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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4Bodylanguages教案新课标人教版必修4Period 1 Warming up, pre-reading and scanning.Step 1 Lead in.(Have the Ss what some body languages mean)Step 2 parisonStep 3 Warming up Meaning Action2. I am worried.An upset look.3. I ate too much.Putting hand on the stomach, patting or rubbing.4. I am sorry that I did something wrong.Dropping or hanging the head.5. Im so happy.A loud laughter with a shining face or smiling with arms open and head back.6. You did a good job.A thumb up.7. You are angry.Turning your back to someone on purpose.8. Stop here.Putting the left palm on the forefinger of the right hand.Step 4 Pre-reading1.What is the purpose of language? The purpose of language is to be used as a tool of munication. That is, to exchange with others ideas, feelings, information, and so on.2 How can you tell if someone is sad even if they do not speak? By looking at their facial expressions.Step 5. Answer the questions after scanning the text. 1. Why are the people visiting China? 2. What parts of the are not represented by the visitors? 3. Why is Julia Smith surprised? 4. Why do you move back from Ahmed Aziz? 5. What do French people often do when they meet people they know?6. Can we expect people everywhere to act the same? Why 7. Why do you think we need to study body language? 8. Is the main character male or female? How do you know?Step 6 Read the passage once and divide the passage into 4 parts, the sum up the main ideas.Part1: (1) You are sent to Pudong Airport to meet business people.Part2:(2-3) Example of learned or cultural “body language”.Part3: (4-5) Different people have different body language.Part4: (6) Summary of body language.The main idea of the whole text: It tells us about the importance and necessity of body language and its differences between different cultures.Period 2 Explanation of the text:1. They will be meeting at a major hotel with local business people and people who represent the Chinese government. will be meeting The future continuous tense: the action will take place for certain. “预料将要发生的动作”,多用于现代英语口语中,语气较婉转、随便。When will you be visiting us againmajor:1) adj. 表示more important; greater 较重要的,较大的,主要的。如:A major road 主干道2)v. 表示specialize in a certain subject (at college or university)主修科目。如:She is majoring in French.3) n.表示army officer between a captain and a lieutenant-colonel陆军少校represent: 1) stand for or be a symbol or equivalent of (sb. /sth.); symbolize 代表, 象征,等于(某人或某物);标志 What does Y represent in this equation?这个方程式中的Y代表什么? 2)be an example of (sth.)是某物的一个例子 This design represents a major new trend in modern art.这种设计反映了现代艺术中的一种主要的新趋向。2. Four people enter looking around in a curious way. 作状语,表enter的伴随状态。3. You think that there may have been a mistake.May have been: a deduction of an action in the past4.You see her step back appearing surprised, and take a few steps away from Mr. Garcia. (P26 P1 L5) appear = seemThe visitor from Japan es in smiling. (P26 P1 L7)She arrives hurrying,. (P26 P4 L3) Adverbial(伴随状语)., and this is an exciting experience for you,. (P25 P1 L5)His nose touches Mr. Cooks moving hand,. (P26 P1 L10)., recognizes Mr. Garcias smiling face,. (P26 P4 L3)It is an interesting study and . (P26 P5 L3) Attribute(定语)

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