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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习Unit1Art课时作业新人教版选修(I).阅读理解xx上海松江三模Below is a brief analysis of the first name only.For an analysis of your full name and destiny,see our service for further details.The name of Iosefo creates a mature,selfpossessed,and responsible nature.You are an organizer and leader who exercises sound and fair judgment in all your dealings,both business and personal.The name is a very practical influence,causing you to take your responsibilities seriously.At times it is difficult for you to see the lighter or more humorous side of a situation because of your serious attitude.Your highly capable and efficient nature make it difficult for some people to approach you.Although you desire to serve your fellow man,you may at times lack tolerance for those who are less selfassured and whose approach to life is not as positive and optimistic as your own.You are strongly independent and would be happiest when working without supervision,preferably in your own business where you have the challenge of “standing or falling” by your own decisions.A good material standard of living is of utmost importance to you and you are careful to select only the best quality in all your purchases.In your free Name and Birth Date Report you will find out about the powerful energies contained in your:first namelast namebined nameslegal namesbusiness signaturesnicknamedestinylife purpose and inner potential measured from your date of birthWe Are Here To HelpWe thank you for your interest and we look forward to talking with you further about the Kabalarian Philosophy after you have read your free Name and Birth Date Report.1According to the passage,the following eight items refer to a brief analysis of_.Aones full name Bones first nameCones last name Dones legal name2People can find out about the powerful energies contained in ones _.AnicknameBlife purpose and inner potential measured from your date of birthCfree name and birth date reportDdestiny3What is the passage intended to do?ATo make an advertisement.BTo report a kind of service.CTo turn out a scientific result.DTo introduce a book about a kind of service.答案:解题导语本文对人的名字进行了具体而详细的分析。1B解析:细节理解题。根据原文第一段的Below is a brief analysis of the first name only.For an analysis of your full name and destiny,see our service for further details.可知答案为B项。2C解析:细节理解题。根据原文第十段的In your free Name and Birth Date Report you will find out about the powerful energies contained in your可知答案为C项。3D解析:推理判断题。根据原文及图片概括可知答案为D项。.完形填空xx辽宁沈阳质监I was 11 when you were born,and in your first few years I often looked after you,bathed and dressed you and took you out for walks.I have_1_memories of your childhood.Of_2_you up as a “rock star”Of watching you dance_3_nightclothes.Of your insistence that I make your school lunch_4_I put so much more peanut butter on your_5_than anyone else.Of the_6_phone call we ever hadan echo (共鸣) of my own university yearswhen you wanted to_7_university and study dance.Since we have grown up,I have lived through you,although you may not know it.You had the opportunity I so_8_wanted but never gotto train in the dancing arts.I encouraged our parents to support you because I have always_9_how my life would be if they hadnt chosen a(n) _10_career path for me,their eldest child.I know you have_11_to hunt for work and confidence,and that you probably wonder sometimes if you made the right choice._12_,I am happy for you and proud that I played some small role in helping you to_13_a dream.Theres a_14_between us now.It has grown since I first left home,and in the_15_I missed your teenage years.That_16_me greatly.I imagine that you believe we have very little in mona_17_in the city and a biologist in West Africabut in you I_18_some of my own dreams realized.But beyond that,even at 12 or 13 I felt as much a mother to you as an older sister.So,on the rare_19_when we see each other,I want to know everything,from your concerns,hopes to delights.I wish,there were an arms_20_between us.I hope we can one day be sisters or friends again.I still make a tasty peanut butter sandwich for you.1A.vivid BpainfulCadmirable Dawful2A.putting BdressingCmaking Dpicking3A.with BasCin Dfor4A.although BbecauseCwhen Dif5A.sandwiches BlunchCbread Dpies6A.simplest BfarthestCloudest Dlongest7A.give in to Blook away fromCgo in for Ddrop out of8A.badly BhardlyCperfectly Dnaturally9A.believed BunderstoodCwondered Dregretted10A.traditional BoriginalCofficial Dspecial11A.managed BstruggledCrefused Dpreferred12A.Besides BInsteadCHowever DOtherwise13A.choose BsupportChave Dfollow14A.promise BquarrelCdistance Dplan15A.direction BprocessCenvironment Dexperience16A.shocks BfortsCupsets Dmoves17A.rock star BperformerCprofessor Ddancer18A.see BrememberCguess Dkeep19A.vacations BstagesCspots Doccasions20A.length BwidthCdepth Dheight答案:解题导语本文主要讲述了作者陪伴妹妹成长过程中的点点滴滴。