2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习同步练习附解析 Module 4 Unit 11 The Media 北师大版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习同步练习附解析 Module 4 Unit 11 The Media 北师大版必修4.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习同步练习附解析 Module 4 Unit 11The Media 北师大版必修4.品句填词1He has made great c_to a space development program.2We a_ the causes of our failure.3She is e_in a bank because of her experience.4The pany mainly p_ books for children.5I am Chinese by birth,but I became a US_(公民)6He sold it at a good_(利润)7The last_(场面)of the play was very impressive.8I am sorry to_(打断,打扰)you,but there is someone to see you.答案:1.contributions2.analysed3.employed4.publishes 5.citizen6.profit7.scene8.interrupt.短语识境Protest about;as long as,in the way;help out;stand out;e down to;consist of;be linked to/with;participate in1She _as the best student in her class.2We could conclude that the two events_each other.3Everyone can_this game.It is easy to learn.4They_the bad food at the hotel.5In the end,it all_the matter of debt.6_it doesnt rain,we can play outside.7The mittee_ten members.8Tom usually_on the farm,so you may find him there.答案:1.stands out2.were linked to/with3.participate in4.protested about5.came down to6.As long as7.consists of8.helps out.翻译句子1GNP代表国民生产总值。(stand for)_2这个俱乐部由200位会员组成。(consist of)_3他靠打零工为生。(by doing)_4当我们进屋时,他假装正在睡觉(pretend)_答案:1.GNP stands for gross national product.2The club consists of 200 members.3He makes a living by doing parttime jobs.4When we came into the room,he pretended to be sleeping.单项填空1What do you mean by saying there are only ten tickets?There _ be twelve.Acould Bshould Cwould Dcan解析:情态动词的考查。句意:你说只有十张票,这是什么意思?应该有十二张才对。答案:B2Meals in Spain are quite different from _ they have in China.Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwhom解析:句意:西班牙的膳食与中国的有很大不同。what引导一个宾语从句,what在从句中充当have的宾语。答案:B3As their memories decline,some old people tend to be talkative because they _ forget what has just been said.Aanxiously Bparticularly Ceasily Dhardly解析:副词辨析题。句意:随着记忆力的衰退,有些老年人喜欢唠叨,因为他们容易忘记刚刚所说过的话。答案:C4Catherine _ at school wearing a Tshirt with some slogans.Abroke up Bturned up Ccame up Dended up解析:考查动词词组辨析。break up意为 “解散,结束”;turn up意为 “来到,露面”;e up意为 “(植物)长出地面,发生”;end up意为 “最终成为,最终处于”。B项符合语意。答案:B5One cant learn a language well _ by learning rules of its grammar.Agradually Bdeeply Cmerely Dextremely解析:语意为:仅仅学习语法规则,一个人是无法学好一门语言的。merely “仅仅,只”符合语意。答案:C6He has also founded an organization _ helping AIDS orphans.Aaiming at Baiming to Caimed at Daimed to解析:考查非谓语动词。aim at(doing)sth.意为 “力求达到,力争”;be aimed at “目的是,旨在”;aim to “计划,打算”,后跟动词原形。本句中organization后面的部分充当定语修饰organization,故用aimed at,相当于which is aimed at。答案:C7I dont think there is anybody who can convince him.Hes very _.Aflexible Bsensitive Cstupid Dskeptical解析:考查形容词。flexible “灵活的,可弯曲的”;sensitive “灵敏的,敏感的”;stupid “糊涂的”;skeptical “怀疑的”。本句的意思是 “我认为没人能使他相信,因为他的疑 心很大”。故选D。答案:D8Lucy,I told Denny about your success.Oh,you _ him;I had told him already.Ashouldnt have told Bneednt have toldCcouldnt have told Dmustnt have told解析:考查情态动词。答语意为:你本没必要告诉他,我已经告诉过他了。故用neednt have done表示 “本不必做却做了”。shouldnt have done表示 “本不应该做但做了”;couldnt have done “不可能做某事”;must表示猜测时只用于肯定句中,must have done “准是”。答案:B9. Hello,how good to see you.Did you have any trouble finding our place?_.Your instructions were very clear.ANo doubt BNo problem CNot at all DNo way解析:考查交际用语。