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2019-2020年高中英语Module1OurBodyandHealthyHabits单元综合检测2外研版B 卷(满分100分,时间90分钟)I单项选择 ( 2 x 10)1. Im surprised to see you drink so much. You _. A. used B. didnt use to C. were used to D. werent use d to 2. They are looking for a room _. A. to live B. to live in C. live in D. living room 3. Who would you rather _ there with you? A. have to go B. have go C. have gone D. had gone 4. Some scientists believe that some day the sea will be used _ electric power. A. to make B. to making C. to be made D. being made 5. -How do you deal with the disagreement between the pany and the customers? -The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers. A. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; making D. to solve; made 6. Whenever I was in trouble, he would do what he could _ me. A. help B. helping C. to help D. helped 7. He is a man of few words. He wont say anything unless _. A. he spoken to B. spoken C. spoken to D. he is spoken 8. That man kept quiet about the accident _ lose his job. A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to 9. Tom is a bright and diligent boy _ his bother is just the opposite. A. when B. as C. while D. however 10. -Im sorry, I shouldnt have been so rude to you that day. -You _ your temper, but thats OK. A. have lost B. had lost C. did lose D. were losing II. 完型填空 (1.5 x 20) As China faced up to a battle against bird flu, the government announced a range of control measures it believed would bring the disease under control. This bird flu 1 more than 16 people across Asia and was made certain in China in late January, xx. No 2 cases had been found in the mainland but at least 13 of the countrys 31provinces, autonomous regions(自治区)and municipalities had_3_the disease in poultry(家禽).“It remains a _4 task for China to prevent and control the disease, 5 the government is confident in the fight,” said a Vice-Minister of Agriculture. He gave details of a range of measures designed to 6 the disease spreading. Poultry within 3km of infected farms was to be killed and those within 5km vaccinated(接种疫苗). 7 , there would be constant monitoring(监控)and daily 8 on the disease across the country, and _9 production of bird flu vaccines.Among the 11 Asian countries and regions 10 by bird flu in animals, only Viet Nam and Thailand had reported human cases. The people infected were reported to have 11_ the disease from poultry.While the World Health Organization said there was 12 proof of human transmission(传播)of bird flu, it admitted that two sisters who died of bird flu in Viet Nam 13 have caught it from their brother.The big 14 was that the disease could bine with a human flu virus(病毒)to create a deadly 15 disease that would kill millions of people across the 16 . Many Asian farmers live closely with their animals and sell 17 chickens on the market. This greatly increases the _18_ of human being infected with bird flu.An official from WHO said Asian countries affected by bird flu should introduce a more _19 way of raising and selling chickens. They have to pletely_ 20 their lifestyle and attitude towards animals.1. A. hurt B. hit C. struck D. killed2. A. animal B. bird C. human D. poultry3. A. shown B. reported C. struck D. said4. A. difficult B. interesting C. anxious D. great5. A. but B. and C. while D. so6. A. fight B. control C. keep D. stop7. A. However B. MeanwhileC. Therefore D. Instead8. A. controls B. treatments C. reports D. vaccines9 A. started B. improved C. increased D. attempted10. A. affected B. destroyed C. connected D. introduced11. A. held B. covered C. carried D. caught12. A. some B. much C. no D. more13. A. should B. might C. must D. need14. A. accident B. problem C. task D. flu15. A. new B. strange C. serious D. bad16. A. country B. area C. mainland D. globe17. A. killed B. many C. dead D. live18. A. speed B. possibility C. introduction D. experience19. A. healthy B. useful C. simple D. gentle20. A. stop B. change C. form D. keepIII. 阅读理解 (2x15) AWhy do women live an average of nine years longer than men? Thats the question Professor Laura set out to find out among 4,000 people living in Los Angeles area.Sandman, now working at University of California at Berkely, found the risk factor or bad habits thought to lead to the early death were far more prevalent among women than men. High risk factors for women included smoking, physical inactivity, and few contacts with friends or relatives. Much the same factors thought of for men were drinking, cigarette smoking and not being married.The conclusion is that women are indeed more biologically fit than men simply as a result of hormone differences. Says Sandman, Women have lower death rates in almost every country, at almost every age, and for most causes of death.DCD1. High risk factors for men lead to the death didnt include _. A. drinking B. smoking C. not being married. D. physical inactivity2. The underlined word “prevalent” may mean _.A. 先天的 B. 早先的 C. 主要的 D. 