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2019-2020年高三10月第一次调研考试(英语)WORD版注意事项:1. 答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目、答卷类型(A或 B)用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。3. 考试结束后,监考人员将本试卷和答题卡一并收回。 第一部分听力_ (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有 关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What s the total price for two nights?A. More than ninety pounds.B. Fortyfive pounds.C. Ninety pounds.2. What will she probably do?A. Water the plants.B. Wash the car.C. Do nothing.3. How much did the woman pay altogether?A. $50B. $48C $524. Where did the man go last night?A. He went to the theatre.B. He went to the film.C. He was at home with his guest.5. When will the man take a holiday?A. This Sunday.B. Next week.C. This weekend.第二节共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)听下面6段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B, C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独 白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a school.B. In a shop.C, In a teachers office.7. What s the woman?A. A teacher.B. A professor.C. A student.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What does he think of the shoes?A. Cheap.B. Expensive.C. OK.9. From the text we know that the shop doesnt have _shoes.A. blueB. blackC. brown听第8段对话,回答第10至11题。10. What did the woman use to do as a child? She used to _A. read a lot of storiesB. fish in the oceanC. swim in the Great Lakes11. What do people expect within the next generation?A. The Great Lakes will bee part of Canada.B. The Great Lakes will increase in size.C. The Great Lakes will be useful again. 听第9段材料,回答第12至14题。12. What is the man planning to do?A. He is moving to another school.B. He is planning to have a job.C. He is going to buy a new house.13. Which school did the woman introduce to the man?A. Southlake High School.B. Northlake High School.C. Southeast High School.14. How does the man think of his school?A. Its an excellent school.B. Its a large school.C. There are too many students in this school. 听第10段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What do students think of the school?A. All of them love it. B. All of them hate it. C. Some of them love it.16. From the passage we know that learning is _ .A. more interesting than beforeB. less interesting than beforeC. as boring as before17. Who decides when children can leave school?A. Parents.B. Children.C. The government.听第11段材料,回答第18至20题。18. Who is the speaker?、A. The captain of the plane.B. The waitress.C. Someone at the airport.19. When will the plane land?A. In one hour.B. In five minutes. C. In half an hour.20. What do passengers need to do before they exit the Customs?A. Wait for one hour.B. Get their luggage.C. Check the information board.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空丨共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B, C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。21. Tom, its 10 Oclock. You really must get up at once!_,if you insist.A, No,I needntB. It doesnt matterC. Sorry, but I wontD. All right22. _ of the truth of the reports, Bill told his colleagues about it.A. Convincing B. Convinced C. To convince D. Having convinced23. The young woman got to the cinema two hours ahead of time _she couldget a good positioruA. so thatB. in caseC. in orderD. now that24. Alice promised me to e round to keep you pany today. 一But she _. Ive been alone all day.A. wontB. hadntC. hasntD. doesnt25. The president requires theremore attention _to the problem.A. must be; paidR. will be; to be paidC. be; to be paidD. should be; paid26. The novel written by the author _best ,but five years ago no one could have imagined how great a role he _in the literary world.A. sells; was to playB. was selling; was playingC. sold; had playedD. is sold; is playing2.7. As is known to all, one of the many benefits of adventure travel isteaching children how to cope with _unexpected.A. the; /B. /; anC. the; theD. /; the28.Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away.A. fleeing the thiefB. was fleeing the thiefC. the thief was fleeingD. fled the thief29.Jenny is always absent from school, _I suppose is why she is criticizednow and then.A. whichB, whoC. thatD. what30.Its _that Death is the single best invention of Life.A. sureB. probably C. likelyD. possibly31.President Barack Obarna on Tuesday _the Medal of Honour to an armyofficer who placed himself in the line of fire to save two rades.A. awardedB. rewarded C. providedD. offered32.How do you find the film Titanic in 3D?