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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分模块考点复习Unit3Celebration课时规范训练北师大版必修.阅读理解(共8小题;每小题2分,满分16分)ARebecca had decided that her best chance of getting hired by a pany doing geological survey work in the Alaskan wilderness was to get a private license to fly a plane.A few days later she began taking lessons from a wise old pilot,highly respected throughout the region for his calm way of dealing with the worst situations.After the strict schooling,during which Rebecca did extremely well,and during her fourth lesson in the sky,the flight instructor gave her what she thought was a special treat: he turned the flight controls over to her.She was there,just as she had dreamed,sitting in the copilots seat with the flight stick firmly in her hands.Rebecca felt very excited and confidentat least,until a short moment later,when she found herself rudely awakened from her dream.She tried shaking her head to get rid of what was before her eyes,but it didnt work.In the distance,through the windscreen,she could see something rushing towards her,faster than anything she could think of!Right in the path of the plane,there was a huge,snowcovered mountain.Shocked at its great size,Rebecca found herself as frozen at the stick as the iced peaks before her.All along,the wise old instructor was watching her closely,studying her reactions.Of course,she didnt know it,but he had turned the controls over to her to test her in what was now taking place.He waited until the last moment and was just about to take over again,when Rebecca suddenly came out of her state of fear.She looked away from the mountain and turned to face him.Then,she broke the tense silence of the moment in a trembling voice,“Sir,please take over the controls.Im afraid we are about to crash!” His reply shocked her.“No,” he spoke quietly.“I dont think I will.After all,its your flight.”It was getting harder for her to breathe,as if she were standing in the oxygenthin air on the top of the high snowcovered mountain in front of them.Struggling to control her voice,she dug deep down into herself and managed to ask her teacher one more question,“So,what should I do? Please,tell me what to do!”She looked over at him again and was surprised to see no worry at all on his face.His calmness helped to steady her nerves.She took a deep breath and relaxed her hands.The next moment,he gave her a short threeword instruction.He simply said,“Change your attitude.”And,mere moments later,the iced peaks passed beneath her and out of sight.1Why did Rebecca decide to learn to fly a plane?AShe wanted to fly a plane herself.BShe wanted to travel around the world.CShe wanted to get a job doing geological surveys.DShe wanted to improve her ability to deal with the worst situations.2What did the flight instructor do in the fourth lesson?AHe gave Rebecca some tasty food.BHe turned the flight controls over to Rebecca.CHe took Rebecca to see a high,snowcovered mountain.DHe let Rebecca see how he controlled the plane during the flight.3. All of the following words can describe Rebecca during the flight EXCEPT AangryBexcitedCshocked Dnervous4. We can learn from this passage that Aif a young man doesnt follow his dreams,he will regret itBeverything is difficult at the beginningCnever be ashamed of asking questionsDa good attitude can change a bad situation【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了Rebecca在学习开飞机的过程中,首次试飞的经历。1解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段中.her best chance of getting hired by a pany doing geological survey work in the Alaskan wilderness was to get a private license to fly a plane.可知,要想进入在阿拉斯加荒原做地质研究的公司,最好的方式就是拥有操纵飞机的私家执照。本题的正确答案为C。2解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段中.the flight instructor gave her what she thought was a special treat: he turned the flight controls over to her.可知,飞行指挥员给了她一次她所认为的特殊待遇:他将全部飞行指挥权交给了她。本题选B。3解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段中Rebecca felt very excited and confident .,第四段中Shocked at its great size,Rebecca found herself as frozen .