高中英语 4考纲词汇天天练(第二版)第11-20天课件.ppt

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DAY 11,一、 根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.呼吸(v.) _ 2.借用;借入 _ 3.树枝;分公司 _ 4.抵制;拒绝出席 _ 5.品牌 _ 6.胸脯 _ 7.(装饰用)边;国界 _ 8.脑(子) _,breathe,borrow,branch,boycott,brand,breast,border,brain,9.打搅; 使困惑 _ 10.重大进展;突破 _ 11.感到厌倦的;烦闷的 _ 12.间隙 _ 13.刹车 _ 14.碗 _ 15.鞠躬 _ 16.气喘吁吁的 _,bother,breakthrough,bored,break,brake,bowl,bow,breathless,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 brave (b) boxing (c) boundary (d) bottom (e) bottle (f) bound (g) bone (h) boom (i) bounce (j) botany (k) botanical (l) bonus (m) bond (n) brake (o) boot (p) booth,( )1.(使)弹起;蹦 ( )2.粘合 ( )3.植物学的 ( )4.植物学 ( )5.额外津贴;奖金 ( )6.小隔间;小亭 ( )7.靴 ( )8.边界;分界线 ( )9.刹车 ( )10.瓶子 ( )11.勇敢的 ( )12.底部 ( )13.骨头 ( )14.受约束的 ( )15.激增;暴涨 ( )16.拳击(运动),i,m,k,j,l,p,o,c,n,e,a,d,g,f,h,b,三、填空 1.There is a small _ (botany) garden in our school. 2.He was getting _ (bore 使烦扰)with/of doing the same thing every day. 3.It gets _ (bore 使烦扰)just being at home all day.,botanical,bored,boring,4.He _ (brave) went into the burning house to rescue the baby. 5.Three soldiers were awarded medals for their _ (brave). 6.Without pausing to draw _ (breathe) she told me everything. 7.The fat man climbed up the mountain top_ (breathless).,bravely,bravery,breath,breathlessly,8.These two young musicians are bound _ international success. 9.As the film stars car arrived, the crowd broke _ loud applause. 10.Mrs Green is well known both for her kindness _ for her understanding.,for,into,and,DAY 12,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.简洁的;短暂的 _ 2.光辉夺目的 _ 3.埋;葬 _ 4.纽扣;按钮 _ 5.宽的;宽大的 _ 6.女商人 _ 7.黄油 _ 8.串;束;帮 _,brief,brilliant,bury,button,broad,businesswoman,butter,bunch,9.重担;负担 _ 10.桥 _ 11.刷子 _ 12.褐色;棕色 _ 13.坏了的;中断的 _ 14.预算;专用开支 _ 15.砖;砖块 _ 16.自助餐 _,buffet,burden,bridge,brush,brown,broken,budget,brick,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 bridegroom (b) bride (c) brochure (d) brunch (e) brewery (f) broom (g) bureaucratic (h) burst (i) burn (j) broadcast (k) bungalow (l) burglar (m) bush (n) butterfly (o) butcher (p) Buddhism,( )1.广播 ( )2.平房 ( )3.烧伤;烫伤 ( )4.窃贼 ( )5.灌木丛 ( )6.爆裂;冲;闯 ( )7.屠夫 ( )8.蝴蝶 ( )9.佛教 ( )10.新娘 ( )11.新郎 ( )12.扫帚 ( )13.小册子 ( )14.官僚的 ( )15.早午餐 ( )16.啤酒厂,j,k,i,l,m,h,o,n,p,b,a,f,c,g,d,e,三、填空 1.Mrs White works with children who come from _ (break) homes. 2.All the students were _ (busy) preparing for the finals. 3.Its a fine winter day, and the sun is shining _ (bright).,broken,busily,brightly,4.Everyone played _ (brilliant), but Jones was the hero of the hour. 5.I want to touch _ (brief) on another aspect of the problem. 6.My uncle will be _ business next month. 7.We keep in touch with each other _ email since he left China.,brilliantly,briefly,on,by,8.The door was suddenly pushed open and he burst _ the house. 9.The police observed the man break _ the store. 10.He not only had read the book, _ remembered what he had read.,into,into,but,DAY 13,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.