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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4Globalwarming单元加餐练一-二新人教版.完形填空I had a dark moment earlier. The badtempered person that was once me _1_. I hadnt killed her. Oh she isnt a fine piece of work. I dont like her at all. But I am grateful she es out _2_. She reminds me of how far Ive e and who I dont want to be, ever.I was at the dentist for treatment, a(n) _3_ which I had organized and reorganized for months. I _4_ it twice and called the day before to ensure the _5_ would be ready for the xrays. Then I arrived. But the machine was broken. The lady on duty had no _6_ what I was talking about and I _7_ felt my blood boil. I was getting so mad. I didnt _8_ her or curse but the way I was _9_ to her was not nice. My tone was so rude. I spoke down to her like she was a _10_, naughty and incapable. It was not a good moment.The whole time she _11_ and was lovely to me. Everything was finally OK and only then was I nice. I sat down in the waiting area and _12_ on it all.How can I make it _13_? I thought. I could gift her a chocolate bar I had on me, but this _14_ more than that. It needed an honest _15_ and that is exactly what I gave.I apologized for the _16_ I had spoken to her and told her it was wrong of me. She _17_. Again with a smile. God help me be that woman, who smiles and forgives so _18_.I dont get it right every time. I can be _19_ and when I am, I almost hate myself for it. I am not a person like her. _20_I have confidence in myself. I continue to grow and continue to learn.语篇解读:作者按照预约去看牙医,结果那里没有按预约的准备好。作者大怒,用粗鲁的语气训斥了值班的女士,而对方始终以微笑回应。作者反省之后,真诚地向女士道歉,并决心要做一个像那位女士一样的人。1A.improvedBchangedCreturned Ddisappeared解析:选C那个曾经坏脾气的我回来了(returned)。由上句“I had a dark moment earlier.”得出。2A.on purpose Bat timesCover time Dever since解析:选B这个坏脾气的我不时地(at times)出现,是对作者的提醒。3A.appointment BdecisionCchoice Dorder解析:选A作者来到牙科医生处就诊,这是几个月前约好的。appointment“预约;约定”。4A.considered BrecalledCconfirmed Dwarned解析:选C由5空前的ensure可推断此处应该填confirm (确认)。去之前我进行了两次确认。5A.cure BequipmentCexamination Dpay解析:选B本空后的“But the machine was broken.”有提示,作者打电话确认拍x光片的设备(equipment)是否已经准备好。6A.suggestion BmindCcare Didea解析:选D值班的女士对此毫不知情,这让作者很生气。have no idea“不知道”。7A.immediately BcontinuallyCnormally Dreasonably解析:选A我去之前一再核实,去了之后值班人员竟然不知道有这么回事,所以我一下(immediately)就怒火中烧。8A.laugh at Bcalm downCyell at Dturn to解析:选C空后的curse是提示,作者没有冲她喊叫(yell at)也没有谩骂。9A.talking BleadingClistening Dreferring解析:选A虽没有冲她大喊大叫,但作者说话(talking)的方式非常不好。10A.boss BchildCnurse Dcheat解析:选B作者说话的语气相当粗鲁无礼,就像是跟一个孩子(child)说话。空后的“naughty and incapable”有提示。11A.escaped BsufferedCdebated Dsmiled解析:选D作者发火期间,这位女士一直微笑(smiled),对作者态度很好,空后的lovely有提示。12A.depended BkeptCreflected Dcarried解析:选C问题解决之后,作者情绪好多了。作者坐在候诊区,回顾刚才发生的一切。reflected on“仔细考虑;反省;回想”。13A.better BfairerChappier Dworse解析:选A回顾了刚才发生的一切,作者想:“如何才能把这件事处理得更好(better)呢(之前说话的口气太恶劣了)?”14A.meant BneededCwasted Dcost解析:选B她可以送给女士一块巧克力,但这件事需要(needed)做更多,远非一块巧克力就能解决。15A.explanation BexcuseCoffer Dapology解析:选D这件事需要真诚的道歉(apology)。下一段的“I apologized for”有提示。16A.time BchanceCway Dplace解析:选C作者为自己对她说话的方式(way)道歉,承认自己错了。17A.accepted BignoredCrefused Dregretted解析:选A女士接受了(accepted)作者的道歉。空后的“Again with a smile.”有提示。18A.carelessly BeasilyCproudly Deagerly解析:选B作者要成为像这位女士一样的人,一个时刻微笑着、极容易(easily)原谅别人的人。19A.patient BpoliteCindifferent Drude解析:选D作者并不是每次都做得很好,有时还会粗鲁(rude)。20A.Yet BStillCEven DTherefore解析:选A虽然“我”有时会表现得很粗鲁,不是一个像值班女士那样的人,然而(Yet),“我”对自己充满信心,“我”会不断成长,继续学习。.阅读理解A few weeks ago a group of scientists produced a report about global warming and the natural world. They wanted to find out if global warming was dangerous for plants and animals. The scientists were surprised by what they found. They saw that during the next 50 years about 25% of land animals and plants will disappear from the earth. More than 1 million plants and animal species will die out by 2050.The head of the research team, Christ Thomas, who is a professor of conservation biology at Leeds University, said the results of their research were frightening. More than 10% of all plants and animals will disappear from the earth. It is too late to save many plants and animals because of the greenhouse gases that are already in the atmosphere. But the scientists say if we control greenhouse gases now, we can save many more plants and animals from disappearing.The scientists studied some areas of the world with very rich biology. These areas were Europe, Australia, Central and South America, and South Africa. Their studies showed that species living in mountainous areas had a better chance of survival because they could move uphill to get cooler. In flat areas, such as deserts, plants and animals would have to move very long distances to get cooler, so they are in great danger of dying out. The scientists found many surprising things. For example, they found that half of the 24 species of butterfly they studied in Australia would soon disappear.