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Module Three Music 2019-2020年高中英语Module3Section2BackgrounginformationaboutSeniorSchool1. Some reference about the three Austrian musiciansBeethovens music may have sometimes been misunderstood in his lifetime but it was never neglected. However, his personal eccentricities and unpredictability were to grow, principally because of his discovery in 1798 that he was going deaf. It was not until 1819 that conversation with him was possible only by writing in a notebook, but in the intervening 20 years his affliction, though it varied in intensity, steadily worsened. Perhaps this is also why he never married, though he loved several women, and one in particular, the still unidentified Immortal Beloved (Maynard Solomon, in his Beethoven, 1977, gives convincing but not incontrovertible reasons for believing that she was Antonie Brentano, wife of a Frankfurt merchant. She lived from 1780 to 1869. Beethoven dedicated the Diabelli Variations to her.) An indication of the esteem in which Beethoven was held is that in 1815 Vienna conferred its honorary freedom on him. When he died, his funeral at Whring was a nat. occasion. His grave is now in the Central Friedhof, Vienna. Beethovens significance in the history and development of music. is immense. He emancipated and democratized the art, posing out of spiritual inner necessity rather than as provider of virtuoso display material. He was not a quick or facile workerhis sketchbooks show how he laboriously developed an idea from sometimes banal beginnings to the final version. His mastery of structure and of key relationships was the basis on which he worked a revolution in the handling of sonata-form. It is to Beethoven that we owe the full emergence of the symphony as a repository for a posers most important ideas. He expanded the coda from a formal conclusion to a climactic splendor; he transformed the minuet into the tempestuous, exultant scherzo; he was the first to use motto-themes as a consistent formal device. In his slow movements, music. expressed a mystical exaltation which even Mozart had never approached. In the str. qt. and the pf. sonata also, Beethoven extended the medium to a vastly increased technical and expressive degree (though in the case of the pf. It was not until his last sonatas that his technical use of the instrument went beyond that of his predecessors). It is probably true to say that today his music. is the most frequently performed of any posers. In many ways Franz Joseph Haydn, the quintessential poser of the period of eighteenth century Enlightenment, is the father of modern music. The forms that he brought to their first perfection are at the center of all ensuing musical thought: the symphony, string quartet, and piano sonata. Haydn was warmly known as Papa by his orchestra at the Esterhazy Court where he worked for a good deal of his life, but he has bee known as Papa Haydn to us all.At the age of eight, Haydn was recruited into the choir of St. Stephens Cathedral in Vienna where he excelled until 1749 when his boy soprano voice broke and he was expelled. Until 1758, he lived an impoverished freelance life, meanwhile studying the music of C.P.E. Bach and taking a few position lessons. By