卷心菜 _ 2.胡萝卜 _ 3.计算;估计 _ 4.雕刻 _ 5.镇静的 _ 6.取消;废除 _ 7.癌 _ 8.首都;省会 _,cabbage,carrot,calculate,carve,calm,cancel,cancer,capital,9.船长;队长 _ 10.餐厅;食堂 _ 11.照相机 _ 12.动画片 _ 13.地毯 _ 14.营;营地 _ 15.活动;运动 _ 16.咖啡馆 _,captain,canteen,camera,cartoon,carpet,camp,campaign,caf,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 caption (b) capsule (c) carriage (d) carbon (e) candy (f) candle (g) candidate (h) careless (i) can (j) canal (k) cafeteria (l) cab (m) cage (n) camel (o) carrier (p) carpenter,( )1.罐头;听 ( )2.自助餐厅 ( )3.运河;水道 ( )4.出租车 ( )5.笼子 ( )6.骆驼 ( )7.木工 ( )8.运输工具;运送者 ( )9.客车厢 ( )10.说明文字 ( )11.漫不经心的 ( )12.胶囊 ( )13.碳 ( )14.糖果 ( )15.候选人 ( )16.蜡烛,i,k,j,l,m,n,p,o,c,a,h,b,d,e,g,f,三、填空 1.The mail _ (carry) in our neighborhood is a friend of all children 2.“Could you hold for one moment?” he asked the _ (call). 3.After _ (care) consideration of your plan, I regret to say that we are unable to accept it.,carrier,caller,careful,4.Maria _ (care) folded the letter and put it in her pocket. 5.He was dismissed from the service for his _(care) behaviours. 6.This is a delicate job. It mustnt be done _ (careless). 7.She recovered from her surprise, and answered _ (calm).,carefully,careless,carelessly,calmly,8.She helped take care_ her aged grandmother. 9.We must care _ each other and help each other. 10.Were newcomers here and must be careful _ what we do.,with,of,for,DAY 14,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.挑战 _ 2.证明,证书 _ 3.谨慎;小心 _ 4.洞;穴 _ 5.原因;目标 _ 6.目录 _ 7.情况;案件 _ 8.现金 _,challenge,certificate,caution,cave,cause,catalogue,case,cash,9.扔;抛 _ 10.偶然的 _ 11.庆祝 _ 12.世纪 _ 13.细胞 _ 14.天花板;顶篷 _ 15.易变的 _ 16.机会;可能性 _,cast,casual,celebrate,century,cell,ceiling,changeable,chance,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 champion (b) centigrade (c) centimeter (d) ceremony (e) cater (f) catastrophe (g) cassette (h) castle (i) category (j) chain (k) cautious (l) catholic (m) cattle (n) cent (o) chalk (p) change,( )1.城堡 ( )2.广泛的 ( )3.类别 ( )4.牛(总称) ( )5.链; 环 ( )6.粉笔 ( )7.零钱;找头 ( )8.小心的;谨慎的 ( )9.美分 ( )10.冠军 ( )11.公分 ( )12.摄氏的 ( )13.典礼;仪式 ( )14.提供饮食 ( )15.磁带 ( )16.灾难,h,l,i,m,j,o,p,k,n,a,c,b,d,e,g,f,三、填空 1.Our house is very _ (centre), so we can easily get to theatres and cinemas. 2.She performed the most _ (challenge) task without a mistake. 3.The new principal gave a _ (caution) welcome to developments in the neighborhood,central,challenging,cautious,4.The weather in Guangzhou is very _(change) at this time of year. 5.There were lively New Year _ (celebrate) all over town. 6.Their new house is _ (certain) out of the ordinary. 7. _ case he gives me a phone call, tell him that I will call him back.,changeable,celebrations,certainly,In,8.The scientists may even catch sight _ a polar bear on the ice. 9.Well do our best to catch up _ the advanced world levels. 10.However, several things combined to make me change _ mind.,my,of,with,DAY 15,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.性格 _ 2.核对; 检查 _ 3.骗取;哄骗 _ 4.喝采;欢呼 _ 5.化学品 _ 6.化学 _ 7.