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过一组科学家所作的报告推测在不久的将来,温室气体量的增加对动植物物种有毁灭性的影响。由于全球变暖,动植物的生存空间也在发生改变,其数量和种类也在不断减少。作者试图通过分析现状唤起人们对环境保护的意识。1According to this passage, global warming can be best described as _ to many plants and animals.AdeadlyBsurprisingCdisappointing Dfrightening解析:选A推理判断题。根据文章大意可知,全球变暖带来的是动植物物种的不断减少,这种影响对动植物来说是致命的。2Whats the purpose of the research led by Christ Thomas?ATo protect animals and plants from global warming.BTo call on people to control greenhouse gases.CTo warn us of the dying out of many animals and plants.DTo study the effect of global warming on animals and plants.解析:选D细节理解题。由文章第一段第二句可知这项研究的目的。3What can be the best title of this passage?AGreenhouse effect and global warmingBExtinct animals in the worldCA frightening discovery concerning global warmingDDisappearance of butterflies解析:选C标题归纳题。纵观整篇文章可知,作者向人们展示了温室气体对动植物物种的灭绝性危害。4We can learn from the passage that _.Aabout 25% of land animals and plants have disappeared from the earthBin about four decades more than 1 million plants and animal species will die outCwe can do nothing to save the plants and animalsDwildlife in flat areas cant find enough food解析:选B细节理解题。通过第一段可知,在未来的50年里,将有大约25%的陆地动植物灭绝,A项时态有误;B项表述正确,in about four decades即大约40年后,即2050年左右;C项错在we can do nothing上;D项文章并未提及。.语法填空W:Hello! Is that Nigel?M:Yes, it is.W:Oh, I am Linda. Im ringing about _1_ flat share.M:Oh, right. Its a threebedroom house, _2_ (furnish) with a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and a small garden. Its in King Street, No. 18, _3_ you know is not very far from the railway station. By the way, it _4_ (decorate) last year, so it looks quite new.W:Oh, thats quite a long _5_ (distant) from my university. Well, how much is the rent?M:400 pounds a month, including the charge _6_ water and electricity.W:OK! How about the landlord?M:Oh, she is a friendly and _7_ (humor) lady in her early fifties. We _8_ (get) along quite well since I moved in two years ago.W:Thats great. Who else will be living in the house?M:Me and another guy. _9_ of us are university students. Are you also a student?W:Yes. I am in my second year _10_ (study) science. Well, Id love to go for a look sometime at your convenience.M:OK, Ill be waiting for you here this weekend.W:Thank you. Bye then.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._1thethe flat share特指说话双方都知道的这次合租公寓的事情。2furnished本句中的主语house与furnish为逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词。3which本句中的先行词为King Street, No. 18,本句是非限制性定语从句,所用引导词在从句中作主语。4was decorated主语it与decorate是被动关系,需用被动语态;last year表明动作发生在过去,所以谓语动词用一般过去时。5distance空格中所填单词前面有a long修饰,故用名词。6forthe charge for sth. “的费用”。7humorous空格中所填单词在句中作定语,修饰lady,故用humor的形容词形式。8have been getting这里用现在完成进行时强调自己自搬进公寓后和房东一直相处得很好。9Both这里用both指代说话人自己和另外一个合租人。10studying主语I与study是逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词。.短文改错It was the break time, but the students were playing in the playground. Jacky was playing basketball with a group of boy when Lily told him that the headmaster wanted see him. Jacky seemed confused. He thought, “I did anything wrong. Why did the headmaster ask me to go to his office?” Then he walked there nervous. To his surprised, the headmaster praised him, as he learned from some teachers that Jacky usually volunteered to help the others. The headmaster told Jacky he had set an example for other students. Hear that, Jacky was very happy. He promises the headmaster that she would continue to be a caring student.答案:第一句:butand第二句:boyboys; wanted后加to第四句:anythingnothing第六句:nervousnervously第七句:surprisedsurprise; 去掉第二个the第九句:HearHearing第十句:promisespromised; shehe.书面表达学校将出一期以“保护环境,创建和谐社会”为主题的墙报,请你就如何处理垃圾来保护环境写一篇100词左右的宣传稿件,稿件应包括以下内容:1城市垃圾的危害;2城市垃圾的处理方法:分类,回收利用,有害垃圾填埋,污水处理;3制定措施防止污染。参考词汇:和谐社会a harmonious society参考范文:With the improvement of peoples living conditions, more and more rubbish is produced especially in cities. Too much rubbish will pollute our environment and do harm to our health. So it is important to deal with it properly.Here are some ways to deal with rubbish. Sort out different kinds and put in different dustbins. Some can be recycled, while harmful rubbish should be buried under the ground. Waste water should be cleaned and used again.In addition, we should make laws to prevent people throwing rubbish everywhere. Only in this way can we protect our environment and build a harmonious society.


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