_. I cant think too highly of it.A. It makes no senseB. Its really amazingC. Its awfulI). Its up to you33. -Will you read me a story, Mummy?OK. You _have one if you go to bed as soon as possible.A. mightB. mustC. couldD. shall34.It was _ he was chosen to be a volunteer in the 26th World UniversityGames in Shenzhenmade us very happy.A. when; thatB. that; thatC. that; whenD. which; when35.-Are you finishing your task?_. We need no less than three hours more.A. Far from it B. ExactlyC. Not a little D. No wonder第二节完形填空(共2O小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出可以填 人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Kevin was a small, thin boy. But what he told us in the class many years ago still 36 me. Our teacher had given us homework. We had been asked to pen an essay on “ 37 _ ” , We all thought it was easy. but when we started writing it, we 38 _ our limitations.Some of us wrote about the 39 _ moments surrounding birthdays; some spoke of the emotional highs on getting the first in class; others 40 _ kites and whoops (大叫) of joy. But Kevin ,the small, thin boy saw 41 _ in the events that excited us.Yes, he was a (an) 42 _ person. He was often 43 _ in his own thoughts though he appeared calm. He asked too many questions, and he 44 _ them himself. He seemed to be searching for a friend and had found one in himself. His 45 _ on “happiness,was strange,at least it appeared so at that time.Heres what I can 46 from his strange essay: “I do not know what happiness is. But I did feel happy last Wednesday when I opened my 47 _ . The atmosphere was right. There was a light breeze (微风).Just across the window was a tree, and it was swaying (摇动) 48 _. Something was building 49 _ me. And then, a bright yellow 50 _ started falling. It circled and circled and fell. I dont know what happened, _51 _ 一I felt nice. It was a positive feeling. I 52 _. Yes, you could say, I felt happy. I had never felt like that before. ”53 _ have gone by and I still think about the 54 _ leaflike life, which is coincidence. however the small, boy was explaining the natural beauty in his own way. If life is an accident ,then lets view it as such. Let 55 _ itself be a moment of happiness,however smallor large that instant is.36.A.inspiresB.interruptsC.disturbsD.troubles37.A.futureB.plantC.scienceahappiness38.A.removed1.realizedC.neglectedD.overcame39.A,sadIigreatC.littleD,last40.A.forgot1,rememberedC.deniedD.doubted41.A.nothingH.everythingC.somethingaanything42.A.ordinaryahonestC.excellentD.special43.A.stuckB.interestedC,lostD.involved44A.treatediiansweredC.provedD.avoided45.A.essayB.speechC.mentD.letter46,A.ignoreB.receiveC.separateD.recall47.A.drawerRdoorCwindowD.box48.A.hardB.gentlyC.carefullyD.violently49.A.insideIithroughCexceptD.without50.A.paperB.branchC.cloudD.leaf51.A.andB.soCbutD.or52.A.stoppedB.smiledC.staredD.prayed53.A.YearsH.MonthsC.WeeksD,Day54.A. burningB, changing C. growingD. falling55.A. beautyB. natureC. lifeD. memory 第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分4O分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ADear Editor,Im always negative around my parents after I found out that I was not sure if I was going to finish up college. I keep telling them I will not finish up college and this stresses out my parents as well as myself. I keep telling the people around me about it and it just makes things even worse. My parents lost their jobs and are jobless now, which adds more stress and also makes me long for a job to help. I do not want to disappoint my parents or let them down. I just realize life can be so plicated because I have no knowledge of anything and I make poor decisions in life. I sometimes wish there were someone out there who could listen and help me through tough times in life. I do not want to bee a trashy (无用的)adult someday, so please help. It is difficult for me to know what is right or wrong, but I still have time to learn.Yours TimAnswer 1The best decision you could make is to stay in school. Finding a job without a degree will be even more difficult than it is now. A college degree is an investment in your future ,and your parents only want the best for you. Think long and hard before you shut the door on your education. Talk with them and you can understand that as parents it is their job to be always concerned about you and your future. Rest wishes.Answer 2Try to be a little more positive around them, even though it is probably really difficult. Tell them straight that you don? t think you711 he able to finish up college at the moment, but you can always get a job and go back to college later in your life; either online or only taking a few classes at a. time. It might take longer than you want, but youll still graduate, and your parents might be a little happier too.56.Whales Tims main problem according to the passage?A.He doesnt know how to get on with his parents.B.He needs support to finish up college,C.He