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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习构想Unit19Language课时作业北师大版选修一、单元跟踪过关.单句语法填空1Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesnt matter whether you have lived there for a short or a long time.2Being_surrounded (surround) by beautiful green mountains and situated at the foot of Huangshan Mountain makes Taiping Lake a famous tourist attraction.3It doesnt necessarily happen that youll do well academically even if youre highly intelligent.4I am sure we can help you solve the problem, provided (provide) that you tell us all the necessary information.5To_ensure (ensure) that your resume works for you, I remend writing it more like a proposal than a job description.6Dont worry. Theyll soon settle in. Kids are very good at adjusting to new surroundings.7It is rather embarrassing (embarrass) that we still do not know how many species there are in the world today.8What is well known to us all is that Kobe has bee one of the most popular NBA players.9It is believed (believe) that a new project will be started in our town.10Sheila caught sight of her own face in one of the shop windows.单句改错1What we are badly in need of your support is not a secret.WhatThat2There is no doubt whether he is the right person for the position.whetherthat3Aunt Zhang is always ready to tell the story to whomever would listen to her.whomeverwhoever4When and where they will have the party have not been decided yet.第二个havehas5The policeman asked me if I have seen the accident with my own eyes.havehad6His suggestion is that we must have a medical examination once a year.mustshould(亦可将must删除)7It has proved that learners learn better if they are able to take charge of their own learning.在proved前加上been8The price of a product depends on its quality, so the higher its quality, the expensive it will be.在expensive前加上more9This morning I was walking on the street while I saw that two travellers were reading a map, looking puzzled.whilewhen10Behind the house are two tall trees, and which are said to have been planted by my grandpa in the 1950s.去掉and.完成句子1人类不同于动物是因为人类有说话和使用工具的能力。Humans_differ_from_animals because of their ability to speak and use tools.2地址有任何变化请尽快通知我们。Please inform_us_of any change of address as soon as possible.3一种典型的培训方案是以系列研讨的形式出现的。A typical training programme takes_the_form_of a series of workshops.4孩子们知道吸毒很危险。The children are_aware_of the danger of taking drugs.5我们的成败取决于天气。The weather holds_the_key_to our success or failure.二、高考模拟写作(xx山东模拟)假设你是李华,你收到了英国朋友Katie发来的电子邮件,请根据以下邮件内容进行回复。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_答案:范文赏读Dear Katie, Im glad to have received you letter.What you have mentioned in the letter is normal for a foreigner.Dont worry about it too much.Here is my suggestion.As we all know, it is a good idea to be exposed to the real language environment.Try to municate with the natives in simple Chinese as much as possible, which will help you practice it and have a good mand of it gradually. Meanwhile you will bee more and more confident.As the saying goes, practice is perfect. Watching TV programs and listening to Chinese songs also do good to your pronunciation.Whats more, reading newspapers and simple novels will deepen your understanding of Chinese culture.Above is what I want to share with you and I hope it will be of some help to you.With all my best regards.Yours sincerely, Li Hua大题巧练19Unit 19Language授课提示:对应学生用书第297页A卷一、阅读理解A(xx浙江卷)“Did you hear what happened to Adam last Friday?” Lindsey whispers to Tori.With her eyes shining, Tori brags, “You bet I did. Sean told me two days ago.”Who are Lindsey and Tori talking about? It just happens to be yours truly, Adam Freedman. I can