2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 King Lear词汇句型语法讲解.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 King Lear词汇句型语法讲解一、核心单词用法例析1. shorten vt.缩短。She shortened the skirt by an inch. 她把裙子缩短了一英寸。2. burden n. & vt. 担子、主题(无复数),负担、麻烦The burden of grief made her in low spirits all day long.压在心头的悲伤使她整天郁郁寡欢。3. responsibility n. 责任、负责;职责、义务、任务Who bears full responsibility for the consequence?谁对后果承担全部责任?4. allocate vt. 配给、分配The headmaster allocated tasks to each of us.校长给我们每一个人都分配了工作。5. distribute vt. 分发、分配某事物、分散放置In a co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force.在合作社中,利润是在全体劳动者中进行分配的。6. contradict vt. & vi. 批驳、相反、与。相矛盾The speaker had got confused, and started contradicting himself.演讲者弄糊涂了,说话自相矛盾起来了。He contradicted the manager at the meeting.他在会议上顶撞了经理。7. confirm vt. 证实、确认、批准、肯定Please write to confirm your reservation.请来信确认你的预订项目。After a 6-month probationary period, she was confirmed in her post.经过六个月的试用期后,她获准正式任该职。8.corrupt a. ; vt. & vi. 腐败(的)、使腐败、腐蚀,贿赂、收买This corrupt film is full of sex and violence.这部堕落的影片里充斥了色情和暴力.He was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a policeman with money.他因为试图贿赂一个警察金钱而被判刑入狱了。9. cash n. & vt. 现金、兑现I have no ready cash on me, can I pay you tomorrow?我身上没有现金,能明天付给你钱吗?10. vacant adj. 空的、空洞的、无表情的、愚蠢的From her vacant look we can know that she probably is in bad condition.从她发呆的样子我们可以知道她也许身体不好。The madman gave a vacant laugh.那个疯子发出了愚蠢的大笑。11. respond vi. & vt. n. 作答、回答、响应、有反应The illness quickly responded to proper treatment.疾病经适当治疗后很快好转了。He responded to our question with a letter.他写了一封信答复我们的问题。12. suspect adj. n. vt. 可疑的;嫌疑犯;猜想、怀疑His testimony is suspect.他的证词是可疑的。We suspect him to be a murderer.我们怀疑他是凶犯。13. demand n. vt. & vi. 需要的事物、要求(知道)、需要、查问Theres a great demand for teachers in Shenzhen.深圳需要大量的老师。14. beyond prep. adv. & n. 在。的那边、超出;(在)远处、更远地I know nothing of it beyond what he told me.除了他告诉我的以外,我就一无所知了。I own nothing beyond the clothes on my back.除了身上的衣服我就一无所有了。真题:Im sorry its _ my power to make a final decision on the project.(xx上海)A. over B. above C. off D. beyond解析:beyond是“超出(能力等)”意思。故选D。15. fond adj. 溺爱、不可能实现的A fond mother may spoil her child.溺爱的母亲会贯坏自己的孩子的。He wants to marry Jane, but we think it a fond dream.他想娶珍妮,可是我们认为这是黄粱美梦。16. wrong n. adj. adv. & v. 错误(的)、不适当的、不公正、冤枉无礼地对待、中伤We should right the wrongs immediately we realize that we wronged someone.我们一旦意识到冤枉了别人,就要给人家平反昭雪。二、词组句型用法全解1. be allergic to sth 对。过敏、讨厌Nowadays most of young people are allergic to hard work.现在,大多数青年人讨厌累活。2. hand over 交出、移交The captain was unwilling to hand over the mand of his ship to a younger man.船长不愿意把他船的指挥权交给一个年轻的人。3. care for 喜欢、关心、照顾I dont care for tea; I like coffee better.我不喜欢茶;我比较喜欢喝咖啡。4. speak out 大胆地说、清楚响亮地说Speak out against our real enemies.要大胆地和我们真正的敌人做斗争。5. pack up 打包、收拾行李工具、停止工作He was told by the boss to pack up.他被老板解雇了。This pany will probably pack up and move south.这家公司可能要停业南迁。6. give away 送掉、放弃、泄露The examiner has given away the answer.考试者已经泄密答案了。His clothes gave him away.他的衣着泄露了他的身份。7. be fond of 喜爱、爱好You are too fond of leaving the door open when you go out.你有出去把门开着的坏毛病。