 warmer in xx if people continue to burn fuels.8A student with learning _ may not be able to understand the teacher very well.9More and more people are tired of _ life today and e to live in the countryside.10Doctors are not very _ about the result of the surgery. Another surgery will be needed.答案1.switch2.outdoors3.attach4.resources5recreational6.alternative7.predition8.disability9.urban10.optimistic.完成句子1我一直很忙,抽不出时间来回信。Ive been _ find time to answer that letter.答案too busy to2草烧了一会儿。The grass _ for a short time.答案was on fire3这家医院附属于那所大学。The hospital _ that university.答案is attached to4我们应该依靠我们自己的努力。We should _ our own efforts.答案rely on/depend on5不论到哪里,他都非常受欢迎。He is wele _ he goes.答案wherever二、阅读理解(xx重庆卷)At thirteen, I was diagnosed (诊断) with a kind of attention disorder. It made school difficult for me. When everyone else in the class was focusing on tasks, I could not.In my first literature class, Mrs. Smith asked us to read a story and then write on it, all within 45 minutes. I raised my hand right away and said, “Mrs. Smith, you see, the doctor said I have attention problems. I might not be able to do it.”She glanced down at me through her glasses, “You are no different from your classmates, young man.”I tried, but I didnt finish the reading when the bell rang. I had to take it home.In the quietness of my bedroom, the story suddenly all became clear to me. It was about a blind person, Louis Braille. He lived in a time when the blind couldnt get much education. But Louis didnt give up. Instead, he invented a reading system of raised dots (点), which opened up a whole new world of knowledge to the blind.Wasnt I the “blind” in my class, being made to learn like the “sighted” students? My thoughts spilled out and my pen started to dance. I pleted the task within 40 minutes. Indeed, I was no different from others; I just needed a quieter place. If Louis could find his way out of his problems, why should I ever give up?I didnt expect anything when I handed in my paper to Mrs. Smith, so it was quite a surprise when it came back to me the next daywith an “A” on it. At the bottom of the paper were these words: “See what you can do when you keep trying?”语篇解读这是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己克服注意力障碍,发现了一个新的自己的经历。1The author didnt finish the reading in class because _.A. he was new to the classB. he was tired of literatureC. he had an attention disorderD. he wanted to take the task home答案与解析C考查细节理解。第一段作者就谈到他有注意力障碍,第二段的尾句说明作者认为自己的身体状况使他不能完成老师布置的任务。2What do we know about Louis Braille from the passage?A. He had good sight.B. He made a great invention.C. He gave up reading.D. He learned a lot from school.答案与解析B考查细节理解。依据第五段的“he invented a reading system of raised dots (点)”可知,Louis Braille为盲人发明了一种非常有用的阅读体系。3What was Mrs. Smiths attitude to the author at the end of the story?A. Angry. B. Impatient.C. Sympathetic. D. Encouraging.答案与解析D考查推理判断。文章尾段作者的老师Mrs. Smith写道“See what you can do when you keep trying?”说明了这位老师对作者的肯定,她在鼓励作者继续努力。4What is the main idea of the passage?A. The disabled should be treated with respect.B. A teacher can open up a new world to students.C. One can find his way out of difficulties with efforts.D. Everyone needs a hand when faced with challenges.答案与解析C考查主旨大意。作者在文中讲述了自己经过努力,终于完成了任务的经历。由这件事可以看出,只要努力克服困难就能够成功。三、完形填空(xx江西南昌模拟)Reading and learning new words is about finding their meaning and use within a passage. The meaning of unknown words which you _1_ in your reading sometimes can be known by their _2_, that is, their contexts. The context of the sentence can tell us the part of speech (词性) of the _3_ word. Using the context of the paragraph to define unknown words can also be _4_.Readers often have trouble because they understand the sentence word by word instead the _5_ meaning of a word, when they should identify the way it has been used in the passage.One consideration in using the context is to determine the unknown words part of speech. The words around the unknown word can give you _6_. Once you know if the word is a noun or an adjective, it is often enough for you to _7_ reading without having to stop to look up the meaning of the word. After ing across the word a few more times, you will know its meaning more _8_ than if you had just looked it up.parison clues indicate that two or more things are _9_. A parison is possible because the known and unknown words have _10_. The likeness shows you that parisons can be made._11_ clues tell you an example of an unknown word. Example clues are usually _12_ by the following words and phrases: such as, for example, and like.To find meaning from textbased clues, you should look for clues in the sentence. A second kind of clue does not _13_ on specific words to indicate meaning. This kind of context clue is called a frameworkbased clue. Your knowledge of the meaning of surrounding words _14_ you discover the meaning of a word or sentence. mon _15_ and your knowledge of the parts of speech also help defining unknown words. For example, the angry driver shouted vehemently during his fight with the other driver. What does “vehemently” _16_? You know what _17_ means, and you know how people _18_ when they argue. From this, you can _19_ out that “vehemently” has something to do with strong _20_ or intense feelings.1A. take down B. look up C. e across D. pick out2A. sentences B. words C. topics D. surroundings3A. unknown B. abnormal C. familiar D. negative4A. unique B. natural C. helpful D. mon5A. correct B. inconvenient C. different D. satisfactory6A. cases B. reasons C. effects D. clues7A. translate B. interview C. continue D. examine8A. strangely B. uncertainly C. potentially D. firmly9A. alike B. meaningful C. proper D. great10A. properties B. similarities C. possibilities D. personalities11A. Popularity B. Consideration C. Example D. parison12A. affected B. adjusted C. changed D. introduced13A. focus B. spend C. carry D. rely14A. prevents B. helps C. tells D. displays15A. point B. taste C. awareness D. sense16A. mean B. use C. contain D. plete17A. angry B. grateful C. happy D. anxious18A. act B. say C. feel D. think19A. e B. figure C. take D. set20A. demand B. ambition C. attitude D. emotion答案与解析语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了几种根据上下文学习生词的方法和技巧。1C有时候你在阅读中所遇到的生词的意思可以通过语境知道其含义。take down意为“记下”;look up意为“查阅”;e across意为“遇见”;pick out意为“找出”。下文中的“After ing across the word a few more times”也是提示,故C项正确。2D根据“that is”可知,此空与contexts是同义词,与下文中的“The words around the unknown word”和“Your knowledge of the meaning of surrounding words”呼应,故D项正确。3A句子的语境可以告诉我们生词的词性。与上文中的“unknown words”呼应可知,此处是指生词,即A项正确。abnormal意为“不正常的”;familiar意为“熟悉的”;negative意为“负面的”。4C利用段落的语境来确定生词也是有帮助的。与下文中的“mon _15_ and your knowledge of the parts of speech also help in defining unknown words”呼应,即C项正确。5A当读者本应该确认一个词在语境中的用法时,读者经常遇到麻烦,因为他们逐词理解句子而不是(理解)一个词的正确意思。根据空格前的“Readers often have trouble”可推知,读者没有理解一个词的正确意思,即A项正确。6D生词周围的词可以给你(提供)线索。与下文中的“parison clues”呼应,即D项正确。7C一旦你知道了这个词是名词还是形容词,那么你就可以不必停下来去查找这个词的意思而继续读下去。根据空格后的“without having to stop”可知,此处应用continue“继续”,故C项正确。8Dstrangely意为“奇怪地”;uncertainly意为“犹豫地”;potentially意为“潜在地”;firmly意为“坚定地”。根据空格前的“After ing across the word a few more times”可知,在生词出现的频率较高的情况下,根据语境,读者就可以更加确定其具体的含义,即D项正确。9A比较性线索表明两个或多个事物是相似的。根据下文中的“Words likewise”可知,此处表示事物的相似性,即A项正确。10B之所以可以比较是因为认识的词和不认识的词之间有相似性。根据下文中的“The likeness”可知,此处指词义相近,similarity意为“相似性”,符合语境。11C例子线索会通过举例来提示读者对生词的理解。与空格后的“an example”和“Example clues”呼应,故C项正确。12D例子线索通常通过以下词或短语来提出。affect意为“影响”;adjust意为“调整”;change“改变”;introduce“提出”。故D项正确。13D另一种线索并不是靠具体的词来表明(生词的)意思的。与上文“textbased clues”形成对比,这种线索不是依赖上下文而得出词义的,故D项正确。rely on意为“依赖”,符合语境。14B你对语境中词的意思的理解有助于你了解一个词或一个句子的意思。故B项正确。15D常识和对词性的了解也有助于(读者)给生词下定义。固定搭配:ment sense意为“常识”,符合语境,故D项正确。16A“vehemently”是什么意思呢?与下文中的“You know what _17_ means”形成呼应,A项正确。17A你知道angry是什么意思,而且你(也)知道人们在争辩时的感受。与上文中的“the angry driver”呼应,故A项正确。18C根据上文中的“the angry driver”和空格所在句中的“how people _18_ when they argue”可推知,此处表示情感和感受,故C项正确。19B由此你可以弄清楚“vehemently”与强烈的情感或紧张的情绪有关。e out意为“出现,出版”;figure out意为“弄明白”;take out意为“切除”;set out意为“出发”。20Ddemand意为“要求”;ambition意为“野心”;attitude意为“态度”;emotion意为“情感”。与语境“or intense feelings”呼应可知,此处表示情感,故D项正确。


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