以及第六段中Then,she broke the tense silence of the moment in a trembling voice,“Sir,please take over the controls.Im afraid .”可知,Rebecca在此次试飞经历中并未有过生气的情况。4解析:选D。主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,前七段主要讲述Rebecca在首次试飞过程中所经历的危险及其慌忙应对的反应,而最后两段在教练的指导下Rebecca顺利度过眼前的危急情况。因此可看出,改变看待事物的态度是本文要突出的中心内容。故本题选D。B(xx河北石家庄市高三调研)During the two and a half years since I settled down in Germany,Ive caught a cold several times and gotten to experience how different German cold remedies (疗法) are from the Chinese ones.Back in Taiwan,whenever I had a streaming nose and a dry throat,Id rush to the hospital to get prescribed medicine.For a fever,I would receive a red pill,which I now know is a type of antibiotic (抗生素)Another thing I know now is that the criminal behind my cold is a virus.The drugs I used only relieved the symptoms.When I went to a German hospital intending to get some medicine to treat my cold,I got nothing more than a pat on my shoulder and words from the doctor,saying that I should get some really good rest.The first time this happened,I was shocked.I wondered how I could put up with my sickness without the help of medicine.But the longer I stayed in Germany,the better I knew how to selfmedicate as other Germans do.I learned to take vitamin C to build up my resistance.But what I like the most is drinking “Erkltungstee”For German people,Erkltungstee is what their grandmother gives them when they catch a cold.Its a tea bag mainly made of lime flower and orange rind.Another popular cold remedy in Germany is chicken soup.During my first winter in Germany,I got a really bad cold.My neighbor brought me a bowl of chicken soup to make me feel better.It contained a lot of ginger,onion,garlic,carrots and celery.Germans believe these ingredients are perfect for helping your body recover.5How did the author feel after seeing the German doctor?ARelieved.BSurprised.CSatisfied. DStressed.6According to the author,what effect do antibiotics have on his cold?AThey cure his cold.BThey prevent the disease.CThey kill the virus in him.DThey make him feel better.7What do Germans think of “Erkltungstee”?AIt can replace any cold remedy.BIt can build up ones resistance.CIts a good way to selfmedicate.DIts better than chicken soup.8What can we infer from the text?AGermans tend not to use antibiotics to treat a cold.BThe author often catches a cold in Taiwan.CThe author seldom drinks chicken soup.DGerman doctors are cold to patients.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者在德国如何应对感冒的故事。5解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段的“The first time this happened,I was shocked.”可知,作者第一次在德国看医生时,医生的应对方式让他很震惊。6解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第三段的第二句“The drugs I used only relieved the symptoms.”可推知,作者之前生病时所吃的抗生素只是缓解了感冒的症状,让他自己感觉好一些而已。7解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句“But the longer I stayed in Germany,the better I knew how to selfmedicate as other Germans do.”并结合最后一段所列举的Erkltungstee的例子可知,它是一种自我疗法。8解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第三段和最后一段的整体内容可知,德国人感冒后医生是不给开药的,而且德国人有自我疗法。由此可推知,德国人不会感冒了就去吃抗生素。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)There Really Was a Santa Claus(xx山西康杰中学等四校高三第二次联考)Ann worked for a big pany.One of the duties of her 1 was to go to the post office every day and 2 the pany mail.One day in December,she 3 a beggar making himself up as a Santa Claus 4 on the corner of the street.Each day she 5 her coins and dropped them in his bowl.He would smile and 6 her a Merry Christmas.At night the temperature dropped below 0,but the Santa Claus 7 stood in the cold wind. 8 she dropped her coins into his bowl,she handed him a pair of gloves.A week later,a(n) 9 Santa Claus was standing there.“What happened to the other Santa Claus?” she asked.He told her,“Hes very 10 today.” She prayed for his health.Later that day,a colleague came into her office 11 “I dont know what Im going to do.” “Whats wrong?” she asked.