tell you that what they are saying is (a) not nice and(b) not even true. Still, Lindsey and Tori arent very different from most students here at Linton High School, including me. Many of our conversations are gossip(闲话). I have noticed three effects of gossip: it can hurt people, it can give gossipers a strange kind of satisfaction, and it can cause social pressures in a group.An important negative effect of gossip is that it can hurt the person being talked about. Usually, gossip spreads information about a topicbreakups, trouble at home, even dropping outthat a person would rather keep secret. The more embarrassing or shameful the secret is, the juicier the gossip it makes. Probably the worst type of gossip is the absolute lie. People often think of gossipers as harmless, but cruel lies can cause pain.If we know that gossip can be harmful, then why do so many of us do it? The answer lies in another effect of gossip: the satisfaction it gives us. Sharing the latest rumor(传言) can make a person feel important because he or she knows something that others dont. Similarly, hearing the latest rumor can make a person feel like part of the “in group.” In other words, gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even superiority(优越感)Gossip also can have a third effect: it strengthens unwritten, unspoken rules about how people should act. Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing behaviors in a group. Translated into high school terms, this means that if everybody you hang around with is laughing at what John wore or what Jane said, then you can bet that wearing or saying something similar will get you the same kind of negative attention. The dos and donts conveyed through gossip will never show up in any student handbook.The effects of gossip vary depending on the situation. The next time you feel the urge to spread the latest news, think about why you want to gossip and what effects your “juicy story” might have.语篇解读很多人都喜欢背后说人闲话。本文主要介绍了人们说闲话的原因以及说闲话给人们带来的影响。1. The author uses a conversation at the beginning of the passage to _.A. introduce a topic B. present an argumentC. describe the characters D. clarify his writing purpose答案与解析:A考查推理判断。根据文章开头的对话内容和下文内容可知,作者使用对话的主要目的在于引出本文的话题“人们为什么喜欢说闲话”,故选A项。2. An important negative effect of gossip is that it _.A. breaks up relationships B. embarrasses the listenerC. spreads information around D. causes unpleasant experiences答案与解析:D考查推理判断。从文章第三段中的“I have noticed three effects of gossip. in a group”和第四段中的“An important negative effect of gossip is that. talked about”可推知,说闲话的一个重要的负面影响是给被别人说闲话的人带来不愉快的体验,所以选D项。3. In the authors opinion, many people like to gossip because it _.A. gives them a feeling of pleasureB. helps them to make more friendsC. makes them better at telling storiesD. enables them to meet important people答案与解析:A考查细节理解。从第三段中的“it can give gossipers a strange kind of satisfaction”和第五段中的“gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging.”可知,很多人喜欢说闲话是因为他们可以从中获得某种满足感,所以选A项。4. Professor David Wilson thinks that gossip can _.A. provide students with written rulesB. help people watch their own behaviorsC. force schools to improve student handbooksD. attract the polices attention to group behaviors答案与解析:B考查细节理解。从全文倒数第二段中的“Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing behaviors in a group”可知,说闲话会帮助群体成员观察自身的行为习惯。所以选B项。5. What advice does the author give in the passage?A. Never bee a gossiper. B. Stay away from gossipers.C. Dont let gossip turn into lies. D. Think twice before you gossip.答案与解析:D考查态度意识。从最后一段中的“The next time you feel the urge to spread the latest news, think about why you want to gossip.”可知,作者建议我们在说闲话时要慎重考虑,所以选D项。