2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习讲义 Book 1 Unit 2 Helpfui Schoolmates 重大版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习讲义 Book 1 Unit 2 Helpfui Schoolmates 重大版1主句in order that/so that从句I got up early in order that/so that I could catch the first bus.I got up early in order to/so as to catch the first bus.我很早起床的目的是能赶上早班车。2主句so that从句It was very cold,so that the river froze.天气如此之冷以致于河面都结冰了。He stayed up late last night so that he could finish his remaining work.昨晚他睡得很晚,以便能完成剩下的工作。3So形容词/副词特定动词(助动词/情态动词/系动词)主语that从句So interesting is this book that I would like to read it again.这本书如此有趣以致于我打算再读一遍。1keep cool:to stay calm and not nervous,upset,embarrassed保持冷静Now just keep cool,and everything will be OK.好了,保持冷静,一切都没事。2God bless you!:to ask God to protect someone or something愿上帝保佑你!May God bless you and keep you safe from harm!愿上帝保佑你平安无事!1breath n呼吸;气息_ ones breath 屏住呼吸2prepared adj.有准备的be prepared _为做准备3soundly adv.酣然地_ and sound 安然无恙地4intend vt.打算intend _ sth.打算做某事5operation n手术operate _ sb.给某人做手术6arrange vt.安排arrange _ sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事1gentle adj.温柔的;柔和的;轻轻的_ adv.温柔地;柔和地;轻轻地2relief n减轻;解除_ vt.减轻;解除3spelling n拼写;拼法_ v拼写4encouragement n鼓舞;鼓励_ vt.鼓舞;鼓励_ adj.令人鼓舞的5final adj.最后的;最终的_ adv.最后;最终6fortunate adj.幸运的_ adv.幸运地7treat vt.治疗_ n治疗学情自测语境填词1Eric came running into the room, out of _ and red in the face.2Organizers are making final _ for next weeks festival.3He left England with the _ of travelling in Africa.4He will perform a(n) _ on her for a diseased lung.5I was so busy, so I _ for a friend to drive him there.6The soldiers have returned safe and _ from the war.7He looks scary but hes really a _ giant.8How do you _ your surname?9The condition is usually _ with drugs and a strict diet.10Those who suffer from a headache will find that they get _ from this medicine.1_ ones eyes on.密切注视;注意_ ones eyes on 凝视 2for _ moment 一会儿for _ moment 暂时3search _.搜寻;寻找search sb._ 搜某人身找4go _ 经历;完成go _ 违反;反对;不利于5in _ time 很快;立刻_ times 有时;偶尔6stay _ all night studying 熬夜学习_ up 熬夜,不睡觉学情自测选词填空1_, we will ignore the question of whether the costs are reasonable.2They would _ fire and water to serve the people.3The police _ the house _ the missing boy.4With five hungry children seated round the table, the food disappeared _.5Its bad for our health to _ all night studying.1背诵:I gave him a smile, not sure whether he was joking or_not,and returned to my test.仿写:这完全取决于他是否有时间。_2背诵:So I guarded my paper so_that he couldnt see my answers.仿写:他为了能通过入学考试夜以继日地学习。_3背诵:When the exam ended,I stood there for a moment, wondering_what_to_say.仿写:听到那消息他惊呆了,不知道下一步该做什么。_4背诵:As I stood there in silence,I felt it necessary to_let him know cheating was wrong.仿写:把实话告诉他,我觉得这是我的义务。_5背诵:I was_sleeping soundly last night when I was awakened by someones groans.仿写:我正在路上开着车,突然一辆小车横插过来。_6背诵:If_only daytime would e soon, everything would bee easier.仿写:要是汤姆能来就好了!_1I gave him a smile, not sure whether he was joking or not,and returned to my test.(教材原句P14)Weve offered her the job, but I dont know _ shell accept it. AwhereBwhatCwhetherDwhich 命题思路选C项。考查宾语从句的连接词,通过语境及句意来选词。变式训练All people,_ they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.Aeven ifBwhetherCno matterDhowever2As I stood there in silence,I felt it necessary to let him know cheating was wrong.(教材原句P15)We feel _ our duty to make our country a better place. AitBthisCthatDone 命题思路选A项。考查it作形式宾语。变式训练The two girls are so alike that strangers find _ difficult to tell one from the other.Ait Bthem Cher Dthat把下列直接引语变为间接引语1“Where have you been these days?” he asked._2.“Do you know where she lives?” he asked._3“Stop making so much noise, children.” he said._4“Dont tell him the news.” she said._ 5.“Are you interested in this?” he asked._基础梳理. A 1.hold2.for3.safe4.to do5.on6.forB 1.gently2.relieve3.spell4.encourage;encouraging5.finally6.fortunately7.treatment学情自测1breath2.preparations3.intention4.operation5.arranged6.sound7.gentle8.spell9.treated10.relief . 