2019-2020年高二英语Unit8 First aid The Second Period 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit8 First aid The Second Period 人教版Teaching Aims:1. Improve the students reading ability.2. Help the students to master the new words and expressions.3. Let the students know more about first aid.Teaching Important Points:1. Improve the students reading ability.2. Help the students know more about first aid.Teaching Difficult Point:How to improve the students reading ability.Teaching Methods:1. Fast reading to get the general idea.2. Careful reading to master the detailed information in the text.3. Discussion to help the students understand the passage better.Teaching Aids.1. a tape recorder2. a projector3. the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step I Greetings and Lead-in (Greet the whole class as usual.)T: In last period, weve learnt something about first aid. And youve known what we should do and shouldnt do when an accident happens. But thats far from enough. Do you want to know more about first aid?Ss: Yes.Step Pre-readingT: OK. Today well read a passage about first aid. Before we read the passage, lets have a discussion first. Please look at the screen. (Show the following on the screen. ) Outline 1 1. First aid is important 2. Reason 13. Reason 2 4. Reason 3 Outline 2 1. Learn how to give first aid 2. First, (step 1) 3. Second, (step 2 ) 4. Third,(step 3)Outline 3 1. There are two types of first aid 2. The first type 3. The second type 4. Similarities and differences T: If youre asked to write a text about first aid, which of these outlines will you use? And why? You may have a discussion in pairs and then Ill ask some of you to tell us your opinion. (A few minutes later)T: Wang Jing, whats your choice?S: Id like to use the first kind of outline.T: Please tell us why.S: Because I want to tell people why first aid is important in an emergency. And I want people to pay more attention to learning first aid to help others.T: Good. Who has a different choice?S. .Id prefer the second outline. Because I want to teach people how to give first aid. I think that people know first aid is important, but they dont know how to give it to others. So Id like to tell people something about how to give first aid. I think this will be helpful. T: Very good. Who would like to use the third one?S: Id like to use the last outline because I want to tell people the differences between the two types of first aid. Most people know little about them.T: Youve all done well. Now, please have a guess. Which do you think will be used in the text? And tell us why, please. (Ask some students to say their opinions and they may have various answers. )Step ReadingT: OK. Thats all for our discussion. Now, lets read the passage quickly to find out which outline is used in the passage. (A moment later, teacher says the following)T: Which outline do you think is used in the passage?S: I think the second outline is used.T: Yes, I agree with you. Now, please read the passage carefully to find out the answers to the questions on the screen, (Show the questions on the screen. Allow the as a moment to prepare and then check the answers. ) Answer the questions: 1. Why is first aid important in our daily life? 2. Whats the most important thing to remember when dealing with an emergency? 3. What do the hospitals remend? 4. What do the letters DR ABC stand for? 5. What we should do when we have checked the DR ABC? 6. Can we do first aid correctly after reading this passage? Suggested answers:1. Because seconds count in an emergency, and knowing what to do can mean the difference between life and death. 2. To stay calm and not to be panic. 3. They remend that we use the letters DR ABC to remember what to do when we have to think fast. 4. D stands for Danger; R stands for Response ; A stands for Airway ; B stands for Breathing ; C stands for Circulation 5. We should give the first aid that is needed and call for an ambulance. 6. No. This passage doesnt contain enough information for us to do first aid correctly. We have to study with a teacher for a few hours.Step IV Explanation T: Good. To help you understand the passage better, Ill explain some important words and phrases in the passage to you. Look at the screen, please. (Show the following on the screen.) 1. witness n. person who sees an event take place vt. be present at sth. and see it e. g. I was a witness to their quarrel. He witnessed the accident. 2. keep in mind (remember sb./sth. ) e. g. Ill keep your suggestion in mind. 3. panic n. sudden irrational feeling of great fear vt./vi. (panicked, panicked) cause a person or an animal to be affected with panic e. g. I got into a panic when I found the door was locked. Dont panic! Theres no danger. The gunfire panicked the horses. 4. roll over e. g. The goat rolled over and died. He rolled over in bed. 5. manage vt. be in charge of; run; succeed in doing sth. e. g. Can you manage children well? I can manage it myself. manage to do sth. (succeed in doing sth. ) e. g. Li Hong managed to finish her work in time. (Bb. witness, keep in mind, panic, roll over, manage, manage to do sth. )Step V Listening and ReadingT: Now, lets listen to the tape carefully. You may read after the tape. Pay attention to your intonation. (Play the tape for Ss to listen and repeat and then ask some students to read the passage. )Step Post-readingT: Good. I think youve known the passage well enough. And you can read it very well, too. Now, lets have a discussion. After learning the passage, you must know something about giving first aid. Now, please use the letters DR ABC to tell your partner how to give first aid. (Give the students a few minutes to prepare and then ask one or two students to say their answers.)Suggested answer: To give first aid correctly, you can use the letters DR ABC to help you remember the things you need to do. First we should make sure that the accident scene is no longer dangerous. Then we can ask the person simple questions to see if he/she is conscious and can breathe. We must make sure the persons airway is open and its easy to breathe by gently tipping the persons head back slightly. If the person is not breathing, we must try to start his/her breathing at once within five minutes, or he/she may die. At last, we can look for colour, coughing and eye movement to see if the persons blood is circulating. We can also put a finger on the persons wrist or neck to check his/ her pulse. If the person is bleeding, we should cover the wound with a clean piece of cloth and press on the wound to stop the bleeding.T: Good. Now, please look at the pictures on Page 60. Use what you have learnt from the text to explain what the people are doing in the pictures. You may work in pairs if you like. (A few minutes later, ask several students to say their answers. )Suggested answers:Picture 1The man is gently tipping the persons head back to make sure that his airway is open and it is easy to breathe.Picture 2If a person is not breathing, we can use the mouth-to-mouth way to start his/her breathing. And this must he done within five minutes.Picture 3If a person is bleeding, we should cover the wound with a clean piece of cloth and press on the wound to stop the bleeding.Step Summary and HomeworkT: Today weve learnt more about first aid. Weve also learnt something about the DR ABC. Now, who can write down the most important things to do at the scene of an accident.?S: Ill try.(Write on the blackboard)T: Good, you must try to remember them after class. And you should also learn by heart the useful words and phrases we learnt in this period. OK. Thats all for today. See you!Ss: See youStep The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 8 First aid The Second Period Words and Phrases: witness n./.vt. roll over keep in mind manage vt. panic n./vi, manage to do sth. Most important things to do at the scene of an accident First, you should stay calm.Second, you should check the DR ABC.Third, give first aid that is needed.Last, put the person in the recovery position. Step VII Record after Teaching


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