2019-2020年高二英语Unit5 The British Isles教案 新课标 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit5 The British Isles教案 新课标 人教版单元综述英国的全称是什么?坐落在何处?自然环境、气候、风土人情以及与不列颠岛的关系如何?编者在本单元就上述问题给出了较为详尽的介绍。在warming up中,首先通过几幅具有代表性的图片,让学生自然地想到英国。在speaking中就三个背景知识作了介绍,通过对reading的学习,编者又在post-reading中,让学生填写一张英文地图,旨在进一步巩固所学的知识。 基本要点分类I词海拾贝:consist, state, powerful, advantage, narrow, republic, form, mild, influence, basis, mountainous, union, generally, belief, proof, own, production, produce, research, coast, foot, employ, bear, grain, wild, approachII短语归纳:consist of, be made up of, make the most of, hold together, lie off, at one point, run over, stand for, be separated from, be surrounded by, in general, as much as the result of, end up withIII句子结构:1. The idea that English stands for Fish and Chips, the Speakers Corner and the Tower of London is past. 2. The fact that the mainland of Great Britain is made up of three kingdoms is still unknown to many people.3. The result of so much French influence was that the English language ended up with many French words such as table, animal and age.4. Some people feel that Wales is an ancient fairy land.5. That most of these are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in Britain.IV交际用语:1. Dont you think that.?2. I dont think thats right. 3. You must be mistaken.4. Im afraid you are wrong.5. Arent you confusing.?6. Im not sure about that.V语法概述:1 委婉表达I dont think thats right.Yes, you are right, but.2 提出建议Dont you think that?Im afraid that.3 名词性从句(1)The First PeriodTeaching Aims:1. Do some listening and train the students listening ability.2. Talk about the UK and Ireland.3. Practise expressing agreement and disagreement.Teaching Important Points:1. Improve the students listening ability.2. Master the expressions for agreement and disagreement.Teaching Difficult Points:1. Improve the students ability.2. How to express agreement and disagreement.Teaching Methods:1. Free-talk method to get the students to talk about the UK and Ireland.2. Listening activity to have the students go through the listening material.3. Speaking activity to make the students go through the speaking task and improve the students speaking ability.Teaching Aids:1. a puter and courseware2. a projector3. a tape recorderTeaching Procedures:Step I GreetingsStep II Free-talkStep III Warming-upStep IV ListeningStep V Speaking Useful expressions:Dont you think that?I dont think thats right.I dont think so.You must be mistaken.No, you are wrong thinking that.Im afraid you are wrong.I believe that youve got it right.Im not so sure youve got it right.Im not so sure about that.Surely it must be .Yes, you are right, but.Arent you confusing?Yes. I agree with you.Step VI Summary and HomeworkStep VII The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 5 The British IslesThe First PeriodAgreement:Certainly/ Of course/ Sure.Yes. Thats true.I think so.Its a good idea.Thats just how I feel.Disagreement:I dont agree with you pletely.Im afraid not.Im sorry, but I dontagree with you.Step VIII Words and Expressions: 1. P33 Warming-up 2. Name five important cities in the United Kingdom. 说出英国五大城市的名字。name vt. 说出的名字;取名;名叫;任命,提名;指定,说定;提出(价格等)Can you name all the plants and trees in the garden?The couple named their baby Dick.Mr Smith had been named as the new manager.We have named the National Day for our wedding.Roller skating, now easy and fun, changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin.The newly-discovered star was named after a Chinese astronomer in honor of his contribution to astronomy. 