8. make a name 成名、得到名声She made a name for herself as a painter.作为画家,她出名了。9. neither nor 既不.也不Neither have I known her nor I want to.我既不认识她,也不想认识她。Regan said that she needed neither the land of the kingdom nor the wealth her father would give her but true love.里根说她既不需要王国的领土也不需要父亲(给她的)财富,她只需要真正的爱。真题:Of the making of good books there is no end; neither _ any end to their influence on mans lives.(xx广东)A. there is B. there are C. is there D. are there解析:neither开头的句子要部分倒装,同时考虑主谓一致。故选C。I would never ever e to this restaurant again. The food is terrible! _ .(xx广西)A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me D. So do I解析:理由同上。故选B。10. no longer 不再。My hometown is no longer what it used to be.我的家乡不再是过去的那个样子了。请比较:他不再抽烟了。He no longer smokes.He smokes no more.He doesnt smoke any longer. He doesnt smoke any more.注意:所谈及的事既能从“量”又能从“时间”方面来阐述时,no longer和no more 才能互相替代。11. not but 不是。而是。Not Tom but I am your friend.不是汤姆而是我才是你的朋友。Its not I but Tom that has done this matter.不是我而是汤姆干的这件事。12. one the other 一个。另一个。I have two pens. One is being used now, and the other is in my schoolbag.我有两只笔。一只在用着,另一只在书包里。真题:One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and _ .(xx春招)A. the other is white B. another white C. the other white D. another is white解析:这是省略的并列句,陈述“两边的比较”。故选C。13. be good at 擅长于。He is good at languages.他擅长于语言。We should be good at learning from our mistakes.我们要善于从错误中学习。14. keep on 继续下去、维持Prices keep on increasing in recent years. 近几年,价格在不断地上涨。His wife kept on at him to buy her a new coat.他老婆喋喋不休地唠叨要他为她买一件新袄子。15. at all 根本(用于否定句或含有否定意思的句子中加强语气)Do it well if you do it at all.要做就要把它做好。If you know him at all, you will also hate his bad habits.你要是认识他,你也会讨厌他的坏习惯的。(讲话人意思是:你不认识他、不知道他的坏习惯)16. Im sorry but Im not as clever as my sisters. 很抱歉,我不像姐姐他们那样聪明。1) Im sorry but 是口语中常用的句型,意思是:对不起,但是可是。比如: Can I trouble you with a question?Im sorry but Im busy now.2) as as之间用形容词、副词的原级,表示同等量的比较。比如:He is as tall as me (I am).他和我个头一样高。You can do it as well as Tom does.你能把这件事做得跟汤姆的一样好。(注:此句中的as well as不是固定短语)17. Its ones turn to do sth. 是“轮到某某人去做某事了”的意思。比如:Its your turn to be on duty.轮到你值班了。真题:It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science.(xx全国)A. an art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as much an art as解析:理由参见:Unit1“短语做定语”部分第小题。故选D。It is reported that the United States uses _ energy as the whole of Europe. (xx广西)A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much解析:这是比较的一种形式:倍数比较结构。故选D。18. be equal to 能胜任、经得起,不相上下、和。相等Bill is quite equal to running the office.比尔能胜任办公室的管理工作。Mary is quite equal to Bill in brains.玛莉和比尔在智力上不相上下。I dont feel equal to a cup of wine now.我现在不能喝酒了。19. You and your husband Albany shall have this part of my kingdom with all its rivers and forests and mountains.你和你的丈夫奥尔巴尼将得到我王国里这一部分及其河流、森林和山脉。该句中谓语部分的shall事情态助动词,既表示“将来”又表示“承诺、应允”;作为情态动词shall用在陈述句中还可以表示“警告、命令、决心、强制”等,适应各人称。比如:Then you shall e.(命令)那么你(必须)要来。Just a little patience. You shall get the answer this very afternoon.(承诺、应允)稍微耐心一点,你在今天下午可以拿到答案。You naughty boy! You shall get what you deserve.(警告)你这调皮的孩子,等着我收拾你吧。Nothing shall stop us from going there immediately.