2019-2020年高考英语总复习 2-4 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习 2-4 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 新人教版.单词拼写1I_(感激)this opportunity to put my point of view to the mittee.2God have_(怜悯)on us.3We should_(雇用)someone to manage production.4Engineers will_(视察)the site next month.5Eating sweets occasionally doesnt do children any_(危害)6He suffered hearing l_following an illness.7The area has been badly a_by pollution.8Brown rice c_a lot of vitamines and minerals.9He r_that he would be pleased to attend.10Wild dogs usually h_in packs.答案:1.appreciate2.mercy3.employ4.inspect5.harm6loss7.affected8.contains9.responded10.hunt.完成句子1他戴着墨镜,目的是保护眼睛免受强烈阳光的照射。(protect.from)He is_sunglasses_ _ _ _ _the strong sunlight.2他简化了指令以便于儿童理解。(so that)He_the instructions_ _the children_ _ _.3人们对保护环境已投入很多注意力。(pay attention to)Great attention_ _ _ _ _ _of the environment.4我不喜欢你用那样的方式嘲笑她。(way)I dont like_ _ _ _ _her.5这个村子的人口数已经减少到了2500。(decrease)The population of the village_ _ _ _.答案:1.wearing; to protect his eyes from2.simplified; so that; could understand them3.has been paid to the protection4the way(that/in which)you laugh at5.has decreased to 2,500.单项填空1. Has the WuhanGuangzhou highspeed railway been put into use?Yes. The last train for Guangzhou_at seven fifteen in the evening.Ahas leftBleavesCwas leftDwill leave答案:B考查时态。此处用一般现在时态表一般将来。2Wed like a table for five,please?Have you_?Apreserved Breserved Capplied Dsubscribed答案:B考查动词。句意:“我们要一张可以围坐5个人的桌子。”“你预定了吗?”reserve“预定”;preserve“保存”;apply“应用”;subscribe“捐助,签名”。3It was_who suggested that he_to New York in order to get a direct flight.Aher; went Bher; goCshe; went Dshe; go答案:D考查强调句型和虚拟语气。第一空是被强调的句子的主语,所以填主格形式she;第二空suggest作“建议”讲时,所接that从句用“(should)动词原形”的虚拟语气。4In China, a good many traditional customs have_.Adied down Bdied off Cdied away Ddied out答案:D考查动词短语。句意:在中国,许多传统习俗已经消失了。die out“消失,灭绝”。5In the current global economic crisis, China, though_to some degree, is undoubtedly a country recovering the most rapidly from it according to some statistics.Ahaving affected Bhas been affected Caffected Dhas affected答案:C句意:在现在的全球经济危机中,根据统计,中国虽然在某种程度上受到了影响,毫无疑问是经济恢复最快的。China与affect之间构成了逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词形式。6The math problem was the most difficult one I had ever met, but I_to work it out at last.Atried BmanagedCsucceeded Dfailed答案:B考查动词词义和用法上的区别。try to do“努力做;企图做”;manage to do“设法做成”;succeed(in)doing等于manage to do“强调成功做到(着重结果)”;fail to do“失败;没做到”。7The recent stories in this magazine,_one of yours, have been_in the list of the best ones.Ainclude; include Bincluding; includingCincluding; included Dincluded; included答案:C考查动词include的用法。如果表示“整体中包括局部”,用介词including;若表示“局部包括在整体中”,谓语动词用被动语态have been included。8I would appreciate_, to be honest, if goods could be delivered as soon as possible.Ayou BthisCmyself Dit答案:D考查有关appreciate的固定用法。appreciate虽为及物动词,但习惯上其后面不直接跟从句,其后常加入一个无所指代的it,只是语法需要,it并无确切含义。9We should try our best to keep our environment from_.Apolluting BpollutedCbeing polluted Dhaving polluted答案:C考查keep.from.用法。处在介词之后且含有被动意味,故用v.ing的被动式。10(xx宁波模拟)_in gardening and volunteering work, Mrs. Black leads a busy and rich life at her old age.AEmploying BEmployedCTo employ DBeing employed答案:B考查非谓语动词。由be employed in“忙于”可知,选B项。11The photo brought me back to the memory of the time in Qingdao,_I spent my summer holiday by the seaside with my friends.Athat Bwhen Cwhich Dwhat答案:B考查定语从句。I spent my summer holiday by the seaside with my friends是从句部分,该部分主干成分完整,因此用关系副词;先行词是time,故选when。12It is reported that 1.4 million people took part in_postgraduate entrance exam,_13 percent increase from last year.Aa; the Bthe; a Ca; / D/; a答案:B题干中的postgraduate entrance exam在这儿是特指“今年的”研究生入学考试;a 13 percent increase from last year表示比去年增加了13%,其中不定冠词a修饰后面的increase。13What is the newer like?His manner is_to offend everyone he has met.Aso as Bsuch asCin order Das答案:B考查句式。such as to“到如此程度以致”。再如:His illness is such as to cause anxiety. 他病得很重,令人担忧。14Nowadays, many people walk to work_Copenhagen Conference calling for living a lowcarbon lifestyle to cope with global warming.Ain relation to Bin response to Cin addition to Din opposition to答案:B考查介词短语。句意:现在,作为对哥本哈根气候大会为解决全球变暖而发出的低碳生活的呼吁的回应,许多人步行上班。in response to“作为对的回答,作为对的反应”;in relation to“涉及,有关”;in addition to“除之外(还)”;in opposition to“与的意见相反”。