2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Friendship (The Fourth Period) 教案 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Friendship (The Fourth Period) 教案 新人教版必修1从容说课T:Of the four periodslistening,speaking,reading and writing,listening is regarded as the most difficult skill.We are now entering a new era.This new era places new demands on us.With people municating with each other frequently,listening plays an important role in munication.Most students are afraid of listening,why?Because they find it difficult to learn and get high scores in examinations.That causes them to lose interest in listening.This period should be designed to arouse students interest and improve their listening skill.At the same time,we should bine it with speaking and writing.三维目标1.Knowledge:words/phrases:get along well with,have some trouble with,gossip,fall in love,hate doing/to do,make a questionnaire,try out a sentence pattern:That way you will show them that you are more.2.Ability:Train the students skill of predicting the listening material based on given information.3.Emotion:Learn to develop friendship and misunderstanding in a proper way.教学重点(1)Train the students listening ability.(2)Master the new phrases and sentence pattern and make the students be free to express their agreement and disagreement.教学难点(1)How to improve the students listening ability.(2)How to finish the task of speaking.教具准备a recorder,a blackboard,a project教学过程Step 1T:Yesterday we learned the grammar-the interchanges of Direct speech and Indirect speech.We know we usually change the verb tenses and pronoun forms and adverbials in Indirect speech.But it is not necessary to change the tense when we report things that are always true.Now lets do some exercises to see if you have mastered them.Look at the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)T:Turn the following Indirect speech.1.John said to Tom,“e to my house tomorrow.”2.“Could you help me with my homework?” she asked.3.Mary said to her brother,“Dont e to the airport to see me off.”4.The teacher said,“I must go now.”5.“Why didnt you stop her?” he asked.T:Turn the following into Direct speech.6.She said that she would go there the next day.7.He asks whether Tom is an Englishman.8.She said that the earth is round.9.I asked Tom why he had not told her the truth.10.His aunt said that she had got there five days before.Suggested answers:1.John told Tom to go his house the next.2.She asked me if I could help her with her homework.3.Mary told her brother not go to the airport to see her off.4.The teacher said he had to/must go then.5.He asked why I hadnt stopped her.6.She said,“I will there tomorrow.”7.He says,“Is Tom an Englishman?”8.She said,“The earth is round.”9.“Why didnt you tell her the truth?”I asked Tom.10.His aunt said,“I got here five days ago.”T:I am glad to see you are familiar with this grammar.Now please turn to Page 6.Lets do some listening.You are going to read a letter from Lisa first.Whats the problem with her?Read it quickly to find the answer.S1:Lisas classmates misunderstood her and her boy friend.S2:Lisa thought they had pure friendship,but her classmates thought they fell in love with each other.T:Quite right.Now Lisa is asking Miss Wang of Radio for Teenagers to give her some suggestions.Before listening to the tape,please guess what Miss Wang will say to Lisa.Work in groups of three to have a discussion.T:Share your ideas with the whole class.S1:Miss Wang will suggest Lisa explain their friendship to her classmates.S2:Miss Wang will advise Lisa not to pay more attention to what others say.S3:She will ask Lisa to list some possible reasons for other students misunderstanding.T:OK,now lets listen to the tape.Read questions first.Then check answers with your partners and later check them with the whole class.T:Great!Read the requirements in exercise 3 to make sure what main sentences you should notice.For the second time,fill in the blanks.T:You are clever.I d like you to listen to another passage about why people write a diary.Also,first try your best to fill in the blanks and then listen to the tape.After that,check by yourselves to see how well you finished this exercise and lets see who is the top student in this activity.T:Just now we have learned some information about how to keep friendship with your friends in a proper way and why a diary can be our friend.But why do people make friends with one another?We are going to hear what Lesile Clark,a Canadian says.Do you agree with her?What do you think of people from foreign countries?Use the expressions listed to help you express your ideas and reasons.Step 2T:We talked much about friends and friendship.How do you evaluate a friend?What kind of friends are your classmates?Lets make up a quiz.Version:1.Youre talking to someone at your locker when you see your friend approaching.Shes sporting a new hairdo that is a definite dont.The person youre with makes a nasty ment.Youa.announce that you think the style is great and then study it until you find something about it that you really do like.b.ignore the ment and find a time to gently break it to your friend that she might want to try something else.c.agree with the ment.After all,the style is awful.T:Thats all for discussion.Now lets learn some language points.First,pay attention to phrases:get along well with,have some trouble with,fall in love,hate doing,try out,make a questionnaire.