B(xx山东模拟)Shakespeares Birthplace and ExhibitionHenley Street, StratforduponAvon Tel:01789 204016Shakespeares birthplace was the childhood home of William Shakespeare. Take a step back in time and see what life was like for the young Shakespeare growing up in StratforduponAvon. The house has been exactly furnished, and includes both original and copy items similar to those which would have been there in the house when Shakespeare was a boy. Beautiful painted cloths hang on the walls, brightly colored fabrics fill the rooms and his fathers glove workshop has been recreated. At the back of the house is a beautiful garden containing many plants, herbs and flowers mentioned in Shakespeares plays.The neighboring exhibition shows Shakespeares life and focuses on many rare local items connected with him, as well as a copy of the first edition of his collected plays published in 1623.Limited disabled accessMany restaurants close to Shakespeares birthplaceTown center parkingGift shopsAllow at least 45 minutes to visit the house and the exhibitionAdult 6.70Child 2.60Family 15.00SummerMidWinterJun.Aug.Apr.MaySep.Oct.Nov.Mar.OpenLast EntryOpenLast EntryOpenLast EntryMondaySaturday9 am5:30 pm10 am5 pm10 am4 pmSunday9:30 am6 pm10 am5:30 pm10:30 am4 pm语篇解读本文主要介绍了莎士比亚故居及相应的对外开放时间。6. How much would they pay if a couple with their two children visit the exhibition?A. 5.2. B13.4. C. 15. D18.6.答案与解析:C考查细节理解。结合题干可知,是一家人去参观莎士比亚故居,结合文章图表中的“Family 15:00”可知,一家人去参观需要15。7. What is the deadline to enter the exhibition on Friday in July?A. 4 pm. B. 5 pm.C. 5:30 pm. D. 6 pm.答案与解析:C考查细节理解。根据文章图表时间“Jun.Aug.”和对应的“MondaySaturday”并结合题干可知,7月的周五参观莎士比亚故居最迟的时间是下午5点30分。8. What can we see in Shakespeares birthplace?A. Old furniture. B. Ancient restaurants.C. Colored gloves. D. Shakespeares plays.答案与解析:A考查推理判断。根据第一段的第三句“The house has been exactly furnished,and includes both original and copy items similar to those which would have been there in the house when Shakespeare was a boy”可知,在莎士比亚故居可以看到一些保留下来的旧家具,故选A。二、完形填空A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill. Usually she _9_ play in the small garden. She could see over the garden fence and across the valley a wonderful house with shining golden windows high on another hill._10_ she loved her parents and her family, she desired to live in such a house and _11_ all day about how wonderful and exciting _12_ must feel to live there.At the age when she gained some _13_ skill and sensibility (识别力), she _14_ her mother for a bike ride _15_ the garden. Her mother finally allowed her to go, _16_ her keeping close to the house and not_17_ too far. The day was beautiful. The little girl knew _18_ where she was heading! _19_ the hill and across the valley, she rode to the _20_ of the golden house._21_ she got off her bike and put it against the gate post, she focused on the path _22_ to the house and then on the house itself. She was very disappointed when she _23_ that all the windows were _24_ and rather dirty.So _25_ and heartbroken, she didnt go any further. She _26_ , and all of a sudden she saw an amazing _27_. There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden. Looking at her little home, she _28_ that she had been living in her golden house filled with love and care. Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her nose!语篇解读一位生活穷苦的小女孩总是梦想着住进对面山上嵌着金色窗子的房子里,然而当站在这座房子前时,梦想与现实的差距使她感到伤心、失望,同时她也恍然大悟,原来山对面充满关爱的家才是她梦寐以求的嵌着金色窗子的房子。9. Amight BshouldCwould Dmust答案与解析:C考查情态动词。由前面的usually可知,通常她总是在小花园里玩耍。would表习惯性动作,意为“总是”。10. AUnless BAlthough CSince DBut答案与解析:B考查连词。虽然她爱她的父母和家庭,但是她渴望住进这样的房子。结合句意可知前后分句之间为转折关系。11. Adreamed Bworried Casked Dshouted答案与解析:A考查动词。由下文的Everything she dreamed可知,她整天梦想着住进这座房子。12. Athis Bthat Cit Dwhich答案与解析:C考查代词。分析句子成分可知,本句为感叹句。可还原为It must feel wonderful and exciting to live there。