2019-2020年高中英语 Unit28 友人告诫放松心情回函书信通.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit28 友人告诫放松心情回函书信通.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit28 友人告诫放松心情回函书信通March 20, xxDear Terry,I was very pleased to receive your letter. I knew you were probably too busy to write back immediately. It must be difficult running your own pany. I cant say that I envy you. You should try not to put too much pressure on yourself. Were not so young anymore, and too much stress is unhealthy.You should try to delegate more responsibilities to your employees so you dont have to do as much. Also, is it really necessary for you to expand? I know you are doing well financially. You should take some time to enjoy some of that money. Go ahead and take that vacation!I hope you dont object to my giving you all this advice. Whether you take it or not, I wish you all the best.Sincerely,Robert Wilcox亲爱的泰瑞:我很高兴接到你的来信。我知道你可能太忙以致于不能立刻回我的信。经营你自己的公司一定很困难。我不能说我羡慕你。你应该设法不要把太多的压力往自己身上揽。我们都不再年轻,太多的压力是有害健康的。你应该设法把更多的责任分派给你的员工,那么你就不必做这么多了。此外,你真的需要扩充吗?我知道你的财务状况很不错。你应该花点时间把赚得的钱拿一部份去享受一下。去度个假吧!我希望你不会对我所给你的这些忠告持反对意见。不论你接受与否,祝万事如意。罗勃特威尔寇斯敬上xx年3月20日字词解说:1. please 使高兴be pleased to V高兴例:The boss was pleased to see everyone working hard.(老板很高兴看到每个人都在努力工作。)2. run 经营例:Hes a good designer, but he doesnt know how to run a business.(他是一个优秀的设计师,但他不知道如何经营生意。)3. envy 羡慕例:Everyone envies that handsome guy.(每个人都羡慕那个帅哥。)4. pressure .压力put pressure on sb对某人施加压力,压迫某人例:The manager put pressure on the workers to get the job done faster.(经理对员工施加压力要他们快点把工作做好。)5.not.二anymore不再例:Your daughter is not a child anymore, so stop treating her like one.(你的女儿不再是个小孩了,所以别再把她当小孩子对待了。)6.stress;,.压力,强调under the stress of在的压力之下例:That teacher lays a lot of stress on good handwriting.(那个老师很强调字体的工整。)Anthony is about to break down under the stress of caring for his large family.(安东尼为了要照顾他的大家庭快要崩溃了。)7. unhealthy仁nrihel6y a.不健康的,有害健康的例:Living in such a polluted environment is unhealthy.(住在如此遭受污染的环境中是有害健康的。)


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