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2019-2020年高中英语选修6Unit3Understandingeachother-Section3Project1. This means they need to move around to gather food. (P46) 这意味着他们需要到处去寻找食物。gathervt. to collect or obtain several things, often from different places or people:I went to several libraries to gather information about the scheme.vi. When people or animals gather, they e together in a group:A crowd had gathered to hear her speak.Gather (a)round, children, and Ill tell you a story.gathering n. CThere will be a gathering of world leaders in Vienna next month.gather (up) strength/courageto prepare to make a great effort to be strong or brave:I spent a week gathering the courage to say no.2. The Innuit usually live in small family groups but have large summer gathers for feasts and celebrations where they swap stories. (P46) 因纽特人往往以小的家庭团体居住,但他们在夏天聚会,进行宴会和庆祝,并交流见闻。feastn.1) C a special meal with very good food or a large meal for many people:What a feast! she said, surveying all the dishes on the table.a wedding feast(2) S a very enjoyable experience for the senses, especially a visual or musical experience:a visual feastHis food is a feast for the eyes as well as the palate.swapvi. or vt. to give sth. and be given sth.else instead; to exchange:When youve finished reading your book, and Ive finished mine, shall we swap?We swapped addresses with the people we met on holiday.When he got a job in a bank, he had to swap his jeans and T-shirt for a suit (= he had to wear formal clothes instead of informal ones).+ two objects Ill swap you my chocolate bar for your peanuts.3. You will have the opportunity to take part in the drumming and dancing, and listen to traditional accounts of bravery as well as play games! (P46) 你将有机会参与击鼓和跳舞,听传统的英雄故事,玩游戏。take part into be involved in an activity with other people:She doesnt usually take part in any of the class activities.比较take part in, join in, join与attend:take part in 指参加有组织的,严肃,重大的活动。join in 指参加正在进行着的活动或游戏等,有时可与take part in换用。Join指参加团体或组织,成为其中的一个成员,也可用于join sb.(与某人一起)。attend 相当于be present at意为“出席,参加”eg. Its a great club. Why dont you join? We only need one more player for this game - can you persuade your sister to join in?The meeting is on the fifth and were hoping everyone will attend.account n. C a written or spoken description of an event:She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.He kept a detailed account of the suspects movements. n. FORMALon account of sth. because of sth.:He doesnt drink alcohol on account of his health.on your account If sth. is said to be on someones or sth.s account, it is because of that person or thing:Im not very hungry so please dont cook on my account (= dont cook just for me). on no account If something must on no account/not on any account be done, it must not be done at any time or for any reason:Employees must on no account make personal telephone calls from the office.4. The Inuit believe in animal spirits. (P46) 因纽特人相信动物灵魂。spiritn. S or U a particular way of thinking, feeling or behaving, especially a way that is typical of a particular group of people, an activity, a time or a placeThe players have a very strong team spirit (= loyalty to each other).:n. U the characteristics of a person that are considered as being separate from the body, and which many religions believe continue to exist after the body dies:Although hes now living in America, I feel hes with me in spirit spirits plural nounthe way a person is feeling:Ive been in high/low spirits (= feeling happy/sad) lately.Her spirits lifted/rose (= She felt happier) as she read the letter.-spirited suffixlow-spirited (= sad)The children are rather high-spirited (= excited and happy).5. The plains Indians believe in the Great Spirit who has power over all things including animals, trees, stones and clouds. (P47)平原因第安人相信神灵具有控制包括动物,树木,石头和云彩的能。powern. U ability to control people and events:Ive no power over him - he does what he wants to.Once nicotine has you in its power, its very difficult to stop smoking.She has the power to charm any man she meets.the amount of political control a person or group has in a country:Does the President have more power than the Prime Minister?How long has the Conservative Party been in power?n. U a natural skill or an ability to do sth.:He was so shocked by what happened to his parents that he lost the power of speech.+ to infinitive The surgeon did everything in her power to save him. n. U strength: The economic power of many Asian countries has grown dramatically in recent years. powerfuladj. having a lot of power:The President is more powerful than the Prime Minister.powerless adj. having no power:The villagers are powerless against the armed invaders.


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