(决心)什么也阻挡不了我们立即去那里。Tom shant go this time.(强制)这次汤姆不能去。20. I would rather lose my life than see you make such a mistake.我宁死都不愿看到你犯这样的错误。1) rather than结构中,than前后的动词都用原形动词。比如:I would (或had) rather play tennis than swim.我宁愿打网球,不愿去游泳。2) rather than 结构中,该短语前后的词语性质上要“对称”。比如:He ran rather than walked.与其说他走还不如说他跑。I, rather than you, should do the job.该做这件工作的是我,而不是你。It was what he meant rather than what he said.这是他的用意而不是他说的话。These shoes are fortable rather than pretty.这些鞋子穿起来舒服而不好看。请注意下一句中的动词形式:Rather than cause trouble, he left.不愿引起麻烦,他走了。3) 短语would rather后面如果接从句,从句的谓语用虚拟语气。比如:I would rather you had known it.我倒宁愿你知道了这件事。Id rather you did this experiment now.我倒希望你现在就做这个实验。21. Although married with two children, Shakespeare left Stratford-on-Avon at the age of about 30 and went to London alone. 尽管结婚后养了两个孩子,莎士比亚30岁时还是离开了埃文河畔斯特拉特福镇,只身去了伦敦。这是省略的主从复合句。含有一个although引导的although he had been married with two children让步状语从句。短语 with two children等于说:and had two children。真题:Mr. Hall understands that _ math has always been easy for him, it is not easy for the students. (xx北京)A. unless B. since C. although D. when解析:这是复杂的主从复合句,although在宾语从句中引导让步状语。故选C。Even though he wrote his plays almost 500 years ago, his plays are still relevant today. 他的戏剧尽管是在几乎年前写的,可今天仍然适合我们。even though=even if,也是引导让步状语从句的。再比如:Even though you dont like wine(Though you may not like wine), try a glass of this!22. As soon as Goneril has got all she can from her father, she begins treating him disrespectfully.贡纳莉一旦得到她可以从她父亲那里得到的财物,马上开始粗鲁地对待他。这是复杂的主从复合句:短语as soon as引导时间状语从句。意思是:一(就);she can是定语从句,修饰all;引导词that在定语从句里作宾语,被省略了。三、课文长句难点剖析1. For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own.剖析:这是复杂的主从复合句。)连词for引导的原因状语从句是顺便说明原因的,通常要放在主句后。此句中该从句与其前面的句子有逻辑上的“因”“果”关系。否则,不能放在主句的前面。比如:Kent didnt e today, for he has been ill.肯特今天没有来,因为他生病了。回答why提出的问题要用because引导的的句子。比如: Why didnt you stop thief while he was passing by? Because I hadnt known he was a thief before you told me that.)whichever“无论哪一个”通常用来指物。比如: Whichever you want is yours.你要什么就拿什么。 Choose whichever of them you like best.挑选你最喜欢的。)“你们中的哪一个”是“第三人称”概念,所以,句子的谓语用单数第三人称has。再比如:Ill give it to whichever of you wants it.无论你们中的谁要,我都会给的。译文:(因为)你们当中无论是谁,只要最有孝心,我就把最好的一块给她。2.This part is equal in value to what I give to Goneril.剖析:介词短语in value(在价值上方面)作状语表示范围;what I give to Goneril是宾语从句,从句引导词what作give的宾语。译文:这一部分和我给贡纳莉的那一部分在价值上是相等的。3. What have you to say to delight an old man and earn the best part of his kingdom.剖析:短语have to do 是“不得不”的意思,要注意其与must的区别。比如:I had to go to bed before 10 last night for the electricity failed.昨晚停电了,我只好十点钟前就睡觉了(客观条件所迫)。 Students must go to bed before 10 in the night.学生十点钟前必须就寝(人的主观安排)。译文:你说什么来取悦一位老人,赢得王国最好的部分呢?4. I love you as it is right and proper for a daughter to love her father, neither less nor more.剖析:)as在这里引导方式状语从句,修饰谓语动词love。as 还可以引导时间状语从句、原因状语从句、让步状语从句、条件状语从句等,)neither nor既不。也不。(参见本单元“关键短语精讲”第条) 译文:我爱你如同一个女儿恰如其分地爱着父亲,一分不多,一分不少。5. Well see if either wants to be a bridegroom when she has no riches to bring to the marriage. 剖析:either指“法国国王和勃艮第公爵”两人中的任何一个(either of them)。bring to“带来”的意思;不定式短语to bring to the marriage是修饰riches的定语。