2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookI Unit12教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookI Unit12教学案 人教大纲版理解:要点诠释单词1.treat讲:v.以态度对待;以方式对待;医疗;医治;治疗n.乐趣;乐事;款待例:Treat your keyboard with care and it should last for years.小心使用你的键盘,这样你可以使用很多年。My parents still treat me like a child.父母仍然把我当成孩子。When I was young,chocolate was a treat.我年轻的时候,吃巧克力是一种难得的享受。Lets go out for lunchmy treat.咱们到外面去吃午餐,我请客。链接拓展 (1)treat sb./sth.as sth.把看作;把视为 I decided to treat his remark as a joke. 我决定把他的话当作戏言。 (2)treat sb./oneself to sth.招待;款待;请(客);买(可享受的东西) She treated him to lunch. 她请他吃午饭。 (3)a treat 极为有效;棒极了 His idea worked a treat(=was successful). 他的主意极为奏效。练:(1)(xx浙江模拟) More patients _in hospital this year than last year.A.treated B.have treatedC.had been treated D.have been treated提示:patients与treat之间存在被动关系,应使用被动语态,故排除A项和B项;由时间状语this year判断,应使用现在完成时态,故选D。答案:D(2)Id love to go with you to the concert,but Im short of money these days.Thats all right._.A.We are friends,and we should help each otherB.It will be my treatC.You know I have a lot of moneyD.Ive got enough money提示:考查情景对话It will be my treat.由我来请客吧。答案:B2.habit讲:n.习惯例:You need to change your eating habits.你得改变你的饮食习惯。Its all right to borrow money occasionally,but dont let it bee a habit.偶尔借点钱没关系,但不要养成习惯。链接拓展 (1)be in the/a habit of=have the/a habit of 有的习惯(或脾气) 我不习惯让陌生人进我家。 (2)get/fall into the/a habit of 养成的习惯 (3)break/get out of the/a habit of戒的习惯练:(xx山东潍坊质量检测) When you go abroad for further study,you should learn to adapt to the _ of the destination country.A.customs B.habits C.practice D.instruction提示:custom指社会习俗,habit指个人习惯。答案:A短语1.in trouble 讲:该短语意为:处于不幸、苦恼、困境中;有麻烦例:He is always ready to help anyone who is in trouble.他总是乐于帮助有麻烦的人。If I dont get this finished in time,Ill be in trouble.我如不按时把这完成就要倒霉了。链接拓展 (1)get into trouble遇到麻烦;出事 (2)take the trouble to do sth.不辞辛劳地做;不厌其烦地做 (3)have.trouble with或have.trouble in doing sth.做某事有困难 其中的trouble是不可数名词。 I have some trouble (in) reading his handwriting. 我认他的笔迹有点困难。练:(1)When I am _,he is always the first person I turn to.A.into trouble B.at trouble C.in trouble D.in troubles提示:into 是动态介词,不能表示状态,故排除A项;at trouble不符合英语表达习惯,故排除B项;trouble是不可数名词,不能用复数,故排除D项。答案:C(2)Some students have trouble_grammar while others have difficulty_new words.A.in;remember B.for;to rememberC.on;remembering D.with;remembering提示:本题考查have trouble with sth.和have difficulty (in) doing sth.,答案为D。句意为:有些学生学语法有困难,而有些学生记生词有困难。答案:D2e across讲:(偶然)遇见;碰见;发现;被理解;被弄懂;给人以印象;使产生印象例:I came across children sleeping under bridge.我偶然发现睡在桥下的孩子。She came across some old photographs in a drawer.她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片。He spoke for a long time but his meaning didnt really e across.他讲了很久,但并没有人真正理解他的意思。She es across well in interviews.她在面试中常给人留下很好的印象。链接拓展 e out 出现(=appear);出版(be published);(消息)传出;真相大白 e about发生(=happen) e to 达到;谈到;突然想起;苏醒;总计;共计练:(1)Guess what! I _an old friend at the party last night.How nice!Im sure you had a wonderful time.A.quarreled with B.came aboutC.came across D.beat提示:依据答语,排除A、D两项;e across表示“遇到”,与句意相符。答案:C(2)(xx天津河西质量调查) How did you find this poem?I _ it while reading a classic novel.A.came down B.came aboutC.came across D.came up提示:本题考查动词短语的区别。e down降低,贬抑;e about发生,产生;e across碰到,遇到,偶然发现;e up上来,上升,抬头。答案:C3.used to do讲:(用于表示过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经;过去常常例:Harry also learns to be brave and to do things he used to be afraid of.哈利也变得大胆了,敢于做过去不敢做的事。You used to see a lot of her,didnt you?你过去常见到她,是吗?链接拓展 (1)be/get used to sth./doing sth.习惯于某事(做某事) I used to get up late,but now I am used to getting up early. 我曾经起床很晚,但现在已习惯早起了。 (2)be used to do sth.被用来做练:(1)There _many people _in the office,but now nobody is allowed to.A.used to be;smoking B.used to have;smokingC.used to be;smoke D.used to have;smoke提示:“过去曾经有”用“There used to be.”