选择;决定 _ 8.聊天;闲谈 _,character,check,cheat,cheer,chemical,chemistry,choose,chat,9.章, 篇 _ 10.领导;头 _ 11频道 _ 12.典型的 _ 13.国际象棋 _ 14.胸部 _ 15.奶酪 _ 16.圣诞节 _,chapter,chief,channel,characteristic,chess,chest,cheese,Christmas,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 chopsticks (b) cigarette (c) Christian (d) church (e) chorus (f) chant (g) choke (h) choir cheek (j) cheque (k) chef (l) chemist (m) chart (n) chew (o) chocolate (p) chaos,( )1.咀嚼 ( )2.窒息; 噎 ( )3.厨师长;主厨 ( )4.药剂师;化学家 ( )5.支票 ( )6.香烟 ( )7.图表;航海图 ( )8.巧克力 ( )9.基督教徒 ( )10.混乱 ( )11.咏唱;吟诵 ( )12.教堂;教会 ( )13.合唱曲 ( )14.筷子 ( )15.合唱团;唱诗班 ( )16.面颊,n,g,k,l,j,b,m,o,c,p,f,d,e,a,h,i,三、填空 1.They gave her the _ (choose), and she decided shed like a bike for her birthday. 2.There are several _ (cheer), colourful picture s on the wall. 3.She could hear him whistling _ (cheer) in the garden.,choice,cheerful,cheerfully,4.The shop round the corner does shoe repairs very _ (cheap). 5.There are branches of the store all over the country, but _ (chief) in the south. 6.Hydrogen combines _ (chemical) with oxygen to form water. 7.He is in charge _ the company when the manager is out.,cheaply,chiefly,chemically,of,8.His boss asked him to take charge _ the office for a few days while she was away. 9.Yesterday the selectors chose Dalesthe _ teams new captain. 10.The kids are watching cartoons _ the Disney Channel.,of,as,on,DAY 16,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.情况;境况 _ 2.文明 _ 3.分类,归类 _ 4.教练 _ 5.气候;风气 _ 6.一流的;有代表性的 _ 7.环形道;电路 _ 8.使循环 _,circumstance,civilization,classify,coach,climate,classic,circuit,circulate,9.海滨 _ 10.澄清,阐明 _ 11.俱乐部 _ 12.诊所 _ 13.攀登 _ 14.公民 _ 15.国内的 _ 16.圆圈 _,coast,clarify,club,clinic,climb,citizen,civil,circle,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 clumsy (b) clone (c) click (d) clay (e) claw (f) clap (g) civilian (h) clock cleaner (j) clever (k) clerk (l) coal (m) cloth (n) clothing (o) circus (p) cloudy,( )1.平民;百姓 ( )2.里程计 ( )3.煤 ( )4.办事员;职员 ( )5.马戏团 ( )6.清洁剂 ( )7.(总称)衣服 ( )8.布;衣料 ( )9.多云的 ( )10.笨拙的 ( )11.黏土;泥土 ( )12.克隆 ( )13.爪 ( )14.发出卡嗒声 ( )15.轻拍;鼓掌 ( )16.伶俐的,g,h,l,k,o,i,n,m,p,a,d,b,e,c,f,j,三、填空 1.Even an experienced _ (climb) can get into trouble sometimes. 2.Chris has an evening job as an office _(clean). 3.The top of the mountain was covered in_. (cloudy),climber,cleaner,cloud,4.“Fine clothes _ (make) a man” is an old saying. 5.English and German are _ (close) related. 6.The small child _ (clumsy) broke my vase to pieces. 7.He did everything very _ (clever) and silently, and in this way nobody really noticed it.,make,closely,clumsily,cleverly,8.A huge cloud _ black smoke slowly rose above the building. 9.The trip from Kittys school to the World Park took about two hours _ coach. 10.The headmaster gave me a friendly clap _ the shoulder and said, “Well done!”,of,by,on,DAY 17,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.承诺;保证(n.) _ 2.评论 _ 3.犯(罪,错) _ 4.比赛;竞赛(v.) _ 5.同伴 _ 6.同事 _ 7.交际;传达 _ 8.十足的;完成的 _,commitment,comment,commit,compete,companion,colleague,communicate,complete,9.