1.keep;fix2.a;the3.for;for4.through;against5.no;at6.up;sit学情自测1For the moment2.go through3.searched;for4in no time5.stay up.1.It all depends on whether hes got time or not.2He studied day and night so that he could pass his entrance exams.3He was shocked at the news, not knowing what to do next.4I felt it my duty to tell him the truth.5I was driving on the road when a car cut in.6If only Tom could e! .1.B2.A.1.He asked me where I had been those days. 2.He asked if/whether I knew where she lived.3He told the children to stop making so much noise.4She told me not to tell him the news. 5.He asked if/whether I was interested in that.1destroy vto damage sth.so badly that it no longer exists, works, etc.破坏;摧毁;毁灭(1)Leaders may also be afraid that the admission of a mistake will damage or destroy the organization for which they are responsible.(2011江苏,任务型阅读)领导人可能也害怕承认错误会对他们所负责的组织形象造成毁坏。(2)All hopes of a peaceful settlement _ his speech.和平解决的希望都被他的讲话给毁了。(3)Failure was slowly destroying him.失败渐渐地把他毁了。易混辨析destroy,damage,ruin,harm一试身手名师指津(1)The bridge was _ by the flood.(2)The strong sandstorm _ most of the young trees.(3)Fruit juice may do _ to childrens teeth.(4)The bad weather _ our trip.(1)destroy表示毁灭性的破坏,多指无法修复。(2)damage指不同程度的损害、毁坏;作名词时,表示“损害”。(3)ruin毁坏,损坏,指经过长时间的侵蚀而毁坏。(4)harm损害,多指对肉体、精神方面的伤害。2.intend vto have a plan, result or purpose in your mind when you do sth.打算;计划;想要intend to do/doing sth.打算、意图做某事sintend sb.to do sth.意图让某人做某事be intended for/to do.旨在,预定用途;为打算的 had intended to do. intended to have done.本打算做intend that.打算;计划(1)By turning kids on to fishing, he intended to present an alternative way of life. 通过将孩子们的注意力转向钓鱼,他打算向他们展示另一种不同以往的生活方式。(2) She intended to catch/catching the early train, but she didnt get up in time.她本打算赶早班车,可是起晚了。(3) They intended that the plan (should)be put into practice within this year.They _ be put into practice within this year.他们打算在今年内实行该计划。acpany sb.to some place陪伴某人去某地acpany sb.at/on.用为某人伴奏 acpany.with/by与同时存在或发生 keep sbpany陪伴某人panion n.伙伴,同伴3acpany vto travel or go somewhere with sb.陪同,陪伴;to happen or appear with sth.else伴随;与同时发生注意不能说acpany sb.to do.。(1)When I was a little girl,I would often acpany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. 我还是个小女孩时,你在为时装摄影师展示时装,那时我经常陪伴在你身边。(2) 一句辨义Last night, my _ kept me _ to see a film and then they _ me to my home.昨天晚上,我的伙伴们陪我看了一场电影然后陪我回了家。(3) A skin rash may be acpanied by fever.出皮疹时可能伴有发热现象。4keep ones eyes on.留神注意;照看;密切注视have an eye for有的眼力/眼光 ones eyes on凝视着catch ones eye引起某人注意(1)I know shes here in spirit,keeping an eye on us. 我知道她的灵魂在这里,注视着我们。(2)He has an eye for design.他在设计方面很有眼光。(3)All of a sudden something red _.突然一个红色的东西引起了他的注意。5go against.违反,违背;对不利;反对stand against紧靠站着fight against为反对而战 against同作斗争be strongly against强烈反对(1)For hundreds of years,the Irish people fought against the English. 数百年以来,爱尔兰人民为反对英国人而战。(2)It seems that the war _ them. 战争似乎对他们不利。(3)Im strongly against the decision.我强烈反对这个决定。6fall asleep入睡;睡着了fall ill生病,fall apart土崩瓦解fall behind落后fall the habit of沾染/养成某种(不好的)习惯(1)There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep almost anywhere. 有时候,人们是那样累以致于几乎在任何地方都能入睡。(2) He fell ill suddenly and was sent to hospital immediately.他突然生病,被立刻送到医院。(3) He didnt want to _ others in his studies.他不想在学习上落后于别人。7in no time立刻,马上;很快at no time任何时候都不(置于句首,句子要倒装)all the time一直at a time每次at all times随时;永远(1)“Calm down,youll all get your turn.One at a time,one at a time!” “安静,你们都会轮到。一次一个,一次一个!”(2) The kids will be leaving home _.孩子们很快就要离开家了。(3) The letter was in my pocket all the time.这封信一直在我的口袋里。思考题其他与time相关的短语:_提前/_同时/_每当/_不时,偶尔/_一再8How I hate cheating on exams!我多么讨厌在考试中作弊啊!该句为感叹句,用于表达强烈情绪(喜、怒、哀、乐、惊、恐等),其结构为:(1)How形容词或副词陈述语序(主语谓语)!Howadj.a(n)可数名词单数主语谓语!How主语谓语!(2)Whata(n)形容词可数名词单数(主语谓语)!/What形容词复数名词/不可数名词(主语谓语)!句式提取:How I.(1) What a fine day!Shall we go picnicking?Thats great.But we need to be at home before six oclock for the football match. 多好的天气啊!我们去野餐好吗?好极了。但是我们需要在6点之前到家看足球比赛。(2)What a clever boy he is!_ a boy he is!他是一个多么聪明的孩子啊!(3) How beautiful these flowers are!这些花多么美啊!9Before he left his wife told him to go back home early.在他离开之前妻子告诉他早点回家。句式提取:Before.before 用作连词,引导时间状语从句。,句型归纳:(1)It wont be.before.用不了多长时间就会(before从句用一般现在时),(2)It will be.before.