译文:我们要看看,她没有分毫的嫁妆,谁会做她的新郎?真题:Theres coffee and tea; you can have _ . (xx全国)Thanks.A. either B. each C. one D. it解析:either是代词,只两者中的任何一个。故选A。I invited Joe and Linda to dinner, but _ of them came. (xx北京)A. neither B. either C. none D. both解析:理由同上。故选A。6. Its as though the whole world has gone to sleep.剖析: as though等于as if,引导表语从句。有时候从句要用虚拟语气。比如:He fought as if his life were in danger.他挣扎着就好像有生命危险似的。It seemed as though the night would never end.夜晚好像永无止尽。译文:好像整个世界都睡着了。 7. And unless you want me to get rid of the rest of them too, I suggest you teach them how to behave properly.剖析:)unless等于if () not,“除非”意思,引导条件状语从句。比如:I will leave at 9 oclock, unless you want to go earlier.我将点钟出发,除非你想早一些走。Dont leave here unless instructed to.未得到指示不得离开!真题:The man will have to wait all day _ the doctor works faster.(xx全国)A. if B. unless C. whether D. that解析:unless引导条件状语从句,等于ifnot。故选B。_ you call me to say youre not ing, Ill see you at the theatre.(xx吉林)A. Though B. Whether C. Until D. Unless解析:同上。故选D。)get rid of意思是:摆脱、去掉、除去。比如:He cant get rid of the cold.他感冒老是不好。)you teach them how to behave properly是suggest的宾语从句、虚拟语气。suggest作为“建议”解释,其宾语从句用虚拟语气。比如:The doctor suggested Kent (should) be given an operation on right away.大夫建议应该立即给肯特动手术。The manager suggested that the meeting be brought to an end.经理建议结束会议。但是,作“表明、暗示”解释,其宾语从句不用虚拟语气。比如:Her expression suggested that she was angry.她的表情表明她很生气。译文:你若不想让我把剩下的士兵也赶走的话,我建议你还是教教他们怎样守规矩。8. The third daughter chose not to flatter her father with dishonest claims and instead told him she loved him only as much as her duty as a daughter required. 剖析:)not to flatter her father with dishonest claims是否定的动词不定式作chose 的宾语。真题:The teacher asked us _ so much noise。(xx北京)A. dont make B. not make C. not making D. not to make解析:这是ask sb. (not) to do 结构。故选D。)as a daughter required是比较方式状语从句,是“像女儿要求的那样”意思。译文:第三个女儿选择了不用溜须拍马奉承她的父亲,而是告诉他,她像做女儿所要求的那样尽女儿的职责爱戴他。真题:I feel that one of my main duties _ a teacher is to help the students to bee better learners. (xx广东)A. for B. by C. as D. with解析:as在此句中是介词,意思是:“作为”,其余三个介词都没有此意。故选C。9. The king then went backwards and forwards between his two daughters until he had no soldiers at all.剖析:连词until的意思:“直到”,引导时间状语从句。当主句谓语动词是瞬间动词时,要用notuntil结构。比如:We wont start until Bob es.我们要到鲍勃来的时候才开始。My daughter hadnt gone to bed until I came back.我的女儿一直到我回来后才去睡觉。until也可以当介词用。比如: Ill stay here until Friday.我要在这里呆到星期五。译文:然后,国王在两个女儿之间来来往往、不停地被踢来踢去,一直到丧失了所有的卫士。 真题:Was his father strict with him when he was at school? (xx春招)Yes. He had never praised him _ he became one of the top students in his grade.A. after B. unless C. until D. when解析:notuntil是“直到时候才”的意思。但是当主句谓语动词是延续性动词时,主句用肯定结构。请参见下列、两小题。该题答案是CA good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners curiosity _ he reaches the end of the story. (xx上海)A. when B. unless C. after D. until解析:答案是DWe were told that we should follow the main road _ we reach the central railway station. (xx辽宁)A. whenever B. until C. while D. wherever解析:答案是B四、语法知识归纳梳理状语英语里做状语的主要是副词、词组、非限定性动词短语和状语从句。有时间状语、地点状语、原因状语、条件状语、目的状语、让步状语、方式状语、比较状语、结果状语、伴随状语等。现分述如下:、单个副词做状语The burden of government sits heavily on my shoulders.