13. Adifferent Bscientific Cmusical Dbasic答案与解析:D考查形容词。当她到了拥有基本技能和识别力的年龄的时候。由前面的At the age可知,当人到了一定的年龄就会拥有一些基本的能力。basic意为“基本的”;different意为“不同的”;scientific意为“科学的”;musical意为“音乐的”。14. Abegged Bblamed Cinvited Dpaid答案与解析:A考查代词。由下文的Her mother finally allowed her to go可知,她恳求母亲让她骑自行车外出。beg意为“恳求,乞讨”;blame意为“责备”;invite意为“邀请”;pay意为“支付”。15. Ainside BoutsideCthrough Dalong答案与解析:B考查介词。结合上文的play in the small garden和下文的keeping close to the house可知,她要到花园外面去骑车。16. Ainsisting on Brelying on Carguing about Dwondering about答案与解析:A考查动词短语。insist on意为“坚持”;rely on 意为“依赖”;argue about意为“争论”;wonder about意为“想知道”。17. Atraveling Brunning C. riding Dwalking答案与解析:C考查动词。结合上文的a bike ride和下文的she rode to可知,母亲要求她不要骑得太远。18. Amadly Brapidly Cexactly Dpossibly答案与解析:C考查副词。这个小女孩的确知道她要去哪里。exactly意为“确切地,完全地;正是,恰恰”;madly意为“疯狂地”;rapidly意为“快速地”;possibly意为“可能地”。19. AOver BDown CAround DBeside答案与解析:B考查介词。由上文的poor house on a hill可知,小女孩要到对面的山上去先要下山。down意为“从高处向下”。20. Awindows Bsteps Ccenter Dgate答案与解析:D考查名词。根据下文的against the gate post可知,她骑车到了这座金色房子的门口。21. AUntil BAs CWhile DBecause答案与解析:B考查连词。当她下车把车靠在门柱上,她注意到了一条通向屋子的小路。结合句意可知本句为时间状语从句。22. Agetting Bintroducing Cleading Dmoving答案与解析:C考查动词。她注意到了一条通向屋子的小路。lead意为“(路或门)通向,至,达”。23. Afelt Blearned Cconcluded Dfound答案与解析:D考查动词。当她发现所有的窗子都又脏又简陋时,她感到非常失望。find意为“发现”;feel意为“感到”;learn意为“学习”;conclude意为“总结”。24. Atransparent Bbright Cplain Dwide答案与解析:C考查形容词。由后面的rather dirty可知,所有的窗子都又脏又简陋。plain意为“简朴的,朴素的”。25. Aanxious Bangry Cserious Dsad答案与解析:D考查形容词。结合上文的very disappointed和下文的heartbroken可知,她感到很伤心。26. Aturned around Bcheered up Csettled down Ddropped in答案与解析:A考查动词短语。turn around意为“转身”;cheer up意为“振作”;settle down意为“定居,安顿”;drop in意为“顺便拜访”。27. Ahill BvalleyCbackground Dsight答案与解析:D考查名词。由下文的There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden可知,突然她看到了一个令人惊奇的情景。sight意为“景象,情景”;valley意为“山谷”;background意为“背景”。28. Aimagined Bdecided Crealized Dguessed答案与解析:C考查动词。看着她家的小屋,她才意识到原来自己一直住在充满关爱的金色房子里。三、语法填空 As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving_29_(steady) through the air, and although the passengers_30_(fasten) their seat belts, they were suddenly thrown forward. At that moment, the airhostess presented. She looked very pale, _31_ was quite calm. Speaking quickly and almost in a whisper, she informed everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked if _32_ of the passengers knew anything about machines. After a moments hesitation, _33_ man got up and followed the hostess into the pilots cabin. Moving the pilot aside, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the urgent instructions that _34_(send) by radio from the airport below. To everyones relief, the plane, _35_ was dangerously close to the ground at the moment, soon began to climb. The man had to circle the airport several times to bee familiar _36_ the controls of the plane. The critical moment came _37_ he had to land. The man, _38_ (follow) the instructions, guided the plane toward the airfield, and it landed safely after a long run along the runway.29_30._31._32_33._34._35_36._37._38_答案:语篇解读一架飞机飞行过程中飞行员突然晕倒,空姐临时找一位机上的乘客帮忙把飞机安全地操纵着陆29unsteadily考查词性转换。根据这句话后半句they were suddenly thrown forward可知,unsteadily符合语境,即飞机突然飞得很不稳当,因此乘客身体会突然倾向前方。30had fastened考查时态。根据上下文语境可知,fasten的动作是发生在身体突然前倾这个过去动作之前,即表示“过去的过去”,因此要用过去完成时。31but考查连词。前后表示转折关系,因此用but。即那位空姐虽然看起来脸色苍白,但是她却很镇静。32any考查代词。句意:她说飞行员晕倒了,有没有哪位乘客了解机械的(即想要让一个人代替飞行员驾驶飞机)。33a考查冠词。a表示“一个”的意思,即这时候一个男人站起来跟空姐走进驾驶舱。34were being sent考查时态和语态。send与instructions是动宾关系,而且是正在传播的指导,因此用过去进行时的被动语态。35which考查定语从句的关系词。which引导非限制性定语从句,which在从句中作主语。36with考查介词。be/bee familiar with sth.意为“对某事熟悉”。37when考查连词。when引导时间状语从句。38following考查非谓语动词。man与follow是主谓关系,因此用现在分词作状语。