2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit12 Education(第二课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit12 Education(第二课时)Teaching Aims:1.Learn the text and train the students reading ability.2.Learn some useful words and expressions.3.Help the students learn more about education in China and other countries.Teaching Important Points:1.Help the students grasp the main idea of the passage and understand it better.2.Learn and master the important words and phrases in this period.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to help the students fully understand the passage and improve their reading ability.2.How to help the students master the useful words and expressions in the passage.Teaching Methods:1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the passage.2.Careful reading and discussion to help the students understand the passage better.3.Explanations to help the students master some language points.4.Listening and reading to improve the students listening ability and pronunciation.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Lead-in and Pre-readingT:In the last period,weve talked about some educators and education in China and America.Today well learn more about education.First,please look at the picture on the screen.(Show the picture on the screen.)T:Have you ever seen this picture before?Ss:Yes.T:Who can tell us something about it?S:This picture is used to encourage people to help poor children who cant afford to go to school to receive education,and help build more schools for them.T:Right.We know that many children like this girl cant go to school in China.But do you know why?You can have a short discussion in pairs and then Ill ask some of you to report to the class.Look at the questions on the screen.They may help you.(Show the following on the screen.)1.Look around your school and think of all the equipment,people and plans that are needed to run a school.2.What arrangements does the government have to make to provide education for children in China?Can you think of any problems or difficulties it may face? (A few minutes later,ask some students to report their answers.)T:Whod like to have a try?S:Let me try.In order to run a school,we need many things,such as buildings,desks,chairs and many kinds of equipment.We also need teachers and workers.Our government has to provide money to build buildings,buy equipment and pay for the teachers and workers.That will need a lot of money.In some places,the governments are too poor to run enough schools for all the children to go to school.T:Very good.But is this the only factor?Who can think of other problems or difficulties?S:I think sometimes people have wrong attitude towards education.They dont want to take their children away from their work on the farm.In some places,people are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the girls are treated unequally.Girls are still looked down upon in some places.T:Thats quite true.Please sit down.Who has anything different to tell us?S:Let me have a try.In some remote places,its hard to get enough good teachers for their students,usually because of the inconvenience and low living standard.T:As we all know,education is very important to the future of our country.So our country is trying hard to solve these problems.(Show a picture of a Hope Project School)T:Look at the picture.What do you see?Ss:A school.T:Yes,its a Hope Project School.The Hope Project has helped to build many school buildings in poor areas and many children now can study in bright and safe classrooms.The Hope Project has also helped many poor children return to school with donation from different social circles.Step Reading and UnderstandingT:Since education is so important,every country is trying to provide education for all.Today,well read a passage about this subject.Read the passage quickly and finish the exercise on the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)Choose the best subtitle for each paragraph in the text._Education for all children worldwide will be difficult to achieve_Solving the problem of teaching quality in remote areas_pulsory education for all Chinese children_Problems of number and location_Encouraging people in rural areas to accept education_Meeting the cost_Education for allthe international target (Give the students enough time to read and finish the exercise.Then ask some students to say their answers and check the answers with the whole class.)Suggested answers:G,F,A,D,C,E,BStep ExplanationT:Now,youve got the general idea of the passage.To help you understand it better,Ill explain some useful words and expressions to you.Look at the screen and listen carefully.(Show the following on the screen.)Useful words and expressions:1mitment:pledge,undertaking n.e.g.He doesnt want to get married because he doesnt want any mitments.2.sceptical:unwilling to believe something,doubtful adj.e.g.Were sceptical of the teams chances of winning.Im sceptical about their professed sympathy for the poor.3.tendency:leaning n.e.g.There is a tendency for unemployment to rise this year.4.donate:contribute,give.to a charity vt.e.g.How much money did you donate?They used to donate generously to the Red Cross every years.5.attach importance to.e.g.She attaches great importance to regular exercises.6.drop out:leave school/university without finishing ones coursese.g.She got a scholarship to Cambridge but dropped out later.7.rather than:instead of,in preference toe.g.I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.8.spread out:away from otherse.g.The search party spread out over the moor.(Explain the language points and write the words and phrases on the blackboard.)Step DiscussionT:Now,please read the passage carefully and finish the exercises on the screen.You may have a discussion in groups of four.(Show the following exercises on the screen.)1.Each statement below is incorrect.Refer to the passage to find out why.Then write the correct statement using accurate information.There are 113 million children not in school today.Children who live on farms do not like to attend school.Class sizes are larger in city schools than in rural schools.By xx every child in the world will receive nine years of pulsory education.2.According to the passage,which countries use the following methods to help them provide education?Countriesdistance learningmixed-grade classesmoney from international organisationsmoney from local organisations(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers.If there are any different opinions,allow the students a few minutes to read the passage again and have a short discussion.)Suggested answers:1.There were 113 million children not in school in xx.People who live on farms dont want to send their children to school.Class sizes are larger in areas where most citizens live.In rural areas,schools cant support teachers for the small number of students at each level.So teachers have mixed-grade classes.By xx every child in the member countries of the United Nations Education,Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)will receive plete,free and pulsory primary education of good quality.2.distance learning:north and central Australia,China,the USAmixed-grade classes:the Turks and Caicos Islands,parts of the remote central and western provinces in Chinamoney from international organisations:China,some developing countries in Africa and Asiamoney from local organisations:ChinaStep Listening and ReadingT:Good.Now,youve understood the passage well.Lets listen to the tape.The first time I play it,you should listen carefully and the second time,you can read after it.Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(Play the tape for Ss to listen and repeat.And if time permits,ask some students to read the passage.One student,one paragraph.)Step Summary and HomeworkT:Today,weve read a passage about education for all.Weve also learnt some useful words and expressions.After class,read the passage again and again to understand it better.And think about the two questions on the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)1.Are there any ways in which education in your town could be improved?2.Which do you think is the most important aspect to change?T:Ill check your answers tomorrow.So much for today.Class is over.See you tomorrow!Ss:See you tomorrow!Step The Design of the Writing on theBlackboardUnit 12EducationThe Second PeriodUseful words and expressions:mitmentattach importance toscepticaldrop outtendencyrather thandonatespread outStep Record after Teaching_


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