普遍的 3. Which of the following is True? A. Sandman is working in Los Angeles area.B. Women live longer than men because they smoke less than men.C. The question Professor Laura set out is based on investigations around the world.D. Even though risk factors thought to lead to early death are more prevalent among women than men, women live longer than men.4. The factor for womens long life is _. A. a special Hormone B. life habit C. life attitude D. food5. The best title for the article is _.A. Womens Long Life B. A Happy Life C. Reasons For Longer Life D. Why Women Live A Long LifeWhether you eat to live or live to eat, food should help keep you well. In our modern world of processed(加工) and preserved foods, many nutritionists are suggesting that we can stay healthy with a well-balanced diet of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and not too much meat, salt or sugar. In fact, eating natural, unprocessed foods that are made from scratch, instead of artificial and junk foods, may not only keep you healthy, but save your money, too.To stay healthy, you must also be careful to avoid food poisoning, a mon, unpleasant, and often dangerous illness that affects one out of every six Americans each year. Food poisoning is often caused by salmonella bacteria(沙门氏菌) in food, especially raw meats and dairy products. Heat usually kills the bacteria, and refrigeration keeps them from growing. So remember to keep hot food hot and cold food cold. Also, be sure to keep your hands and cooking utensils(烹饪用具) clean so you dont transfer germs to the food while you are preparing it.If you use canned food, always check the cans for leaks or puffiness(膨胀). A puffed can could mean botulism(肉毒中毒), a fatal type of food poisoning that you cannot see or smell. Never taste any food that you suspect has gone bad. Instead, return any damaged cans or spoiled food to the grocery store, and the manager will refund(偿付) your money. When using processed foods, be sure to read all the labels and check the ingredients and the freshness date before you buy or eat the food.Eating is one of the joys of life. Being careful about what you put in your mouth can keep it that way.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。( ) 6. According to most nutritionists , a diet of processed and preserved foods is good for you.( ) 7. To stay healthy, one must not taste outdated canned food ( ) 8. If a can is puffy you can heat it so as to kill the bacteria and eat. ( ) 9. Being careful about what you put in your mouth can make you enjoy eating. ( ) 10. The writer tell us natural food is healthier than artificial food. CSleep Struggle DR. MARJORIE SEIDENFELD ANSWERS YOUR HEALTH QUESTIONSI have such a terrible time falling asleep every night that Im always tired and its affecting my schoolwork . What should I do ? Mindy in Nevada One in every five young people has a sleep problem, so youre not alone; Getting enough sleep has bee as important as eating vegetables and exercising regularly. Its very important for your body.Most young people only get seven hours of sleep each night, when they actually need nine hours. And making up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping in on weekends doesnt really work. In fact, sleeping late on weekends may actually do you more harm than good, if you have sleep problems.What happens if you dont get enough sleep? If your sleep problem continues for a few nights, you could suffer serious problems. Lack of sleep can affect learning and memory. Worse , if your sleep difficulties last a long time , that could lead to anxiety or depression(抑郁). Therefore, youve got to have some healthy sleep habits. Below are some suggestions: GO TO BED AT THE SAME TIMEincluding weekends , if possible . WAKE UP AROUND THE SAME TIME EVERY MORNING . When you sleep late just one morning during the week, it may disturb your body clock. This will make it hard for you to sleep that night. DO SMOETHING REALXING before going to bed . EXERCISE DURING THE DAY . Dont exercise right before going to bed. AVOID DRINKING ALCOHOL. Alcohol makes you excited. This prevents you from falling asleep or wakes you up during the night. DONT SMOKE . Smoking is always bad for the body. Smoking before bedtime keeps you awake.If trying these tips over a couple of weeks does not help you, speak to your doctor. Do not take any sleeping pills without first asking your doctor. Many have strong side effects.11. _ young people have sleep problems. A.10 % B.20% C. 25% D. 50%12. According to the passage, if you have sleep problems for a long time, you could be . A. lonely B. forgetful C. serious D. anxious or depressed 13. The passage suggests that people with sleep problems should .A. make up for lost sleep on weekendsB. follow a fixed timetable for sleepC. sleep seven hours every dayD. take some sleeping pills14. Which is not mentioned (提到) in the passage? A. Eating vegetables B. Excising C. smoking D. drinking alcohol15. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Youll no longer have your sleep problem if you try the tips.B. Sleeping late on weekends can make up for lost sleep .C. Exercising in the evening will help you get to sleepD. Sleep problems are serious among young people.IV. 书面表达(20)你喜欢快餐食品吗?快餐食品在青少年和儿童中很是流行。请根据提示写一篇100词左右的短文。1. 快餐流行的原因: 方便、快捷、店内环境舒适、服务周到2. 从营养角度讲,快餐食品不利健康。3. 不宜多吃。 Fast food-Keys to B Module 1:I. 1.B. used to的否定形式还可用usednt to。 2.B 3.B. have相当于let,宾语是whom,故go前省to。 4.A 5.B. to为介词,构成后置定语。 6.C. could后省去了动词do。 7.C 8.B 9.C. while作“然而”讲,有比较之意。 10.C. 原形前加助动词,加强语气。II. 1-5 DCBAA 6-10 DBCCA 11-15 DCBBA 16-20 DDBABIII. 1-5 DDDAC, 6-10 FTFTT, 11-15 BCBADIV. One possible version:Fast food is being more and more popular, especially among children and teenagers. There are several reasons for its popularity. First its very convenient and save a lot of time. You can go into a fast restaurant, order your food and it is ready in no time. You can take it away or eat there. The atmosphere is very fortable. Its very clean and it has excellent service and good quality food. However, fast food is not good for peoples health, especially children. Its usually not a balanced diet. There is too much fat in the food and you cant get enough fresh vegetables. Also the food there is very expensive. Eat fast food as little as possible. Its only a choice when you are hurry.


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