his own admission, for eight years Haydn who was a wizard on no instrument.eked out a wretched existence. Slowly, though, his reputation grew, and in 1758 he became the music director and poser for Count von Morzin. Two years later he married Maria Anna Keller, the daughter of a hairdresser. This was a mistake. She did not like music, was a spendthrift, ill tempered and basically a shrew. Haydn later rationalized his extramarital affairs telling his first biographer, My wife was unable to bear children, and for this reason I was less indifferent toward the attraction of other women.Haydn was confidently aware of his increasing stature in the greater world. Indeed, he was in no way threatened but rather deeply impressed by his only true petition, Mozart, who he considered the greatest poser the world possesses now. They met in 1781 when Mozart was twenty-five, and the respect and influence was mutual with Mozart dedicating his important set of string quartets (nos.14-19) to Haydn.1. Types of music1) R&B: 全名是 Rhythm & Blues,一般译作节奏怨曲。广义上,R&B可视为“黑人的流行音乐”,它源于黑人的Blues音乐,是现今西行流行来和摇滚来的基础。Billboard杂志曾介定 R&B为所有黑人音乐,除了Jazz和Blues之外,都可列作 R&B,可见 R&B的范围是多么的广泛。近年黑人音乐圈大为盛行的 Hip Hop和Rap都源于 R&B,并且同时保存着不少 R&B成分。 2) HOUSE: 是於八十年代沿自 DISCO发展出来的跳舞音乐。这是芝加哥的DJ玩出的音乐,他们将德国电子乐团Kraftwerk的一张唱片和电子鼓(Drum Machine)规律的节奏及黑人蓝调歌声混音在一起,House就产生了。一般翻译为浩室舞曲,是电子舞曲最基本的型式,4/4拍的节奏,一拍一个鼓声,配上简单的旋律,常有高亢的女声歌唱。DISCO流行后,一些DJ将它改变,有心将DISCO变得较为不商业化,BASS和鼓变得更深沉,很多时变成了纯音乐作品,即使有歌唱部分也多数是由跳舞女歌手唱的简短句子,往往没有明确歌词。渐渐的,有人加入了LATIN(拉丁)、REGGAE(瑞格源在西印度群岛)、RAP(说唱)或 JAZZ(爵士)等元素,至八十年代后期,HOUSE冲出地下范围,成为芝加哥、纽约及伦敦流行榜的宠儿。House舞曲在1986年开始流行后,可说是取代了Disco音乐。 3)Britpop虽有个“Pop”在里面,但其实是 Rock的一种,源於九十年代英伦,中文可译为“英式摇滚”,这是英伦乐坛对美国Grunge潮的一个回应,主要是以乐队形式出现。不过,Britpop风格其实十分广泛,如Oasis是吉他摇滚乐队,Blur则Pop很多,而Pulp则接近Glam Rook及跳舞风格,不过他们都被列作 Britpop。 4)Trip-Hop是英伦欧洲跳舞音乐的一种,它的名字来源是“ Trip Hip Hop Trip-Hop,因为它发源自英国的Bristol,因此最早时称作Bristol Hip-Hop。Trip-Hop是种慢板的迷幻的、有 Jazz感觉的、迷糊的、带点 Hip Hop节奏的 Break beat 音乐。它虽然隶属跳舞音乐类,但其迷幻特色已令它和一般跳舞音乐所有的明确节拍特色相去很远。 5)Gangsta Rap是 Rap的一种,以 Rap的内容多与都市罪案有关,充满暴力、色欲感受,这是反映现实的一种音乐路向。Gangsta Rap于八十年代末期在美国兴起,音乐Rap中的强悍尖锐派,在美国大受欢迎,唱片销路甚高。而不少Gangsta Rap乐手本身真正“参与” 现实中各式罪案,部分更因而入狱甚至死亡,可说是真正反映现实兼令人触目惊心的乐种。 6) Synth Pop中的 Synth,即Synthesizer,顾名思义, Synth Pop就是“由Sythesizers炮制出来的流行乐”,当然除 Synthesizers外还会用上其他电子乐器如电脑及鼓机等等。 Synth Pop于八十年代初期开始流行,至八十年代中开始沉寂,当年在香港也曾掀起过一阵热潮。 Synth Pop的特点是科技感强,有时会颇冰冷,歌曲多是“三分钟流行曲” (3-minutes Pop),很多时 Synth Pop乐手会作入时打扮。 7)ORCHESTRA就是管弦乐团,它分成四部分: 弦乐,包括小提琴、大提琴等;铜管乐;木管乐和敲击乐四组。弦乐组每种乐器有多人演奏 (竖琴除外 ),四组演奏者由一人统筹兼领导,他就是乐团的指挥。 ORCHESTRA於17世纪出现,到 18世纪因海顿和莫扎特的作品而清楚地建立模式。 19世纪加入了些新乐器,乐团人数加大。 ORCHESTRA是西方古典 /正统音乐的正宗。西方流行 /摇滚乐也经常运用 ORCHESTRA的部分或全部团员协助演出。 8)CHAMBER POP是指典雅、高贵、精致的一种流行乐,它有一定的古典音乐感觉。 CHAMBER MUSIC一词来自古典音乐,中文叫室内乐,是种小组弦乐演奏曲式,气氛高雅。CHAMBER POP於九十年代兴起,是对当时的 LO-FI及 GRUNGE的一种反应,强调优美的旋律、精致的配乐、乾净的录音,每每多用弦乐、管乐制造巴洛克时代的音乐感觉。 9)FOLK 民歌原本是指每个民族的传统歌曲,每个民族的先民都有他们自古代已有的歌曲,这些歌绝大部分都不知道谁是作者,而以口头传播,一传十十传百,一代传一代的传下去至今。不过今天我们所说的民歌 (FOLK),大都是指流行曲年代的民歌(FOLK),所指的是主要以木结他为伴奏乐器,以自然坦率方式歌唱,唱出大家纯朴生活感受的那种歌曲。美国民歌手 WOODY GUTHRIE在五十年代的唱片可说是最早的民歌唱片录音,所以普遍被认定是现代民歌 (FOLK)的祖师。之後 PETE SEEGER、 THE WEAVERS继续推动这类音乐。六十年代越战,反战民歌手如 BOB DYLAN、JOAN BAEZ、PETER、PAUL AND MARY等成为时代的呼声。 10)BOSSA NOVA是种带 JAZZ味道的巴西音乐。1950年代作曲家 ANTONIO CARLOS JOBIM将巴西音乐节奏与美国西岸 COOL JAZZ混合而成,柔和、舒服、轻松、懒洋洋、浪漫是其特色。歌手JOAO GILBERTO的纯厚歌声是 JOBIM音乐的出色拍档,50年代中期传入美国后大受欢迎。 