15(xx陕西24)It is reported that many a new house_at present in the disaster area.Aare being built Bwere being builtCwas being built Dis being built答案:D句意:据报导,现在许多新房屋正在灾区兴建。由at present 可知本句要用现在进行时态,而当“many a 可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式,尽管含有复数意义。.完形填空Do some animals have certain mental powers which human beings do not? Of course they have instincts(本能), but_1_this, I am sure that they can feel_2_things which we humans cannot.A personal experience_3_this to me.Some years ago, I had a dog named Howard.From the time that he was a baby dog, he was timid, so we named him Howard to_4_with coward(胆小鬼)! He was especially afraid of_5_.At the first hint of them, he would run crying into the house and hide under a table.What a hero!I often went for walks with Howard._6_,as we were walking along a road, it began to rain.I quickly ran to a busstop for_7_.The busstop had a roof supported by metal poles.Soon after I had got there, Howard caught my_8_in his teeth and tried to pull me away._9_, I was puzzled and a little angry at his_10_.However, I decided to humour him and walked away from the shelter into the rain and_11_for home._12_I was about two hundred metres away from the shelter, there came a blinding flash of lightning and_13_, there was a crash of thunder which nearly_14_me.Howard stopped walking and began crying.Knowing that he was afraid, I_15_to pick him up.As I straightened up, I_16_the bus shelter which we had just left.I was shocked to see that two of the_17_were bent and the roof was lying on the ground,_18_.The shelter had been struck by the lightning.I gave Howard a big hug to express my heartfelt_19_.He had just saved my life.He was truly my_20_!文章大意:作者用自己的亲身经历告诉我们,动物有时候可能会感觉到人类无法感知的事情,如某些潜在的危险等。有一次,当作者带着小狗散步时,天突然下起雨来,于是作者跑到公交站台底下躲雨。可是,小狗却扯着他(她)的裤腿催其离开。最终,小狗救了它的主人一命。1A.for B.besides C.with Dexcept答案:B根据上下文语境可知,此处表示并列关系,besides“除此之外(还有)”符合语境。2A.certain B.few Cseveral Dgreat答案:Acertain“某些,某一”符合语境。句意:我相信它们能感觉到某些人类无法感知的事情。3A.expressed BconveyedCproved Dapplied答案:C根据上下文可知,C项正确,即一次亲身经历向我证明了这一点(它们能感觉到某些人类无法感知的事情)。4A.rhyme BmeetCfight Dpete答案:AA项意为“与谐音”符合语境,即我们给小狗起名Howard以和coward(胆小鬼)谐音。5A.people BbusesCcats Dthunderstorms答案:D根据第二段内容可知,Howard非常胆小,害怕闪电,因此D项正确。6A.However BOnceCUnfortunately DSuddenly答案:Bonce此处表示“有一次”,符合语境,即接下来作者开始讲述那次发生的事情。7A.peaceBreliefCshelter Dfort答案:Cshelter意为“遮盖物,避难所,藏身地”,符合语境。根据文章内容可知,当下雨时,“我”跑到公交站台底下躲雨。再根据第三段最后一句“.from the shelter.”可知,C项正确。8A.collar BsleeveChat Dtrousers答案:D根据下文内容可知,小狗是在暗示“我”离开那个危险的地方,它只有用牙齿咬住“我”的裤子,而不是衣领、袖子或帽子。9A.At first BAt lastCAt once DAt present答案:A根据上下文可知,刚开始时(at first)“我”由于不知道小狗的意图,所以感到奇怪并生气。10A.teeth BbehaviourCcourage Didea答案:Bbehavior意为“行为”,符合语境,即“我”对它咬“我”裤子的行为感到不理解、生气。11A.looked BdreamtCheaded Dasked答案:Chead for“前往”,即往家里走去。12A.Because BSinceCWhen DAs答案:C当“我”离开站台大约200米时,看见了一道雪亮的闪电。13A.long after Bminutes laterCat the same time Dsoon after答案:D根据常理可知,闪电过后不久(soon after)便会听到雷声。14A.deafened BstruckCkilled Ddefeated答案:Adeafen“使变聋”,指雷声很大。15A.went BbentCrushed Dturned答案:Bbent意为“弯下腰”,即弯下腰将处于恐惧中的小狗抱起来。16A.glared at Bstared atCglanced at Daimed at答案:C根据上下文可知,C项正确,即当“我”抱起小狗站起身时,(不经意地)望了一眼刚才躲雨的站台。glare at“怒视”;stare at“凝视”;glance at“很快地看一眼”;aim at“意图,旨在”。17A.buses BtreesCwalls Dpoles答案:D根据第三段第四句“.by metal poles.”可知,D项poles指柱子,即上文“我”刚才躲雨的那个站台下的柱子。18A.broken BunharmedCdangerous Ddead答案:A根据语境可知,A项正确,即支撑站台的两根柱子断裂了。19A.happiness BthanksCluck Dwish答案:B根据文章内容和本句前半句“I gave Howard a big hug”可知,“我”感谢小狗救了“我”一命。20A.dog BsonChero Dfriend答案:C小狗Howard救了“我”一命,所以“我”认为它是“我”的英雄。.书面表达假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,为响应绿化祖国的号召,你班四月十二日去郊区植树。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍植树活动的全过程,给某英文杂志的“绿色行动”专栏写一篇以“Green Action in Our Class”为题的英文稿件。注意:词数不少于60。_范文借鉴Green Action in Our ClassApril 12 is memorable because our class had a meaningful experience on that day. In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, talking and laughing all the way. Upon arrival, we began to work immediately. Some were digging holes. Some were carrying and planting young trees. Others were watering them. After getting the work done, we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees. Before leaving we took some photos to record our green action. Seeing the lines of trees, we all had a sense of achievement.We feel its our duty to protect and beautify our environment.


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