表示;“有人干某事”用“There be someone doing sth.”表示。故选A。答案:A(2)When he first got to Hainan,he didnt like the weather there,but gradually he _it.A.was tired of B.was used toC.hated D.got used to提示:强调由不习惯到习惯的过程,故选D。答案:D(3)Water_ electricity widely all over the world.A.is used to produce B.is used to producingC.used to produce D.used to producing提示:“被用来做”用be used to do。答案:A句型1.部分否定句讲:注意观察下面教材原句:He knew that the church had many secret rooms and that not all of them were safe.他知道教堂里有很多密室,而且并不是所有的密室都安全。如果句中使用了all,both,every,再使用否定词not,无论not出现在何处,该句都应视为部分否定句,译成“并不是都”。例:Not all of us agree with him.=We dont all agree with him.我们并不是都同意他的观点。Not every student passed the exam.=Every student didn pass the exam.并不是每一个学生考试都及格了。Not both of them are students.=Both of them are not students.他们俩并不都是学生。链接提示 表示全部否定时,三者或三者以上用none,两者用neither。 None of us agreed with him. 们都不同意他的观点。 Neither of them are students. 他们俩都不是学生。练:(1)(xx北京模拟) I invited Joe and Linda to dinner,but_ of them came.A.neither B.either C.none D.both提示:由句中的信息词Joe and Linda可知,邀请的是两个人,排除B、C两项;由转折词but可知,表示的是否定,故选A。答案:A(2)The advertisements say 2046 is the most romantic film.But Im sure it wont interest _.A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.nobody提示:考查部分否定句。句意为:广告说2046是一部最浪漫的电影,但是我确信它并不会使人人感兴趣。答案:C2.含有if only的句子讲:注意观察下面教材原句:If only they could find a way to get to the room,or whatever it was,behind the wall.他们要是能够找到一条通道进入墙壁后面的那个房间,或无论什么地方,该有多好!if only的意思是“但愿”,其后常接过去式或过去完成时,表达强烈的愿望或遗憾。例:If only you hadnt told Jackie what I said,everything would have been all right.要是你没把我的话告诉杰吉就好了,那样就不会出什么问题了。If only I were rich.但愿我很富有。链接拓展 (1)only if只有 only if引导的从句放在句首时,主句采用部分倒装语序。 (2)if so if so经常用来代替肯定的条件状语从句,译法较活。 (3)if not不然;要不 if not(不然;要不)代替否定的条件状语从句。 (4)but for若不是,要不是 but for等于if it were not for.;if it hadnt been for.,所在的句子常用虚拟语气。练:(1)Did you meet with the famous star?_I had e here earlier.A.Only if B.If only C.But for D.As long as提示:句意为:“你见到那个著名的明星了吗?”“我要是早点来就好了。” 答话人表示遗憾,故选B。答案:B(2)Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _your advice.A.follow B.would follow C.had followed D.have followed提示:if only引导的句子中多用虚拟语气,此处表示的是过去。答案:C辨析1.believe,believe inbelieve表示“相信某件事情或某人的话”。believe in sb./sth.表示“相信某人或某物的存在”或“信赖;信任;相信某人会成功”。即时练习:(1)Do you _God?(2)They need a leader they can _.(3)You can _him this time but youd better not _him.(4)Dont you _what I say?(5)People used to _the earth was flat.答案:(1)believe in (2)believe in (3)believe,believe in (4)believe (5)believe2.power,strength,force这三个词都有“力量”之意。power用法最广,用于各种身的、心的、隐藏的、外显的力量,也可指事物的某种作用力或动力。strength指内部的能力,是身体组织内存在的体力。force指运用或发挥出来的外在的、活动的力,含有克服阻力而使人或物按要求的方向运动之意。即时练习:(1)Knowledge is_.(2)The boy lifted the stone with all his _.(3)She doesnt have enough _to walk upstairs.(4)Carrying this baggage requires a lot of _.(5)The _of the wind knocked over a tree.答案:(1)power (2)strength (3)strength (4)power (5)force诱思:实例点拨【例1】 (xx天津模拟) Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _.A.ability B.force C.strength D.mind提示:本题考查词义辨析。ability指“能力”;mind指的是“思维;想法;理智”。进行体育锻炼的目的是增强体力,故选C。答案:C讲评:解考查词义辨析的题时,要首先明确各个选项的意义,以及他们的不同,然后要正确理解句意。【例2】 (xx福建模拟) I made a call to my parents yesterday.To my disappointment_,of them answered it.A.either B.none C.neither D.nobody提示:从句意看,应该使用全部否定,从上句中的parents判断,选项应该使用表示“两者都不”的neither。答案:C【例3】 (xx辽宁模拟) This book tells _life story of John Smith,who left_ school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16.A.the;the B.a;the C.the;/ D.a;/提示:leave college/school 意为“离校”,即毕业或肄业 。例如:(Unit 11 P75)Elvis left school and became a truck driver.艾尔维斯毕业后当了一名卡车司机。因此首先排除A、B两项;第一空应该用the,特指John Smith的生活经历。故选C。答案:C讲评:表示去(在)某处,泛指与那个地点有关的活动,而不表示具体的地点时,地点名词前不用冠词。如果表示具体的位置,则要用定冠词the。学习中要注意区分,牢记固定词组;解题时要分析、判断,作出正确选择。


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