得过多长时间才(before从句用一般现在时)(3)It wasnt.before.没过多长时间就(before从句用一般过去时)(4)It was.before.过了多长时间才(before从句用一般过去时)(1) Before a problem can be solved,it must be obvious what the problem itself is. 在解决问题之前,一定要弄清楚问题是什么。(2) It was a long time _ I got to sleep again.很长一段时间之后我才重新入睡。(3) It wasnt long before she came back.不久她就回来了。对点自测.选词填空1They have _ all the evidence.2This book is _ for children.3Ill stay here and _ you.4She _ the strange man.5He would not _ his parents wishes.6He had _ on the sofa.7The next bus will arrive _.单项填空1What is the trouble with you?I dont know.The manager went out of the office,with his eyes _ on me.Alooked BcaughtCstaredDfixed2What you did_the school rule.So next time you are late,dont try to slip into the classroom without_by the teacher.Ago against;being noticingBgoes against;being noticedCwent against;noticingDwent against;noticed3The young husband left her,_her life and all her hopes.AdestroyedBto destroyCdestroyingDto damage4The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle._ it was!AWhat a dangerous sceneBWhat dangerous a sceneCHow a dangerous sceneDHow dangerous the scene5The programme_for children turned out to be weled by people of different ages.AusedBintendedCusingDintending6Tomorrow the mayor is to_a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city.AacpanyBsupportCassociateDassist7No sooner had he gone to bed than he _.Afall sleepBfall asleepCfell sleepDfell asleep8Would you mind if I use your car?Of course not,but my car broke down.Fortunately,Jed will get the car fixed _.Aat no timeBin no timeCat a timeDon time9Im sorry youve been waiting so long,but itll still be some time _ Brian gets back.AbeforeBsinceCtillDafterUnit 2Helpful Schoolmates.单项填空(建议用时8)1Look!This is_.Very beautiful.When did she take it?Amy mothers pictureBmy mother in the pictureCa picture of my motherDa picture of my mothers2The precious manuscripts were hopelessly_by long exposure in the cold,damp cellar.AdamagedBdestroyedCharmedDruined3The play is OK.When do you intend_at the theatre?Ato put it onBto put on itCputs it onDto putting it on4The singer was acpanied_the piano_her sister.Aon;byBat;toCto;atDwith;in5He came to me,with his eyes_ on me.AfixingBto fixCfixedDwere fixing6Man shouldnt do anything to_nature.Ago downBgo upCgo againstDgo out7While the husband _puter games,his wife_asleep.Aplay;was fallingBwas playing;fellCwas playing;was fallingDplay;fell8_,I lost heart in English learning,but my teacher often said to me,“Keep on working hard,and youll succeed _.”AAt a time;in timeBAt a time;on timeCAt one time;in timeDAt one time;on time9_ it is to stay in!AWhat great placeBWhat a great placeCHow great a placeDBoth B and C10I have been studying in this senior high school for two years and a half.So it will be half a year _ you graduate from it.AwhenBafterCbeforeDsince11Senior managers have been_about more job losses.AwhisperBwhispersCwhisperedDwhispering12Upon graduation from school,how well will you_the job that lies ahead?AprepareBprepare forCbe prepared forDbe preparing13Lets go Dutch for his supper, OK?No,_this time, as a reward for all your help.Aits up to youBits my treatClets talk about itDit doesnt matter14The government calls on the public to go to work by bicycle instead of by car in order to_air pollution.AwarnBendangerCstopDreduce15He was robbed last night, but_he didnt have much money on him then.AfortunatelyBeventuallyCcertainlyDsurprisingly.阅读理解A(建议用时7)In the past decade the popularity of rock climbing has greatly increased,and so has the number of injuries.It has been estimated that rock climbing is now enjoyed by more than 9 million people in the US each year.Study findings revealed a 65 percent increase in the number of patients that were treated in US emergency departments for rock climbingrelated injuries between 1991 and xx.The study,published in the online issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine,found that about 40,000 patients were treated in US emergency departments for rock climbingrelated injuries between 1991 and xx.The most mon types of rock