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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2EnglisharoundtheworldUsingLanguage(Period6)教学案新人教版必修1【要达成的目标】1. Learn some information about standard English and dialects.2【“教”与“学”过程】本堂课使用的电教手段 Task 1 Individual work before class.1. Read the passage and find the topic sentence for each paragraph. Para 1 _. Para 2 _. Para 3 _.2. Find the answers to the following questions. 1). Why do many people believe there is standard English? What is it? 2). What is a dialect? 3). How many kinds of American English dialects are mentioned according to the passage? What are they? 4). Why does American English have so many dialects? 5). Do you think Americans have any difficulty in understanding each other though they use their dialects? Why do you think so? Task 2 Work in class. Play a game.Invite some students from different places to say the same sentence using theirnative lauguages.Think: 1. What do you think causes them to say the same sentence using different words and expressions? Can you understand them?教师个性化教案 学生学习笔记2. The Chinese language also has many dialects. Do you know any of them? Make a list of the Chinese dialects you and your classmates know.Task 3 Listen and Read in class.Read the passage carefully and understand the following sentences.1. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.2. This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English.3. However, on TV and the radio you will hear difference in the way people speak.4. Geography also plays a part in making dialects.Task 4 Individual work in Class.Part3 on page13.Read the dialogue and find the British and American words which are different but have the same meaning. British words American wordsHomework1. plete the following sentences using the structures in Task 3.1). Im sorry. _(我们班没有叫李明的学生).2). _(语言起着非常重要的作用) in our daily life.3). I dont like the way _(他对待妻子).4). He often fall asleep in class. _(那是因为) he plays puter games deep into night.5). _ (你信不信), maybe I will have a chance to travel around the world one day in the future.2. Read the passage again and again.3. Prepare for the next class.【课后反思】(教师写成败得失和改进措施,学生写学习体会和存在的问题)


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