使联合;结合 _ 10.综合事物 _ 11.安慰 _ 12.贸易的 _ 13.比较;对照 _ 14.作文 _ 15.共同的;普通的 _ 16.公司 _,combine,complex,comfort,commercial,compare,composition,common,company,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 comedy (b) compensate (c) coincidence (d) competence (e) collision (f) component (g) competition (h) collection coin (j) command (k) committee (l) collar (m) college (n) compass (o) coke (p) communism,( )1.比赛;竞赛(n.) ( )2.衣领 ( )3.委员会 ( )4.命令 ( )5.指南针 ( )6.学院 ( )7.共产主义 ( )8.补偿;弥补 ( )9.可口可乐 ( )10.喜剧 ( )11.碰撞事故 ( )12.巧合,巧事 ( )13.胜任;能力 ( )14.收藏品 ( )15.组成部分 ( )16.硬币,g,l,k,j,n,m,p,b,o,a,e,c,d,h,f,i,三、填空 1.The museum has one of the biggest _ (collect) of butterflies in the country. 2.Theres very little _ (communicate) between mother and daughter 3.Grandpa made himself _ (comfort) in a big armchair.,comfortable,collections,communication,4.The old woman is actually a former _ (communism). 5.She won first prize in an international dancing _ (compete). 6.Ankle injuries are _ (common) found among football players. 7.She felt warm and comfortable, _ (complete) relaxed.,communist,competition,commonly,completely,8.I believe its the only way to travel _ (comfortable). 9.The drug wont be _ (commercial) available until it has been thoroughly tested. 10.Ive never come _ anyone quite like her before.,comfortably,commercially,across,DAY 18,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.聚精会神 _ 2.完成;推断出 _ 3.音乐会 _ 4.条件 _ 5.概念 _ 6.证实;确认 _ 7.自信的 _ 8.涉及;关心 _,concentrate,conclude,concert,condition,concept,confirm,confident,concern,9.使迷惑 _ 10.结果;后果 _ 11.咨询;商量 _ 12.引导;带领 _ 13.考虑;认为 _ 14.经常的;不断的 _ 15.包含;组成 _ 16.连接;把联系起来 _,confuse,consequence,consult,conduct,consider,constant,consist,connect,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 compulsory (b) consume (c) compromise (d) confidential (e) comprehension (f) conservative (g) constitution (h) congratulation concrete (j) consultant (k) conscience (l) condemn (m) conductor (n) construct (o) conservation (p) conflict,( )1.混凝土制的 ( )2.谴责;反对 ( )3.保存;保护 ( )4.顾问;咨询师 ( )5.售票员 ( )6.良心;良知 ( )7.构筑;建造 ( )8.强迫的;义务的 ( )9.妥协;折中 ( )10.机密的 ( )11.矛盾;分歧 ( )12.保守的;守旧的 ( )13.体格;体质 ( )14.消耗;耗费 ( )15.祝贺;庆贺 ( )16.理解,i,l,o,j,m,k,n,a,c,d,p,f,g,b,h,e,三、填空 1.The museum has one of the biggest _ (collect) of butterflies in the country. 2.We soon came to the _ (conclude) that she was lying. 3.Miss Li had thousands of letters of _ (congratulate) on her hard-won victory.,collections,conclusion,congratulation,4.The new railway is still under _ (construct). 5.She did not make the _ (connect) between her diet and her poor health. 6.Mr Green was happy to act as a _ (consult) to the company 7.Miss Li was always kind and _ (consider).,construction,connection,consultant,considerate,8.The whole matter needs careful _ (consider). 9.The English language is _ (constant) changing. 10.Try to act _ (confident), even if you feel nervous.,confidently,consideration,constantly,DAY 19,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.