归纳拓展by name 名叫;用名字,凭名字by the name of 以为名字call sb. names 辱骂某人in the name of 凭的权威;以的名义know sb by name 仅仅知道某人的名字name after 以名字命名name sb for 提名某人担任(某职务)worth (worthy of) the name 名副其实的namely adv. = that is to say 即,那就是2. 3. What is the UK famous for? the UK英国,其全称是the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland。 be famous for因而出名。He is famous for his fine acting. 他以演技精湛著称。Guilin is famous for its beautiful scenery. 桂林以优美的风景而著称。归纳拓展be famous as作为而出名:be (well) known for 因而出名be (well) known as 作为而出名be known to sb. 为某人所知指点迷津be well known 还可用于下面结构:It is well known that.类似的结构还有:It is believed that.人们相信It is thought that. 人们认为It is hoped that.人们希望It is reported that.据报道注 It is known that= Sb is known to do sth / to be doing sth / to have done sth.提示 as意为“作为”;for意为“因为”;to后应跟人作宾语。一定要分清意义的不同。Professor Martin has written some short stories but hes better known for his TV plays.Kathleen Hall, known to the Chinese as a “nurse ho”, ran a small hospital.It is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.It is said that the book has been translated into several languages. (= The book is said to have been translated into.)It is reported that China will send up another man-made satellite. (= China is reported to send up another man-made.)It is believed that John is working on a new novel. (= John is believed to be working on a new.)She is famous as a successful actress. 她作为一名成功的演员而出名。Beijing is famous as the Capital of China. 北京作为中国的首都而闻名。3. as much as you can as much as one can = as much as possible类似的省略还有:do all / everything one can (do) to do sthdo what one can (do) to do sthtry / do ones best to do sth4. P34 Listening: The conversation workshop is taught on Wednesday afternoon. 星期三下午上会话课(会话技巧研讨会)。 workshop 车间;工厂;工场;修理厂。在该句中是“讲习班、专题学术研讨会”的意思。a poetry workshop 诗歌研习班a theatre workshop 戏剧研讨班 介词on表示时间的用法:a. 用在“日期(date)”和“星期”前。b. 用在“特定”的早、晚、日间、上下午等腰三角形之前。如:on the morning of Oct. 1st c. 用在某些动作名词之前,作“在之时”讲。d. 用在某些动名词之前,作“一就”讲。e. 和occasion / opportunity等词连用,表示“在某一特殊的时机或场合”。5. P34 Speaking: (1) Even after a long time, they find it difficult to say simple things in Chinese. 即使过一很长时间,他们发现很难用汉语说一些简单的东西。 find it difficult to do sth发现做某事很困难。I think it impossible to finish the work in two hours. 我认为在两个小时之内完成这项工作是不可能的。 say 说,及物动词,后须跟说的内容作宾语。say a good word for sb 为某人辩护 say good-bye/ hello to sb 道别/ 道早安say no more/ nothing 别再说了/ 什么都别说say ones prayers做祷告say yes/ no 同意/ 不同意辨析 Say vt.,后面接名词、代词或从句作宾语;tell vt.,后面接双宾语:tell sb sth或tell sth to sb;speak vt. & vi.,作vt.时,后面只接表示语言的名词作宾语;talk vi.,talk to/ with sb about sth.Say the word in English, please.I have something important to say at tomorrows meeting.He said that it was not his fault.Please tell me when we will meet.请告诉咱们什么时候集合。I could speak English when I was 10.Who will speak at todays meeting?Mr Wang is talking to Jim about the sports meet.He received a telegram saying “Mother sick.”I dont know the restaurant, but its said to be quite a small one.注意 tell在下述情况下可接单宾语:tell a story 讲故事tell a lie撒谎tell the truth说真话tell a secret泄密tell the difference between A and B 区分A和Btell A from B 区分A和Btell A and B apart 区分A和Btell ones name 报上名来tell ones opinion提出意见tell the time报时间tell the price报价(2) They think it is just a matter of looking at maps carefully and remembering all the name of cities and provinces. 他们觉得那不过是仔细察看地图,然后记住所有省市名称的简单问题。a matter of 意思是“一个的问题”。Its simply a matter time before the rebels are crushed. 把这些叛乱分子镇压下去只是迟早的事。