11)CLASSICAL POP是指带古典音乐味道的流行曲,多用弦乐伴奏的歌曲都可列入此类,例如THE BEATLES的 ELEANORRIGBY就是。澳洲乐队 CROWDED HOUSE的一些作品也可列入此类。如果说 CLASSIC POP,则是指经典的流行曲。12)ACAPPELLA是指没有乐器伴奏的歌曲,但凡纯以人声唱的歌都是 ACAPPELLA,不过今煳颐撬?ACAPPELLA通常是指有多重和唱的那种唱法,连乐器伴奏都由人声唱出。ACAPPELLA 的相反是INSTRUMENTAL,即纯音乐乐曲,任何类型的歌曲都可以以 ACAPPELLA形式唱出。 13)WORLD MUSIC是西方角度观点的词汇,意思指非英、美及西方民歌流行曲的音乐,通常指发展中地区或落後地区的传统音乐,例如非洲及南亚地区的音乐,有些地区如拉丁美洲的音乐,则能普及到自成一种类型。今天大家说的 WORLD MUSIC通常是指与西方音乐混和了风格的、改良了的传统地区音乐。非洲的 KING SUNNY ADE,东欧的DON BYRON,中国的朱哲琴,巴基斯坦的 NUSRAT FATEHALI KAHN等是西方乐迷较熟悉的 WORLD MUSIC乐手。 14)DREAM-POP是种“梦”般的流行曲,它有一种迷离的气氛,多靠SYNTHESIZERS(电子合成器)造成,加了ECHO效果的电吉他也是重要的成分,歌唱部分往往呼吸声重,歌词也往往有梦般的诗意色彩。代表乐队有COCTEAU WINS, LISA GERMANO, ST.ETIENNE, THIS MORTAL COIL,MY BLOODY VALENTINE,MAZZY STAR和 DEAD CAN DANCE等。中文歌手以王菲为首,代表作有迷路 、 DI-DA等。 15)NEW AGE是种宁静、安逸、闲息的音乐,纯音乐作品占的比重较多,有歌唱的占较少。NEW AGE可以是纯 ACOUSTIC(即以传统自发声乐器演奏)的,也可以是很电子化的,重点是营造出大自然平静的气氛或宇宙浩瀚的感觉,洗涤听者的心灵,令人心平气和。 NEW AGE 很多时与音乐治疗有关,不少NEW AGE音乐说可以治病,也有不少与打坐冥想有关,这与NEW AGE思潮哲学有莫大关系。 NEW AGE音乐通常被目为颇为中产阶级的音乐,WINDHAM HILL是最具代表性的 NEW AGE唱片公司, NEW AGE代表乐手有 ENYA,GEORGE WINSTON,WILLIAM ACKERMAN,YANNI,KITARO等等。 16)Electrophonic Music电子音乐,就是以电子合成器,音乐软体,电脑等所产生的电子声响来制作音乐。电子音乐范围广泛,生活周遭常常能听到,在电影配乐,广告配乐,甚至某些国语流行歌中都有用到,不过以电子舞曲为最。很多人认为电子乐是一种冷冰冰没有感情的音乐,其实电子乐也可融入Rock,Jazz甚至Blues等多种元素而充满情感的。 17)Ambient 听起来起伏不大,但其实一直在做改变,像是长时间的音效,或是渐进式的音乐编排等等,常会营造出有层次的空间感,所以被称为“情境音乐”且常对于生活周遭的声音做取样,如人声,汽车声,甚至是其他音乐的旋律等等。为70年代的Brian Eno所创,是一种很“高深”的电子音乐。后来Ambient也有分支,如Ambient House, Ambient Techno等等,相信大家从字面上就能了解,其实在很多种音乐中都会有Ambient的影子,甚至某些古典乐中也有Ambient的味道。 18)Trance 迷幻舞曲,由Techno演变而来,听了会让你有“出神”的感觉,但还是保有舞曲的律动,很注重Bass的表现,某些听了会有“催眠”的效果。拍子也是以4/4拍为主。不过也有听过用Breakbeat的(下面会介绍),如Sven Vath的专辑Fusion。 19)Psychedelic Trance又名Goa Trance,发源于印度的一个小岛上。Goa即为这小岛的名字,旋律常带有印度风味。这类Trance的特徵,就是很重视旋律,音符之间的细微变化,且常有重叠的旋律,和高亢的TB-303声音出现。有点Ambient的味道。 20)Break beat 不像House的拍子Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom那么规律,而是以破碎的节拍呈现,像是切分拍。如在两拍中加入小碎鼓等等。Break beat只是一个总称而已,有很多种音乐都属Break beat。3. Traditional Chinese Music The variations of rhythm, beat, tone quality, and embellishments in traditional Chinese music are highly distinctive and unlike their Western counterparts. This is mainly due to the unique sounds and playing styles of traditional Chinese musical instruments. Chinese musical instruments can be divided into four basic categories based on the method by which they are played. The first category includes the bowed-strings, or Hu Qin, which are made of wood with a piece of snakeskin stretched over the sound box. They have two strings, and the bow is permanently caught in between the two strings. The second category includes the plucked-strings, of which there are three types: dulcimers, lutes, and harps. The harp is made of either wood or bamboo with steel strings. In the past, the strings were made of silk. The third category enpasses the woodwind section. There are flutes, pipes, and Chinese trumpets which use double reeds like the oboe but sound like a trumpet. The final category enpasses the percussion section. The main instruments include drums, timpani, gongs, and cymbals. For some songs, bells, xylophones, tuned gongs, and the triangle are used. The percussion section is called the wu-chang, or martial scene, in traditional Chinese opera.


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