治理国家的担子沉重地落在我肩上。The soldier was wounded seriously.那为士兵伤得非常严重。真题:Its always difficult being in a foreign country, _ if you dont speak the language. (xx全国)A. extremely B. naturally C. basically D. especially解析:especially表示“突出一定范围内的某一些”。故选D。Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. _ , neither of them could swim. (xx春招)A. In fact B. Luckily C. Unfortunately D. Naturally解析:unfortunately表示“意外”。故选C。Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasnt always _ much to do. (xx广东)A. such B. that C. more D. very解析:that作副词,常用在口语中,指“有一定参照标准”的量:that much那么多。故选B。The great success of this programme has been _ due to the support given by the local businessmen.(xx广东)A. rather B. very C. quickly D. largely解析:largely含有“广泛、主要”的意思。故选D。It is _ any wonder that his friend doesnt like watching television much. (xx广东)A. no B. such C. nearly D. hardly解析:hardly是否定义副词:几乎不。,从本句的逻辑判断只能选D。I must be getting fat. I can _ do my trousers up. (xx吉林)A. fairly B. hardly C. nearly D. seldom解析:同上。故选B。I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down.You can never be _ careful in the street. (xx北京)A. much B. very C. so D. too解析:never too的意思是:无论怎么也不过分。故选D。Finnish President said Finland-China relations had progressed _ with fruitful co-operation in new and high-tech fields. (xx上海)A. peacefully B. highly C. quietly D. smoothly解析:smoothly是“平稳地”意思,其余三个备选答案不能和progress搭配。故选D。Mr. Smith used to smoke _ but he has given it up. (xx天津)A. seriously B. heavily C. badly D. hardly解析:该题备选答案中只有heavily可以和smoke搭配。故选B。Most people on this island are recreational fishers, and _ , fishing forms an actual part of their leisure time. (xx上海)A. accidentally B. purposefully C. obviously D. formally解析:该句中的副词是从全句的逻辑关系上来确定的。故选C。That doesnt sound very frightening, Paul. Ive seen _ . What did you like most about the film? (xx湖南)A. better B. worse C. best D. worst解析:该句是考“比较”等级的。根据逻辑判断,是反向比较。故选B。It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother. (xx北京)A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing解析:close to sth是“离。很近、紧挨着。”意思。故选A。2、词组做状语I cannot describe my feelings with such fancy words.我无法用这些花哨的言辞描述我的感情。In expressing her love for you, my sister has also expressed mine.我姐姐表达对你的爱时,也表达了我对你的爱。真题:1. Youre standing too near the camera. Can you move _ ? (xx上海)A. a bit far B. a little farther C. a bit of farther D. a little far解析:该题考查)比较级)比较级的修饰语。故选B。2. I hear they arent pleased with the house youve chosen for them.(xx北京)Well, _ could they live in such fort?A. where else B. what else C. how D. why解析:该题live 后有介词in,所以考生很容易把正确选项排除掉。实际上此in与后面的such fort构成介词短语。故选A。3. _ , some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless. (xx上海)A. Strangely enough B. Enough strangely C. Strange enough D. Enough strange解析:该题考查)形容词与副词的区别)enough做状语时的位置(要后置;做定语时可以前置也可以后置)。故选A。4. The house rent is expensive. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying _ here. (xx上海)A. as three times much B. as much three timesC. much as three times D. three times as much解析:考查“比较”。故选D。