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2019-2020年高中英语Unit1HealthMatters教案51. Suppose Li Mings father, Mr. Li, often has headaches. (P.10) 假设李明的父亲李先生经常头疼。Suppose 用作动词,表示“推想、猜想、料想、以为、假设”。用法如下:1) 接宾语人句或复合宾语,宾补常常是不定式短语(主要是 to be, 例如:I never suppose him (to be) a hero.2)用于插入语中。例如:You dont mind my smoking, I suppose?3)用于简略答语中。例如:Will he e with us?Yes, I suppose so. /No, I suppose not.4)词组 be(not) supposed to 表示“理应(不),(不)应当”,相当于should(not). 例如:You are not supposed to smoke in here.5)用于祈使句,提出建议或请求,或用来提出假设。也常用supposing(that)引起条件状语。例如:Supposing(that) he does not e, shall we go without him?2. Too Much Tv in Childhood Linked to Poor Health Later.(P.11)健康不佳与儿童时期看电视过多有关。1) be linked to 意思是“与.有关、有联系”,相当于be related to 或be connected to 题目中省略了系动词。2) link可作动词、名词,表示“连接;联合;联系”常与together, to, with ,by, up 连用。例如:The interest of individuals is linked with that of the country.The two towns are linked(up) by a railway.Is there a link between smoking and lung diseases?3. New research shows that the amount of television children watch is directly related to the risk of health problems as an adult.(P.11) 最新研究显示,儿童时期看电视时间的长短与成年后出现健康问题的风险密切相关。1) relate 作动词,可表示“涉及;把.联系起来;讲述,叙述”,常与to, with连用。Wealth is seldom related to happiness.I cant relate what he does with (to) what he says.He related just how the accident had happened.2) relate的名词形式是relation表示“关系,联系;亲戚”,且常用于词组in relation to , 表示“关于,涉及,有关”。例如:He enjoys friendly relations with his classmates.I have a lot to say in relation to that affair.此外,relate的名词形式还有relationship, 表示“关系,联系;亲戚”,有时可和relation换用,若不侧重个人关系或友谊时,可用relations或relationship.例如:Relations with the USA are improving.There is a close relationship between Britain and the USA.4. You cant hear it, but its there every time you talk about yourself.(P.12)你听不见它,但每次当你谈到自己时,它却如影随形。every time 是名词词组作连词,引导时间状语从句,从句中常用一般现在时表将来,作连词用的名词词组还有:1) every time, each time, any time,表示“每当,每次,随时”。例如:Dont stop every time you e to a word or phrase you dont know.You are wele to e back any time you want to.2) the+序数词time, (the) next time, 表示“第几次.”。例如:He called to see me the first time he came to Beijing.3) the moment, the minute, the instant, 表示“一就.”,相当于as soon as 引导的时间状语从句。例如:The moment I saw him I knew there was no hope.4) the day,the week, the year,etc 表示“.的那天(周、年等)”,例如:He called on me the day he arrived.He was studying in the university the year the war broke out.5. Its more like quietly knowing that youre worth a lot(priceless, in fact!).(P.12) 它更像是对自己不菲身价(事实上是无价的!)的平静认可。Self esteem is knowing that you are worthy of being loved and accepted. (P.12) 自信实质上就是你认为自己值得他人尊重和赏识。 1)、 Worth, worthy 的区别: (1)worth是表语形容词,意为“值的,有的价值的”,接名词或主动语态的动名词(表被动含义)作宾语。例如:The old house is still worth $55,000. 注意:如果表示“很值得”,要用be well worth,而不能用be very worth 例如:This book is well worth reading. 此外,还常用于成语 be worth it “表示值得(这样做),配”,例如:Whe had to work hard, but it has been worth it. (2)worthy 可以作表语和定语,用作定语时,意思是“有价值的,值得尊敬的,应受到赏识的。”用作表语时,意思是“值得,应得到”,其后常接of sth,也可接不定式短语。Shanghai is worhy of avisit/being visited / to be visited. He said he was not worthy to accept such honour.6. Having good self-esteem is also the ticket to making good choices about your mind and body.(P.12) 充分的自尊是为自己的身心做出正确决择的前提。Be()just)the ticket 常用于口语,表示“正好合适,正是理想(需要)的东西”。例如:A cup of hot tea is just the ticket on a cold day.A change of scene would be just the ticket for us.

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