no doubt “无疑”;no problem “没问题”,表示乐于帮助或某事是很容易做的;not at all “一点也不”;no way “没门儿”。这里是指按照你的指引,找到地方很容易,所以用not at all。答案:C10Which sport has the most expense _ training equipment,players personal equipment and uniform?Ain terms of Bin relation to Cby way of Din case of解析:考查介词词组。in terms of “就而言,在方面”;in relation to “关于,和有关”;by way of “经过,经由”;in case of “如果,万一”。A项符合语意。答案:A.完形填空My parents fixed in me the ideas of family,faith and patriotism(爱国主义)when I was young._1_we struggled to make ends meet,they_2_ to me and my four brothers and sisters how _3_ we were to live in a great country with _4_ opportunities.I got my first real _5_ when I was ten.My dad injured his back working in a factory and had to be _6_as a hairstylist.The owner of the shopping center gave Dad a(n) _7_on his rent for cleaning the parking lot(停车场)three nights a week,which meant a little _8_that looked like a lawn mower(割草机)Mom and I emptied garbage cans and _9_ waste by hand.It took two to three hours to clean the lot.Id _10_in the car on the way home because of tiredness.I did this for two years,but the _11_I learned have lasted a lifetime.I _12_discipline and a strong work ethic(道德准则),and learned at a(n) _13_age the importance of balancing lifes _14_interestsin my case,school,homework and a job.This really _15_during my senior year of high school,when I worked 40 hours a week at a fastfood restaurant while taking collegepre _16_.The hard work _17_.I attended the US Military Academy and went on to receive graduate degrees in _18_and business from Harvard._19_,I joined a big Los Angeles law firm and was elected to the California State Assembly(议会)In these jobs and in everything else Ive done.I have never forgotten those _20_in the parking lot.1A.Now that BIf only CEven if DEven though解析:从语境看,此处表达的是让步关系。even if带有强烈的假定性,意为“即使”;even though则多以从句之内容为前提,意为“尽管”。答案:D2A.stressed Bannounced Csuggested Dadmitted解析:stress表“强调”。答案:A3A.important Bsurprising Cfortunate Dsatisfying解析:从上文可知父母爱国情结很浓厚,因此以生活在这样的一个国度而倍感幸运。答案:C4A.several Blimitless Cfewer Dinstant解析:从“a great country”可知父母热爱国家,因此这里应该表示这个国家有无限的机遇。答案:B5A.chance Bdream Csuccess Djob解析:从下文可知,作者接下来介绍的是自己的第一份工作。答案:D6A.retrained Bregarded Cconsidered Drespected解析:父亲因受伤而不得不接受再培训(retrain)来改换工作,故选A。答案:A7A.increase Border Cdiscount Dexplanation解析:指通过打扫停车场而减免租金;discount表“折扣”。答案:C8A.bag Bmachine Cknife Dstick解析:从“a lawn mower”可知父亲用来捡垃圾的是一种像割草机一样的机器。答案:B9A.brought up Bgave up Cmade up Dpicked up解析:根据上下文可知作者和母亲也陪同父亲一起捡垃圾。答案:D10. A.sleep Btalk Cstudy Dsing解析:根据because of tiredness可知作者经过几个小时的工作后很劳累,睡在车中。答案:A11A.knowledge Binformation Clessons Dskills解析:根据语境,能持续终生的应当是作者从劳动中学到的经验教训。答案:C12A.cancelled Bacquired Cevaluated Dforgot解析:从前一句“learn”可知此处应是学到(acquire)了纪律意识和强烈的职业理念。答案:B13Amon Blegal Cold Dearly解析:作者讲述的是自己孩提时代的经历。答案:D14Apeting Bdeveloping Csupporting Dincreasing解析:此处意为“我从小就懂得了平衡生活中互相冲突的利益的重要性。”对作者来说school,homework和a job都是不可或缺的,而从人的时间、精力上看三者的关系势必又是冲突的(peting),所以才需要平衡。答案:A15A.turned Bchanged Chelped Dimproved解析:从下文读到作者所取得的成就看,早期的经历是“有帮助”的。答案:C16A.measures Bcourses Cmessages Dtours解析:从下文可知,此处是指大学的预备课程(course)。答案:B17A.came true Btook off Cwent ahead Dpaid off解析:paid off指努力得到回报。答案:D18A.law Bmedicine Cscience Darts解析:从下文law firm 可判断“我”获得了法律学位。答案:A19A.However BIndeed CLater DBefore解析:表时间上的顺接关系。答案:C20A.people Bnights Ccars Dopportunities解析:根据上文“three nights a week”可知,那段夜间工作的经历令作者终身难忘。答案:B


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