has difficulty in making an important decision.D.His parents are unemployed and the family is facing too much stress.57.If Tim followed the suggestion given in Answer 1,he should _ .A.find a part time job while studying in collegeB.first finish up college and then find a jobC.persuade his parents to let him do what he wants to doD.think more about his parents than about his future58.What Answer 1 and Answer 2 have in mon is that they both_.A.stress the importance of a college degreeB.advise Tim to have a good talk with his parentsC.agree that it will take a long time to finish up collegeD.suggest that Tim make a decision on his own59.What does the underlined sentence mean?A.A college degree costs a lot of money.B.It will be difficult to live without a college degree in the future.C.Having a college degree will give you an advantage in the future.D.You cant find a job without a college degree in the future.BZHENGZHOUFortyone people died and six others were injured after an overloaded bus caught fire in Xinyang city, Central Henan Province, early Friday morning, the deadliest bus incident in years.A total of 47 people were on board when the 35 seat bus caught fire at 4 a. m. on the BeijingZhuhai Expressway. The cause of the fire is still being investigated,said the head of the Henan Provincial Work Safety Administration.Among the six injured, one person was in critical condition in Zhumadian No. 159 hospital in Zhumadian city, while the other five, including the bus driver, were being treated in a hospital in Xinyang, according to Xinyang local police.The double-decker sleeper bus was on its way from the city of Weihai in eastern Shandong Province to central Hunan-5S provincial capital Changsha.The body remains were burned beyond recognition and the dead will have to be identified by DNA testing, according to police.Ding Qingfa,who was slightly injured in the fire, got on the bus with five other people in Heze City, 500 km southwest of Weihai.“I was sleeping but woke up by a sudden bang,and I saw a big fire ball falling down, so I ran, Ding said.He and his friends were sleeping in the aisle because the bus was already full when they boarded.People were screaming inside the bus,and the entire bus was on fire with blacksmoke spiraling (盘旋上升)”,he said.Ding said he asked the driver who had also fled the bus whether there was fire extinguisher (灭火器),but the driver replied that it didnt matterthe fire was too big.The driver is being questioned in hospital by police.An investigation team from the State Administration of Work Safety has arrived at the site from Beijing to look into the incident.-60.Which is the best title of this news?A.41 Dead in Bus Fire in Central ChinaB.Dangerous Travel on the Beijing Zhuhai ExpresswayC.The Injured Being Treated in the HospitalD.Useless Fire Extinguisher in the Accident61.How many passengers were injured in the bus accident?A. SixB. FiveC. FortyD. Fortyone62.How will the dead body be recognized according to the police?A.By the ID card remaining on the bus.B.By the relatives of the dead.C By DNA testing.D. By the security monitoring camera.63.Ding Qingfa was injured slightly because_.A. he was in the aisle and ran faster B. he was woken up by the driverC.he found the fire extinguisher D. he knew the bus would catch fireCPeple are always excited whenever they hear the word “free,. The reason behind this is that all prices in the market are rising and that it would be very lucky if the prices ever went down. One item that is included in the list of items that are being given away for free is free baby magazines.There is no magazine stall (摊位)that doesnt sell baby magazines. In a typical setting, unlike fashion magazines, some baby magazines are never sold at a low price because of their content. The content of baby magazines is not just taken from anywhere; it7s the fruit of personal experiences of parents.Free baby magazines are usually found in baby stores. They often immediately place a baby magazine in the bag of the bought items of their consumers. By the time they get home and have finished unpacking the stuff, they are able to read it.Free baby magazines are popular, especially in Western countries ,mainly because of promotional reasons. It is either because people are promoting the magazine itself or because panies that sell baby items are promoting their products inside that magazine. Either way, they are still making money out of it even though they say that it is for free. Producers of baby items look on magazines as a positive way to encourage the readers to buy their products.Parents are always looking for advice when it es to getting the best items for their babies. They sometimes look on the Internet or ask friends. However, a