(参见本单元“重要句型详解”第条第小题)5. As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, _ . (02上海)A. the more for life are you equipped B. the more equipped for life you areC. the more life you are equipped D. you are equipped the more for life解析:该句考查the more , the more结构。故选B。3、非限定性动词短语做状语You do wrong to cause friction between yourself and your daughter.你做错了,导致了您和您的女儿之间的摩擦。To study English well, we do reading aloud every morning.为学好英语,我们早晨都做朗读。Given enough time, we can perform this play very well.我们如果有足够的时间,可以把这出戏表演得非常好。Seeing from the top of the hill, we can find our school very beautiful.从这山顶上看,我们发现我们的学校非常漂亮。A group of children came out of the classroom, laughing and talking.一群孩子有说有笑地从教室里走出来。真题:1. _ the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation. (xx春招)A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given解析:过去分词短语表示“被动”,做“条件状语”。故选A。2. _ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm. (xx春招)A. To sleep B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having slept解析:不定式短语做目的状语,放在句首表示“强调”。故选A。3. _ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. (xx全国)A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered解析:现在分词完成式表示“已发生”、“主动”。其逻辑主语是the river。故选A。4. _ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes. (xx上海)A. Suffered B. Suffering C. Having suffered D. Being suffered解析:理由同上题,但其逻辑主语是Professor White。故选C。5. He sent me an e-mail, _ to get further information. (xx上海)A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope解析:现在分词短语做“伴随目的状语”。故选B。6. _ time, hell make a first-class tennis player. (xx北京)A. Having given B. To give C. Giving D. Given解析:参见本小节第小题。he承受given表示的动作。故选D。7. You were silly not _ your car. (xx湖南)A. to lock B. to have locked C. locking D. having locked解析:不定式短语做原因状语,完成式表示该动作发生在were之前。故选B。8. After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, _ . (xx上海)A. exhausting B. exhausted C. being exhausted D. having exhausted解析:过去分词做伴随结果状语,等于and were exhausted。故选B。9. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _ the film star had left. (xx福建)A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told解析:不定式的被动结构表示tell回指到reporters上;only修饰不定式强调结果。故选B。4、从句做状语(比较常用的引导词有:when, whenever, before, after, once, until, till, while, as, since, ever since, where, wherever, so, so()that, suchthat/as, provided, if, as if/though, unless, though, although, whereas, because, than, No sooner than, Hardly when, the moment, immediately, as soon as, asas, not so as, in order that, for fear that, no matter+特殊疑问词,whether or not, For all that, in case, as long as, whoever等等)I love you more than all the riches in the world.我爱您胜过爱世界上所有的财富。Im sorry but Im not as clever as my sisters (are).很抱歉,我没有姐姐们那样伶俐。The head-teacher praised Tom so that he could work even harder.班主任表扬了汤姆,以便他能更加努力地学习。Even if he had been operated on without delay, the patient would not have been saved.病人即使得到及时的手术,生命也无法挽救。The moment I see her Ill tell her that you are looking for her.一见到她,我就告诉她你在找她。真题:1. John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out _ he phones. (xx全国) A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D. so that解析:根据题意逻辑,应该是“以防他打电话来”。故选C。2. Someone called


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