1A解析:根据空后的以of开头的句子可知,此处指 “我” 对你的童年有清晰的 (vivid) 记忆。awful “可怕的”;painful “痛苦的”;admirable “值得赞赏的”。故A项正确。2B解析:把你装扮成 “摇滚明星”。put sb.up “推荐某人”;dress sb.up “装扮某人”;make sb.up “化妆”;pick sb.up “接某人”。故B项正确。3C解析:看你穿着睡衣跳舞。in “穿着,戴着”。故C项正确。4B解析:你坚持让 “我” 给你做学校午餐是因为 (because) “我” 在你的三明治 (sandwiches) 里放了比别人多很多的花生酱。because引导原因状语从句。故B项正确。5A解析:参见上题解析。文章的最后一句 “I still make a tasty peanut butter sandwich for you” 是提示。6D解析:当你想退学 (drop out of) 去学习舞蹈时,我们曾经打过时间最长的 (longest) 电话。simplest “最简单的”;farthest “最远的”;loudest “最大声的”。故D项正确。7D解析:参见上题解析。give in to “屈服,让步”;look away from “把目光从移开”;go in for “参加考试,爱好”。故D项正确。8A解析:你有 “我” 非常 (badly) 想得到但是却从没有得到过的机会。hardly “几乎不”;perfectly “完美地”;naturally “自然地”。故A项正确。9C解析: “我” 总是想知道 (wondered) “我”的生活将会是怎样的,如果他们没有为 “我” 选择一条传统的 (traditional) 职业道路。believe “相信”;understand “理解”;regret “后悔”。故C项正确。10A解析:参见上题解析。original “起初的”;official “官方的”;special “特别的”。故A项正确。11B解析: “我” 知道你曾经努力 (struggled) 寻找工作和自信。manage “完成 (困难的事)”;refuse “拒绝 ”;prefer “偏爱”。故B项正确。12C解析:然而 (However), “我” 为你高兴并且让 “我” 自豪的是在帮助你追逐 (follow) 梦想的过程中 “我” 起了一点儿作用。besides “况且”;instead “代替”;otherwise “否则”。故C项正确。13D解析:参见上题解析。choose “选择”;support “支持”;have “有”。故D项正确。14C解析:根据下文的 “left home” “missed” 可知,此处指现在我们之间有一些距离 (distance) 。promise “承诺”;quarrel “争吵”;plan “计划”。故C项正确。15B解析:在这个过程 (process) 中, “我” 错过了你的青少年时期。direction “方向”;environment “环境”;experience “经历”。故B项正确。16C解析:那使 “我” 很沮丧 (upsets) 。shock “使震惊”;fort “安慰”;move “使感动”。故C项正确。17D解析:根据上文的 “study dance” “to train in the dancing arts” 可知,此处指一名在城市里的舞者 (dancer) 和一名在西非的生物学家。rock star “摇滚明星”;performer “表演者”;professor “教授”。故D项正确。18A解析:但是在你的身上, “我” 看到 (see) 了自己的一些梦想得以实现。remember “记起”;guess “猜测”;keep “保持”。故A项正确。19D解析:此处指我们不多的几次见面。vacation “假期”;stage “舞台”;spot “地点”;occasion表示 “时刻,时候”。故D项正确。20A解析: “我” 希望我们之间只有一臂长 (length) 的距离。width “宽度”;depth “深度”;height “高度”。故A项正确。.语法填空xx安徽合肥二检Eileen Taylor had something sweet on her mind in the drivethrough line at Heavnly Donuts.Just the day before,a stranger ahead of her in line had 1._ (generous) paid for her coffee.“The good deed made such 2._big difference in my day,” says Eileen.She had recently lost her job as a physicians 3._ (assist),and money was tight.But Eileen 4._ (inspire) to pay the $ 12 bill of the family in the car behind hers.5_she didnt know was that her kindness would set off a chain reaction.In two and a half hours,fiftyfive drivers paid for the order of the person behind 6._ (they)The doughnut shops employees 7._ (see) this before.This Heavnly Donuts,in fact,is known as a special place,the customers of 8._are considered as “the best in the world”But,even so,the workers were 9._ (amaze) that the shop had more than doubled its previous record by the end of the day.Now 10._ (work) as a chemist,Eileen visits Heavnly Donuts every Saturday morning,picking up a coffee and paying for the order of the customer behind her.答案:解题导语本文为记叙文。在Eileen经济困窘之际,陌生顾客帮她付单的行为产生了连锁反应,很多人效仿这一行为。1generously解析:考查副词。空处修饰动词,应用副词形式。2a解析:考查冠词。make a difference意为 “起作用”,是固定短语。3assistant解析:考查名词。此处指 “作为一个医生的助手”,故用名词assistant。4was inspired解析:考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。本处叙述的是过去的事情,应用一般过去时;Eileen与inspire是动宾关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态;结合主语Eileen可知,填was inspired。5What解析:考查名词性从句。句意:她不知道的是她的善行引起了连锁反应。主语从句中know后面缺少宾语,故用what引导主语从句。6them解析:考查代词。空处作介词behind的宾语,应用人称代词的宾格形式them。7had seen解析:考查动词时态。根据语境并结合时间状语before可知,此处指的是 “过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。8which解析:考查定语从句。先行词place在后面的非限制性定语从句中作介词of的宾语,故填which。9amazed解析:考查分词形容词。主语为workers,指人,应用amazed。10working解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处应用非谓语动词作状语,因为work与句子主语Eileen之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词形式。.短文改错This summer,I traveled with my parents,but our holiday wasnt very perfect.We visited five city in China,but stayed in each of it for only one or two days.We visited many places in historic interest,always in hurry.We were on the go almost every day.When we came back home,and we were tired.It turned out what we had a terrible trip.I realized that it was not a good idea to visiting so many places.Therefore,when the next holiday came,I will do it in a slight different way.I will visit one city at a time and enjoy myself mostly.


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