(Write them on the blackboard.) Then well learn a sentence pattern:That way you will show them that you are more(Write it on the blackboard.) Now look at their usages.(Show the following on the screen and explain them.) Would you please make up sentences using them?S1:How are you getting along in school?S2:Dont you hate people who gossip about their friends?S3:She fell in love with the dress as soon as she saw it.S4:Try out the brakes before you drive down a hill.S5:We have much trouble with English pronunciation.T:We can use it in the following structure:(1)have some/much/little/no difficulty/trouble in doing sth.(2)There is little difficulty/trouble in doing sth.T:Look at the usage of “the way”.This is the way (that/in which) he did it.I dont like the way you solved the problem.Step 3 Homework1.Practice speaking after class.2.Finish the workbook exercise on Page 4.板书设计Unit 1 FriendshipThe Fourth Periodphrases1.get along well with2.have some trouble withe.g.3.fall in lovee.g.sentence pattern1.That way you will show them that you are more.活动与探究Let students make up quizzes as many as possible.Choose some best ones to paste on the walls or put them on the internet.Who are more creative?备课资料QuizThere are all kinds of qualities that go into a good friend.How many of them do you have?Take this quiz to see how you stack up as a friend.1.The party invitation youve been waiting for final arrival.You are so excited that you immediately call your friend to see what shes going to wear.But when she answers the phone,she tells you she wasnt invited.a.tell her that if she isnt going,you arent going.You make plans to see a movie together instead.b.call the person giving the party and ask if you can bring your friend.c.tell her that if she isnt going,you arent going,but then go anyway.2.You find out that your friend has seriously let you down.She calls you to apologize.Youa.forgive her.Weve all done some stupid things.b.tell her its okay,but then never trust her again.c.slam down the phone and think of a rumor to spread about her the next day.3.Your friend wants to go on a date,but her mom says no.She asks you to tell her mom that shes with you while she goes on the date.You a.tell her youre sorry,but youre not going to lie for her.Instead,help her think of ways she might be able to promise with her mom.b.tell her youll do it,but just this once.c.cover for her.The argument is between her and her mother.Youre only helping a friend.4.Your friend has volunteered to make cookies for the Spring Fling party,but she waits until the last minute.She calls you begging for help.You hate baking.Youa.give up your Saturday plans and prepare to be covered in flour.b.show up on her doorstep with 14 boxes of cookies from the bakery.Tell her all she has to do is put them on a plate and no one will know she didnt make them herself.c.tell her youd help,but you have to walk your dogall day.5.At lunch,someone begins to tell a juicy rumor about your friend.Youa.tell the person talking that youre not going to listen to gossip,especially if it involves someone you care about.b.listen to the rumor and then call your friend to see if its true.c.listen to the rumor,call someone else to tell her the rumor and ask if she thinks its true.6.You find out your friend has bee involved with drugs.You confront her about it and she tells you to mind your own business.Youa.immediately tell her parents,a teacher or a school counselor.b.let her know how you feel about what shes doing.Make it clear that you care about her,but you wont be around her when shes hurting herself.c.let it go.She can make her own decisions.Scoring Mostly As:Youre a truly terrific friend.You know what it means to be a good friend,and you do your best to live up to that.Even when the right choice is not the easy choice,you still e through.Your friends should feel fortunate to have you in their lives.Mostly Bs:You do care about your friends,and you usually make good decisions about your friendships.Sometimes,though,youre swayed to make choices that might not be for the best.Think carefully about what it means to be a good friend and then make sure you stick to it.You and your friends will all be better off.Mostly Cs:Youre walking on thin ice with your friendships.If you dont want to fall through,youre going to have to make some changes.Start by making a list of qualities youd like to see in your own friends.Then make an effort to be that way yourself.


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