B卷一、阅读理解A(xx安徽检测)A water lily painting, Water Lily Pond, by Claude Monet, the French impressionist artist, was sold for more than $80 million on Tuesday, breaking the auction(拍卖) record for himself. Water Lily Pond was part of a fourwork collection of water lily paintings that Monet put up for sale during his lifetime.The four paintings of Monets water lily garden were signed and dated by the artist in 1919. One of the other paintings is at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, while another was sold at auction in 1992 for $12. 1 million and is in a private collection now. The final painting in the series was cut into two before World War .“After a fierce bidding battle between a number of buyers in the room and on the telephone, the painting finally was sold to a collector for $80.4 million, setting a new world record price for the artist at auction,” said Olivier Camu, a scholar of impressionist art.The last record for a Monet work was set in May when Le Pont du Chemin de fer Argenteuil sold for $41.4 million.The painting sold on Tuesday was bought at a 1971 New York auction for $320,000. It has not been exhibited since.Monets later works had unique characteristics, especially Les Grandes Dcorations, another good example, which was bedded in Muse de IOrangerie in Paris five months after Monets death in 1926.Monet created his water lily garden in Giverny, France. He selected different water lilies in an effort to get as many different colored flowers as possible, specially creating the garden as a base for his paintings.语篇解读法国印象派画家莫奈创作于1919年的作品睡莲池(Water Lily Pond)被拍出了8 040万美元的高价,创造了其作品拍卖价格的最高纪录。1. According to the passage, Water Lily Pond broke the last record for Monets paintings by _.A. $12 million B. $39 millionC. $41.4 million D$0.32 million答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“the painting finally was sold to a collector for $80.4 million”和第四段“The last record for a Monet work was set in May when Le Pont du Chemin de fer Argenteuil sold for $41.4 million”可知,二者差价为$39 million。故选B。2. What can we learn about Water Lily Pond?A. It was once auctioned in America.B. It was cut into halves before World War .C. It had been kept in New York for over 40 years.D. It was once put in Muse de IOrangerie.答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第五段中的“at a 1971 New York auction for $320,000”可知,它曾经在美国被拍卖。故选A。3What does Olivier Camu think of the auction?AExciting. BInspiring.CDisappointing. DFrightening.答案与解析:A考查观点态度。根据第三段中的“After a fierce bidding battle between a number of buyers in the room and on the telephone, the painting finally was sold to a collector for$80.4 million, setting a new world record price for the artist at auction”可知,拍卖的场面是“令人激动的”。故选A。4. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Monet and his water lily paintingsB. Moneta great impressionist artistC. Monets garden and its characteristicsD. Water Lily PondMonets bestknown painting答案与解析:A考查标题判断。本文讲述了法国印象派画家莫奈创作于1919年的作品睡莲池(Water Lily Pond)被拍出了8 040万美元的高价,创造了其作品拍卖价格的最高纪录。以A项“莫奈和他的睡莲画”作标题最合适,故选A。B(xx东北联考)Jack was born without eyes. He was very lucky as he grew up having other kittens(young cats) to socialize with, and was used to people from the moment he was born. However, when it came time to find the kittens homes, no one knew where Jack would end up.Thats when I got an email from my friend. All she asked was “Do you still want one of the kittens? Theres one here with no eyes and no one would like to take him.” Without thinking, I told her that I did want the kitten.When we first brought him home, Jack stayed mostly in my room. After about a day he had no issues running around and climbing on everything. At times he gets lost in the house, hell stop. But we just call him and talk to him and it isnt

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