climbingrelated injuries were fractures (骨折) and sprains (扭伤)The ankle was the most mon body part to be injured (40 percent)Climbers in the study ranged in age from 2 to 74,with an average age of 26.The study also found that women took up a quarter of the injuries.Falls were the primary reason for injury with over threequarters of the injuries occurring as the result of a fall.The severity of fallrelated injuries had a lot to do with the height of the fall.Patients who were injured after falling from a height over 20 feet were 10 times more likely to be treated than patients who were injured falling from 20 feet or lower.“We found that the climbers who fell from heights higher than 20 feet took up 70 percent of the patients treated for a rock climbingrelated injury,” explained the study author Lara McKenzie,PhD,director at the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Hospital.“This trend,bined with the fact that rock climbers have a higher hospitalization rate than other sports and recreational injuries,demonstrates the need to increase injury prevention efforts for climbers.”1Which body part is most likely to get injured for a climber?AThe arm.BThe ankle.CThe knee.DThe hand.2How many women climbers in America got injured while climbing a rock between 1991 and xx?AAbout 40,000.BAbout 30,000.CAbout 20,000.DAbout 10,000.3The severity of climbers fallrelated injures is mainly related to _.Athe height of the fallBthe climbers ageCthe climbers health conditionsDthe climbers climbing experience4The underlined word “demonstrates” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “_”AdemandsBpreventsCprovesDdescribes5The purpose of the passage is to _.Ashow that rock climbingrelated injuries have increasedBtell readers rock climbing is an adventurous sportCwarn readers of the danger of rock climbingDcall on doctors to increase injury prevention effortsB(建议用时7)Should ecigarettes (electronic cigarettes) be a new choice for the smokers trying to get rid of the habit? Reactions from Americans are mixed.More than half of the people questioned in a survey think ecigarettes should be controlled by the US Food and Drug Administration,but 47 percent believe the ecigarettes should be available to the smokers who want to quit.“In the hunt for a safer cigarette,ecigarettes are being a popular choice among those either trying to quit or looking to replace standard tobacco smoke with an alternative that manufacturers claim to be safer,” Zogby International,which conducted the survey,said in a statement.About half of the 4,611 adults who took part in the survey had heard about ecigarettes,which are batterypowered,or rechargeable cigarettes that vaporize a liquid nicotine solution.They do not produce smoke but a water vapor without smell.Sold mostly on the Internet,ecigarettes were first made in China.Last year the World Health Organization (WHO) warned against using ecigarettes,saying there was no evidence to prove they were safe or helped smokers break the habit.The WHO said people who smoke ecigarettes breathe in a fine fog of nicotine into the lungs.Nearly a third of people questioned in the survey think that ecigarettes should be allowed in places where smoking is forbidden,because they dont produce smoke,but 46 percent disagree.Men who were aware of the availability of ecigarettes were more likely than women to say they should be a choice available to smokers who want to quit.Young people,aged 1829,and singles were the groups most open to trying ecigarettes.Smoking is the single largest cause of preventable death worldwide,according to the WHO.6What can we learn from Paragraph 1?AAmerican smokers ought to try ecigarettes.BAmericans have different opinions about ecigarettes.CEvery kind of cigarettes should be forbidden in America.DMost of the Americans dont like ecigarettes.7According to Zogby International,ecigarettes _.Aare much safer than mon cigarettesBare popular among people who want to quit smokingCwill take the place of traditional cigarettesDare produced in a

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