“Its my exhusband,” her colleague 12 ,“I dont have any money to buy my boys anything for Christmas, 13 my exhusband refuses to send money to them.It breaks my heart that they wont have anything this year.” The lady 14 her colleague,“Im sure everything will 15 Its Christmas.Believe in miracles(奇迹)”That evening,she told her husband about her colleagues 16 ,“I know we dont have much money to 17 ,but Id like to give her fifty or a hundred dollars.Well just get ourselves less this year.Last year we couldnt afford to buy anything for 18 but we still had a wonderful Christmas.” Her husband smiled,“Give her one hundred dollars.She needs it more than we do.”She reached up and held him.Warmth spread 19 her body.He held her and realized that there really was a Santa Clausand he had 20 her!1A.familyBjobClife Dreligion2A.receive Bgo throughCanswer Dpick up3A.spotted BwatchedCsensed Dfollowed4A.standing BwaitingCplaying Dperforming5A.earned BcountedCsaved Dthrew6A.send BwishCoffer Dtell7A.even BjustCstill Dyet8A.Although BIfCSince DAfter9A.honest BnewCconsiderate Dstrong10A.sad BpoorCcold Dsick11A.in tears Bin shockCin horror Din trouble12A.concluded BdecidedCcontinued Dmented13A.or BbutCso Dotherwise14A.reminded BamusedCteased Dforted15A.work out Be backCrun out Dopen up16A.message BsuggestionCsituation Dexample17A.lend BhelpClose Dpay18A.ourselves BthemselvesCus Dothers19A.off BtoCamong Dthrough20A.relaxed BdoubtedCmarried Dshaped【语篇解读】本文讲述了Ann总是给那位打扮成圣诞老人的乞丐钱,也热心帮助同事。她的丈夫支持她并感慨:Ann是真正的“圣诞老人”。1解析:选B。根据上句“Ann worked for a big pany.”可知,本处意为“她的工作(job)职责之一是去邮局取回公司的邮件”。故选B。2解析:选D。参见上题解析。receive“收到”;go through“经历”;answer“回答”;pick up“取回,接收”。故选D。3解析:选A。12月的一天,她发现一个打扮成圣诞老人的乞丐站在街角。spot“发现,看见”;watch“注视”;sense“意识到”;follow“跟随”。故选A。4解析:选A。参见上题解析。第二段的“the Santa Claus 7 stood in the cold wind”也是提示。5解析:选C。每天,她总是省下钱来,给那位打扮成圣诞老人的乞丐。earn“挣得”;count“计数”;save“节省”;throw“投,掷”。故选C。倒数第二段的“we dont have much money”也是提示。6解析:选B。他会微笑并祝福(wish)她圣诞快乐。故选B。7解析:选C。晚上温度降到了零下,但是乞丐仍然(still)在冷风中站着。故选C。8解析:选D。她把硬币放在乞丐的碗里之后,又给了他一副手套。after“在之后”。故选D。9解析:选B。根据下句的“What happened to the other Santa Claus?”可知,一位新的(new)圣诞老人站在那里。故选B。10解析:选D.根据下句“She prayed for his health.”可知,原来那位乞丐生病(sick)了。故选D。11解析:选A。根据下文的“It breaks my heart”可知,此处应选A。in tears“哭泣,流泪”;in shock“震惊地”;in horror“惊恐地”;in trouble“处于困境中”。故选A。12解析:选C。本空前后都是同事在讲述她自己的情况,因此应为“她继续(continued)说”。故选C。13解析:选B。“我没钱给孩子们买圣诞礼物,但是前夫又拒绝给他们钱。”上下句之间为转折关系,应用连词but。故选B。14解析:选D。同事心里难受,Ann安慰(forted)她。故选D。remind“提醒”;amuse“使开心”;tease“戏弄”。15解析:选A。她安慰同事:“我相信一切都会解决的,这是圣诞节,要相信奇迹会发生。”work out“解决”;e back“回来”;run out“用完”;open up“出现”。故选A。16解析:选C。那天晚上,她将同事的情况告诉了丈夫。message“信息”;suggestion“建议”;situation“情况”;example“例子”。故选C。17解析:选B。“我知道我们没有太多钱帮(help)她。”故选B。18解析:选A。“去年我们没给自己(ourselves)买任何东西,但是我们仍然有一个很愉快的圣诞节。”故选A。19解析:选D。温暖传遍她的全身。spread through“扩散,蔓延”。故选D。20解析:选C。丈夫认为Ann是真正的圣诞老人,并且他娶(married)了她。故选C。.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)I am just in France visiting my grandmother 1. is very dear to me.Shes now 96 years old,so every time I visit her,the two of us are very aware that it 2. be the last time we see each other.Last time I visited her,I did a series of short video 3. (interview) about her life.I 4. (ask) her what it was like to grow up with her father in the 1910s.I asked her about her greatest memories and her favorite books,foods and stories.These were very intimate conversations and 5. very special time for both of us.This year,I did not 6. (real) have questions,but only let her know how I love her.I cooked for her,and read her stories.I gave her a foot massage,and I was 7. (amaze) to discover that it was her first time ever!Before 8. (leave),I was looking for a way to leave something meaningful.So I wrote her five different love and gratitude notes to let her know how much she means 9. me,and hid them in different places 10. I knew she would eventually find them.【语篇解读】奶奶96岁了,作者经常去看望她,每次去都做一些令她高兴的事情。今年去的时候,她又做了哪些事情呢?1解析:who/that。考查定语从句。who/that引导定语从句,修饰前面的my grandmother。2解析:might/may。考查情态动词。根据句意可知,此处表示“可能”。3解析:interviews。考查名词复数。一系列采访,应该用复数。4解析:asked。考查动词的时态。