相反 _ 2.控制 _ 3.捐献;贡献(v.) _ 4.便利的;方便的 _ 5.咳嗽 _ 6.勇气;胆略 _ 7.包含;控制 _ 8.内容 _,contrary,control,contribute,convenient,cough,courage,contain,content,9.点数;看作 _ 10.进程;课程 _ 11.不道德的 _ 12.使确信;说服 _ 13.传递;运送 _ 14.谈话;交谈(n.) _ 15.反驳;同矛盾 _ 16.继续;延续 _,count,course,corrupt,convince,convey,conversation,contradict,continue,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 contemporary (b) contradictory (c) cook (d) correction (e) cottage (f) contribution (g) continent (h) conventional (i) cosy (j) convenience (k) correspond (l) controversial (m) countryside (n) corporation (o) cost (p) couple,( )1.有争议的 ( )2.便利;省事 ( )3.符合;与一致( )4.暖和舒适的 ( )5.夫妇;一对 ( )6.乡下;郊外 ( )7.价格;花费 ( )8.大公司 ( )9.同一时代的 ( )10.炊事员 ( )11.贡献 ( )12.相互矛盾 ( )13.改正 ( )14.小屋;村舍 ( )15.依照惯例的 ( )16.洲;大陆,l,j,k,i,p,m,o,n,a,c,f,b,d,e,h,g,三、填空 1.Ive made a few small _ (correct) in your essay. 2.We must arrange a _ (convenience) time and place for the meeting. 3.The school sees its job as preparing students to make a _ (contribute) to society.,corrections,convenient,contribution,4.The cook is cooking supper on a gas _ (cook). 5.Set the _ (count) to zero and youll know where the recording starts. 6.Pour some more hot water into the metal _ (contain). 7.My house is _ (convenient) near a bus stop.,cooker,counter,container,conveniently,8.He behaved very _ (cool) in this dangerous situation. 9.Men still wore their hair short and dressed _ (conventional). 10.Cheer up! Victory is just _ the corner.,coolly,conventionally,round,DAY 20,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.创造 _ 2.罪犯 _ 3.习俗 _ 4.好奇的;好问的 _ 5.课程 _ 6.生物;动物 _ 7.碗柜;橱柜 _ 8.文化 _,create,criminal,custom,curious,curriculum,creature,cupboard,culture,9.残酷的;无情的 _ 10.信用;赊购 _ 11.犯罪;缺德行为 _ 12.狂热;疯狂的 _ 13.人群 _ 14.法庭;球场 _ 15.(船上、飞机上的)全体工作人员 _ 16.堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 _,cruel,credit,crime,crazy,crowd,court,crew,cousin,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 customs (b) customer (c) cuisine (d) courtyard (e) criterion (f) cube (g) crossing (h) cover (i) currency (j) cream (k) crayon (l) cycle (m) crash (n) cure (o) curtain (p) cushion,( )1.货币推 ( )2.乳脂 ( )3.骑自行车 ( )4.海关 ( )5.蜡笔 ( )6.治疗;药剂 ( )7.垫子 ( )8.窗帘;幕布 ( )9.顾客 ( )10.烹饪(术) ( )11.庭院 ( )12.标准;尺度 ( )13.十字路口 ( )14.立方体 ( ) 15.突然的响声( )16.盖子;封面,i,j,l,a,k,n,p,o,b,c,d,e,g,f,m,h,三、填空 1.The _ (cycle) ran down an old man near the park. 2.In other words, you should read and speak English _ (crazy) every day. 3.She couldnt bear to see animals treated _ (cruel).,cyclist,crazily,cruelly,4.Roy stopped to get his hair _ (cut) on the way home. 5.He lifted the cup _ the sixth time this year. 6.Just _ convenience, shes going to live at her mothers place until her new house is ready.,cut,for,for,7.Be sure to make copies _ all the documents. 8.Nothing seemed to cure him _ his nervousness. 9.Kate went home and had _ good cry in her bedroom. 10.This meeting is not a success; on the, _ it is a failure.,contrary,of,of,a,


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