Success in business is simply a matter of knowing when to take a chance. 商业上的成功就有在于把握时机。(3) Other people think geography is confusing and difficult to learn. 其他人认为地理课使人感到混乱无序,很难学。指点迷津confusing adj. 令人糊涂的,使人混乱的confused adj. (某人)糊涂的,搞混乱的confuse vt. 使混乱,使糊涂注 confuse sb / sth with sb / sth把和弄混The confusing situation of the chess game really confused every member in the game-watching room.Im confused by the confusing question.(4) The Group of Eight (G8) consists of the eight richest countries in the world. 八国首脑会议是由八个世界上最富有的国家组成的。 Group of Eight即G8 Summit(八国首脑会议),八国指美国、英国、法国、德国、意大利、加拿大、日本和俄罗斯。 Consist of由组成。(不用于被动语态)The mittee consists of ten members.Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. 水由氢和氧组成。This cake mainly consists of sugar, flour and butter. 这个蛋糕的主要原料是白糖、面粉和奶油。(5) Some people believe it is easier for small countries to bee strong and rich than for large countries. 有人认为对小国来说比大国更容易变富变强。It is + adj. + for sb/ sth to do sth.是固定句型,it是形式主语,代替后面的不定式真正主语,介词for引导不定式的逻辑主语。It充当形式主语或形式宾语,而真正的宾语或主语应为不定式、动名词或从句。It is necessary for us youths to master a foreign language. 对我们年轻人来说,掌握一门外语是必要的。I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.When we get there, we found it impossible to get used to living such a hard life.They want to make it clear to the public that they do an important and necessary job.Will you please see to it that all the children here are well fed and taken good care of?There is no possibility that Bob can win the first prize in the match.注 形式主语或宾语只能由it来充当,that, this之类的代词都不能作形式主语或宾语,而doubt, need, possibility等用于“there be”结构中。6. Do island nations have advantages over other countries? 岛国比劳动保险国家拥有更有利的条件吗?advantage 优点,有利条件;优势,好处归纳拓展have an advantage over 胜过,优于;趁之不备take advantage of 利用Living in a big city has many advantages such as good schools, libraries and theatres. 在大城市居住可享受许多便利条件,如不错的学校、图书馆和剧院。Dont take advantage of others weakness. 别剩虚而入。Jane took advantage of the lunch hour to finish her homework. Jane利用午餐时间完成作业。In playing basketball, Yaoming has an obvious advantage over others(比其他人拥有明显的有利条件). “同意与不同意”常用句式归纳 常用句式 表示同意的常用句式:Certainly / Sure / Of course.Yes, please.Yes, I think so.Thats true.All right / OK.No problem.Thats a good idea.Its a good idea to / that.I / We agree (with you).I agree to / that clause. 表示不同意的常用句式:No, I dont think so.Im afraid not.Im afraid I (really) cant agree with you. 日常交际用语 询问是否同意Do you agree (with me) / think so?Dont you agree / think / feel?You agree with me, wouldnt you?Can I ask if you agree with / to?I wonder if you agree (that). 表示完全同意Yes, I agree with you.I agree pletely / entirely / totally.(I think) You are right / exactly right.Thats what I think / was thinking.Surely it must be.Thats just how I feel.Thats my opinion, too.So do (am, have, can) I. 表示部分同意Yes, you are right, but.Im afraid youre right / its true.Im afraid I have to agree.Maybe / Perhaps youre right.Thats a possibility.I see your opinion.I hadnt thought of that. 表示完全不同意I dont / cant agree (with you).I really cant agree (with you).I dont think you are right / thats right.I cant accept that.You must be joking! / Dont be silly.You must be mistaken.No, you are wrong thinking that.I dont think so. 表示委婉不同意Im afraid you are wrong.Im afraid I disagree / cant agree (with you).Im not sure about that.Im sorry, but I dont / cant agree (with you).Im not sure about that.Im not sure I agree.I see what you mean, but .I thought it was good, but .I may be wrong.You could be right, but .


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