根据上下句时态可推断出此处用一般过去时。5解析:a。考查冠词。a表示不特定的“一”。6解析:really。考查词性变化。really作为副词修饰后面的have。7解析:amazed。考查词性变化。amazed形容词,表示“惊讶的”。8解析:leaving。考查非谓语动词。动词ing作介词before的宾语。9解析:to。考查介词。根据句意这里表示“对我来说”。10解析:where。考查定语从句。where引导的定语从句,修饰places。Part 2二卷组合规范练(建议用时45).语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)I was visiting my hometown with my youngest daughter.Since it was time 1. lunch,we decided to visit our favorite restaurant.It was a fastfood restaurant and there were many snacks as well.Anyone 2. (e) here could not resist tasting the mouthwatering foods.As we 3. (approach) the shop window to decide which item we would taste first,I noticed a woman,4. was poorly dressed,gazing at the snacks carefully.I am sure that 5. wanted to try one of them,but she moved away without buying any.I immediately understood that she 6. not afford to buy the food due to lack of money.I decided to give her 7. treat of the same items we had ordered.Before going to our table,I went to the woman who sat at the far end,having a cup of tea.I placed the plate,which was 8. (cover) with snacks,before her.When she realized that the plate was for her,she thanked me 9. (sincere) with tears shining in her eyes.I was thankful that I had fulfilled someones one small desire.As for our own food,it tasted even 10. (good) that day than it had ever before.【语篇解读】作者带着孩子到快餐店吃饭,遇到一个女士,她因缺钱而没有买吃的东西,作者看到后就帮助了她。1解析:for。考查介词搭配。Its time for lunch到吃午饭的时间了。2解析:ing。考查非谓语动词。动词ing形式作定语。3解析:approached。考查动词的时态。根据全文时态可知此处用一般过去时。4解析:who。考查定语从句。5解析:she。考查代词。代词she指代the woman。6解析:could。考查情态动词。情态动词can表示“能够”,这里could是can的过去式。7解析:a。考查冠词。不定冠词a表示“一”的概念。8解析:covered。考查被动语态。be covered with被所覆盖。9解析:sincerely。考查词性变化。副词sincerely修饰动词thank。10解析:better。考查形容词比较级。此处better是good的比较级,在句中作表语。.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Last weekend,I was travelling home from Bangalore.Usually,there are not many buses,but that day there were even less,so I thought I should find place for a rest.I decided to go to a hotel near the bus stop.At the hotel,I meet a man who was disabled.She told me about his past life when he was unhealthy.But the accident left him disabled.While listen to his story,I realised that he had experienced a lot in his life and learnt many lessons.I was offered him some money.I have learnt that if you offer help with someone,it will not only bring happiness,but it will also be in peoples heart forever!答案:Last weekend,I was travelling home from Bangalore.Usually,there are not many buses,but that day there were even ,so I thought I should find place for a rest.I decided to go to a hotel near the bus stop.At the hotel,I a man who was disabled. told me about his past life when he was .But accident left him disabled.While to his story,I realised that he had experienced a lot in his life and learnt many lessons.I offered him some money.I have learnt that if you offer help someone,it will not only bring happiness,but it will also be in peoples forever!.书面表达(满分25分)假设你是兴华中学的李华。高三将是辛苦忙碌的一年,不管自己还是父母都会很辛苦。每个家长都是望女成凤,望子成龙的,处在这一重要的学习阶段,父母会对你的生活学习倍加关心。现在就请你按照以下内容要点给自己的父母写一封感谢信。内容要点:1感谢父母这么多年来无微不至的关心;2近段时间自己的学习成绩进步很大,模考取得了好成绩,自己会继续努力,希望父母放心;3高三过后一定多帮父母做家务。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 One possible version:Dear parents,The hardest time of my life is ing,and I know that you both are very worried about my studies and my life.I can say nothing but thanks to you on this special occasion,because words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you both for the care you have shown me over the past years.These days I have been studying hard and have performed to the best of my abilities in the mock test.I will try my best to acplish my assignment in the days to e.Please set your minds at rest.After the college entrance examination,I intend to help you do some housework,which I have seldom done before.And I want to learn to cook in order to prepare a dinner personally for you both.My dear parents,everything is going well with me.Do relax!Love from,Your son


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