lot of people say that the best way to know the most believable information is to read baby magazines because they are selected and based on real information. This is actually the reason why baby magazines are such a hit among mothers of any age.64.From the passage, we learn that_.A.the prices of items seldom go down todayB.people can buy baby magazines in baby stores at a high priceC.most magazine stalls dont sell baby magazinesD.the best way to know the most believable information is from the Internet65.Why do some baby magazines sell at a high price?A.Because they are more like fashion magazines.B.Because their content is really interesting.C.Because they are suitable for a typical setting.D.Because they have personal experiences of parents,66.Free baby magazines are given away so that_.A.parents can look for advice easilyB.people can know the baby stores quite wellC.the magazines or baby items can sell much betterD.panies of baby items may get knownDEatable plates; cups made of ice; tables made with tires and bar stools made of water pipes: Its not a science fiction film but a realworld lowcarbon restaurant.The restaurant is one of London7 s zero carbon buildings in the Shanghai World Expos Urban Best Practice Area (UBPA) where more than 50 low carbon exhibits are on show.What is more impressive is that the two London zero-carbon exhibition buildings have realized energy independence.On the roof of the two buildings, there is special equipment to collect both solar and wind energy. The collected energy provides the two buildings with electricity. At the same time ,the buildings rainwater collection system satisfies the non drinking water needs of both buildings.The buildings7 zerocarbon meeting room has 87 seats. The very modern looking seats are all made of recycled materials like pans, barrels (桶)and traffic signs. KEEPING CARS AT BAYGermanys Freiburg is another low carbon exhibitor in the UBPA. Vauban, a district of Freiburg, is a car reduced district with most streets having no parking spaces and 70 percent of families having voluntarily given up driving.The district also started a “ share one- car, campaign to encourage citizens to carpool (合伙使用汽车)as much as possible to reduce emissions (排放),Meanwhile, citizens in the district build their houses in an energysaving way, and so solar energy equipment is widely used.LOW-CARBON LIFE ON SPINNING WHEELSAt the UBPA, dozens of colorful bicycles catch visitors* eyes. The bicycles are from the Odense exhibition area. Odense, the third largest city in Denmark is world- famous for its bicycle culture.The bicycles on exhibition help develop a lowcarbon city lifestyle. What, then, will bicycles in the future look like? The exhibition has an interesting answer: it will be similar to bicycles today. Throughout the long history of the bicycle, little has changed.The simple design of the bike is also made for the future,a sign by the exhibition reads.67. In the low一carbon restaurant. people cant see any_.A. ice cupsB. wooden tablesC. plates that can be eatenD. seats made of recycled materials68. Which of the following is TRUE of Londons zerocarbon buildings?A. They can provide the energy they need by themselves.B. They have a special system that can produce drinking water.C. Their meeting room is all made of recycled materials.D. There are 50 lowcarbon exhibits on show in them.69. We can know from the passage that_.A. the number of cars in Vauban is growing rapidlyB. citizens in Vauban rely much less on carsC. Freiburg has achieved zerocarbon emissionsD. wind energy equipment is widely used in Vauban70. According to the passage, bicycles will_in the future.A. be replaced by carsB. run much fasterC. change littleD. have more functions第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。A pen pal is an old tradition but one that has proved to be invaluable in teaching youngsters how to learn a foreign language. 71_ Now because of email, we can swap regular updates with our pen pals as often as we want to.Get started.Decide where you want your pen pal to be from, how old you want them to be, whether you want a male or female pen pal and so on. 72_ Also, you can write to a few local magazines or newspapers. If you have friends and they are members of a pen pal scheme, then why not see if any of their pen pals ,friends would also like to find pen pals?Correct each other.Agree on some basic rules with your pen pal. For example, you are an English speaker. As many courtiers teach English in schools ,there is a good chance that your pen pal may be able to speak English better than you speak their language. 73_ The most important thins is to learn from each other


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